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Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline Logue

Module: Education Studies


An Exploration of My Personal Philosophy of Education and its Application to

the Technical Classroom

Student Name & ID Craig Claxton g00391278

Lecturer: Dr Pauline Logue

Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline

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Student Name & ID: Craig Claxton g00391278

Programme: Education Studies
Assignment Title: Philosophy Statement Essay
Due Date: 30th October 2022

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Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline


I am craig Claxton I am studying Bachelor of Science in education of construction and

design in at ATU. I will teach construction, DCG, graphics and wood technology. The
philosophy statement is a description of the values, goals, and beliefs in regard to both
teaching and learning with the use of evidence from teaching to excel as a teacher, in general
expression of your belief and practices to your teaching philosophy will shape your teaching
future. (chism, 1997), I would consider the philosophy statement to be the direction of
expanding portfolio to create more improved teaching and learning in classroom while
distinctive learning and knowledge of philosophy. The main aim is An Exploration of My
Personal Philosophy of Education and its Application to the Technical Classroom. I will
create my personal philosophy of education by researching and develop and create essay on
two of the philosophers
In this essay I will indicate some topics some values and beliefs in teaching and learning with
two theorist, 2 Educational Theory, 2 applications with a conclusion

Form researching values and beliefs some key learning I came up with few be values caring,

truthful, respectful. care is fair and committed to the best interests of the pupils/students

entrusted to their care, and seek to motivate, inspire and celebrate effort and success. (council,

2016) I believe you should act with honesty and integrity in all aspects of your work

environment and achieve goals. I think you maintain high standards of practice in relation to

pupil/student learning, planning, monitoring, assessing, reporting, and providing feedback.

(council, 2016) innovation” or “creativity.” Creativity is the novel step of being the first to

identify that something might be possible in the first place. But innovation is the action of

putting things into practical reality, despite challenges and resistance, rather than just

contemplating here is a teaching practice student are asked to create a podcast instead of writing

a paper
Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline

I believe a teacher should Empower the student in the classroom, to create, discover and

engage in meaningful personal and professional development within a classroom setting.

(learning, 2022)

This process begins unconsciously almost at birth, and is continually shaping the individual’s

powers, saturating his consciousness, forming his habits, training his ideas, and arousing his

feelings and emotions. (David J. Flinders, 2004)

“I believe that the education is a process of living and not a preparation for future living “

(dewey, 2019) , I think about how to bring these values and beliefs into the class done by setting

out good examples and been a Rome models.


In this part of the essay, I am researching classical conditioning and active learning, I first heard

of classical conditioning throw Ivan Pavlov’s research consisted of the use in apparatus to

measure the amount of saliva produced when a dog ate to create the theory. In the modern times

is lead to active learning in the classroom. there for we all need to as teachers expand the learn

and teaching strategies her for, I picked john Dewey as active r learning strategy


Ivan Pavlov in the theorist of Classical conditioning is also known as respondent conditioning

refers to a form of learning that occurs through the repeated accumulation of two or more

different stimuli, this learning is said to have all occurred when a particular stimulus
Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline

consistently produced a response that did not previously produce. A classical conditioning is a

response that is automatically produced by one stimulus that becomes linked with another

stimulus that are not normally produced this response. (english, 2021) therefore if I can create

a response to a stimulus when I can adapt and change the stimulus and response. As a teacher

can apply classical conditioning in the class by creating a positive classroom environment to

help students overcome anxiety or fear. (Noddings, 2007) Pairing an anxiety-provoking

situation, such as performing in front of a group, with pleasant surroundings helps the student

learn new associations within the classroom. There is 4 main stimulus - unconditioned

stimulus, Unconditioned response, Conditioned stimulus, and Conditioned response.

(Bentham, 2002)


active learning method for the teaching of practical subject such as construction and graphics.

when defining the challenges involved in teaching a practical, we shall describe the answers

provided by our method, ‘learning by doing’ by introducing four key points: real-life

simulation, the management of non-success, the result requirement, and the different roles of

the teachers. An assessment of this experience is carried out which emphasizes the factors

paramount in the success of this method innovation. Similarities between our experience and

other well-known methods such as problem-based learning, problem solving and, more

generally, the concept of learning by doing coined by John Dewey in his philosophy of

education, are mentioned (bot, 2007)

Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline

I think of ‘learning by doing’ is still used by Dewey’s continuators. For example, psychologists

such as Jean Piaget developed Dewey’s intuitions from their observations of a child’s

behaviour in front of learning challenges in complete theories of learning. We can get to grips

of active learning strategies by becoming active getting students engaging I feel teacher needs

to structure the lesson and material with resource to become active learning into the classroom


I can conclude form my learning of the creating values and beliefs is value are made by person

and can be structure or inflicted by person whereas belief is was made by the opinion of the

person their self by researching the classical condition I see children have to give a stimulance

and get a response by stimuli, active learning can be created by a set plan in the classroom

Ivan Pavlov theory is created to give a stimuli and create a culture that the student know to

corporate with it and have a response.


Bentham, S. (2002). Psychology and Education (1st ed.). Hove: Routledge.

bot, l. (2007). European Journal of Engineering Education. European Journal of Engineering

Education, 47.

chism, N. V. (1997). Developing a philosophy of teaching statement. Retrieved from
Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline

council, t. (2016). teachingcouncil. Retrieved from


David J. Flinders, S. T. (2004). Curriculum Studies Reader. newyork .

dewey, j. (2019). with a crittcal introduction . america.

english, m. (2021, june 22). class notes . gmit : atu.

Faraday, S., Overton, C., & Cooper, S. (2011). Effective teaching and learning in vocational

education (1st ed.). London: LSN.

Hitchcock, L. (2021, august ). Retrieved from



Retrieved from



National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. (2017). The Junior Certificate Materials

Technology Wood Syllabus. Dublin: National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.

Noddings, N. (2007). Philosophy of Education (2nd ed.). Colorado: Westview Press.

5. APPENDICES (optional)

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