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Julie Payette P .S.

Rver. Viser. Devenir. ~ Dream. Aspire. Become.

Please visit us on the web at Telephone: 905.668.2225 Fax: 905.668.7555
Principal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. de Villers Vice-Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Rousell Administrative Assistants . . . . . . . . . M. Symons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C. Copithorne Superintendent of Whitby/ Safe Schools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Bowyer Administrative Office . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Taylor Whitby Trustees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K. Zeppieri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C. Winters

Message from the office...

Bonne Rentre Scolaire! Here we are togetherat last!! Bienvenue/Welcome to Julie Payette Public School! We hope that you have all had a fun-filled summer and have enjoyed some very special times with your family! We are very excited about starting this new adventure with you; we have an amazing building and together we will create a oneof-a-kind school! We cannot wait to live in our building and develop the school culture together. We are looking forward to this new school year that will be filled with first time events! I am very proud of our energetic and devoted staff who has worked very hard over the last few months planning exciting learning opportunities for our students. At this time we want to invite you to be partners with us in this very special job of Teaching and Learning. We want Julie Payette P.S. to be a place where staff, students and families work together to create the best learning opportunities for academic, social and emotional growth. To have school and home working cooperatively is the best way to lay the groundwork for student success.

Dates to Remember...
September 5 6 - Labour Day (no school) - SCHOOL STARTS - WELCOME Meet your teacher at 7:50 am - EARLY DISMISSAL (one hour) - Curriculum Night - B.B.Q. - Lunch Lady Orders Due Today - Pizza Orders Due Today - Lunch Lunch - Terry Fox Run - Pizza Lunch - Panoramic Photo - S.C.C. Meeting - 6:30 pm

8 12 13 14 23 26 29

We thank you parents for having chosen to provide your children with a unique opportunity to benefit from the immersion experience, one that will be enriching and rewarding. As we begin a new school year, it is an appropriate time to reinforce the immersion philosophy that a student learns a second language best by consistently communicating and studying in that language. Students need to practise their language skills at every available opportunity. For our students, learning a second language requires effort, commitment and support. It is therefore our expectation that our students will use French in their classes and follow their teachers' direction. We thank you parents in advance for your support. On Thursday, September 8, 2011, the staff welcomes you to come and visit our school for our very first Meet the Teacher Night & Explore JP School evening. We are counting on all of our families on joining us that evening!

BBQ: 5:30-7:00 Classroom Visit/School Tour: 6:30-7:30 St-Donat Presentation (Gr. 6 students): 7:00-7:45 See you soon! September 2011 Page 1

Julie Payette P.S.

Julie Payette P .S.

Attendance & Lateness Policy Because of the direct relationship between attendance and academic achievement, all students are encouraged to attend school regularly. Students are expected to be on time for all classes. When a student arrives late, it disrupts the learning environment for students and teachers. Parents, please report to the office to sign in if your child is arriving late. A note will then be given to the student to give to the teacher. This procedure ensures that the office is aware of his/her arrival and the use of the call back program will not be required. If your child is dismissed early, please send a note in advance stating the reason or call the office. Please report to the office when you arrive and we will notify the teacher to send your child to meet you. Also, if your child regularly stays for lunch and you wish to pick him/her up for the lunch hour, we ask that you inform your child's teacher. Thank you for your assistance in helping keep our students safe. PLEASE REMEMBER TO CALL THE SCHOOL BEFORE 8:05 AM IF YOUR CHILD WILL BE ABSENT FROM SCHOOL A note to the teacher Parents are reminded to send a note to the homeroom teacher or phone the office regarding anything out of the ordinary daily routine such as dismissal for appointments, students not taking the bus after school, lunch out of school, holidays, etc

Newsletter online We encourage you to read our monthly newsletters. Our newsletter will provide you with a monthly calendar with important dates to remember. Please read this newsletter carefully as it contains a lot of information regarding routines and programs at our school. Our newsletters will be ready for parents on the first Wednesday of the month with the exception of this month as a second newsletter will go home on Wednesday, Sept.14th. In an attempt to be environmentally friendly, we will p o s t o u r n e w s l e t t e r s o n l i n e ( A hard copy can be made available upon special request. The electronic version looks amazing in colour, so we encourage you to help us save the planet. Students will help you remember when it is time to view our site. Don't forget to regularly check our school website at ( as it contains all the pertinent information about our school, monthly newsletter and our up to date calendar for all school related events, closures, field trips, etc. MERCI to our team of custodians for all their hard work over the summer. It was a very difficult task for Mr. Forrest and his team to prepare our building this summer as our site was under construction right up to and including the final weekend. Despite this serious impediment, the floors were prepared, washed, and waxed, furniture was delivered, boxes were moved, and Mr. Forrest and his team kept working and smiling! Our school is now ready for our students and staff! A BIG thank you Mr. Forrest, Mrs. Herrell, Mme Plamondon and the numerous other board custodians and supervisors who came to help our team over the last few weeks. Also, I want to convey a big thank you to our secretaries, Mme Symons and Mrs. Copithorne for organizing and arranging the delivery of resources and consumables to the classrooms, unpacking box after box, helping our staff find their way in our new building, answering the phones, and accepting new registrants! With a great team, anything seems possibleChapeau to all!

*** As a safety measure, we must have confirmation from a parent that your child is leaving the school. ***

Please verify, update and promptly return the Student Verification Form once you have received it. This will ensure that we have the latest contact numbers and all information for your child.
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Julie Payette P.S.

September 2011


The role of the School Community Council Members is to act as a link between the council and the community, and to reflect the views of parents during the decision making process. Our School Community Council (SCC) can accommodate up to 25 parents/guardians as voting members, and an unlimited number of non-voting members (see the self-nomination form below). If more than 25 people are interested in becoming voting members, an election will be held on Sept. 26th (between 6:30-8:00). The council typically meets once per month.
Voting Members - Parents/guardians of a student enrolled in the school are eligible to run as parent candidates. - Quorum is required for each meeting, and as such, parents seeking to be a voting member should have a high level of commitment to attend each meeting. - If the number of candidates is 25 or less, the candidates shall be acclaimed. - If an election is required, the election day proceedings will be supervised by the principal and an ad hoc election committee. Non-Voting Members - Non-voting members are individuals who want to participate in the SCC, but recognize that they are not able to commit to attending most meetings. SCC Executive Committee - These positions include the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. - Positions require a strong commitment to attend EACH meeting. - The Executive will be elected at the first SCC meeting after the elections / acclamations.


Julie Payette P.S. School Community Council Parent / Guardian Self Nomination Form
Name: Address: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

Home Phone: _____________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________

I am the parent / guardian of a child who is currently registered at this school. I am an employee of the Durham District School Board. I wish to participate as a non-voting member of the SCC. I wish to declare my candidacy for an elected position as a voting member of the SCC. (***voting members require a strong commitment to attend EACH meeting)

Candidates Signature: ________________________________

Date: _____________________

Please include a brief biography of yourself on the back of this form.

Deadline to return this form is Sep. 23rd

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