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Cops are paid to kill in PH war

on drugs – Amnesty Int’l

Cupin, B. (2017, January 31). Cops are paid to kill in PH war on drugs – Amnesty Int’l. RAPPLER.

Summary of the news: Ethical Issue:

“Pressures from the top” and “financial incentives” have created Duterte Administration War on drugs helps to
an “informal economy of death” to drive police killings in the reduce the drug user and it’s killing people will that
Philippines’ war on drugs, according to an Amnesty International help this to cease the drug’s use but if the cops
report. Action on instructions from the very top of government, killed is also a victim?
the Philippines police have killed and paid other to kill thousands
of alleged drug offenders in a wave of extrajudicial executions How will the police feel about being paid to carry
that may amount to crimes against humanity. out an unethical task?

Is the person involved in the issue did the right action?

No, the cops did is wrong.
These police killed the drug offenders, but their actions were not HUMANE (1). [1] Instead of battling the drug war, they
waged war on the poor. [2] Those police failed to take the appropriate action to result in the greatest good for the greatest
number even they are paid to kill, as the individual in question has a family. [3] Nonetheless, what the cops did is immoral,
if that individual has no family to look out for it is right but the individual has a family which becomes an opposite it
become minimizing HAPPINESS (2) and maximizing PAIN (3). [4] The CONSEQUENCE (4) of what he did to give
himself a PLEASURE (5) was not seen to be significant by those cops. [5]

According to utilitarianism, provides no reason that killing this individual is wrong. [6] However, it was wrong if the
individual they killed had a family to look out for. [7] And based to the utilitarian, cops ACT (6) is wrong. [8] The act of
the cops should be brought out the BEST RESULT (7). [9] Instead of paying the cops to kill, the one who ordered should
give the money in need.[10]

Utilitarianism a killing as morally permissible or impermissible. But killing someone for just being paid and that victims is
killed and have a family to look for is unacceptable to utilitarianism. This is not war on drugs, but war on poor.

Do you agree with the evaluation of ethical theory? Defend your answer.


[New School] A public health
issue behind bars
[New school] a public health issue behind bars. (2021, March 22). RAPPLER.

Summary of the news: Ethical Issue:

The Duterte administration’s war on drugs brought forth a rapid Many people who will end up in overcrowded
increase in the number of people held in detention and prison prisons and poorly designed treatment centers
facilities. In addition to overcrowding, prisons in the Philippines will remain lead to health problem for prisoners.
have poor ventilation, limited food supply with low nutritional Can prisoners can have an equal access to health
value, unhygienic conditions, and inaccessible medical care. Mental services even they have criminal status?
health issues also arise due to isolation and lack of privacy. It is
easy to see how the dire circumstances in Philippine prisons lead to Do detainees have a right to get basic medical
a multitude of health problems for prisoners. care?

Is the person involved in the issue did the right action?

No, The Duterte administration did is morally wrong.
The health of prisoners in the Philippines should be regarded as a public health issue, and equal access to health services
should be provided without discrimination on the grounds of their legal status.[1] The applicable moral principle that took
priority over any other ethical concerns is the utilitarian mandate to minimize harm.[2] The core principles of public health
and its emphasis on detainees’ health need paying particular attention to utilitarian concerns that promote the GREATEST
GOOD (1).[3] Prisoners are also human being. [4] They are part of society and should be cared for.[5] The
UTILITARIANISM (2) cannot agree with the unethical actions of the Duterte administration, which include the difficulty
of prisoners to get basic medical care.[6]
Prisons serve to rehabilitate and reform criminals rather than actually letting them to serve out their sentences in jail where
ACT UTILITARIAN (3) can agree that act for amount of good over bad for everyone.[7] Moreover, the vast majority of
inmates will return to society after a designated time, after leaving in jail other detainees have families to go back for.[8]
The issue is that if the detainees didn’t get the basic health needs that can lead to mental disorder to death but according the
RULE UTILITARIAN (4) everyone should always establish and follow that rule or those rule that will bring about the
greatest good for all concerned.[9] Duterte Administration should think the CONSEQUENCES (5) if the prisoners have a
lack of accessibility of basic health needs.[10]
Prisoners are human beings. They are a part of society and should be cared for. Moreover, they the majority of inmates will
return to society after a designated time.

Do you agree with the evaluation of ethical theory? Defend your answer.


Summary of the news: Ethical Issue:

Is the person involved in the issue did the right action?





Do you agree with the evaluation of ethical theory? Defend your answer.


Summary of the news: Ethical Issue:

Is the person involved in the issue did the right action?





Do you agree with the evaluation of ethical theory? Defend your answer.



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