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Taller de refuerzo: Morfología vegetativa y reproductiva

Curso: Taxonomía vegetal

Departamento de Biología
Universidad de Sucre
Docente: Jorge Mercado Gómez

1. En Angiospermas los tallos pueden sufrir diferentes variaciones morfológicas que han
surgido a través de diferentes ecosistemas, dentro de estas se encuentra el hábito de
crecimiento. Mencione y defina los tipos de hábitos de crecimiento.
2. Mencione y describa las fases de la sucesión foliar en las angiospermas.
3. Qué tipo de venación en las hojas es más eficientes, y en términos evolutivos, cual de estos
sistemas emergió primero.
4. Realice un esquema sobre la anatomía de las hojas con las partes de sus respectivos tejidos y
células especializadas.
5. Mencione los tipos de clasificación dentro de los cuales se ha organizado la morfología de
los tallos.
6. What is the difference between a bract and a scale?
7. Name some specialized modifications of leaves associated with flowers or inflorescences.
8. From what is a phyllode derived?
9. What is a spine and what are the three major types?
10. Name three modifications of leaves found in carnivorous plants.
11. Name five leaf types.
12. What are the basic components of a simple leaf?
13. Draw a bipinnately compound leaf and label: leaflet, petiole, petiolule, rachis, rachilla,
stipule, stipel.
14. What is the difference between imparipinnate and paripinnate? trifoliolate and palmate?
geminate-pinnate and bipinnately
15. compound? unifoliolate and simple?
16. Name four different types of leaf attachment.
17. What is the difference between parallel and penni-parallel? between pinnate-netted, palmate-
netted, and ternate-netted?
18. Name four major types of specialized venation types.
19. What are two types of specialized bracts associated with inflorescences?
20. What is the difference between a pedicel and a peduncle?
21. Define compound receptacle.
22. What are three types of inflorescence position?
23. What is the difference between determinate and indeterminate inflorescence development?
24. What is a dichasium?
25. How does a monochasium differ and what are two major types?
26. What is a ray in an inflorescence?
27. What is the difference between a raceme and a spike? What is the inflorescence development
of both?
28. What is the difference between a raceme and a panicle?
29. What is the difference between an umbel and a corymb? between an umbel and compound
Este taller y sus posibles respuestas pueden ser encontrados en Simpson MG. 2010. Plant systematics Burlington: Elsevier
Academic Press. p. 603.
30. What is the difference between a thyrse and verticillaster?
31. Name a taxonomic group characterized by a compound umbel; cyathium; head;
hypanthodium; spadix.
32. What are the differences between simple, aggregate, and multiple fruits?
33. What features are used to define and classify fruit types?
34. What is a schizocarp? a mericarp? a valve?
35. What are the similarities and differences between an achene grain (caryopsis) and a nut?
36. What are the differences between loculididal, septicidal, and circumscissile capsules?
37. What are the similarities and differences between a follicle, legume, and silique?
38. What is the difference between a silique and a silicle? What family do they occur in?
39. What is the name given to a winged fruit?
40. How does a berry differ from a drupe or a hesperidium?
41. What is the placentation, ovary position, and texture of a pepo? In what family are they
42. A pome consists of much outer fleshy tissue derived from what? What is the ovary position?
What is an example of a plant with pomes?
43. Name two types of aggregate fruits.
44. What types of fruits are burs, soroses, and syconia?
45. Name two types of seed based on endosperm type; seed germination type.
46. Draw a zygomorphic corolla and label anterior lobe(s) and posterior lobe(s).
47. What is the difference between protandrous and protogynous? between centrifugal and
48. What is a claw, corona, hypanthium, limb, lip, lobe, spur, throat, tube?
49. What are the two major types of perianth arrangement?
50. What is the difference between dichlamydeous and homochlamydeous?
51. Name two types of calyx fusion; of corolla fusion.
52. Draw the following perianth types: bilabiate, campanulate, rotate, salverform, urceolate.
53. Define convolute, imbricate, and valvate. What is the corresponding character?
54. What is the difference between stamen arrangement and stamen position?
55. What is the difference between antipetalous, antisepalous, and diplostemonous?
56. Do the above terms refer to stamen arrangement or to stamen position?
57. What is the term for fusion of stamens to the corolla; filaments together?
58. What is the term for fusion of the filaments into two groups?
59. Name three types of anther attachment.
60. What is the difference between a gynoecium, carpel, and pistil?
61. Name the two types of gynoecial fusion.
62. How is carpel number determined?
63. Name and draw the two basic types of ovary attachment and ovary position.
64. What does perianth/androecial position mean? Name and distinguish between four of these.
65. What is the difference between axile and parietal placentation? between basal and apical?
66. What are two types of specialized bracts associated with inflorescences?
67. What is the difference between a pedicel and a peduncle?
68. What are three types of inflorescence position?

Este taller y sus posibles respuestas pueden ser encontrados en Simpson MG. 2010. Plant systematics Burlington: Elsevier
Academic Press. p. 603.
69. What is the difference between determinate and indeterminate inflorescence development?
70. What is a dichasium?
71. How does a monochasium differ and what are two major types?
72. What is the difference between a raceme and a spike? What is the inflorescence development
of both?
73. What is the difference between an umbel and a corymb? between an umbel and compound
74. What is the difference between a thyrse and verticillaster?
75. Name a taxonomic group characterized by a compound umbel; cyathium; head;
hypanthodium; spadix.

Este taller y sus posibles respuestas pueden ser encontrados en Simpson MG. 2010. Plant systematics Burlington: Elsevier
Academic Press. p. 603.

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