Analyzing Argument Structure

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Vivanco 1

Carlos Vivanco

Mr. Powers

ENGL 1302

28 Mar. 2023

Analyzing Argument Structure

The Article “Advancing services for adult ADHD: the development of the ADHD Star as

a framework for multidisciplinary interventions,” by Adamou et al., argues that the ADHD Star

framework for adults has several advantages over traditional observation methods for ADHD.

The ADHD Star is a resulting tool used to aid adults understand their ADHD and help mitigate

it. The article presents the ADHD Star multidisciplinary approach to address core effects of

ADHD and other areas of life, such as employment, education, self-esteem, and relationships.

The structure of the article mainly conforms to a patterned use of Toulmin. The article

introduces the claim that traditional methods of understanding ADHD are often insufficient

enough to address most complex needs for adults who have ADHD. The authors also provide

evidence to support their claim, such as research on the limitations of medication and physical

therapies provided by many counselors and psychiatrists. Furthermore, the authors also present

their argument, ADHD Star, as a solution to the limitations of many former, traditional methods

of addressing adult ADHD.

The article does not conform to other approaches or argument, other than Toulmin. The

Rogerian approach seeks common grounds to understand different perspectives and come to a

mutual solution to a problem. Instead, the article argues using evidence to support the authors’

claims and bring notice to the benefits of the ADHD Star framework. The authors provide their
Vivanco 2

framework as a solution to the strict limitations traditional of methods of understanding adult


The authors of the article use several strategies to make their case, such as descriptions,

and compare and contrasts. The authors provide a detailed description of the ADHD Star

framework, like its components and how it is used during practice. The use of descriptions helps

audiences understand the framework and what it consists of; the importance of having a

professional in healthcare and the benefits of setting goals for adults with ADHD. Moreover, the

authors compare and contrast their framework to other traditional methods. The comparison aids

audiences in learning more about the need for new studies on ADHD in adults.

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