Literaryargument Worksheet

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Evaluate and Implement: Literary Argument

Instructions: Respond to each question using complete sentences.

Part 1

1. Locate your previously written literary argument essay. The two prompts you have responded to thus far
in the course are listed on the lesson page. Which essay will you use for this assignment?
As a literary character, Estrella undergoes significant development throughout the novel Under the Feet of
Jesus by Helena María Viramontes. From the beginning of the story, Estrella is depicted as a vulnerable,
naïve young girl who is uncertain about her place in the world. However, as she begins to experience the
harsh realities of life as a migrant worker in California, she gradually transforms into a stronger, more self-
assured individual.

One of the key literary elements that contributes to the development of Estrella's character is the selection of
detail. Throughout the novel, Viramontes carefully chooses the details she includes in her descriptions of
Estrella's experiences. For example, when Estrella finds Perfecto's red tool chest and learns about the various
tools inside, she gains a newfound appreciation for the hard work and dedication that is required of migrant
workers. This detail is significant because it foreshadows Estrella's own journey as a migrant worker and
highlights her growing understanding of the challenges and sacrifices involved in this way of life.

In addition to selection of detail, Viramontes also uses figurative language to develop Estrella's character.
For example, when Estrella reflects on her experiences working in the fields, she compares herself to a plant
that is struggling to survive under the weight of the sun. This metaphor underscores Estrella's vulnerability
and highlights the physical and emotional toll that her work takes on her. However, as the novel progresses,
Estrella begins to use more assertive and confident language, which reflects her growing sense of self-
assurance and independence.

Finally, tone also plays an important role in the development of Estrella's character. At the beginning of the
novel, the tone is bleak and foreboding, reflecting Estrella's uncertainty and fear about her future. However,
as Estrella begins to assert herself and take control of her own destiny, the tone becomes more hopeful and
optimistic. This shift in tone mirrors Estrella's own transformation and emphasizes the themes of resilience
and empowerment that are central to the novel.

In conclusion, through the careful use of literary elements such as selection of detail, figurative language,
and tone, Helena María Viramontes masterfully develops the character of Estrella throughout the novel
Under the Feet of Jesus. By the end of the novel, Estrella has undergone a significant transformation from a
vulnerable young girl to a strong and self-assured young woman, and her journey serves as a powerful
testament to the resilience and perseverance of migrant workers in America.

2. Review the prompt for the essay you have chosen to use for this assignment. Remember, the two possible
prompts are listed on the lesson page. What is the prompt asking you to do explicitly? What question
does the prompt imply needs to be addressed?

The prompt is asking explicitly to write a well-organized essay analyzing the development of Estrella's
character in the novel "Under the Feet of Jesus" by Helena María Viramontes. The prompt implies that
the essay should address the following question: How does Estrella's character develop throughout the
novel, and what literary elements does the author use to convey this development?

3. Reread your introduction and thesis. Did you address all parts of the prompt? If not, list what you are
The introduction establishes the premise that Estrella undergoes significant development throughout the
novel, and the thesis states that the essay will analyze this development through literary elements such as
selection of detail, figurative language, and tone.

4. Mark the following areas of the literary argument task as either strengths or areas for improvement,
then explain your designation:

The essay thoroughly dissects the prompt and addresses the main question implied by it.
The thesis statement is strong, specific, and clearly outlines the main argument of the essay.
The essay provides specific evidence from the novel to support the argument and analyzes the literary
elements used to develop Estrella's character.
The essay is well-organized and structured, with each paragraph addressing a specific aspect of Estrella's
character development.
Areas for Improvement:

The essay could benefit from more specific examples from the novel to further support the argument.
The essay could also provide more in-depth analysis of the figurative language used in the novel and how it
contributes to Estrella's character development.
The essay could benefit from more complex sentence structures and more varied vocabulary to enhance the
overall clarity and sophistication of the writing.
To improve these skills, the writer could:

Reread the novel and select additional specific examples to use in the essay.
Conduct more research on figurative language and literary analysis techniques to deepen the analysis of the
Practice using more complex sentence structures and incorporating more varied vocabulary in their writing.

5. Re-read your entire essay response and complete the chart below as you analyze your writing.

Use What You Have

 Criteria Your Evaluation Evidence from Your Essay Learned to Improve
Thesis Is the thesis defensible? Copy your thesis here: Revise your thesis here if you
Does your thesis take a feel it could be more
position that shows As a literary character, defensible or respond more
evidence of simple or Estrella undergoes clearly to the prompt:
complex thinking? significant development Throughout Helena María
Use What You Have
 Criteria Your Evaluation Evidence from Your Essay Learned to Improve
Yes the thesis states that throughout the novel Under Viramontes' Under the Feet of
the essay will analyze the Feet of Jesus by Helena Jesus, the character of Estrella
this development through María Viramontes. From the undergoes a remarkable
literary elements such as beginning of the story, transformation from a
selection of detail, Estrella is depicted as a vulnerable and uncertain
figurative language, and vulnerable, naïve young girl young girl to a self-assured
tone. who is uncertain about her and resilient young woman,
place in the world. However, and this development is
as she begins to experience masterfully conveyed through
the harsh realities of life as a Viramontes' skillful use of
migrant worker in California, literary elements such as
she gradually transforms into selection of detail, figurative
a stronger, more self-assured language, and tone.

Is your essay organized Copy one or two examples What are the strong points of
Organization around key points, showing your organization, your organizational method?
techniques, or some other or map out the organization How can you improve your
method? of your essay here: organization?

that the essay will analyze

this development through
literary elements such as
selection of detail, figurative
language, and tone.

Did you provide specific Copy one or two examples How can you improve your
Evidence evidence in support of showing your use of use of evidence? What should
each claim? Did you vary evidence here: you do more of? What should
the use of embedded you do less of?
quotes and paraphrased It could be a more
information? sophisticated piece of evidence
with less commentary
Use What You Have
 Criteria Your Evaluation Evidence from Your Essay Learned to Improve
Did you explain the Copy one example of weaker How can you improve your
Commentary significance of evidence commentary here: commentary? What should
and offer personal you do more of? What should
insight, or did you focus you do less of? I could find no
on summarizing? Did you Example of weak commentary.
explain how at least one
literary element Improve the commentary you
contributes to the identified in the column to the
meaning of the whole left.

Part 2
1. Use the chart from Part 1, the rubric for literary argument responses, and the questions below to reflect
on your response:
A. Write a “Scoring Commentary” paragraph like the ones featured in the lesson. Assign a score
breakdown to your previously written essay and offer insightful commentary and evidence from the
essay and from the rubric to support your score.
 Thesis: 1/1
 Evidence and Commentary:2\4
 Sophistication:1\1
 Scoring Commentary: could use more quoted evidence as well as strong selections of quoted

2. Reflect on the student samples from the lesson. What struck you as especially effective? What specific
elements would you like to emulate from these sample responses?
Their responses to the prompt where both extremely detailed and accurately defended by evidence and their
commentary. Bur more particularly om the first student sample.

3. Set some goals for your next literary argument essay. Complete the following sentences with a specific
technique or trait you want to implement in your next response.
o Goal: To improve my thesis, I will take more information from the prompt to develop the best
response to it
o Goal: To improve the organization of my ideas, I will take more time to develop a system to
which I will write all the essays I may need to write
o Goal: To improve my use of evidence, I will use more of it in detail to which the points and
claims I am trying to make
o Goal: To improve my commentary, I will write to support the claims in which the evidence is
being used to support.

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