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Portfolio Item Responses

Title of Item Reference Page

Owner/Creator Author
Site Found Author Created
Description of Item Content This is the list of references I used to create my PL
and to inspire conversations that resulted from
my PL.
Relation to Goals/Significance These references truly informed my professional
learning experience. I read many of the articles
Dr. Hines sent on adult professional learning
because I had not conducted PL prior to this. I
hate that I cannot find the link to the bundle of
articles so that I can include the complete
information on the articles that most informed
my PL. These references helped me to create the
PL, Goal 2, helped me create the list of
characteristics I shared on Day 1 for Goal 1, and
helped guide the discussion on the NAGC
standards that took place on Day 2, also for Goal
1. I also drew information from these resources
to guide conversations with participants that took
place later as a result of my PL sessions.
Acquisition Challenge Level Considering I could not find the bundle of articles
1=Easy; 5=Difficult again, this was challenging to the point of being
unsuccessful. Otherwise, finding these resources
was not terribly difficult due to my past
experiences in the GCE program.
Rating: 4

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