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aT READ THIS BOOK ‘We earest)y advice every new owner a a Txcelsior Motor pute to read this beok theomghnne, You may be an ex: pevicnced rier, well sensed ia the delails of previous models Broke Excelsior or tone other mice of acing, but in eeety few moi) there are some fundamental feafares sficienty Gntnged to npecssitae thee consideration. No matter how fod the machine you will fu some owners sho are grea leas ad olhers wo arem to have more at less trouble d ou will generally fnd that this diference of opition ts exactiyin proportion tthe ference in the riders! knowledge Of their aches ‘Do iwi for a musi imagine that we advise unnecessary svinkering ” (On the enteary when your machine is running ght, Jot ie alose-bul the point i t0 be so famine with the eveal design of pvt mgehine shat 3 any ie tun sould {20 wing, vou wil row what to da and howe to gct at iy {he Shbrdent ote witnut tearing owen and dass other [pts tnd edjusiments that rally have po sonneetion what Secret with the part in teoxble Exeslsior Parts in the overt of sro aecident, you find yourself in nec of replacements, be site thal you get the genvine Excdlsior picts) Owing to the grent number of Fxeil-ioe Motoroyeles in wee anil the high cvaliy of material and workmanship ia the seal Escisin parts, there ix = considersble incentive for tinsermlons people 9 make sal sll imitation parts Se ae Sh may be tld Uy external examination, these parts may Be identical with the gerne, but they are uot or cannot Be 3p to the Exsslsicr standard of prodtion, ————— The cost of pradncton is inestably in inverse proportion fo the number of any tile wo be manufactared. As the sam tor of Excelsior motoreycles and Contes andi not, replace wit neve ones, for 9 sight ar Tene at this poi makes for uneven russing. ‘We do not recommend the wise of oxyigen for the removal cof cation, However if same i eed, lake sure piston is at fop of stoke to proveat damage t siiler walls, and the Shee: shout be seated. Puther, the valves must be goound Tier the me of xygen, rigandless of their orginal conlition, CLUTCH ‘Adjustment and Care The spring tensed on the clutch plates is contelled hy headless crews wear the eenter of the onter catch plate Sewing thse tracy ineenses the teuson, aid outa Alcreases the tension, Theadjustnent of these screws biould be eqsliend, and should By any hance one af thets hecome Tovsts ie ivadvsable to back them all clear ony the. Ia sesin, heing sara that all ace Hightoned to exaelly the same To Disaseauble To take syrt the clutch, disconnect the ru at the bottoms of the selsae arin and forwaed ead! of the brace arm, where it hereto the frm, ach the geat lock arm at the top of the Clue, Then semove the soe rerews areond the outer adge of tie cluteh fice pate. ‘hie will enable the outer plate and cou ¢ ———_— so] mechanism to he remosesl, after whieh the lutsh plates say be easly removed, leasing only the main body of the sluts and sprocket remaining oa the machine, “To.Clen Dine then shove leseeted sad lnm bp washing Unsouhiy ‘capa wits tie bth sure veeSahe io sea te mal fg cous trouble i= bound tovarise. * ‘To Remove Entire Clatch Tagivesecers tothe main cfbtch bearing, remove the sleeve nint on the shaft, Which will slow remoring the base of the Lubrication Te principal attention fein ie obrieution, ad feiss properly attended tn, it quite probable that no eare will be fequited.. The parts parisarly requiring Inbrication are the fovo thrust hearings and purts fm conection with the release mectianism ‘There are two of these a clealy showa it the ilustrtion, ‘The outer set i Inbrlented by means of x0 oi feup in the clutch yelease arm, the faner set is labesated by ‘means of oil injected thraigh a duet in the relese sercw. To tnt the lace, semave the serew inthe center ofthe proecting wl of the sit ad insert the oll preteably hy means of am ‘a gun tise will Te sey fn the ot hole alae the il to be forced into the hessing. ‘THESE BEARINGS SHOULD RE LUBRICATED, AS ABOVE INSTRUCTED, ONCE EVERY 100 MILES, ais hen tt eaing, by ich ike oie deh meh a is supported, and on which the eliteh rotates when the akdine is moi ile, Is a aege cller Bearing, which i TaN fn tard grave when ce cate fs aesenbled ‘TRANSMISSION hint vumnjeg. the genre may? uot shift readily, due to the fact nto mesh withomt dificult lth i fly ree the Ie foot pel st retes the catch, then ceases the geot loka aly pcs heaters rake re Tessie ofthe ear sift locke peri. hilting of Use wear Thin 8 measure of salty co perene sipping of the Beas Sr ether sermus ning as «rest of uying to change specs Shih the motor cating se the cath engaged Gear Lock Adjastment ‘To adjust gear Ine removed catch and chain cover ani) oti aut gu esiension Ye cliteh lever thoe extents ttpwatdly and engages the trinemcionToekng am. Moving thigdeser 0 fle eae will feleane ger lock seoner; tothe leh, Inter, “This ever ahould only ekenze enough 10 allow the sramsmisio to il easly ven clutch is released Labrication Teansmission shold only toque attention ftom the rider every 30 ales and then ely te GIL the transmission box a ‘Om the top of te tatsscioa cage om right hand si rectly in loont of the comprension release lever, i 2 Hexion head ping, ‘Toil the transmission gears ramove thie phos and by ameass of awl or geeuee gan Sl the esncmiason case wilt geae grease. For thi purboss We recommend Mon trata Graphite Gear Grease ov Dieow’s Graphite Transmission Grease No. 677 LIGHTING SYSTEM oe ee ately 7 volts a 1800 P.M of the generator Generator Showing Cover Rewoved ‘Commttor The commstator may be pec by comoving te covet. he commutator brushes will het aoxintels an entire Eason Wout attention, after whick the brisicsstioald be Wetted, and if yorn ton skort for sroper contact on the Teeueaior they should he replaced If the brushes are re ‘ved for any reacon, be are to replace them thei ore ta position sal brick holes, COuiny to cxreal design and conetraction, the point of com rte sd character oF He brass i= suck Wisk when they ire fully seated there im, acing Regulation “The generator i act at the factory © deliver scent €or seus ints the haery to keep t properly charged at afl ime Mis wetting shoukt not be dscarbed vnless it becomes abso~ They necessary, Te lucrenec the choyge rate move the third saree ciaing brash i the diestion of molation (viewed fom liintstor end), Alter ving the regulating. brosb the seit chowtd be polished with No. DD sand paper ld | seaten the commutator with the end of a stall ck, i the genersior sunning Astomatc Cotout “The astomaliewatoue fs mune on the ono the soma tuse staf an may be ioopected By removing the eet ea closing the sane Teqaiee pactially no attaton except a drop of good lghe oll on the moving yar twice «year. The evtout con facts are set comely at the factiry and should not he tan ered with “The opening betwee the contacts (when the feneratori at rest) shonll he 095 of an inch CContacs separating « greater distance than above’ will are snd murs ony, with the resi that the charge rate of the tiers wil be impairs ‘THE SPLITDORF DUS GENERATOR IS DESIGNED TO OPERATE WITH THE DATTERY ALWAYS IN CIRCUIT, IF THE BATTERY BECOMES DISABLED THE GENERATOR MUST DE SHORTED TO PREVENT INJURY OR POSSIBLE BURNING OUT OF THE GEN- ERATOR. TT short the generator, iaconnect the wize from dhe bid- ing post an the genorstor and wrap it with a smal pee of lope Gonnest a pete of rice Cram the generator binding post toa good clean ground on the machine. Ifthe battery dic abled or removed from the sstching, the fights mst not be teed or they i burn ont, for the Uittery reglates the ge frtor onto iting Ciling is important Oilers are provided at each end of the generator. They should seerive four or five drape of gow light machine ol every 400 mies, Battery he tustnuctions for the care and epération of the Model “K" Wico Type SH battery wed an motorsyles are imple, es bout impoctant, ‘The life of the batlery depends ot following the diestions given below, and onfy nepiect dieregard oF Instructions will bring disappointment “To inspect battery. remoxe the thiee filer plags toca st the top of the erlis and ace whetver the Tight Galle clectrlste) appears in the hettrm of the tubes which project from the filer pg openings into tke battery. 16 i doce (ot add dislled water until the quid appears in the Loree ‘ids of the thes, Do not fll the tabes up or the battery Dull slop over when being charged ty the generator BE SURE TO SEE TILAT THE BATTERY IS KEPT PER PECTLY CLEAN ON THE OUTSIDE. Form the habit of inspesting the eectrclyte Zevel in your bustery every week snl lling dite water se noessors Tse oily distilled water RetatiseIydriat waiter contain i purities Cat Wil injure your battery. When a battery se ‘ites acid or any kind of repairs i shotld be taken 10 the Hearest Wien Service Sition. ‘All she eansestions an top of the Daeres are of ied alley aii, thereore, aot affected by contact nth electrolyte 1 i well to have 2 piece of cubber completly covering the top she battery, fmt mot presing down an the vent pgs =| ss to greveat escaping of gas Th will prevent any pos bility OF w shortczcuie fromthe metal terminals on te top fof the battery to the t99 ofthe metal cane im which i = Gs Fied on the machine ‘Do not allow the battery to stand in discharged condition. the machine is not in ne, for dnatanee, ducing the iste, keep the battery charged (once avery vn month: is sfiient) and the electrolyte at the proper lev by adding distled Water as above described. [There is very bile danger fom foeeringuniess the batterice ae permitted to sau in & dine sharged condition (even in tmperstuce as low aa § degrees —_—_—— Delow zero). A Sally charged babery will stand at Test 35 Voges Belew zero withost Feeding. IF you put your ma thie up for the winter amd lo noe wat 0 Geomnect the bat tery it can be held in a healthy eoadition by ronning the tigi for five oF ten minstes ange a week, TF this practice ie tn he folrmed, the tsnperutnre of your garage mist mot be inlaw zero at an time. {tis best ta take your batery to Wien Sersioe Station and lave tent care for i during the winter mont “The Wieo Electric Company, mamafactuers of the Weo Bactdly, aie anions to eronerate with the wets of Wico Iatterics fo the fillest possible extent. Do not hesitate at ony fine co write fo the edepany foe farther ilormation fe seitamee, ‘They will eons Coo lad fo serve so. ring "The snitch and fe Mock ate Hote i 2 weatherprcot wagon the et ide of che battery ease "The negative (—)-wire mans itect to ammeter. ‘The pos tive CL) wine fom the battery enters box and is seemed <0 a ferisinal af the fuse ‘Ths fase protects the entire lighting system. ‘Should the fase barn ont or the Toad or Where ew one fs not evailable, the lest plan is to wran the burre ott face ‘pith single leer of fnfll, same assed in cigarettes, gum rskages, ets Ti even this fs not available, dhe next best plan is 9 fiat fixe copper wire arom he clamp at the one end of the fase fied cary 9 single strand of wire fo the ather lamp. Bridging. ie (ose gap. by means of a solid ieee of ‘vie of metal isnot advsublc, and done asthe only way of Gelling home, it should be veiened oid 4 mew fase pate at the frst pos be oceaion, ye | fom inserting a new fuse Ht i immediately burned owt there # a sliost suntewhere ow the line which should be ‘promptly lorsted and eepaired Theat in min dhe fore serves as = slety Inu ont waless something is excally Og endl not Z ‘TIRES We equip ll oar machines with 27834 amto type tres, which should be infsted to 5 pus, and cave should be tken net to alloy Hires to Iecimte soft Buy a tee gauge: i = a good investment To Repair Pancture Nenvy al tires are mad om the sie withthe following ete A alg ae ed ener a Beeler elena aee lca oot es fe ae een a meee priest Ges ore tee eee terete Taos at tht part the lee awl low ates 66 the ence yar Glee ee eee eae tube and Ae puch wl be otro Haare leans Then agp enent abot ptch and tubeanl Evo dy tliat iPate iy toe touch, “ve erent Se ie Teer api’ pach too ity, for wl aot otek tn TERT PeSOIAD: oe ne ae i Si lca vedo aged Ueeelivorev aces the tao, in onder © prorenn sang to the axing, Bere Felicity, eam he al fhe cag cae toed remove the cee he pape Ol eng sell pelea ree ee es tag eye Clea SARI toe ic Ue tee aMegehise air zeney tire patch yo tha the iar tube wil not blow ot ferpccatie GACH ie aimee flelicdlMs ou Faas ah ate nec rey a fice ety ta ete eee me u fisted, This will cause pinching of the inner tube if itis sot inserted property. Tr nner tube i the batt end is not twisted fo placing in he ci inevitable. Cave should be taken shat she inner abe does nat mein contact wth grenée ff halts, for ail will rt rub ‘Wipe all dit and oil off inner tube hefore replacing in the oa ad | be ene thst the tube he, otherwise « Howe Ss Breesive Wear ‘Pxceeive wear the casi wheel ook being straight ithe Same, exnsing 3 side nore tment of the fie, which will wear the tire ot prematurely MISCELLANEOUS =—— Kushion Sprocket “The puryore of the Enselor Reon Sprecket i 0 equal ise the pall of the moter without lowe of power. Te will re {tire no altenton, byt somld te taken spar cleaned hore Smghis ant springs packed with ud grease, at lent once s Ty dlismonnt the spricket it fs only necessary to remove ‘the Jock ring. which will allie the sprocket to sip off the Ina, ‘Should the sie plates Bave u tendency to stick to the sococket through the pressure of the springs, they may be ily pri off with rife Blade or sere dive. Tro reassemble the sprocket, replace the springs and after rucking with grease, place the sie ates, pees hea agit The sprocict after whisk the sprocket assembly maybe nwo em the But anc Socket i positon with the lek ring, Chains Care shoukl be taken that the store drive chain io tos tal oe wil breke pay and ill Aso be ser nny Tis beter to have the chain slightly Ioose for quiet eeaning fv also for the life ofthe chain. Chin Housing "ihe cluteh ad shore chon 30¢ emiely enelosed in dirt and ‘waterproul honing, which eam he removed by sniereuiag one Shull sere in fot of cover % Adjeteiat Hemove tic clutch ard chin hesing by taking ont the sound head screw in center of housing, Remove cin tard from ocber sie uf The. achine, Next loosen the ty fexagon nite in the top ctater of the wancrission side fie. Loosen the one hexagon aa om Bottom af the trans n on the same side plate. This osens transmission i the side plates an allows it to move baekwanl or forward Th front of the iansabssun, atthe Tower end of the fame Tigh, wil he Jound set seen swith Toee ant, Tonen this Fock in and set serew, Tr tancnicion te ta be moved beckwanis co then short syn, sever ant se-srew at buck of gene box om Fat i Muve teamivion uit sort chain $s propedly adjusted Thon Uighten ats on transmission side plates again. After fiphtening these. turn motue over and cake sure the shuet him lasso paces Hist sre snd tight. 161s al ight tighten et seers infront of and behind gear bor to prevent Te nosing, al adjust rose chain My leowening. rear whee! slo ni nd king wheel in the proper dreetion, setting the tale ajating serene popes ‘iter gear bow has Been toyed, Ht may be necessary 10 change gear ft adjust. Screw clevis on forward Spear shift rad where if attached to Inwer end of scar Giafetever (nage Seow govolie can) in the proper direction respond 0. the portions for mop in the fore te ea sift ever ce itlerent sess (Tigh? “Seco” and “1 on top of gasoline take MShains shoskt never be allows to Become dry, and being ot the wiler type coll Be yell taieated. at all aes, A Chai groperisinbricater al bec off most of the water Ta bad ain storm am Wet roads ‘Gu the acy handy chain whic i tot wl Sabeested heeome nusty immediately after getting wet and a rosty chain ‘Centnlly tema a broken chain, cane rollers and sivels (Sil ruse ogee an] soap sey eas 1 genal plan tu ibieae chains to femoxe from the mia chine tl clear thonoughly in gan with Kerosene, After they Ste leanet thoroughly, soak in cal and yeplace on sprockets itr wing afl serps ol = Brakes ‘The external Joot brake (ever located on the right side ive foothonnd, controlling the external brake should Le teed Jor emergencies beranse of iis great strength For onfinary slopoing, the infernal brake interconnected will the let fot lever shld he use ‘Adjnstment of the fnternl brake is by means of @ aut and set stem located just ask of the lever on the brake dram face. Very litte adjostment of this screw i reasird Adjstteat of the external cmiseency Brake aay le made by the brace rod, or by ueans of the levis and serew between the ends of the Brae hand Shonld he Trake sqvenk in ‘opp, litle chale or tcas yourder appli to the brake Ting wil stop she sqneri Hubs “Excelsior hube are packed wt grease when they leave the factory and should uot sequize au attention fr the frst 2000 niles After that, remove the wheels fem the frase and eel ths hubs with grease, Front and rear axles are bath kook: fut tyes tha Hite trouble will be experience in removing the whee Gear Retio ‘The matter of gear ratio is one of considerable importance and ope that ye have cateully figured out in our experimental Apartment. ‘We find that a marker variance in rod cond tion or the continved use of = aie car makes 3 diference Sx gear ratio afvisle. The appeadal table shows the standard and Heavy diy rales. Unless otherwise specified when 0 ‘ering all Excelsors il he =bigped with the tain speed As standard. Ifyou fd other ratios preferale for your pur ose, see your desler or commenicate with us and we will se thar the proper chang f= mate atthe nwest possible exgease you, ‘TABLE OF GEAR RATIOS ee Ete] iat Tool Equipment ‘The tool equipment furnished with each Bxedsior Motor= cycle inl the Pllosing fools, packed in x ansas rol, and Jt which they may be carted im the metal ol box without wes Somber 175. Chain cool for remosing chain rivets 107 Special wrench for font and rear axle mts 187 Mat steel wereach for A" Sod ¥" nuts 157) lat wrench for 36" and 4° nuts. 189) Special wrench for waive enze nts 1881 Valve eappet wrenches ‘Two of these ae futaiched for use sx adjusting e=- fawet valve tappets and intake vale re 1882 Socket wrench dor crank cise, transmission bolts that fant be reached arith the orary wrench, 4704 Tain noset pliers for holliag and adjusting Destings cous, ee, HINTS IN GENERAL Motor ‘Micses at high speed “The gasoline pipe may be putinliy caged. Inspect ex ye carburetor jet may he por sie in with he ‘of Tint oe dirt ermiiting -ofisemt gasoline to get through t0 kee ihe motor running Bat not gjving enough to develop fl power, ‘Screwing! the seedle valve of the carburetor up plc of warns and opening tnd closing the dheotle sudienly Phe, mnigernning il sometimes suck tele walve back to prope place. hiv trouble fs use vey fnom and js eauced by dint gasobne: Stabs all of your gion ocean youl reduce the bcehood ent in the gosolie filler cap sometimes. beso ged interfering with the fost of gasoline tthe carburetor: Make sure it fe clea Improper earbwetor adjustment ill also cause ttouble. Sas ree Hadise aa ‘See instructions for adsting the Sehebler carburetor) A706 Sore ieee ‘The sparkplug: gants may not be property adjusted, or the aoe pings may be dity., Remove the pings, take them apart and 7 Oil an, er them thorouhly- See that the points are adjusted to 4749 Tire pumo, howe 1/32" apart A larges gap is of no adrantage ad may nse hard starting. closer seting ofthe points will some \ i rinatig 333 1 spare clin lke tines cata exatin vain ay ‘Water or dirt in the gasoline will often cause erratic run CPO Shaft nut wrench for adjusting ela ning) The only remedy for this 1 druin and refil the tank with eleaa gasoline, also sliling the corbarctor by Kolding Aion the “teker™ TT die gowoline supply is low, it my’ canes erate unaing in hilly dlstrits, Elevating the fcont wheel on a curbstone rice rept kit not illustrated. Equipment fa aie hit supple hy dhe manufactirer sith fee the matline egnied fant blowing inte the task rough the fer cop, will some- Times ene you to reach a gasoline supply station. the palyes age in bad contition, this mas: cause misfiring “They should he repround, walcing sue te stems are not est Gnd ales Ghat they aze 20% gummed in de guides ‘Weal valve springs or brolen apes will sometimes exuse mis fring. Deess down on the spring coils with a serew- dicee nile the motor is runing and watch for any notice ble elect, Iti effects ang improvement replace with ew ‘nrings Magneto points may be pitted, wom oF improperly ad nsec (See magnetn iactruction®) Magneto fntersupter lever may be sticking or the spring may le weak or hroken, (See iguition instructions.) Spark plugs may lovk all sight and yot he short inside st high speed. ‘Try other plugs. ‘Shoe-ciceuitng aoa Hashing of the ewrent around he col Jector pool of the magneto, de toa accumulation of exsbon fins fm orn brushes. Remee rashchoVers and clean Collector sing with clean mag Steertet throngh che brush Folier holes, turing the motor over with the Kickstart. Make sive valve tappets bave clearance and valves are Misses wien inning slowly “The intake maniiold may leak sir at oof the joints. To locate lest, squire gasoline or oll secund the masifold joints hf cubureior consection when motor is running. If there izvan sie leak at any prim, the mocor ill sputter ane ms fre ort may stop atogether. IC the lene i at the manifolé Eomcciony, ighten the anion ms, and if this does not stop the leas, replace the copper gaskets with new ones. TH the feskage ist the crinirtor connection, tighten the carburetor ouetion screws and if necessary, replace the fiber gasket sting Tospeet the primer pipes wid sake sure they are tight, ‘The Crbureter aif valve tay leak dne ta wef, oF perhaps the Spring may be teo weak, In the cae of am old mackie, the throtile ait way have’ woen, permitting air to Teak down Ehrough he top of the earbufetrsloug the throttle shaft, in Srhich eave te carburctor soa e taken to your dealer to ave new thnotle shaft te TE the spark yiligs are set t00 close together ot 1 apart, fe may cane cratic searing. Make sure the plugs fate dasa fade Migneto points {set too clase together will cause esate running Sticking of the bietkae or a weak magneto breaker srg may canse trouble Th slightly bent valve stem wese or broken valve spsing. tora gummed valve stem may ext izegula firing, for which the remeiies sre obvious “Ol machines will sometimes misie oF refuse to tote dren ave to aie Teas becatee of lonse ft of intake valve Stems im the cages, The remedy for thie ie of course, replaes tent of he warm parts Tor throtling down and slow sunuing, all air leaks: must hee eliminated ‘Check over valve lappet clearsnces and make sure valves ‘Screw uty carureto neetle wnlve 2 couple of notches You ray bo trying sun with too Lean a mixtore. ‘Refuges t9 Rus at all Test see if you ein locate say af the trovbles mentioned in the forezoing. Mee sure you have gasoline in the tenke and that ie is reaching the earbnreton, HOM ticker down until gasoline hort catburcior bul. Oceasonally an aie Tock in the (Rooline pipe may prevent gavoliae ican flowing inte ear e —— Iometor bowel, Fo remedy this, blow dhfough tauk fler bole 31 the same time holding dows carburetor tickle. See that Where is a good spare at the end of spark plug wines ae por intricsons for testing plugs. Clean the plugs Carefully on belles yeh ey new pigs, Male sine the eee ‘78 not bvokea, oc that flayed insulation & shoct-cireutng Swites om the frame. Examine the magneto breaker, Make sure the magieto nature i turning for in rare canes, hey may have sisted dn ily gear taain amd the magneto tay not he thrning or At the same Lite, wateh dhe valves nd make mare the tppets toe operating. See that the magneto breaker opens: and doses properly, sai that the poiate ate clean and make and freak contact.” Chesk up the controle sd make sure they ‘work properly Check up the valve tapyets and make sere the tappets all sage clearance when the valves are sealed e, turn the sitar ever and fest the rear intake when the feont intake is pen, and vice vers, tying the exhamst valve tappet i the Stine gay. IE the tappets are adjstod too closely whe he Totor is arm, expansion of the pte may Bold the valves pe fifi i jrevent the nite fom ramning, Naturally {leer mo eonihesion bee such comin, the motor ill Have nl can te sured over witht For Tn case a utr las bout rh without oil, or ron Rant wie ‘hin it andthe Bearings have sive, i Sometines possible 1G beset up the molor br ponving Heresee inka each eyinder though the spark pl hotes, ad tung over anton (in gear) Uy mane of the bask wheel To case motne is loosened, dei Xeensene fom the cris eve by sans of deals ase om Belt Side of crank cave near the Hott, and give motor a shot nf oil ‘sith the ad panup before starting” Tce well to wank at rane ‘ise will hevmrene ceery thine miles oF 20, but never ru ‘tor with keroene in the rank ense unless ox wane 1 rin it ain ad seplice with frst ll bore tara. Loss of Power ns of power ix generally du to nproperearbunetor adjnc= ment (see instrctions for eabusetor); patil clogged ar teretot needle valve, excessive valve tagget clouanee which pre- evs valves from getting their full Alt; excessive carom de Dosis inthe cylinder eomfistion chambers (eee instruc ane fer cart if iter); derangaanens of coreole which prevents these pening all the way-or retard spark TEssesire carbonization of the metor sil cause overheating aril eomsiferable le uf oe, and 3s soon as this noticeable itis advisable to ave the carton removed aod the valves grown Tf ponble have sour dealer do this work, for it is deiddly 10 hie anersls that Your muchine give you saiefactory service and We las the experience sd facies Aor doing the work properly ‘Sometimes los of power is accompanied hy tsa of eompre= sim, which indicates on ou oF damaged tow cings, come Ssltders or ptosis of beth ar iniproper seating of the valves. Prelgnition Some or ler, excesive carbon deposits will cause preemie ion (premature ign) ie 10 the presence of incanlesent fertcles af carbon which ignite the incoming charges tp. san, Predation sometimes mite or a ise the motor, and ioe after the machine has been en hard for half x nile Oh sn The remedy, of or feuoval of the carbon depos Prenton teoles sre genealyaccompnried by Mincking OF eccking of the rotit, Ondnarly Locking is lieved om a fad ull hy velaring the spark slg, advonding it gain as on 904 fave, gohen over the hort going Retarding the spark der such cnditioes, saps the huscking esnuse it ene the furl to be fred hues, evi the piston time to practically reas top dead center hefove the charge i lly ignited. When the trouble fs caused by pregniton, leaning oF the spark tin ing of wove bas no effec Do-at rife any farther thar nec Sry with the qerk retaded foe fr will tel to wresbeat your molar andthe valves TE your motor fe out of me, i may refuse to eum at al at lest a ey in the gear tein shears which 3 9 rane osc, i cannot get out of time unless i has Been taken apart ad the sary Impmperty replaced, Check wp the tining in accordance {Sts inne agra Back Firing ithe the causeser fs improperly adjusted an inate valve i aliehings wer is eloggeds mote 4 ait of time or tere je 8 fiom air Kak somewhere, ‘Tog thin a mixine wil cate pop" pig ck throng the carhorete. ‘Overheating, ‘Onertesting of the motor maybe eaused Wy an insult oi sauply, or impreper oil; logged diety fer; to rch amis ture from ecco: unming ith eetanded spake or casbon ‘posite ic interfere eth raton 9 hea fom he xine, “fr cold enter, use ios Bady Valvoline oil (one fru sions for beatin). TE heavy ol fal that rom be tad in ‘ety cold eather, tray oxgeal or thicken preventing the sotor| roms getting apo sagpls- ‘Cader Such conditions ji caer to thi it somenhat with Keroree, Care in Replenishing Fuel ‘On account of the sediment and water in gece nawada, lich cowses wach sercaled sarbrctoe tosble, me advise the ve of fine strainer iv che Sune wide bic the’ gasoline tank Wild, "Moder gosine i'n Blended misiure Of whic the hncre wale pats are wists evaporating st: 00 twn tank tre likely fo be the same. This variation io gasoline alo causes bt af -oaled cacbureor tremble Never fil jour gasoline tank meer an pen fame 14 your rmcline i equipyed with any lights otber than electric, be very Coeiet have the fights at when filling the tank. TF any eons fin i siled on the machine ding the proces of Gling, be freful to wipe i of, anc) move the machine away fom any fuoline pales au the grosnd before saving. Tes beter (0 he snfe than sorry. Watch for Leaks fo over gasoline pipes and shato# wales regulary to insure that there gre no Teas, Somtines the gasoline Eines develo techs whic ace ot issovered immedintly, Taaks are date erows and expensive for a sutpfeing amonint of gasotine may Exkcayay daria the cnr of the day- IP ang leak is leat, enol Hac nce In Case of Fire Gecasonaliy,deceemess my enite a Daze Never vse water in anenpling fo extinguish 1 gasline fice for the guobne will Sat the water and ymiaue to burp, spreading dhe Size TE the eatburetor ie cm fre, shutoff the gherline cock ad open ti thre f the motor fe rasa snd the gas n the earburtor Ire will soon be conramed witht alighing the tank. Sandy fist or fine dint usually effecive bn extinguishing 9 sone ‘ore al many res hve fem exGaguiced by beating with a ont on piece of carpes O% conse, sme chenseal fra ex Singuishers using finely powdered coapostins are goxd forthe Durpove aid a Test one liquid etinguisher (Pyrene) 9 vety Peecsve in putting ot quale blsves, Some liquid chemical lisse cstinsel a pracy wort fr gus ic aml rh Scat ce TF tne rant wena bc ere sm xcs Sr 2 a Tue tes aoece the recon ond feet ene cone for warp. SIDECARS : yu dea sea, Hs al aie ie ole oi inst sue al the comectuoe are cre “Jape machine and scr sce ppery aed. The SES ent un pseiaihe weof te tee cexcle! TE the sidccar wheel toes in or ont from the machine, it Silke th thie amily ao wil ha renee Sine mctne seed so te alin 0 re ne Sees icles wl rarer ole on a towne rn Tee ome ttt dhe om weap fom the tare ah is tbe veer nm ur the Mur asec you se toro fir wih Se Givag, be canton in mide tas wo tie nie eats te slcag for a ten section he Cre Shy sete pt wl ond 0 He der st ha : CONTROL. BY TOUCH an imonaae pt etn hy Degas is te ere me dein de sod abst, all ives po" “Be iting gars tein or coping te cach aang MESES Space conch ov seating tear Hass of SOEUR you shut er or eee honda an ot re ae ted lol a Sh mache. “Lenm to ep your ese: on the fod sn Tandte the various fae ain! coniels bya seco of touch rater than by seh, “rst it ma} Ve allel, bot persevere ant youl ovoid

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