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E Exerc¡se 29. looking ql grommor. (chorls B-4 dnd 8-ó)
Complete the sentences. Change the words in parentheses to the simple p¡esent, the
present progressive, o¡ rhe simple past. Pay atrenti'on to r¡e speili¡g.

I. I (get) qot up at eighl o'clock y.-sterday morning.

2. Ellie (talk) to Barack on the phone last night.
3. EIIie (tallz) to Ba¡ack on the phone right now.
4. Elli,e (talD to Barack on the phone eve{/ day.
5. Jim and I (aar) lu¡ch in dre cafete¡ia two hours ago.

6. YIe (eat) lúlch i¡ the cafeteria every day.

7. r (sr) to bed early last night.

8. My roommate (srudy) Spanish last year.

9. Kate (urio to her pa¡ents yesterday.

10. Kate (wr¡te) an email to her parents evely week.

1t. I(ate is in he¡ roorn right now. She (sir) at he¡ desk.

12. Hanna (do) he¡ homework last night.

13. Yesterday I (see) Fumiko at the library.

14. I (hazte) a dream last night. I (dreazr)
about my friends. I (s/¿e¿

1,5. A star'ge tlti:'g (happen) to II1e yeste¡day. I couldn't

remember mv own relephone number.

Expressing Post Time. Port I 241

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