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Now, we know new paper is made from wood, additionally created from waste

paper by recycling. To the best of my knowledge, the recycling paper progress

include three stages and 6 steps.
The first stage is started with collect waste paper from public paper banks and
from businesses, where paper is used more and in needed of cleaning. After that,
each paper is sort by hand, which is a manual method, and paper is will be graded
and remove unsuitable paper. The end step of this stage is delivery all paper to
paper mill.
Waste paper, which was sorted will be cleaned, pulping and removal of other
materials like staples, this step is beginning of the next stage. Continuous with this
stage remove inks and glues on the waste paper to prepare for the last step.
Waste paper will be put into machine manufacture of usable paper.
And the last stage, new paper from paper mill will be provide with people to use
through the delivery of groceries.
I think recycle waste paper is important to protect wood and environment to
avoid too much damage.

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