Chapter 2

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Review of Related Literature

This chapter primarily provides an overview of various researches and other literature

from both foreign and local types of research that will explain the various concepts, ideas,

conclusions, and different developments related to the study of the Student Monitoring and

Reporting of Violation System and will serve as a guide for the researchers in developing the

project. This chapter will also assist in familiarizing personally with facts connected to and

similar to the current research.

Local Studies

Student Violation Monitoring System of Bernardo College

[1] This research focuses on the gathering and evaluating of facts pertaining to student

behavior or attitudes such as conduct, performance, and misbehavior. Bernardo College use a

monitoring sheet and a Call slip to manually monitor, manage, tally, and analyze the student's

violations and punishments. [1] As a result of this procedure, the Prefect of Discipline devotes

more time and effort to counting the student's offenses such as tardiness, absences, and

misconducts. [1] The authorized workers must manually record the data on paper for backup

purposes and deposit it in the Company's file cabinet. There is a chance that the files and

information will be lost during this operation owing to system functioning.

[1] The study's overall goal is to create a Student Violation Monitoring System for

Bernardo College to assist the high school in effectively monitoring student infractions utilizing
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P. Manguera Sr. Road, Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

the database and building a backup and restore tool. [1] The researchers want to create a Student

Violation Monitoring System that will help the school keep track of infractions and keep an

accurate record of the students' misdeeds. "Thesis Presentation," 2012.

Student Profiling System

[2] A Student Profiling System is a system being created for managing and storing

demographic information about a specific student, which is also tied to their behavioral status

inside the school. [2] The purpose of adopting this Students' Profiling System is to have an

efficient method of handling and retaining sensitive student information.

[2] This would greatly benefit the school and Guidance Office personnel because they

will no longer have to update and manage all college students' personal information manually.

[2] The primary goal of the research is to create a Student Profiling System for the

Guidance Office. Using the Students' Profiling System, the research also seeks to give Guidance

Office Personnel with a simple approach to manage and update all college students' profiles. [2]

The Guidance Office will also have a simple and dependable method for maintaining student

data and analyzing student conduct. [2] Finally, it will keep all of the student's confidential data

safe and secure. "Student Profiling Information System in the Guidance Office," n.d.
Republic of the Philippines
P. Manguera Sr. Road, Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

Foreign Studies

Holmen Middle School Behavior Intervention System

[3] The HMS Discipline System is a restorative justice approach that focuses on assisting

students in accepting responsibility for their actions as well as mending and restoring

relationships. [3] The study's purpose is to induce internal change that will aid students in

making decisions both in and out of school. [3] They think that when adults in positions of power

collaborate with kids, they are happier, more productive, and more willing to make positive

changes. [3] We work hard to foster the relationships, understanding, and shared ideals that make

HMS a terrific place to learn.

[3] There are two methods for students to be referred to the office. The first is the

employees-Managed Referral, which school employees will fill out to highlight classroom

behaviors that are of concern but may be handled in the classroom without administrator

participation. Second, there are Office-Managed Referral forms for behaviors that require

administrative intervention.

[3] Following multiple discipline referrals, a student is referred for additional

interventions such as Check-In/Check-Out or Social Academic Instruction Groups (SAIG). An

Educational Service Team (EST) may also be formed with staff and parents to discuss how we

may collaborate to assist pupils behave correctly at school. ("Discipline System / Discipline

System," undated)
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Student Record Management System (Livingstone International University)

[4] The purpose of this research was to build and improve the Student Record

Management System at Livingstone International University. [4] This study specifically required

locating the data collection of student records in Livingstone International University, improving

the impact of information protection of student records, and finally, establishing the

improvement of computerized information management of student records in the university.

[4] The student records management system, or SRMS, will keep the company on track

to achieve its aim of a paperless workplace environment. [4] According to the acronym, the

SRMS is a management process that will secure information and data to guarantee that all

records and files in the business organization's system database are protected and readily

accessed by users in the framework. [4] In its most basic form, an automated records

management system is simply the process used by an organization to maintain records and files

from the time they arrive at the business or were created by the enterprise until they are deemed

ready for erasure and deletion from archived or active databases. [4] The records managed by the

student records management system may be in physical forms that will be converted to digital

representations using market-leading technology.

[4] The proposed system should stand the test of time since student records should be

preserved for as long as is required to complete and discharge the contractual responsibilities

established between the institution and the students, including the fulfillment of any non-

academic disciplinary action. It will also offer employers, licensing agencies, and other groups
Republic of the Philippines
P. Manguera Sr. Road, Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

with information about the students' academic careers and achievements. Juliet Nandutu (Juliette

Nandutu, 13:22:02 UTC)

The Student Monitoring and Reporting of Violation System is the most often utilized

system for monitoring student violations. It is critical to retain records for academic and moral

reasons for as long as possible. It is the record that identifies each student; it may be used to

assess your attitude and values. In any processing data system, manual monitoring is extremely

prone to mistake. Monitoring the transgressions of the kids takes time. If any documents are lost

due to a disaster, they will never be recovered.

Republic of the Philippines
P. Manguera Sr. Road, Tanza, Boac, Marinduque


[1] Student Academic Discipline System Capstone Project Document. Retrieved April 29,
2023 from

[2] Student Profiling Information System in Guidance Office. Retrieved April 29, 2023 from

[3] Transportation Services - School District of Holmen. Retrieved April 29, 2023 from

[4] STUDENT RECORD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Retrieved April 29, 2023 from

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