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Agriculture in our Daily Life

1. What is the largest industry in the United States?

2. Agriculture provides employment for about _____% of the population.

3. What percent of the American population are farmers and ranchers?

4. Farming is the occupation of up to _____% of the population in some developing countries.

5. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations reports over ___ billion

people are employed in world agriculture, representing 1 in 3 of all workers.

6. _____% of all farms and ranches in the United States are family owned.

7. Farmers and ranchers are diverse, growing conventional, ____________, and

___________ products.

8. There are about ________ million U.S. farms and ranches in the United States.

9. Each farm or ranch in the United States produce enough food and fiber for ______ people.

10. Farmers and ranchers in the United States receive ______ cents out of every retail dollar

spent for food.

11. United States consumers spend on average just ______% of their income on food each


12. Agriculture research and a healthy food supply have contributed to a much ____________

life expectancy in the United States.

13. The current world population of 7.3 billion is expected to reach 8.5 billion by 2030,

________ billion in 2050.

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