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S.Y: 2022-2023
Quiz No. 1

Name: ____________________________________ Grade/Sec: ______________________

Subject Teacher:___________________________ Date: ___________________________

I. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.


________1. Which of the following musical patterns in the Key of C shows descending direction?

________2. What are the missing syllables on the scale below?

________3. What is the correct illustration of C Major scale?

________4. What musical patterns in the Key of C shows ascending direction?

________5. What musical patterns in the Key of C shows prime or unison direction?

________6. What is the group of flats or sharps placed at the beginning of the staff?

A. Scale B. Key signature C. Pitch names D. Major scale

________7. What is the only key where all the notes are natural keys without sharps or flats?

A. Scale B. Key signature C. Pitch names D. Major scale


________8. What tool is to trace the contour of the head and face and its parts?

A. Pencil B. Color C. Zoom D. Text box

________9. What tool is use for the text profile and web page title?

A. Pencil B. Color C. Zoom D. Text box

________10. What simulation of movement were created by displaying a series of pictures?

A. Web page B. Animation C. Adding image D. Animation pane

________11. What effects in animation will have options that you can change according to your desire?

A. Entrance B. Effects option C. Emphasis D. Animation pane

________12. What effects which control how the object enters the slide?

A. Entrance B. Exit C. Emphasis D. Motion

________13. What effect controls how your objects exits the slide?

A. Entrance B. Exit C. Emphasis D. Motion


II. Direction: Identify the following questions. Choose the correct answer inside the box.

Individual sports Sportsmanship Leadership Enjoyment

Teamwork Dual sports Athletics Combative sports

________14. It is a sports are played by two people opposing each other.

________15. It is the ability to guide others in an organized and responsible manner.

________16. It is a playing fairly in the spirit of the game.

________17. It is also known as solo sports.

________18. It is the ability of team members to work together and communicate effectively.

________19. It is a term denoting a group of athletic events held as contests.

________20. It is a primary objective of sports.


III. Direction: Answer the following questions.

21-25. What is it important to consult a doctor immediately if you are seriously ill?

____________________________________________________________________________________ you can take care of yourself to avoid seasonal diseases?


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