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Subject: English

Grade: 5th grade

Teacher: Miss Vanessa

Worksheet parts of the house

Name: date:
1. Listen and complete.
a. Where is dad? __________________________________________________
b. Where is mom? __________________________________________________
c. Where’s grandma? __________________________________________________
d. Where’s grandpa? __________________________________________________
e. Where’s the dog? __________________________________________________
2. Look at the pictures. Then, write the corresponding rooms and what objects you can
find there.

a. My mother is in the ________________________. In this room you can find these

objects: _________________________and ________________________.
b. My father is in the _________________________. In this room you can find
these objects: ______________________________and ______________________.
c. My grandfather is in the ____________________. In this place you can find these
objects: ___________________________ and ________________________.
d. My grandmother is in the ______________________. In this room you can find
these objects: _______________________ and ____________________________.
3. Where are these people?



b. _______________________________________________

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