8 SSC Bhashasutram 1

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भाषासूत्रम -् १

Till now we have covered many interesting chapters which form the basic building block of
our language. Now we will learn the first topic of grammar which is the battery of our
Sanskrit mobile phone. Without grammar the study of language is incomplete and unlike
other languages Sanskrit grammar is the easiest of all.

In this topic we will learn PRESENT TENSE known as लट ् – लकारः in Sanskrit.

We had learnt that in Sanskrit every word has three वचनम -् एकवचनम द्व् िवचनम बहुवचनम
् ्
and we
had learnt that in Sanskrit every word has three genders too.
Now we learn that in Sanskrit there are three persons like English.
In English the three persons are First Person, Second Person and Third Person.
First Person --- “I”
Second Person --- “You”
Third Person --- “He, She, It etc”

In Sanskrit too we have three persons known as ु

प्रथमः परुषः

मध्यमः परुषः

उत्तमः परुषः
These persons also have three वचनम -् एकवचनम द्व् िवचनम बहुवचनम
् ्

प्रथमः परुषः ----- is the third person of English

मध्यमः परुषः ----- is the second person of English

उत्तमः परुषः ----- is the first person of English
( I have given this just for your understanding and knowledge)

Every person has its own special VERB ENDINGS KNOWN AS प्रत्ययः

In English we use the similar concept for eg – The boy is going to school.
Here the verb is “is going” because the word “boy” is third person singular.
Let us change the sentence a bit.
The boys are going to school.
Here if we observe the verb is “are going” because the word “boys” is third person plural.
Observe how the verb is changed from ”is” to “are”
Let us change the sentence again 

I am going to school.
Here if we observe the verb is “am going” because the word is “I” is first person singular.

Even in Hindi we say मैं द्ववद्यालय जा रहा हूँ।

लडका द्ववद्यालय जा रहा है।

लडकें द्ववद्यालय जा रहें हैं।

Just as the verb changes with respect to the persons in English and in Hindi, in the same way
even in Sanskrit there are changes and these changes are easily understood by प्रत्ययः

प्रथमः परुषः = द्वि िः अद्वि

मध्यमः परुषः = द्वस थः थ

उत्तमः परुषः = द्वम वः मः

We add these endings to the roots to get verbs for eg पठ + द्वि = पठद्वि
Just as we add “ing” in English – go + ing = going. (But in Sanskrit just learn the endings
that’s all)

बालकः पठद्वि = लडका पढ रहा है।

बालकौ पठिः = दो लडकें पढ रहें हैं ।
बालकाः पठद्वि = बहुि लडकें पढ रहें हैं ।

त्वं पठद्वस = िू पढ रहा है।

यवु ां पठथः = िमु दोनों पढ रहें हो।
यूय ं पठथ = िमु सब पढ रहें हो।

अहं पठाद्वम = मैं पढ रहा हूँ।

आवां पठावः = हम दोनों पढ रहें हैं ।
वयं पठामः = हम सब पढ रहें हैं ।


FOR अहम ् - आवाम –् वयम ् it is always द्वम - वः – मः
FOR त्वम ् - यवु ाम –् यूयम ् it is always द्वस - थः - थ
बाकी सब द्वजिन े भी शब्द है उन सब को द्वि - िः – अद्वि, for every other word in the vast
ocean of Sanskrit it is always द्वि - िः - अद्वि

In Sanskrit we have roots --------------roots are those words from which we get our verbs and
to make verbs we add the above endings. (this is a very important concept)
For eg. पठ ् is a root and to make it a verb we add द्वि and so we get पठद्वि which is the verb

signifying present tense third person

(read this example and write it many times !!!!!$$$$!!!!!)

There are many dhatus i.e. roots in Sanskrit and they are classified under 10 groups.
We cannot add the endings directly to the roots, in between we have to add something. Based
on that “something” the dhatus are placed under 10 groups. Every group has a special and
unique “that something”. In this section we will learn the groups 1, 4, 6 and 10

LET us see a simple example-

There are two slices of bread and I want to eat bread-jam. What will I do? Shall I eat the two
slices of bread directly. No!!
I have to apply jam in between the slices. When I apply jam I get bread-jam. ये हो गया एक type
का group.
Now I want to eat bread butter. What should I do? Eat two slices of bread directly!! NO 
I have to put butter on the slices and I get bread-butter. This is another group.
In the same way I can make bread-cheese, bread-with-peanut butter, bread-with-sauce,
bread-with-chyavanprash etc and I can get different types of breads. I am able to classify
them based upon the “thing” that I apply on them.

IN THE SAME WAY between a धाि ु and an ending we put गणद्ववकरणम .्

् that special thing $$$

गणद्ववकरणम is

For group 1  ्
गणद्ववकरणम is ---------------- अ
For group 4  ्
गणद्ववकरणम is ---------------- य
For group 6  ्
गणद्ववकरणम is ---------------- अ
For group 10  ्
गणद्ववकरणम is ---------------- अय
पठ ् + अ + द्वि = पठ + द्वि = पठद्वि
् य + द्वि = नृत्य + द्वि = नृत्यद्वि
नृि +
् अ + द्वि = द्वलख + द्वि = द्वलखद्वि
द्वलख +
् अय + द्वि = पूजय + द्वि = पूजयद्वि
पूज +

Learn and write the below tables after you have learnt and written the above notes in your
book. You must learn the above concepts perfectly and then learn the examples given below.
This is a very important note. Study it very well because it will help you tremendously till
10th std.

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