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Safety Leadership
The essential ingredients for
successful safety leadership in
high hazard sectors.
Risktec is an established, independent and specialist risk
management consulting and training company and is part of
the TÜV Rheinland Group. At Risktec we believe in sharing our
expertise and knowledge with our clients.
R I S K T E C . T U V. C O M 03

05 Foreword

06 Major hazard safety leadership

08 Black swan or blind spot?

10 Balancing personal and system safety

12 Safety as a value

14 Chronic unease

16 Mental traps in decision making

18 The integral safety leader

20 The impact of low oil prices on process safety

22 About Risktec
R I S K T E C . T U V. C O M 05

Welcome to this volume of Risktec
Essentials, which brings together a
collection of short articles on successful
safety leadership in high-hazard sectors.
Investigations into major accidents invariably highlight the importance
of effective leadership in preventing disasters. But why emphasise
leadership and not management? What issues does a leader need to
understand? What does the leader need to do differently? We hope
Risktec Essentials provides some useful insights that help to answer
these questions.

Articles on other risk and safety management topics can be viewed at

© Risktec Solutions Ltd. 2017

06 R I S K T E C E S S E N T I A L S / SA F E T Y L E A D E R S H I P

Major hazard
safety leadership

B OX 1 - D O I N G T H E R I G H T T H I N G S

· Does our Board have any competence in major hazard · Are we identifying the root causes of our ‘near miss’
safety? incidents where, under slightly different circumstances, a
· What are the possible major accident events at our facility? major accident could have resulted?

· What action is being taken for events at the upper end of · Have we incorporated lessons learnt from major
accidents in our industry?
the risk profile?
· Are the reporting lines of engineering authorities and
· Do we ask open questions about major hazard safety
major hazard safety specialists high enough in the during our management walk rounds?
organisational structure to have influence over decisions? · Do people in the organisation raise concerns and issues?
· Do senior management incentive systems incorporate · Are we receptive to bad news?
measures of major hazard safety? · Do we regularly ‘step back’ and take a fresh look at our
· How are the layers of protection (risk control systems) organisation?
performing? Are there any warning signs such as more
leaks, increasing maintenance backlog, etc?
R I S K T E C . T U V. C O M 07

Investigations into recent major accidents, such as the Texas City

refinery explosion, the Gulf of Mexico oil well blowout and the
Fukushima nuclear accident, all highlight the importance of effective
leadership in preventing disasters in the major hazard industries.

But why emphasise leadership and what needs to happen. Others see behaviours unless there is a strong
and not management? What does a this and know what the leader cares safety culture – the central focus of
leader need to do differently to assure about. This creates employee leadership”.
major hazard safety as opposed to engagement and loyalty, and in this
personal safety? environment, employees choose to do Whereas a manager is more likely
the right thing as well. to accept the status quo, a core
A L E A D E R I S D I F F E R E N T TO A characteristic of a leader is to
M A N AG E R FOCUSING ON THE RIGHT THINGS challenge and improve the systems
Leadership and management, while All major hazard facilities operating and the culture. Indeed, the Australian
necessarily linked, are not the same in highly regulated environments will professor Andrew Hopkins, author
thing and it is worthwhile thinking have a management system of some of several excellent books on major
about the differences. The manager’s sort in place to control major hazards. accidents, refers to “mindful leaders”
job is to plan, organise and coordinate. For example, there will be operating as those who don’t just assume
The leader’s job is to inspire and and maintenance procedures, and that because systems have been
motivate. The American quality guru standards covering risk assessment, put in place everything will be fine.
Peter Drucker arguably best described management of change, incident Their mindset is one of “chronic
the difference, “Management is doing investigation, emergency prepared unease” – they are preoccupied
things right; leadership is doing the ness and audit. with the potential for failure and the
right things.” So if major hazard safety possibility of a major accident, not
leadership is about doing the right solely on commercial matters, lost
things to control major hazards, what time injuries or climate change, for
are those things? Management is doing instance. Mindful leaders continually
things right; leadership is ask searching questions of themselves
M A J O R H A Z A R D S A F E TY I S and their organisation to get a feel for
doing the right things
D I F F E R E N T TO P E R S O N A L S A F E TY whether the right things are happening
Whilst important for personal safety, Peter Drucker (see Box 1).
holding the handrail and putting lids
on cups of hot coffee will not prevent
major accidents. Disasters don’t This is the world of management
happen because someone slips down and, whilst having these systems is CONCLUSION
the stairs or scalds their hand. They important, what really matters is the
result from flawed ways of doing shared beliefs and perceptions about To prevent major accidents leaders
business that accept poor risk control. major hazard safety – that is, the need to focus on things that make
safety culture of the organisation. This a difference. In this respect, a
Leaders must understand this is the world of leadership. leader’s role is to challenge the
difference. If they don’t, they cannot organisation on whether the right
focus on the right things. If they don’t The Institute of Nuclear Power things are being done. And it is
focus on the right things, why should Operations (INPO) puts it very better to do this today rather than
anyone else? The best leaders focus clearly, “Production behaviours will in the aftermath of a major disaster.
intensely on what they know is right take precedence over prevention


Further Reading: Leadership Fundamentals to Achieve and Sustain Excellent Station Performance, INPO, 2007.

Corporate Governance for Process Safety, Guidance for Senior Leaders in High Hazard Industries, OECD, 2012.
Understanding Your Culture, Hearts & Minds, Energy Institute.
08 R I S K T E C E S S E N T I A L S / SA F E T Y L E A D E R S H I P

Black swan or blind spot?

The duality of extreme events
A black swan is characterised by F U K U S H I M A – A B L AC K S WA N ? years Japan’s east coast has suffered
Nassim Nicholas Taleb (Ref. 1) as an On the 11th March 2011, having a number of large tsunami (>10m)
event which: survived a powerful Magnitude 9 associated with earthquakes; with
earthquake (the largest recorded in more than one locally over 15m.
1. Is a surprise (to the observer), an Japanese history), the reactors at
‘extreme outlier’ the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power 2 . M A J O R I M PAC T ? Y E S
2. Has a major impact plant were shut down safely only to be Whilst no site workers or members of
3. Is rationalised by hindsight, as if it compromised by the 14-15m tsunami the public were killed by the nuclear
could have been expected that hit the site about one hour later, release, an exclusion zone of 20km
leading to core meltdown. But how radius still exists around the reactor
The phrase ‘black swan’ was a does the Fukushima accident score site and 100,000 people were displaced
common expression in 16th century against Taleb’s three criteria? from their homes. Germany, Italy and
London as a statement of impossibility, Switzerland declared their intention
on the presumption that all swans must to halt current nuclear programmes.
be white because all historical records The site is no longer operational, leaving
of swans reported that they had white a long-term shortfall in electricity
feathers. But black swans were then generation of around 2% of Japan’s
discovered in Western Australia in 1697. needs. In the short-term, nearly all of
Japan’s nuclear power plants were
The phrase today is often rolled-out unavailable whilst safety reviews were
when there is a crisis, such as a major being undertaken, with a loss of 30% of
industrial accident, natural disaster or the country’s electricity generation.
The Japanese tsunami approaches the
corporate financial collapse. But is this
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
always strictly correct? For example, 3 . R AT I O N A L I S E D ? Y E S
was the Fukushima nuclear accident a The International Atomic Energy
black swan? 1. S U R P R I S E ? N O Agency (IAEA) identified that design
At up to 15m in height the tsunami basis tsunami for the Fukushima site
was larger than the ‘design basis underestimated the hazard, based on
event’ of 3.1m, but over the last 100 the accepted methods and the available
R I S K T E C . T U V. C O M 09

data (Ref. 2). The assumption that the

site would definitely stay ‘dry’ (rather
than be flooded) was not demonstrated,
and represented a ‘cliff edge’ in terms of
consequences. A series of ‘Stress Tests’
have subsequently been performed
on all reactor sites across Europe,
examining scenarios significantly beyond
their design basis to determine the
response to extreme events and identify
if there is a ‘cliff edge’. No fundamental
weaknesses have been found.

O R B L I N D S P OT ?
Assessing other industrial major
accident events against these three
criteria similarly shows that while they
tend to have an extreme impact and are Swans were assumed to be always white, until the discovery of
rationalised by hindsight, they are rarely black swans in Australia. Rare, unexpected but highly significant
a surprise. Rather, they are actually events are much more common than we think.
organisational ‘blind spots’.

A study of 18 high profile corporate crises The study concluded that several
(Ref. 3), which included the Texas City developments are necessary to CONCLUSION
explosion and the Buncefield fire of 2005, address these risks effectively,
Many industrial major accidents
as well as the Great Heck, Hatfield and including the need for boards to
are colloquially described as
Potters Bar rail accidents of 2000-2002, recognise the importance of risks that
black swans, when in fact they
concluded that ‘Board risk blindness’ are not identified by current
were entirely foreseeable and
was one of 7 underlying causes of these approaches, as well as focus on how to
preventable if it were not for
crises. This blindness manifests itself in ensure missing risks are captured.
organisational blindness. Whilst
various ways (see Box 1).
shining light on those risks that
are hard to see is not necessarily
simple, a good place to start is to
References: 1. The Black Swan, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, 2010.
foster a culture that has a ‘collective
2. Report on IAEA International Fact Finding Expert Mission of Fukushima
NPP Accident Following Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, 2011. mindfulness’ of such risks.
3. Roads to Ruin, AIRMIC, 2011.

B OX 1 - B OA R D R I S K B L I N D N E S S

· Not focusing on ‘licence to operate’ risks (Railtrack)

· Not setting and controlling risk appetite (Texas City)
· Failing to appreciate risks presented by complexity, especially mergers and acquisitions (BP merger with Amoco)
· Failing to create an effective process safety culture (Buncefield, Railtrack, Texas City)
· Defective flow of important information (Texas City failing to absorb lessons from previous incidents at
Grangemouth refinery)
10 R I S K T E C E S S E N T I A L S / SA F E T Y L E A D E R S H I P

Balancing personal
and system safety
Holding the handrail and putting lids on cups of hot coffee will
not prevent major accidents. That is the message coming through
loud and clear in the aftermath of recent disasters such as the
Texas City refinery explosion in 2005, the Gulf of Mexico oil well
blowout in 2010 and the Fukushima nuclear meltdown in 2011.
Disasters don’t happen because someone slips down the stairs
or bumps their head. They result from flawed ways of doing
business that allow inappropriate risk control.

Many organisations implement happens is well documented in

initiatives and campaigns aimed at major incidents, e.g. Three Mile
promoting personal safety in the Island, where operators believed
workplace, both in attempts to a coolant leak could not lead to a
achieve a measurable step change rising coolant level (although this was
in safety performance and to well understood scientifically). So if
demonstrate corporate commitment management’s mental model is that
to good safety culture. This is very personal safety initiatives will prevent
important, but don’t expect those major accidents, is there a blindness
actions to lead directly to improved to major risk? Moreover, what
system safety, which concerns the message is really being sent to staff
integrity of the process or operations. by rolling out an occupational safety
Indeed, the year before the Texas City initiative at a facility with a history of
explosion the refinery had its lowest leaking gas pipework?
Traditional model
injury rate in history, nearly one-third
Fatal Fall Explosion
of the oil refinery sector average. What works for one company or
location in achieving safe operations
Fall Major Leak D I F F E R E N T A P P R OAC H E S may not be applicable to another.
The traditional ‘accident pyramid’ For example, the portfolio of risks
Twisted Ankle Safety Minor Leak model mixes together personal present for a major hazard site such
safety and system safety. This is as a refinery will be very different to
More useful model
not very helpful because it implies a manpower intensive, low hazard
Fatal Fall Explosion “holding the handrail” will prevent an environment like an office, as will
explosion. Today it is a far more useful the way in which those risks are
Fall Major Leak concept to view the situation as two managed. It would be reasonable to
separate pyramids with some overlap suggest that the former will require
Personal System
Twisted Ankle Safety Safety Minor Leak
(see Figure 1). both occupational and system safety
approaches, whereas the latter
The role of incorrect mental models will focus primarily on occupational
Figure 1 – Contrasting hazard models that don’t reflect what actually issues.
R I S K T E C . T U V. C O M 11

but is it really rational to assume that

this will prevent a pipeline leak? Yes,
the mindset may mean that personnel
are more proactive in major accident
safety, but what really matters is top
down leadership – that leaders have a
focus on system safety when allocating
resources and making decisions, that
any cost-cutting is managed effectively,
that bonuses are not solely tied to
personal-injury metrics – and that the
plant is properly designed, operated and
maintained by competent personnel.

While, globally, occupational hazards
kill and injure more people than major
accidents, a single catastrophic event
can wreak widespread harm and
jeopardise the survival of an entire
organisation. So where should an
organisation focus its efforts? This
comes back to the very crux of the
issue – an organisation that does not
clearly understand its full spectrum of
risks will not be able to manage those
that are important.

DIFFERENT MINDSETS System safety on the other hand is less

With occupational safety there is a visible and more complex because it CONCLUSION
direct and visible link between the focuses on the integrity of the design,
action (holding the handrail) and the operation and maintenance to prevent The benefits of personal
benefit (avoiding a fall). As such it is major incidents. Its metrics, particularly safety based initiatives are
generally easier to make improvements proactive ones (e.g. percentage of clear; properly conceived and
by bringing about changes in safe safety-critical equipment that performs implemented they will minimise
behaviours, and its traditional lagging within specification when inspected) injuries and save lives. But
metrics, e.g. loss time injuries, are are harder to define, measure and they should be viewed as one
familiar and easy to measure. interpret. Although there is some part of a balanced approach to
overlap, believing that improvements risk management, based on a
Creating the right mindset in one means that the other is also clear understanding of the wide
improving is at best misleading, and at landscape of risks faced by an
is not an effective strategy worst, dangerous. organisation, and its leadership
for dealing with hazards practices, culture and approach
about which workers have Having a mindset to hold a handrail is for assuring safety across the
not in itself a bad thing – it’s simple, whole business.
no knowledge… costs nothing and may prevent a fall,
Leadership matters:
safety as a value?
Our first article focused on the things that leaders need to do right to
assure major hazard safety. Whilst a list of things to do can be insightful
for a motivated leader, the list simply adds to things that a leader already
has to do, whether commercial, technical, human resources, etc. For
example, traditional safety leadership tends to focus on what to do rather
than addressing what may be considered to be ‘deeper drivers’ of safety
leadership, such as holding safety as a value.

B E L I E F S A N D P E R S O N A L VA L U E S true. A person can base a belief

One ‘deeper driver’, that more upon provable absolutes (e.g.
enlightened training in safety mathematics), life experiences, the
leadership explores, relates to the acceptance of cultural and societal
personal values of leaders towards norms (e.g. religion) or what other
safety (including health and the people say (e.g. peers, teachers or
environment). mentors).

In order to understand personal Once a person accepts a belief as

values, it is important to first define truth, they are willing to defend
what beliefs are. A belief is an it. For example, the leader who
idea that a person holds as being truly believes that all incidents are
R I S K T E C . T U V. C O M 13

B OX 1 - Z E R O H A R M

If you are not convinced that all incidents are preventable, ask yourself why, if it is possible to achieve zero incidents for
a period of time (many facilities go months or years free of any leaks or injuries), should it not be possible to achieve
this level of performance all of the time?

preventable and the organisation’s goal be rational, responsible and consistent S A F E T Y AS A VA L U E R AT H E R T H A N A

of zero harm is achievable, is likely to in your decision-making. Leave your PRIORITY
commit fully to that goal. The leader values ambiguous and you’ll constantly Many organisations hold safety as a
who does not believe that all incidents wonder how you keep getting into so high priority, publically stating that
are preventable is unlikely to be as many messes. An insightful exercise “Safety is our number one priority”.
committed (see Box 1). As Henry Ford for any leader is to write down the ten But priorities shift around depending
once said, “Whether you think you can values that are most important to them. on current circumstances. Values are
or you think you can’t, you’re probably more constant than priorities and are
right.” Running this exercise during safety rarely compromised. It makes sense
leadership training reveals some for leaders to talk about safety as a
Values are stable, long-lasting core commonly held values, such as value rather than a priority because
beliefs about what is important to a happiness, achievement, family, personal values guide our behaviour.
person. They reflect a person’s sense integrity and faith. Most people will When our actions are inconsistent
of right and wrong. They reflect who also choose health. Some people with our values, we willingly adjust our
we are and why we do what we do. will hold a value about environmental behaviour to align with them. Simply
They guide how we make choices and responsibility. But even when safety pointing out the inconsistency can be
the order we do things. A belief will is included on a list of values to select sufficient to result in a positive change.
evolve into a value when the person’s from, it is surprisingly unusual for
commitment to it develops and they see someone to pick it.
it as being important. From these values CONCLUSION
individual attitudes are formed, which in At first glance this might suggest that
turn direct the person’s behaviour. For safety is strongly related to other values It is generally accepted today
example, if you hold safety as a strong often chosen by leaders. For example, that treating safety as a value
personal value and you are leaving work virtually everyone will hold family as a makes sense – it is an ethic that
in a rush to get home in time to watch top personal value; but what could be guides everything we do, rather
your favourite sports team but notice more important to a family than the than a top priority on a par with
one of your car tyres is somewhat safety of everyone in it? Indeed, one production. Because leaders
underinflated, you would still take the way for a leader to build meaningful create the safety culture and a
time to inflate the tyre even if it means relationships with others is to relate culture is simply a set of common
missing the start of the game. safety to values such as family and values, if leaders as individuals
health by telling pertinent personal believe in safety as a value then
YO U R P E R S O N A L VA L U E S stories and using impactful language, the organisation’s safety culture
It follows that you should be able to e.g. “everyone goes home safe, will be strong…and a vision of
articulate clearly your values in order to everyday, everywhere”. zero harm becomes achievable.
14 R I S K T E C E S S E N T I A L S / SA F E T Y L E A D E R S H I P

Chronic unease - the hidden

ingredient in successful
safety leadership
Leaders working in high hazard industries are faced with a difficult
personal challenge: how do you avoid complacency about major
accidents such as a nuclear release, oil spill or train derailment, when
such events rarely happen? How do you not ‘forget to be afraid’?

The importance of avoiding had an incident, we are doing so The origin of unease starts with the
complacency when it comes to well,” to “Is there anything we’re leader’s perception of risks, which
industrial safety risks has long been overlooking and what else do we will be influenced by his or her
recognised, particularly in High need to do?” vigilance and experience. Evaluating
Reliability Organisations (e.g. Ref. 1). the degree of threat inherent in
One term that is now being used by ATT R I B U T E S O F C H R O N I C U N E AS E the risks is then determined by the
the oil and gas industry to describe Chronic unease can be defined as a individual’s personality characteristics,
this important state of mind is state of psychological strain in which especially the propensity to worry,
‘chronic unease’. This term actually an individual experiences discomfort pessimism and the ability to imagine
appeared earlier in the literature and concern about the control of risks worst-case scenarios.
than other related terms such as (Ref. 3). That is, chronic unease is not
mindfulness, restless mind or safety driven by a concern about risks per When leaders use chronic unease in
imagination, when Professor James se, but rather about the way these their work it enables them to:
Reason introduced it as a ‘wariness’ risks are managed and controlled. · Think flexibly
towards risks as far back as 1997 · Not jump to conclusions (“think
(Ref. 2). Ref. 3 identifies five attributes as the slow”)
principal psychological components · Encourage employees to speak up
S O W H AT I S C H R O N I C U N E AS E ? of this state of mind, see Box 1. The · Listen to others
Put simply, chronic unease is the extent and likelihood of a leader to · Be receptive to bad news
opposite of complacency. It is a experience unease depend on these · Show safety commitment
healthy scepticism about what you attributes.
see and do. It is about enquiry and
probing deeper, really understanding
the risks and exposures and not just
assuming that because systems are B OX 1 - F I V E AT T R I B U T E S O F C H R O N I C U N E AS E
in place everything will be fine. It is
not just believing in what you see or Vigilance: Being alert to weak indicators of risks like near misses, process
what you hear or what the statistics upsets and localised.
tell you. It is about resetting your Propensity to worry: An emotional tendency to worry about risk and safety.
tolerance to risk and responding
Pessimism: A personal tendency to resist complacency and anticipate failure.
accordingly and continually
questioning whether what you do is Requisite imagination: Ability to imagine and visualise possible worst-case
enough. scenarios.
Flexible thinking: Ability to question assumptions, considering many aspects
The thought process of a leader of a problem and not jumping to conclusions.
therefore changes from “We haven’t
R I S K T E C . T U V. C O M 15

So what will the world look like when
we have created a sense of chronic
unease which replaces complacency?
(Ref. 4).

Leaders will ask the right questions.

They will be keen to know what
vulnerabilities exist. Safety specialists
will respond in clear terms, which
anyone can understand and relate to.
Operators will understand their role
in safety management and will be
encouraged to speak about their real
safety concerns, without fear of

Leaders will actively seek information

which tells them where attention needs way of sharing and learning. Systems
to be paid to address vulnerabilities. CONCLUSION
safety knowledge and competence
There will be a positive desire to learn will be recognised as fundamental for
Research indicates that chronic
from others and to share knowledge all leaders within the major hazards
unease is a desirable state for
and experience, so that lessons do not industries.
leaders at all levels in relation to
have to be re-learned time and time
the control of risks. When leaders
again in different organisations. W H AT ’ S T H E D O W N S I D E ?
are using chronic unease they
Chronic unease might raise (in
will have developed a culture
Collaboration and information sharing hindsight) unnecessary concerns, and it
where they are alert to even the
will replace unhelpful turf protection. might slow decision-making processes.
weakest signals of potential failure,
Corporate lawyers would also be But this should be weighed against the
and make effective and timely
challenged to help leaders communicate impact of not taking action or making
and share, rather than stand in the poor decisions – a major accident.

References: 1. Managing the unexpected: Assuring high performance in an age of complexity, Weick and Sutcliffe, 2001.
2. Managing the risks of organisational accidents, Reason, 1997.
3. Chronic unease for safety in managers: a conceptualisation, Fruhen, Flin and McLeod, 2013.
4. Process safety, focusing on what really matters – leadership, Hackitt, 2013.
16 R I S K T E C E S S E N T I A L S / SA F E T Y L E A D E R S H I P

Thinking power:
Avoiding mental traps in
risk-based decision making
In his international bestseller Thinking, Fast and Slow,
Daniel Kahneman (winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics
in 2002) describes mental life by the metaphor of two
agents, called System 1 and System 2.

System 2, the slow thinker, is people like to be the ‘odd one out’. So it is perhaps no surprise that
deliberate. It is in charge of self- Groupthink was a significant when one of the drillers proposed
control. It is much too slow and contributor to the Deepwater Horizon the ‘bladder theory’ as an explanation
inefficient at making routine decisions. oil well blowout in 2010 (Ref.1). The for the failed pressure test of the
But it can follow rules, compare culture of drillers is of a group of well integrity – a theory with no
several attributes and make deliberate highly skilled, opinionated technicians credibility in hindsight – the first and
choices between options. It is taking a personal interest in every then eventually the second of the
capable of reasoning and it is cautious. well. They take on a leadership role, two company men in charge agreed
in practice if not in definition. The despite initial scepticism. The failed
System 1 on the other hand is the complexity of drilling operations test was ‘reconceptualised’ and the
fast thinker, it is impulsive and is typically reflected in an obscure operations continued.
intuitive. It is more influential than language with extensive use of
your experience may suggest and technical slang and acronyms. What C O N F I R M AT I O N B I AS
is the secret author of many of the is more, peer pressure is extensive, Confirmation bias is the
choices and judgments you make. It with widespread use of teasing unconscious tendency of preferring
operates automatically and quickly, and competitive humour. ‘Dumb’ information that confirms your
with little or no effort. It executes questions are not well received. beliefs – a tendency to selective
skilled responses and generates
useful intuitions, after adequate
training, but is the source of many PROBLEM A PROBLEM B
mental traps or ‘biases’. Despite what
you might believe, high intelligence
In four pages of a novel (about 2,000 In four pages of a novel (about 2,000
does not make you immune to
words), how many words would you words), how many words would you
these psychological biases and there
expect to find that have the form expect to find that have the form
are many biases which can have a
__ __ __ __ ing (seven-letter words __ __ __ __ __ n __ (seven-letter
profound impact when making risk-
based decisions. This article briefly that end with ing)? words that end with n _ )?
introduces just three of these. Indicate your best estimate by Indicate your best estimate by
circling one of the values below: circling one of the values below:
Groupthink is the desire for harmony 0 1-2 3-4 5-7 8-10 11-15 16+ 0 1-2 3-4 5-7 8-10 11-15 16+
or conformity within a group which
results in an irrational or dysfunctional
decision-making outcome – very few Figure 1 – The availability bias in action
use of information, while giving
disproportionately less consideration
to alternative possibilities. Put more
simply, we see and hear what fits our

The Lexington aircraft crash in the

USA in 2006 is a case study in
confirmation bias (Ref. 2). A regional
jet took off from the wrong runway
in darkness and failed to get airborne
in sufficient time to clear trees at
the end of the runway, causing the
deaths of 49 passengers and crew.
Multiple cues were missed by the
pilots that should have alerted them
to the fact that they were on the
wrong runway. Instead, it is believed
that the crew talked themselves into
believing they were in the correct
position. For example, in response to
a comment about the lack of runway
lights, the first officer said that he
remembered several runway lights
being unserviceable last time he had The availability bias can create and don’t be afraid to listen to
operated from the airfield. sizeable errors in estimates about dissenting views. Seek out people
the probability of events and in and information that challenge your
AVA I L A B I L I TY B I AS relationships such as causation and opinions, or assign someone on your
Availability bias means you judge correlation. Be aware, your risk team to play ‘devil’s advocate’. Learn
the probability of an event by the analysis assumptions may not always to recognise situations in which
ease with which occurrences can be be right, especially when they are mistakes are likely. Try harder to avoid
brought to mind. You thus implicitly backed by quick judgements. mental traps when the stakes are
assume that readily-available high. And finally, practice, refine,
examples represent unbiased S O W H AT ’ S T H E R E M E DY ? practice.
estimates of statistical probabilities. Think slow! Engage your System 2.
Control your emotions and the desire
Try the simple test in Figure 1 before to jump to conclusions. Take your
reading on. time to make considered decisions CONCLUSION
and be ready to ask for more
If you answered a higher number evidence, especially when pushed to It is human nature to think in
for Problem A then you are in good make a fast decision. Request short-cuts, which bring with them
company – most people do. But explicit risk trade-off studies. a host of associated psychological
all words with seven letters that Challenge groupthink, and base your biases. When making risk-based
end in ing also have n as their sixth opinion on facts. Never be afraid of decisions it is essential to slow
letter. Your fast thinking System 1 speaking up, you could save the day. down our thinking, and apply
has fooled you. Ing words are more formalised processes backed by
retrievable from memory because of Consult widely and generate options. science and data.
the commonality of the ing suffix. Involve a diverse group of people

References: 1. Disastrous Decisions: The Human and Organisational Causes of the Gulf of Mexico Blowout, Andrew Hopkins, 2012.
2. Accident Report, NTSB, AAR-07/05, 2007.
18 R I S K T E C E S S E N T I A L S / SA F E T Y L E A D E R S H I P

The integral safety leader:

Thinking about the whole
Put yourself in the mind of a line manager responsible for the
safety of personnel. You have been warned of many deficiencies
in a part of the business, including a strong indication that a
significant accident has a worryingly high potential. How do you
begin to think about this problem?

It is not easy, the problem is nothing gets left out. A useful theory side of the model. However, they
complex. There is a great deal to will change perspectives, which will sometimes struggle to understand
think about – technology, procedures, then lead to the implementation the left side because it is the
competency and cost, just to start. of new strategies, actions and subjective, internal view – you cannot
Einstein once said, “You cannot behaviours. Integral theory helps reliably observe or measure what
solve a problem from the same those who are ready to use it. It is in the minds of people. It is how
thinking that created it.” But how can would be a mistake to force it on and what we think, our ‘being’.
you learn to see the world anew? anyone. Arguably the greatest opportunity for
Would an ‘integral theory’ of safety improvement in safety performance
leadership help? AN INTEGRAL MODEL FOR SAFETY would appear to stem from this left
An integral model for safety, based side…but let’s take a closer look.
I N T E G R A L T H E O RY on Wilber’s integral theory, focuses
Ken Wilber, an American philosopher on the four perspectives of safety The upper right quadrant is the
and writer, published the Integral performance, or ‘quadrants’, as domain of behaviour. It is all the
Theory in 1997 (Ref. 1). He asserted shown in Figure 1. The four quadrants things that you see the individual
that each of the dozen most – which are the four basic ways of doing or working with. Improvements
influential schools of consciousness, looking at anything – turn out to be in this area come from working with
such as cognitive science, fairly simple: they are the inside and individuals to modify their behaviour.
neuropsychology and eastern the outside of the individual and the Having a well developed behavioural-
traditions, has something collective. based safety programme is crucial to
irreplaceably important to offer our success in this domain.
understanding of consciousness. The right side is the objective,
What he created was a general outside, external view. It is The lower right quadrant is the
‘whole’ model sophisticated enough observable and measurable. It is domain of systems. It includes
to incorporate the essentials of each how we act, our ‘doing’. Most organisational structures, procedures,
of them. organisations in the high hazard formal and informal processes,
industries are dominated by technical metrics and rewards. A robust and
Integral simply means people such as engineers, scientists effective safety management system
comprehensive, balanced and and accountants, and so it is not is critical here. Change in this domain
inclusive. It helps make sure that surprising that they understand this is driven by good management.
R I S K T E C . T U V. C O M 19



How and what Beliefs Actions How we act
we think Values Competencies
Attitudes Skill
Commitment Training
Empowerment Decisions



Shared perceptions Organisation
Norms Resources
Justice & fairness Procedures
Ethics Information
Morale Metrics


Figure 1 - An integral model for safety

The upper left quadrant is the domain perceptions, norms and standards of the integral lens, thinking about issues
of intention, the view from the ‘interior’ the group. It is here we find the ethics, in each quadrant, everything has the
of the individual, their consciousness, morale and sense of justice that is potential to come into focus. With
their self. It is the language of “I” and commonly held by the group. Positive focus comes clarity and with clarity
includes the values and commitment change in this domain, such as creating comes better decisions. The intent
the individual brings to all situations. a ‘just’ safety culture, has its origin in is to be as all-inclusive and caring as
Improvements in this area come from leadership. This quadrant is itself often possible.
working with individuals, through labelled as ‘culture’, but a broader
leadership and coaching. Change interpretation is that culture embodies
in this area is typically perceived all four quadrants – the whole.
as difficult and requiring time. In CONCLUSION
reality a change in intention, such as THE INTEGRAL LEADER
commitment to safety, can happen Our overall safety performance will Being receptive and open minded to
in an instance – the “aha” light-bulb only be as good as our least developed an integral approach presents many
moment. quadrant and how well all four possibilities for improvement in
quadrants work together. Any solution safety performance and, ultimately,
The lower left quadrant is the domain that does not genuinely succeed transformation – for you and your
of shared values, the view from the across all four worlds will be inherently organisation. If you feel it has some
interior of the group. It is the language lacking. When the line manager we potential, just try it and see.
of “we” and includes the shared introduced earlier starts to look through

References: 1. An Integral Theory of Consciousness, Ken Wilber, February 1997.

20 R I S K T E C E S S E N T I A L S / SA F E T Y L E A D E R S H I P

Boom or bust:
The impact of low oil prices
on process safety
“We know from past experience how low oil prices impact upon
business thinking about process safety – and it’s not good”.
That’s how Judith Hackitt, the chair of the UK’s health and safety
regulator, described the impact of a low oil price on process safety in
early 2015 (Ref.1). A susequent report from Marsh (Ref. 2) would appear
to support Hackitt’s claim, with a telling graphic showing the historical
occurrences of major losses compared with the oil price (see opposite).

DECLINES The Marsh report rightly points out that
2014 and 2015 was not the first “correlation does not mean causation:
time the oil industry has seen falls the fact that a relationship is observed
in the price of crude oil. Significant between two variables does not
reductions in the crude oil price always mean there is a direct linkage
also occurred between 1980 and between them.” The report further
1986, in the late 1990s and again in emphasises that “the cause of every
2008. Looking at the distribution of major loss is a combination of a unique
upstream losses, we can see that and complex interaction of faults
there was a significant increase in and failures of hardware systems,
large losses in the years that followed management systems, human error,
each of these periods. and/or emergency procedures.”
R I S K T E C . T U V. C O M 21

Crude oil price upstream losses by year – 1974-2015

Total value of upstream losses (US$ million) - 2015 Year-end price of Brent crude (US$/barrel)

120 2000
Low oil
60 1000
Low oil Low oil
price price 600
0 0







Yet there are fundamental reasons PROCESS SAFETY LEADERSHIP 3. Performance monitoring: A great
why a declining and low oil price could So what can be done? Although the oil deal of effort in recent years has
adversely impact process safety, and price has fallen, the standards required been put into implementing process
why causation is more probable than to protect workers’ lives have not safety performance indicators. These
coincidence. Lower prices inevitably changed. And we all know the cost should be scrutinised diligently,
lead to cost-saving initiatives that can of major accidents – BP accounted especially those leading indicators
compromise asset integrity, such as: for the total cost to its business of which act as precursors of loss
the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster events, to detect any signs of
· A reduction in maintenance and as a staggering US$61.6 billion. The adverse trends, e.g. near misses,
inspection of engineered systems. bottom line is that leaders need to step leaks, maintenance backlog.
· A reduction in manpower leading up to ensure that the right decisions
to lower morale, fatigue and a are made so that asset integrity does
tendency to cut corners. not suffer. Areas requiring specific
· Organisational changes culminating attention include:
in a loss of expertise and corporate
memory, with an increased chance 1. Chronic unease: There should be
Periods of declining and low
that less experienced personnel will a heightened sense of vulnerability
oil prices since the 1970s
make a serious mistake. amongst all leaders – from
have been followed by spikes
Reduced training that fails to supervisors to senior management.
in upstream losses. Will the
maintain competencies of workers. Everything cannot be assumed to
industry buck the trend this time
A decline in investment in new be well and decisions should not be
or is it already too late? Have
equipment, placing a greater assumed to address process safety.
decisions already been taken
reliance on existing and possibly that mean that large losses are
antiquated systems. 2. Risk assessment: All decisions
inevitable? Or has the industry
Hasty decision making to improve impacting asset integrity should
learnt enough lessons that this
efficiency, maintain production be thoroughly risk assessed
time it will be different? We
and reduce unplanned downtime, by competent people, whether
really hope so.
without considering all the process organisational, engineering or
safety implications. procedural changes.

References: 1. Judith Hackitt, HSE Chair, Process Safety Summit II, January 2015.
2. The 100 Largest Losses, 1974-2015, Marsh, 2016.
22 R I S K T E C E S S E N T I A L S / SA F E T Y L E A D E R S H I P

About Risktec
Risktec is an established, independent and specialist risk management consulting and
training company. We help clients to manage health, safety, security, environmental
(HSSE) and business risk in sectors where the impact of loss is high.


Specialist risk management Online and classroom training Specialist risk, HSSE and
services, delivering packaged and and postgraduate education to engineering associates to work
proportionate solutions to help help develop competent risk at client locations to help fill
reduce and manage risk. management professionals. resource and skills shortages.

Our experience ranges from delivering small self-contained work packages to managing
complex multi-disciplinary projects with a large number of stakeholders.

Our services recognise that controlling risk requires

understanding engineered and technological systems,
management systems and organisational, cultural and
behavioural factors.

Culture Engineering Identifying, analysing, evaluating and reducing the risks
associated with facilities, operations and equipment to
acceptable levels.

Identifying, developing and implementing effective policies
and procedures to maintain control of risks and minimise
Management loss.

Accelerating cultural and behavioural improvement,
and ensuring a solid foundation for building sustainable
improvements in risk control.
R I S K T E C . T U V. C O M 23

Training and Education

We provide a unique training and education service, from a single training course to a
Risktec professional qualification or a tailored master’s programme in Risk and Safety
Management, all developed and taught by our experienced consultants. Our courses
encompass the breadth and depth of our consulting services.

· Postgraduate Certificate, Diploma or Master’s Degree · Game-based learning

(MSc) in Risk and Safety Management · Computer-based training
· Degree Apprenticeship in Risk and Safety Management · Delivery via face-to-face, distance or blended learning
· Risktec Professional Qualification (RPQ) in Risk and · Accredited by professional engineering institutions and
Safety Management industry bodies
· Training courses from single modules to multi-year · Our whole approach is flexible to meet client needs
programmes for corporate clients

Resource Solutions
We provide resource to support our clients’ activities by working at their main offices,
project locations or industrial sites, anywhere in the world. The support is delivered by
our professional resource solutions business, ASTEC, which has access to a huge pool
of professional associates.

We provide associates who:

· Are well known to us.
· Are suitably qualified and bring the required specific skills and
· Have many years’ experience and hence can make an
immediate and positive impact on projects.
· Can be supported by work packages from consultants in our
own offices.

TÜV Rheinland
As part of the TÜV Rheinland Group we have access to a very large range of services via the group’s
20,000 employees in over 65 countries worldwide, including:

Testing, inspection and certification services to ensure the safety, reliability and regulatory compliance
of assets and components throughout their lifecycle; as well as technical consulting and training to
industrial, transportation and healthcare sectors.

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