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Learning Objectives/Outcomes
1. Cognitive (Knowledge)
2. Psychomotor (Skills)
3. Affective (Attitudes)

II. Content/Subject Matter

Learning Resources:

III. Procedures/Teaching-Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
Before we start, Miss ____, kindly lead the Heavenly Father…Amen.
2. Greetings
Good morning, class! Good morning, teacher! Good
You may now take your seats. morning, classmates! ...Thank you,
3. Checking of Attendance teacher!
Class secretary, tell the class who is absent
today. (Class secretary reports)
4. Health Inspection
Before we start our lesson let’s have first our
health inspection.

Kindly, the leader of every group to help inspect

the nails of your group mate. (Leader inspects and report)

Okay, since everyone has clean, let us clap 5

It is important to check our nails or other parts (Students clap 5 times)
of our body because through these, we can
avoid or prevent different diseases.
5. Weather Report
Let us now have the weather report.
6. Checking Assignment (Assigned reporter for the day will
Please bring out your assignments, pass it report)
forward, and I’ll be the one to check it.
7. Review
Let us have a review about your past lesson.

What was our lesson last meeting?

Give me an example?
Very good! Our lesson last meeting was about

Red, Blue and Yellow!

B. Developing Activities
1. Activity
Now, everyone, please look at the picture,
identify the sound whether is soft or loud.

I will give you 5 minutes to analyze the sound (Students analyze the sound in the
of the given picture, whether it is soft or small. given picture)

2. Analysis
Okay, are you done class? What is the sound
of the lion?
What is the sound of the chirping bird? Loud
How about the wind blowing? A bit soft

3. Abstraction
What is Dynamic?
- Dynamics means how quietly or loudly
a piece of music should be played.
- Dynamics are defined as the different
volume level of a piece of music at any
given moment.
- Dynamics refer to the variations in
loudness of a musical composition

2 basic static dynamic indication

- Forte (f) – refers to loud sound
Just like the lion you have seen in the picture.

Figure 1. Shows lion roaring that produces

loud sound
- Piano (P) – refers to quiet or soft sound

Figure 2. shows bird chirping and wind

blowing that produces soft sounds.

Also we have different static dynamic

indication from softest to loudest.
-pianissimo (pp) – very quiet
-piano (p) – quiet
- mezzo piano (mp) – quiet quiet
- mezzo forte (mf) – quite loud
-forte (f) – loud
-fortissimo (ff) – very loud
4. Generalization
Do you have any question or clarification? None so far, sir!
What is our discussion about? Dynamics
What is dynamic again? The variations in loudness of a
musical composition
What are the static dynamic indicators? Forte and Piano
What is the difference between the two
indicators? Forte refers to loud sound and Piano
refers to soft and quiet sound.

5. Application
Have you learned something class? If you do,
let us try this one.
You have to identify the loud and soft sound.
Direction: Write p if the sound is soft or quiet
and write f if the sound is loud. The first pair
answered for you.

IV. Evaluation/Assessment
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Match the picture to the sound you hear. In
each picture right piano if the sound is soft
and forte if the sound is loud.
V. Assignment/Homework

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