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wl MEMORANDUM Ref No : 001-CEO-ALL-IX-22 To —: All. Directors All Head Sections GM/RM/SM/EM/FM. Date :15™ September 2022 From _ : Chief Executive Officer Subject : HO Circular 01/FA/HO/98 ~Chart Of Authorization (Revised as per 07.09.2022) We enclose for your implementation revised circular as follows :- Circular No: 01/FA/HO/98 Revised as per 07.09.2022 Please study in detail the various amendments made and implement accordingly and consistently . Chet Budi Purw: Chief Executive Officer EO/Ly Berikut terlampir kami kirimkan circular yang sudah di revisi_—_ untuk implementasi :~ Subject : Authorization Limit & Procedures Harap setiap perubahan yang ada dipelajari secara_mendalam dan dilaksanakan secara. benar = dan konsisten. AEP CIRCULAR No. 01/FA/MHO/98 AUTHORIZATION LIMIT AND PROCEDURES Purpose To establish authorization limit and procedures for the various level of management in Medan Head Office. Procedure: 1. All expenses, purchases and contract can only be approved by the relevant persons in accordance with the authorization limit and procedures attached. 2. Nobody is allowed to approve his/ her own claims. All claims must be submitted to higher up authority for approval 3. Payment can only be made after the voucher has been checked and approved by Finance & Accounts Department. First issued 01/03/98 | ee _ ‘AEP INDO GROUP - CHART OF ALTHOFSBATION (COA) ‘No | TRANSACTION TYPE Remarks ‘A_ [CAPITAL EXPENDITURE (CAPEX) "AT |Budgetad acqueston/dlsposal RO EXCOM Chairmen | "RZ |UnBudgeted soqustion disposal RAV ECIGM a3 Rares Chas | inducina Veraton Orde Progress Clims- stato [Poses Gaime Matsa Fropets “COOIFDIED PRO EXCOM Charman Sigg of Convo Werk Orde (SPR)7 Kuo lpuehate Orde (PO) RM GMIED cooFDIED ____|putorizs sgntrias to sgn Stands [Conract. Onerwie, te Contacts subject» revon by SM Legal betoresigring, [INVENTORY WRITE OFF EXCOM Chairmen | Bt |Finiened goods and consumables ee EM FM SW EG RMI GM 001 FOV ED! PRO Rea! cooraenrro | ecoNChmn 'B2 |Mil machineries and parts sean FEC ED/PRO >ey/| evo OO Chem 7 wae oe paetat« ROUP - CHART OF AUTHORISATION (COA) [tar trawsaction 7, (C001 FOFED PRO ‘coor FOVED gle] 2 allo] e|% | ce, Cements, Stone, Sand Tiber Cubert | Sonice& Spare paris fon eutwcad— [aerbuers | rerised para nd Conger EM FM/oM RIC DS [Purchase Order (POY |< Rp5 jute / US$340. ‘Purchasing Staft Purchasing Region PO issued from Purchasing Section tapi users nee xu ean) Poked ton Et ai 7 —_ [Telit for RW GM is nt a ep Ja uss. Rpt miyar USE57 00- ~ PCICOOIFOVED FRO Poieewadtomis CS Rpt mia Ussa75 o00 RO SiC Caan Polened tom MHO Be |Prcase ie Processed at Medan HO__ Per twoine |_| __ Accounts Payabio_| _COOIFOVED/PRO | Authorised Signatories } ood [Peres nen af DHL US tou! ‘ou eure | Ae Sgasie |matris) ia Rp 80 dul — ear R “hubreed Sigetres |Pavent above Ro? tal USETES ehoud rough Rojan users rig ewrwsu WGW EDEGOOO | Aired Soares Pmaine Ze TE | Sona of Cones SH ion Capay Par Cotas PX chez uss5- Feb Tusa ewe Foro yea ussrs eae ewe | wow soso conser oe 2p 4 AEP INDO GROUP HART OF AUTHORISATION (COA) _ ___ EF [Bonk borowings ew fy EXCOM Charan [Subst BOD aperove. pee Loan gandoan | - a [ - oe Loen repayment 4 [er Company barowngs Per taneacton 7E Sbjct oir Company Loan Aereorent S| ranaer oftonde (Ha) Pectansecton | | __Fnanco Menager valenBenkVousher | Pec tensecton| France Manager [p20 miyr USS 360 000 France Menager p20 miyar USS 380.00- EXCOM Chakman EX Foreign exchange oontacodang Par contact Finance Manager FORD ‘hthrsed Snares [Toray EXCOM Chalman ES [SecaraiGuarario Sd Pay Por wansocton| EXCOM Chain wre ‘uhoreed Sinstoris [Subjecta BOD approval. F [WR RELATED ACTIVITIES FT |Salay/THUBonuiAlowancedPPH 21 “Labour Esl! Mil ——|peepayrot | tesa EWM sw RWGM | Autorod Signatries | |-Maneger& Sia & Non Sith Pee puyol [Pl fear FD. ‘Auhorted Snot |The annvalinment and bonus mustbo Draco & Expats Per payot TC rD ‘Auorsed instore |approved by EXCOM Chairman [FE Expaneee Cram (Pay cach, val and business clams) : —— Slo No Sa Eas i) oe cn ai Sips = Su & Non StH) we Fea setenv | coor FDvED PRO Manager — Head Seton HR FW GW COOIFO ED | Aborted Spats | = RW GM HR -ED/COO___| Auiharised Signeteries 000 & rece HR PRO ‘Aiersed Spates PRO 7 ir — | Bicom cnaman | Aumorsed Spates | a — — — 1 Eu FM RW EG/OC/Gw HR ‘0010 Roguresconitatn and prcpaton fH AMGWEG OC HR 001 ED coor FOVED PRO Escon Caiman — re _ rR COOTFDIED To eeknonledge by AR —| Se unegy we ee pancen Rwewnevcoorve [mo | |RWGM rant nd prometon #RUCOO'FOVED PO oot EXCOW Chrinan fo Gio FE |e expensing hoeptaiainy RaW GWT OOTFOTED | Rabored Spats [To conpiy wt AEP nd poi [ager toca | tein car coorrneD | Auborted sinaties patie =0/C0O PRO sinned by HR 2022 $0, Poge of 4 ee INDO GROUE Si a = _ - zawnweM | G001E | Auhorsed Sanat | EAM econ wih RW GM cooieD PRO ‘rind Satori PRO ExOOW Craman | Authored Sastree 7 toad Secon —EwFwswom | ‘C00! FOVED = oorFOVED ___PRD_ — —Ewcom Ghimen | id @ a |< Rp200 jt USS13 500. ow HRACIEC CORDED —_| Authorised Signatories pz pt USS 13500 7 €00/FOED PRO Aeris Spree | Reso an US$35 70, PRO com Cian | Auorked Sqntree | nsionl Se [Portanecion lc Ros ja usso0- “Uses, | _ Ew Fisurwec ou ore Siting | ane ou COO! FOYED ‘Authorised Signatories: coarOED RO | Aioted Strat ‘Excom Chairman KuHa neem OTS Taal oo Tired apa _ oie oa _____}pevenes oy Tax conte RI COOIED PRO Revawed by Leos Note (Abbreviation of Job Postions: ix Tg IRE arenRasanes Cootr lao = onset Dect [KUN Kala Lirpr Haast [c00 = chet Operating Oca jxru- chetcios ‘Approved By [EAM = esa Aa anoge (pean Caroler PAH) i ‘er tnger [Femara > Se Cnet ge |r cary Manager aa ~ BUDIPURWANTO™ echngeReenustin isa

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