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04-30 13:44:59.

568 1522 1734 D ConnectivityService: sending notification

CALLBACK_LOST for NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=11227, [ Capabilities:
04-30 13:45:00.152 1522 2224 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent
NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[LTE], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason:
connected, extra: indosatgprs, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]}
network{222} nethandle{956888436749} lp{{InterfaceName: ccmni1 LinkAddresses:
[ ] DnsAddresses: [ /,/ ] Domains: null
MTU: 1500 TcpBufferSizes: 2097152,4194304,8388608,262144,524288,1048576 Routes:
[ -> ccmni1, -> ccmni1 ]}}
nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities:
OT_SUSPENDED LinkUpBandwidth>=51200Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=102400Kbps Specifier:
<1>]} Score{50} everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{false}
lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false}
everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false}
captivePortalValidationPending{false} partialConnectivity{false}
acceptPartialConnectivity{false} clat{mBaseIface: null, mIface: null, mState: IDLE}
04-30 13:45:00.419 1522 1734 D ConnectivityService: Switching to new default
network: NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[LTE], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED,
reason: connected, extra: indosatgprs, failover: false, available: true, roaming:
false]} network{222} nethandle{956888436749} lp{{InterfaceName: ccmni1
LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [
/,/,/ ] Domains: null MTU: 1500 TcpBufferSizes:
2097152,4194304,8388608,262144,524288,1048576 Routes: [ ->
ccmni1, -> ccmni1 ]}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR
OT_SUSPENDED LinkUpBandwidth>=51200Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=102400Kbps Specifier:
<1>]} Score{50} everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{true}
lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false}
everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false}
captivePortalValidationPending{false} partialConnectivity{false}
acceptPartialConnectivity{false} clat{mBaseIface: null, mIface: null, mState: IDLE}
04-30 13:53:44.568 1522 5420 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= 253 as request 255
04-30 13:53:51.568 1522 6728 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= 253 as request 255
04-30 13:53:51.568 1522 1592 D _V_DisplayPowerController: updatePowerState:
mPowerRequest.useProximitySensor=false, mProximity=Unknown,
mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity=false mPowerRequest.screenState = ON
mWaitingForNegativeProximity = false callState = 0 isPowerKeyWakeUp = false
04-30 13:53:51.568 1522 1592 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange
to target ON
04-30 13:53:51.568 1522 1592 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: updatePowerState
use=false enabled=false state=ON
04-30 13:54:51.568 1522 1694 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=WakeKey)...
04-30 13:55:05.568 1522 1522 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= 253 as request 255
04-30 14:10:45.568 1522 1522 W FingerprintService: client com.vivo.fingerprintui
is no longer authenticating
04-30 14:11:51.568 1522 1592 D _V_DisplayPowerController: updatePowerState:
mPowerRequest.useProximitySensor=false, mProximity=Unknown,
mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity=false mPowerRequest.screenState = OFF
mWaitingForNegativeProximity = false callState = 0 isPowerKeyWakeUp = false
04-30 14:11:51.568 1522 1592 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange
to target OFF
04-30 14:14:58.568 1522 5418 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= 253 as request 255
04-30 14:15:18.568 1522 1545 D _V_PointerEventDispatcher: notePEM, actionEvent =
04-30 14:16:34.568 1522 1545 D _V_PointerEventDispatcher: notePEM, actionEvent =
04-30 14:17:52.381 15893 25686 D _V_SuperResolutionMonitor: device = 1938
04-30 14:18:01.926 15893 25686 D _V_SuperResolutionMonitor: device = 1938
04-30 14:18:14.902 15893 25686 D _V_SuperResolutionMonitor: device = 1938
04-30 14:18:19.943 15893 25686 D _V_SuperResolutionMonitor: device = 1938
04-30 14:18:24.420 15893 25686 D _V_SuperResolutionMonitor: device = 1938
04-30 14:18:35.714 15893 25686 D _V_SuperResolutionMonitor: device = 1938
04-30 14:18:44.746 15893 25686 D _V_SuperResolutionMonitor: device = 1938
04-30 14:18:53.449 15893 25686 D _V_SuperResolutionMonitor: device = 1938
04-30 14:19:15.377 15893 25686 D _V_SuperResolutionMonitor: device = 1938
04-30 14:19:29.819 15893 25686 D _V_SuperResolutionMonitor: device = 1938
04-30 14:19:42.091 15893 25686 D _V_SuperResolutionMonitor: device = 1938
04-30 14:19:54.320 15893 25686 D _V_SuperResolutionMonitor: device = 1938
04-30 14:19:56.325 15893 25686 D _V_SuperResolutionMonitor: device = 1938
04-30 14:20:03.677 15893 25686 D _V_SuperResolutionMonitor: device = 1938
04-30 14:20:05.211 15893 25686 D _V_SuperResolutionMonitor: device = 1938
04-30 14:20:25.310 15893 25686 D _V_SuperResolutionMonitor: device = 1938
04-30 14:20:39.241 799 799 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 14088 tx_bad 1 rx_good
10568 tx_retry 29958
04-30 14:20:45.568 808 849 E : akm_log detect_phone_state m:1, h:0
04-30 14:20:45.568 808 849 I chatty : uid=1000(system) sensors@2.0-ser
identical 1 line
04-30 14:20:45.568 808 849 E : akm_log detect_phone_state m:1, h:0
04-30 14:20:45.568 808 849 D VendorInterface: VendorInterface_getOrientation
47.781250, -111.156250, -0.171875, 3
04-30 14:20:46.568 591 641 D mtkpower@1.1-impl: mtkPowerHint hint:36,
04-30 14:21:00.005 1522 1677 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 598568662, curTime = 598508668
04-30 14:21:00.009 1522 1677 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 598568662, curTime = 598508672
04-30 14:21:11.402 1522 1539 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 598568662, curTime = 598520064
04-30 14:21:11.402 1522 1539 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 598568662, curTime = 598520065
04-30 14:21:11.965 1522 1539 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 598568662, curTime = 598520628
04-30 14:21:11.970 1522 1539 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 598568662, curTime = 598520633
04-30 14:21:12.003 1522 1539 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 598568662, curTime = 598520666
04-30 14:21:12.092 1522 1539 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 598568662, curTime = 598520754
04-30 14:21:12.260 1522 1522 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 598568662, curTime = 598520922
04-30 14:21:33.103 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:21:33.103 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:21:33.105 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:21:33.105 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:21:33.710 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:21:33.710 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:21:33.714 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:21:33.714 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:21:33.737 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
04-30 14:21:33.738 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
13, keyValuePairs = routing=2
04-30 14:21:33.738 568 17919 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x2), return
04-30 14:21:33.743 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
04-30 14:21:33.743 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 6,
04-30 14:21:33.743 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 8,
04-30 14:21:33.743 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 65536,
04-30 14:21:33.743 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
04-30 14:21:33.752 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +syncSharedOutDevice(),
routingSharedOutDevice: 2
04-30 14:21:33.753 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -syncSharedOutDevice()
04-30 14:21:33.753 568 4396 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 5, devices 0x2, index 7, mode 0x0
04-30 14:21:33.753 568 4396 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
12, spkAnaType = 3, spkLMixerName = Lineout_PGAL_GAIN, spkRMixerName =
04-30 14:21:33.753 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 6
04-30 14:21:33.753 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 0, output_devices = 0x2, isMixerOut = 0x0, flag = 6
04-30 14:21:33.753 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x6, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e
04-30 14:21:33.754 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:Awinic dlopen lib success
04-30 14:21:33.755 568 4396 I [Awinic]: mec6_v0.1.5
04-30 14:21:33.755 568 4396 D [Awinic]: set parameter done!
04-30 14:21:33.755 568 4396 D [Awinic]: init Done !
04-30 14:21:33.755 568 4396 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
04-30 14:21:33.755 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 6,
source output_devices = 0x2, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 2048, sample_rate =
04-30 14:21:33.755 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xf4437700 Init lib v125
04-30 14:21:33.755 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
04-30 14:21:33.755 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this (0xf4437700) init done 0xf1d99dc0 0xf2803140
04-30 14:21:33.755 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 7,
stringpair = I2S0DL1_PLayback
04-30 14:21:33.756 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x1)
04-30 14:21:33.756 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 6,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 256, period_count
= 4, format = 1, avail_min = 256, start_threshold = 1024
04-30 14:21:33.756 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 1, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
04-30 14:21:33.758 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 7 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xf5a4ac40
04-30 14:21:33.758 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, voip: 0, mAurisysScenario: 1
04-30 14:21:33.758 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 2, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 5, output_flags: 0x6,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
04-30 14:21:33.758 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3,
frame = 0, b_interleave = 1, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
04-30 14:21:33.758 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask:
0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3; dl out[type:3], ch: 2,
ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3
04-30 14:21:33.758 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
04-30 14:21:33.758 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [5]/[PlaybackDRC]
04-30 14:21:33.758 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music
04-30 14:21:33.758 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
04-30 14:21:33.758 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [0]/[PlaybackACF]
04-30 14:21:33.758 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
04-30 14:21:33.758 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
04-30 14:21:33.758 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [6]/[PlaybackDRC]
04-30 14:21:33.758 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Ring
04-30 14:21:33.758 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
04-30 14:21:33.758 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [8]/[PlaybackACF]
04-30 14:21:33.758 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
04-30 14:21:33.759 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=1938,model=vivo 1938", file_path "/vendor/etc/audio_param",
enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 2528, data_size 2528, custom_info
04-30 14:21:33.759 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf441ac80, memory_size
72624, arsi_handler 0xf2812cc0, retval 0x0
04-30 14:21:33.759 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), arsi_query_process_unit_bytes, ul 0, dl 2048, retval
04-30 14:21:33.759 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_bessound, 0xf441ac80, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x3, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0 => 0
04-30 14:21:33.759 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 48000 =>
48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x4, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0
=> 0
04-30 14:21:33.759 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x2, mOutputDevices = 0x0,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
04-30 14:21:33.759 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: spkType is 1
04-30 14:21:33.759 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: OpenSpeakerPath
SampleRate 48000
04-30 14:21:33.759 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
04-30 14:21:33.761 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
04-30 14:21:33.797 568 4396 V AudioALSAVAFXManager: initPlayBackHandler
04-30 14:21:33.797 568 4396 V AudioALSAVAFXManager: OpenPCMDump()
04-30 14:21:33.797 568 4396 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: F 0x4 Dev 0x0 CM 0xc CN 2 SR
48000 BS 8192
04-30 14:21:33.797 568 4396 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: AudioALSAVAFXCtrl
ePlaybackHandlerType 7
04-30 14:21:33.797 568 4396 D _V_vafx_sp_wrapper: vafx_speaker_boost_init:
sample_rate 48000, format_type 2
04-30 14:21:33.798 568 4396 D _V_vafx_sp_wrapper:
04-30 14:21:33.798 568 4396 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
04-30 14:21:33.798 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
04-30 14:21:35.405 752 28764 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
1985306, start 525630245685867, so match entry
04-30 14:21:36.568 1522 1725 W System.err: at
04-30 14:21:36.568 1522 1725 W System.err: at
04-30 14:21:36.568 1522 1725 W System.err: at
04-30 14:21:36.568 1522 1725 W System.err: at
04-30 14:21:36.568 1522 1725 W System.err: at
04-30 14:21:36.568 1522 1725 W System.err: at
04-30 14:21:36.568 1522 1725 E _V_SlaNetLinkDispatcher: cannot connect to kernel,
please check.
04-30 14:21:37.568 1522 1725 W System.err: at libcore.io.Linux.socket(Native
04-30 14:21:37.568 1522 1725 W System.err: at
04-30 14:21:37.568 1522 1725 W System.err: at
04-30 14:21:37.568 1522 1725 W System.err: at
04-30 14:21:37.954 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 6
04-30 14:21:37.954 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 6
04-30 14:21:37.954 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 6
04-30 14:21:37.954 568 25698 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
6, mDevice = 0x2
04-30 14:21:37.954 568 25698 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: deinitPlayBackHandler
ePlaybackHandlerType 7
04-30 14:21:37.954 568 25698 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: +deinit
04-30 14:21:37.954 568 25698 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: vafx_speaker_boost_deinit+
04-30 14:21:37.954 568 25698 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: vafx_speaker_boost_deinit-
04-30 14:21:37.954 568 25698 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: -deinit
04-30 14:21:37.954 568 25698 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: ~AudioALSAVAFXCtrl
ePlaybackHandlerType 7
04-30 14:21:37.954 568 25698 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xf4437700) 0xf1d99dc0 0xf2803140
04-30 14:21:37.954 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1,
playbackhandler size 1
04-30 14:21:37.954 568 25698 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
04-30 14:21:37.960 568 25698 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
04-30 14:21:37.961 568 25698 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 0
04-30 14:21:37.961 568 25698 W AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output
DeviceStatusCounter < 0
04-30 14:21:37.961 568 25698 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
04-30 14:21:37.961 568 25698 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
04-30 14:21:37.961 568 25698 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
04-30 14:21:37.961 568 25698 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf441ac80,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf2812cc0, retval = 0
04-30 14:21:37.961 568 25698 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf5a65730
04-30 14:21:37.962 568 25698 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
04-30 14:21:37.962 568 25698 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
04-30 14:21:37.962 568 25698 D [Awinic]: End Done !
04-30 14:21:39.568 646 1432 D BufferQueueProducer: StatusBar#0: dequeueBuffer,
DefaultWidth=720, DefaultHeight=1560
04-30 14:21:42.568 1522 1725 W System.err: at
04-30 14:21:42.568 1522 1725 W System.err: at
04-30 14:21:43.568 1522 1725 W System.err: at
04-30 14:21:43.568 1522 1725 E _V_SlaNetLinkDispatcher: cannot connect to kernel,
please check.
04-30 14:21:44.568 1522 1725 W System.err: android.system.ErrnoException: socket
failed: EPROTONOSUPPORT (Protocol not supported)
04-30 14:21:44.568 1522 1725 W System.err: at libcore.io.Linux.socket(Native
04-30 14:21:44.568 1522 1725 W System.err: at
04-30 14:21:44.568 1522 1725 W System.err: at
04-30 14:21:44.568 1522 1725 W System.err: at
04-30 14:21:44.568 1522 1725 W System.err: at
04-30 14:21:45.568 1522 1725 W System.err: android.system.ErrnoException: socket
failed: EPROTONOSUPPORT (Protocol not supported)
04-30 14:21:47.568 1522 1778 D _V_SlaRttManager: receive message 1
04-30 14:21:52.079 1522 1677 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 598568662, curTime = 598560742
04-30 14:21:52.081 1522 1522 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 598568662, curTime = 598560744
04-30 14:21:52.084 1522 1522 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 598568662, curTime = 598560747
04-30 14:21:52.097 1522 2680 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 598568662, curTime = 598560760
04-30 14:21:52.133 1522 6705 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 598568662, curTime = 598560796
04-30 14:21:52.133 1522 6705 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 598568662, curTime = 598560796
04-30 14:21:52.455 1522 6705 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 598568662, curTime = 598561118
04-30 14:21:52.461 1522 6705 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 598568662, curTime = 598561124
04-30 14:21:59.382 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SingleStaMonitorState CMD_GET_TCP_INFO 0 0 rt=525654486/598568044
04-30 14:22:00.006 1522 1677 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 598599310, curTime = 598568669
04-30 14:22:00.013 1522 1677 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 598599310, curTime = 598568676
04-30 14:22:12.568 15893 15893 I _V_TouchMotionHandler: handler onDetached
04-30 14:22:16.690 15893 28966 V MediaPlayerNative: setDataSource(176, 41070772,
04-30 14:22:16.693 752 14543 V MediaPlayerService: setDataSource fd=10
(/data/app/com.whatsapp-svn5sXTSxrKBqBUpVn2Yig==/base.apk), offset=41070772,
04-30 14:22:16.706 752 14543 V NuPlayer: setDataSourceAsync fd 10/41070772/4568
source: 0xf1474300
04-30 14:22:16.819 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:22:16.820 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:22:16.825 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:22:16.826 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:22:16.884 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:22:16.884 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:22:16.891 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:22:16.892 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:22:16.917 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
04-30 14:22:16.917 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
13, keyValuePairs = routing=2
04-30 14:22:16.917 568 25698 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x2), return
04-30 14:22:16.922 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
04-30 14:22:16.922 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 6,
04-30 14:22:16.922 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 8,
04-30 14:22:16.922 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 65536,
04-30 14:22:16.922 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
04-30 14:22:16.925 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +syncSharedOutDevice(),
routingSharedOutDevice: 2
04-30 14:22:16.926 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -syncSharedOutDevice()
04-30 14:22:16.926 568 4396 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 5, devices 0x2, index 7, mode 0x0
04-30 14:22:16.926 568 4396 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
12, spkAnaType = 3, spkLMixerName = Lineout_PGAL_GAIN, spkRMixerName =
04-30 14:22:16.926 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 6
04-30 14:22:16.926 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 0, output_devices = 0x2, isMixerOut = 0x0, flag = 6
04-30 14:22:16.926 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x6, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e
04-30 14:22:16.927 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:Awinic dlopen lib success
04-30 14:22:16.928 568 4396 I [Awinic]: mec6_v0.1.5
04-30 14:22:16.928 568 4396 D [Awinic]: set parameter done!
04-30 14:22:16.928 568 4396 D [Awinic]: init Done !
04-30 14:22:16.928 568 4396 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
04-30 14:22:16.928 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 6,
source output_devices = 0x2, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 2048, sample_rate =
04-30 14:22:16.928 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xf4437000 Init lib v125
04-30 14:22:16.928 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
04-30 14:22:16.928 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this (0xf4437000) init done 0xf2442700 0xf2447bc0
04-30 14:22:16.928 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 7,
stringpair = I2S0DL1_PLayback
04-30 14:22:16.929 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x1)
04-30 14:22:16.929 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 6,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 256, period_count
= 4, format = 1, avail_min = 256, start_threshold = 1024
04-30 14:22:16.929 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 1, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
04-30 14:22:16.929 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 7 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xf5a4b0a0
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, voip: 0, mAurisysScenario: 1
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 2, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 5, output_flags: 0x6,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3,
frame = 0, b_interleave = 1, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask:
0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3; dl out[type:3], ch: 2,
ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [5]/[PlaybackDRC]
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [0]/[PlaybackACF]
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [6]/[PlaybackDRC]
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Ring
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [8]/[PlaybackACF]
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=1938,model=vivo 1938", file_path "/vendor/etc/audio_param",
enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 2528, data_size 2528, custom_info
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf441b900, memory_size
72624, arsi_handler 0xf2812240, retval 0x0
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), arsi_query_process_unit_bytes, ul 0, dl 2048, retval
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_bessound, 0xf441b900, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x3, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0 => 0
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 48000 =>
48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x4, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0
=> 0
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x2, mOutputDevices = 0x0,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: spkType is 1
04-30 14:22:16.930 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: OpenSpeakerPath
SampleRate 48000
04-30 14:22:16.931 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
04-30 14:22:16.932 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
04-30 14:22:16.969 568 4396 V AudioALSAVAFXManager: initPlayBackHandler
04-30 14:22:16.969 568 4396 V AudioALSAVAFXManager: OpenPCMDump()
04-30 14:22:16.969 568 4396 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: F 0x4 Dev 0x0 CM 0xc CN 2 SR
48000 BS 8192
04-30 14:22:16.969 568 4396 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: AudioALSAVAFXCtrl
ePlaybackHandlerType 7
04-30 14:22:16.969 568 4396 D _V_vafx_sp_wrapper: vafx_speaker_boost_init:
sample_rate 48000, format_type 2
04-30 14:22:16.969 568 4396 D _V_vafx_sp_wrapper:
04-30 14:22:16.969 568 4396 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
04-30 14:22:16.969 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
04-30 14:22:17.137 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
04-30 14:22:17.137 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
13, keyValuePairs = routing=2
04-30 14:22:17.139 568 25698 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x2), return
04-30 14:22:17.156 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 6,
04-30 14:22:17.157 568 25698 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 5, devices 0x2, index 7, mode 0x0
04-30 14:22:17.157 568 25698 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
12, spkAnaType = 3, spkLMixerName = Lineout_PGAL_GAIN, spkRMixerName =
04-30 14:22:17.157 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setVolumeIndex() stream=
5, device= 2, index= 7
04-30 14:22:17.268 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
04-30 14:22:17.268 15893 29035 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
256870, start 525672368184177, so match entry
04-30 14:22:17.268 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
21, keyValuePairs = routing=2
04-30 14:22:17.269 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x8, output_devices: 0x1 => 0x2
04-30 14:22:17.269 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -routingOutputDevice(),
stream out not active, route itself and return
04-30 14:22:17.269 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +routing(), route output
device from 0x1 to 0x2, flag 0x8
04-30 14:22:17.284 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 6,
04-30 14:22:17.284 568 25698 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 5, devices 0x2, index 7, mode 0x0
04-30 14:22:17.284 568 25698 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
12, spkAnaType = 3, spkLMixerName = Lineout_PGAL_GAIN, spkRMixerName =
04-30 14:22:17.285 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setVolumeIndex() stream=
5, device= 2, index= 7
04-30 14:22:17.300 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 6,
04-30 14:22:17.300 568 25698 W AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
devices(0x10000) != mOutputDevices(0x2), skip set device gain
04-30 14:22:17.300 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setVolumeIndex() stream=
5, device= 10000, index= 7
04-30 14:22:17.764 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager:
setAllInputStreamsSuspend(), this streamin does not have capture handler, just set
04-30 14:22:17.764 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: setSuspend(), mSuspendLockCount
= 0 ,mSuspendCount = 0, suspend_on = 1
04-30 14:22:17.764 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: standbyAllInputStreams(),
mStreamInVector[0] capture handler not created yet, pAudioALSAStreamIn=0xf54e1500,
04-30 14:22:17.764 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setMode(), mAudioMode: 0
=> 3, mEnterPhoneCallMode = 0, mResumeAllStreamsAtRouting = 0,
resumeAllStreamsAtSetMode = 1
04-30 14:22:17.764 568 25698 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 5, devices 0x2, index 7, mode 0x3
04-30 14:22:17.764 568 25698 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
12, spkAnaType = 3, spkLMixerName = Lineout_PGAL_GAIN, spkRMixerName =
04-30 14:22:17.764 568 25698 D AudioUtility: power_hal_hint - custPowerHint 3,
data 268435455
04-30 14:22:17.768 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x6, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e
04-30 14:22:17.768 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager:
setAllInputStreamsSuspend(), this streamin does not have capture handler, just set
04-30 14:22:17.768 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: setSuspend(), mSuspendLockCount
= 0 ,mSuspendCount = 1, suspend_on = 0
04-30 14:22:17.768 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -setMode(), mAudioMode =
3, mResumeAllStreamsAtRouting = 0, resumeAllStreamsAtSetMode = 1
04-30 14:22:17.777 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
04-30 14:22:17.777 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
13, keyValuePairs = routing=2
04-30 14:22:17.779 568 25698 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x2), return
04-30 14:22:17.797 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 6,
04-30 14:22:17.797 568 25698 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 0, devices 0x2, index 5, mode 0x3
04-30 14:22:17.797 568 25698 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
9, spkAnaType = 3, spkLMixerName = Lineout_PGAL_GAIN, spkRMixerName =
04-30 14:22:17.797 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setVolumeIndex() stream=
0, device= 2, index= 5
04-30 14:22:17.797 568 25698 D SpeechDriverFactory: GetSpeechDriverByIndex(),
04-30 14:22:17.797 568 25698 D SpeechDriverNormal: setMDVolumeIndex(), stream: 0,
device: 0x2, index: 5, sph off, return
04-30 14:22:17.797 568 25698 D SpeechDriverFactory: GetSpeechDriverByIndex(),
04-30 14:22:17.797 568 25698 D SpeechDriverFactory: GetSpeechDriverByIndex(),
04-30 14:22:17.797 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
04-30 14:22:17.797 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf441b900,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf2812240, retval = 0
04-30 14:22:17.797 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf5a657a0
04-30 14:22:17.797 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, voip: 1, mAurisysScenario: 5
04-30 14:22:17.797 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 4, audio_mode: 3, stream_type: 5, output_flags: 0x6,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
04-30 14:22:17.798 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1,
frame = 20, b_interleave = 0, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
04-30 14:22:17.798 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 1, ch_mask:
0x1, buf fs: 16000, buf content fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1; dl out[type:3], ch: 1,
ch_mask: 0x1, buf fs: 16000, buf content fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1
04-30 14:22:17.798 568 4396 D : categoryPath =
Scene,Default,Profile,Handsfree, custom_scene = Default
04-30 14:22:17.798 568 4396 D : parm_WB[ 0]=32896, 240, 32768, 4159,
51463, 9543, 408, 0, 80, 4325
04-30 14:22:17.798 568 4396 D : ,parm_WB[10]=610, 0, 944, 0, 0, 0,
65252, 255, 85
04-30 14:22:17.798 568 4396 D : ,parm_WB[32]=0, parm_WB[47]=51200
04-30 14:22:17.798 568 4396 D : comm_parm[ 0]=0, 55997, 31000, 87,
32769, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
04-30 14:22:17.798 568 4396 D : [=coef=]Compen_filter_WB: p[0]=14,
p[1]=65533, p[2]=10, p[3]=65505, p[4]=9
04-30 14:22:17.798 568 4396 D : [=coef=]MIC1_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=58178,
p[1]=15521, p[2]=7644, p[3]=50248, p[4]=7644
04-30 14:22:17.798 568 4396 D : [=coef=]MIC2_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=57527,
p[1]=16194, p[2]=7884, p[3]=49768, p[4]=7884
04-30 14:22:17.798 568 4396 D : [=coef=]ENH_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=31376,
p[1]=50468, p[2]=32769, p[3]=16384, p[4]=32596
04-30 14:22:17.798 568 4396 D : [=coef=]ENH_IIR_COEF_DL_WB: p[0]=50118,
p[1]=30608, p[2]=16187, p[3]=34188, p[4]=51272
04-30 14:22:17.798 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=1938,model=vivo 1938", file_path
"/vendor/etc/aurisys_param/Speech_AudioParam.xml", enhancement_mode 0,
param_buf_size 15256, data_size 15256, custom_info SetAudioCustomScene=
04-30 14:22:17.800 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
04-30 14:22:17.800 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
13, keyValuePairs = routing=2
04-30 14:22:17.800 568 4396 D : MTK_SP1 Soft. Version 1.1.17, 2019-03-04
04-30 14:22:17.800 568 4396 D : Current sample rate, 16000
04-30 14:22:17.808 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_speech_enh, 0xf441b900, memory_size
2744096, arsi_handler 0xf0f00000, retval 0x0
04-30 14:22:17.808 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_speech_enh, 0xf441b900, sample_rate: 48000 => 16000, num_channels: 2 => 1,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x1, interleave: 1 => 0, frame: 0 => 20
04-30 14:22:17.809 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 16000 =>
48000, num_channels: 1 => 2, audio_format: 0x1 => 0x4, interleave: 0 => 1, frame:
20 => 0
04-30 14:22:17.810 568 25698 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x2), return
04-30 14:22:17.813 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
04-30 14:22:17.813 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
21, keyValuePairs = routing=2
04-30 14:22:17.813 568 25698 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x8, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x2), return
04-30 14:22:17.817 568 4396 D audio_ringbuf: dynamic_change_ring_buf_size(),
0xf3fd5b00: 360 -> 1044, data_count 344, write_size 170, free_space 0
04-30 14:22:17.942 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:22:17.942 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:22:17.946 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:22:17.946 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:22:17.978 568 25698 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf5a1bfd0 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:22:17.988 568 25698 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf5a1bfd0 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:22:17.988 568 25698 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf2a7e740 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:22:17.989 568 25698 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf2a7e740 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:22:17.989 568 25698 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf5a1bfc0 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:22:17.990 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), 0xf5a1bfd0
04-30 14:22:17.990 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(),
mPreProcessEffectBackupCount wrong
04-30 14:22:17.990 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), 0xf2a7e740
04-30 14:22:17.991 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(),
mPreProcessEffectBackupCount wrong
04-30 14:22:17.991 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), 0xf5a1bfc0
04-30 14:22:17.991 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(),
mPreProcessEffectBackupCount wrong
04-30 14:22:17.996 568 17919 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf5a1bf90 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:22:18.003 625 625 W vperf@1.0-servi: type=1400 audit(0.0:859568): avc:
denied { read } for name="boot_mode" dev="sysfs" ino=5336
scontext=u:r:hal_vperf_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_boot_mode:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
04-30 14:22:18.005 568 17919 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf5a1bf90 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:22:18.005 568 17919 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf4192950 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:22:18.006 568 17919 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf4192950 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:22:18.006 568 17919 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf5a1bff0 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:22:18.016 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
80000080->Mixer Src 7
04-30 14:22:18.016 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
4150, keyValuePairs = input_source=7;routing=-2147483520
04-30 14:22:18.016 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +routingInputDevice(),
input_device: 0x80000004 => 0x80000080
04-30 14:22:18.016 568 17919 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingInputDevice(), not
support back_mic if mic < 2, force to set input_device = 0x80000004
04-30 14:22:18.016 568 17919 W AudioALSAStreamManager: -routingInputDevice(),
input_device == current_input_device(0x80000004), return
04-30 14:22:18.019 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), 0xf5a1bf90
04-30 14:22:18.020 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), effect
name:Acoustic Echo Canceler, BackupCount=0
04-30 14:22:18.020 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), AECOn, need
reopen the capture handle
04-30 14:22:18.020 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect()-
04-30 14:22:18.020 568 25698 W StreamHAL: Error from HAL stream in function
set_microphone_direction: Function not implemented
04-30 14:22:18.020 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), 0xf4192950
04-30 14:22:18.020 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), effect
name:Noise Suppression, BackupCount=1
04-30 14:22:18.020 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), NSOn, need
reopen the capture handle
04-30 14:22:18.020 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect()-
04-30 14:22:18.021 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), 0xf5a1bff0
04-30 14:22:18.021 568 25698 W StreamHAL: Error from HAL stream in function
set_microphone_field_dimension: Function not implemented
04-30 14:22:18.021 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), effect
name:Automatic Gain Control, BackupCount=2
04-30 14:22:18.021 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), AGCOn, need
reopen the capture handle
04-30 14:22:18.021 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect()-
04-30 14:22:18.022 568 22220 D AudioALSAStreamIn: open()
04-30 14:22:18.022 568 22220 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createCaptureHandler(),
mAudioMode = 3, input_source = 7, input_device = 0x80000004,
mBypassDualMICProcessUL=0, sample_rate=16000
04-30 14:22:18.022 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC:
04-30 14:22:18.022 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC: +open(), input_device
= 0x80000004, input_source = 0x7, sample_rate=16000, num_channels=1,
04-30 14:22:18.022 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
04-30 14:22:18.022 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase:
configStreamAttribute(), audio_mode: 3 => 3, input_device: 0x80000004 =>
0x80000004, flag: 0x0 => 0x0, input_source: 7->7, output_device: 0x2 => 0x2, DSP
out sample_rate: 16000 => 16000
04-30 14:22:18.022 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase: attach(),
0xf40a4000, mCaptureDataClientVector.size()=0, Identity=0xf5a4b6c0,
mCaptureDataProviderType = 0
04-30 14:22:18.022 568 22220 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 1,
stringpair = MultiMedia1_Capture
04-30 14:22:18.022 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: open(+),
audiomode=0, cardindex = 0, pcmindex = 1
04-30 14:22:18.025 568 22220 D AudioSpeechEnhanceInfo: GetHifiRecord,
04-30 14:22:18.025 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: buffersizemax:
49152, bHifiRecord: 0, btempDebug: 0
04-30 14:22:18.025 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: mConfig
format: 1, channels: 1, rate: 48000, period_size: 960, period_count: 6, latency:
20, kReadBufferSize: 3840, mCaptureDropSize: 0
04-30 14:22:18.026 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
04-30 14:22:18.026 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 6,
04-30 14:22:18.026 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 8,
04-30 14:22:18.026 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 65536,
04-30 14:22:18.026 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
04-30 14:22:18.027 568 22220 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startInputDevice(), new_device: 0x80000004, mInputDevice: 0x0,
mStartInputDeviceCount: 0, mMicInverse: 0, mNumPhoneMicSupport: 1,
mBuiltInMicSpecificTyp: 0
04-30 14:22:18.027 568 22220 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = builtin_Mic_SingleMic descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
04-30 14:22:18.027 568 22220 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
startInputDevice(), mInputDevice = 0x80000004, mStartInputDeviceCount = 1
04-30 14:22:18.027 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: open(-)
04-30 14:22:18.027 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase:
configStreamAttribute(), audio_mode: 3 => 3, input_device: 0x80000004 =>
0x80000004, flag: 0x0 => 0x0, input_source: 7->7, output_device: 0x2 => 0x2, DSP
out sample_rate: 16000 => 16000
04-30 14:22:18.027 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase: attach(),
0xf40a4400, mCaptureDataClientVector.size()=0, Identity=0xf5a4b6c0,
mCaptureDataProviderType = 5
04-30 14:22:18.027 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderEchoRef: open(),
audio_format = 1, output_device=0x2, audio_channel_mask=c, num_channels=2,
sample_rate=48000, buf_total_latency=160ms
04-30 14:22:18.027 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderEchoRef: open(),
format = 0, channels=2, rate=48000, period_size=960,
04-30 14:22:18.027 568 22220 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 9,
stringpair = DL1_AWB_Record
04-30 14:22:18.028 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal: mLatency
20, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840, mProcessedDataPeriodBufSize 640,
mEchoRefDataPeriodBufSize 3840, stream_attribute_target->audio_format = 1
mStreamAttributeSource->audio_format = 4
04-30 14:22:18.028 568 29052 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: +readThread(),
pid: 568, tid: 29052, kReadBufferSize=0xf00, open_index=621,
04-30 14:22:18.029 568 29053 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderEchoRef:
+readThread(), pid: 568, tid: 29053, kReadBufferSize=f00
04-30 14:22:18.030 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
isNeedSyncPcmStart, read thread ready! pcm start
04-30 14:22:18.030 568 22220 D AudioMTKGainController: +SetCaptureGain(), mode=3,
source=7, input device=0x80000004, output device=0x2
04-30 14:22:18.030 568 29052 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase: pcm_start
04-30 14:22:18.030 568 22220 D AudioMTKGainController: ApplyMicGain(), analogidx
= 2, mSceneIndex = 0, _mic_mode = 4, _gain_device = 2, mode = 3, micgain = 20,
mULTotalGain = 152, mBand = 0, mNetwork = 0
04-30 14:22:18.030 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
CreateAurisysLibManager(), voip: 1, low_latency: 0, aec: 1, input_source: 7, flag:
0x0 => mAurisysScenario: 5
04-30 14:22:18.030 568 29053 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase: pcm_start
04-30 14:22:18.030 568 22220 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x4,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 1, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x10, hw_info_mask: 0x0;
output dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x0, fs: 0, max fs: 48000, ch: 0, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x0,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 4, audio_mode: 3, stream_type: 0, output_flags: 0x0,
input_source: 7, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x1c
04-30 14:22:18.030 568 22220 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1,
frame = 20, b_interleave = 0, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 1, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
04-30 14:22:18.030 568 22220 D aurisys_utility: ul in[type:0], ch: 1, ch_mask:
0x10, buf fs: 16000, buf content fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1; ul out[type:1], ch: 1,
ch_mask: 0x10, buf fs: 16000, buf content fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1
04-30 14:22:18.030 568 22220 D aurisys_utility: ul ref[type:4], ch: 1, ch_mask:
0x10, buf fs: 16000, buf content fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1
04-30 14:22:18.031 568 22220 D : categoryPath =
Scene,Default,Profile,Handsfree, custom_scene = Default
04-30 14:22:18.031 568 22220 D : parm_WB[ 0]=32896, 240, 32768, 4159,
51463, 9543, 408, 0, 80, 4325
04-30 14:22:18.031 568 22220 D : ,parm_WB[10]=610, 0, 944, 0, 0, 0,
65252, 255, 85
04-30 14:22:18.031 568 22220 D : ,parm_WB[32]=0, parm_WB[47]=51200
04-30 14:22:18.031 568 22220 D : comm_parm[ 0]=0, 55997, 31000, 87,
32769, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
04-30 14:22:18.031 568 22220 D : [=coef=]Compen_filter_WB: p[0]=14,
p[1]=65533, p[2]=10, p[3]=65505, p[4]=9
04-30 14:22:18.031 568 22220 D : [=coef=]MIC1_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=58178,
p[1]=15521, p[2]=7644, p[3]=50248, p[4]=7644
04-30 14:22:18.031 568 22220 D : [=coef=]MIC2_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=57527,
p[1]=16194, p[2]=7884, p[3]=49768, p[4]=7884
04-30 14:22:18.031 568 22220 D : [=coef=]ENH_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=31376,
p[1]=50468, p[2]=32769, p[3]=16384, p[4]=32596
04-30 14:22:18.031 568 22220 D : [=coef=]ENH_IIR_COEF_DL_WB: p[0]=50118,
p[1]=30608, p[2]=16187, p[3]=34188, p[4]=51272
04-30 14:22:18.031 568 22220 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=1938,model=vivo 1938", file_path
"/vendor/etc/aurisys_param/Speech_AudioParam.xml", enhancement_mode 0,
param_buf_size 15256, data_size 15256, custom_info SetAudioCustomScene=
04-30 14:22:18.033 568 22220 D : MTK_SP1 Soft. Version 1.1.17, 2019-03-04
04-30 14:22:18.033 568 22220 D : Current sample rate, 16000
04-30 14:22:18.033 568 22220 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_speech_enh, 0xf441bb80, memory_size
2744096, arsi_handler 0xf0c00000, retval 0x0
04-30 14:22:18.033 568 22220 D aurisys_lib_manager: UL Lib, lib_name
mtk_speech_enh, 0xf441bb80, sample_rate: 48000 => 16000, num_channels: 1 => 1,
audio_format: 0x4 => 0x1, interleave: 1 => 0, frame: 0 => 20
04-30 14:22:18.033 568 22220 D aurisys_lib_manager: UL out, sample_rate: 16000 =>
16000, num_channels: 1 => 1, audio_format: 0x1 => 0x1, interleave: 0 => 1, frame:
20 => 0
04-30 14:22:18.033 568 22220 D aurisys_lib_manager: AEC, sample_rate: 48000 =>
16000, num_channels: 2 => 1, audio_format: 0x1 => 0x1, interleave: 1 => 0, frame: 0
=> 20
04-30 14:22:18.033 568 22220 D aurisys_lib_handler: lib_name mtk_speech_enh,
0xf441bb80, set ul_analog_gain_ref_only 48, ul_digital_gain 48, retval 0
04-30 14:22:18.034 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect()+ 0xf5a1bf90
04-30 14:22:18.034 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect(), effect type:
7b491460, effect name:Acoustic Echo Canceler
04-30 14:22:18.034 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect(),
StreamInAttributeinfo num_channels=1, audio_channel_mask=10, sample_rate=16000
04-30 14:22:18.034 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect()-, RetStatus=0
04-30 14:22:18.034 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect()+ 0xf4192950
04-30 14:22:18.034 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect(), effect type:
58b4b260, effect name:Noise Suppression
04-30 14:22:18.034 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect(),
StreamInAttributeinfo num_channels=1, audio_channel_mask=10, sample_rate=16000
04-30 14:22:18.034 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect()-, RetStatus=0
04-30 14:22:18.034 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect()+ 0xf5a1bff0
04-30 14:22:18.034 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect(), effect type:
0a8abfe0, effect name:Automatic Gain Control
04-30 14:22:18.034 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect(),
StreamInAttributeinfo num_channels=1, audio_channel_mask=10, sample_rate=16000
04-30 14:22:18.034 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect()-, RetStatus=0
04-30 14:22:18.034 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal(-), drop_ms = 60
04-30 14:22:18.034 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC: -open()
04-30 14:22:18.034 568 22220 D AudioALSAStreamIn: open(), Set RawStartFrameCount
= 0
04-30 14:22:18.060 568 29052 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
syncEchoRefData(UL*), UL in: 525673.135780965, EchoRef: 0.000000000
04-30 14:22:18.061 568 29053 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
syncEchoRefData(AEC*), UL in: 525673.135780965, EchoRef: 525673.138541998
04-30 14:22:18.061 568 29053 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
syncEchoRefData(), III. time_diff_ms 2.761033, compensate 532 echo ref data
04-30 14:22:18.061 568 29053 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
+mRawDataBuf data_count 3840, mEchoRefDataBuf data_count 4372,
mRawDataPeriodBufSize = 3840, mEchoRefDataPeriodBufSize = 3840
04-30 14:22:18.061 568 29053 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal: -
mRawDataBuf data_count 0, -mEchoRefDataBuf data_count 532
04-30 14:22:18.074 568 29055 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840, data_count_raw_aec 532,
mEchoRefDataPeriodBufSize 3840
04-30 14:22:18.258 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
04-30 14:22:18.258 568 17919 W AudioALSAHardware: setParameters(), still have
param.size() = 1, remain param = "cameraFacing=front"
04-30 14:22:18.258 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
04-30 14:22:18.383 810 28838 I BWC : cam_id=1 sen_fps=30 sen_size=1997568
pd=0 video=0 vb_ratio=0.000000 vb_time=0.000000 rawi=0 yuv=0 raw_bbp=1.250000
04-30 14:22:18.894 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): -597, -11094,
7568, dt: 157
04-30 14:22:20.212 710 20493 V Camera2ClientBase: notifyShutter: Shutter
notification for request id 0 at time 525675262568000
04-30 14:22:20.375 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): -5681, -5192,
7537, dt: 160
04-30 14:22:21.379 568 17919 W DeviceHAL: Error from HAL Device in function
get_mic_mute: Function not implemented
04-30 14:22:21.380 568 17919 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) HwBinder:568_6
identical 1 line
04-30 14:22:21.380 568 17919 W DeviceHAL: Error from HAL Device in function
get_mic_mute: Function not implemented
04-30 14:22:21.404 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: standby(), halRequest 0,
mDestroy 0, flag 0
04-30 14:22:21.404 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: close()
04-30 14:22:21.404 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: updateStandByFrameCount(),
update the mStandbyFrameCount = 61615360-> 61669120
04-30 14:22:21.404 568 17919 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC: +close()
04-30 14:22:21.421 568 17919 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
pthread_join hProcessThread done
04-30 14:22:21.421 568 17919 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase: detach(),
0xf40a4000, mCaptureDataClientVector.size()=1, Identity=0xf5a4b6c0
04-30 14:22:21.421 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopInputDevice(), mInputDevice = 0x80000004, stop_device = 0x80000004,
mStartInputDeviceCount = 1, mMicInverse = 0, mNumPhoneMicSupport = 1
04-30 14:22:21.421 568 17919 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = builtin_Mic_SingleMic descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
04-30 14:22:21.421 568 17919 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: close()
04-30 14:22:21.440 568 29052 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: -readThread(),
pid: 568, tid: 29052
04-30 14:22:21.441 568 17919 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: pthread_join
hReadThread done
04-30 14:22:21.444 568 17919 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: -close()
04-30 14:22:21.444 568 17919 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase: detach(),
0xf40a4400, mCaptureDataClientVector.size()=1, Identity=0xf5a4b6c0
04-30 14:22:21.444 568 17919 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderEchoRef: close()
04-30 14:22:21.463 568 17919 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mCaptureDataProviderEchoRef detach done
04-30 14:22:21.463 568 17919 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
04-30 14:22:21.463 568 17919 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_speech_enh, 0xf441bb80,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf0c00000, retval = 0
04-30 14:22:21.464 568 17919 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf5a65260
04-30 14:22:21.464 568 17919 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC: -close()
04-30 14:22:21.465 568 17919 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC:
04-30 14:22:21.470 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing releaseAudioPatch
04-30 14:22:21.470 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
4150, keyValuePairs = routing=0
04-30 14:22:21.470 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +routingInputDevice(),
input_device: 0x80000004 => 0x0
04-30 14:22:21.470 568 25698 W AudioALSAStreamManager: -routingInputDevice(),
input_device == AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE(0x0), return
04-30 14:22:21.470 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: handlecheck releaseAudioPatch
remove handle [1908] OK
04-30 14:22:21.485 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), 0xf5a1bf90
04-30 14:22:21.485 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), effect
name:Acoustic Echo Canceler, BackupCount=3
04-30 14:22:21.485 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() found fx at
index 0, 0xf5a1bf90
04-30 14:22:21.485 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() moving fx
from 1 to 0
04-30 14:22:21.485 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() moving fx
from 2 to 1
04-30 14:22:21.485 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect()-
04-30 14:22:21.485 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), 0xf5a1bf90
04-30 14:22:21.486 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), effect
name:Acoustic Echo Canceler, BackupCount=2
04-30 14:22:21.486 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() no effect
found in backup queue
04-30 14:22:21.487 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), 0xf4192950
04-30 14:22:21.487 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), effect
name:Noise Suppression, BackupCount=2
04-30 14:22:21.487 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() found fx at
index 0, 0xf4192950
04-30 14:22:21.487 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() moving fx
from 1 to 0
04-30 14:22:21.487 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect()-
04-30 14:22:21.487 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), 0xf4192950
04-30 14:22:21.487 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), effect
name:Noise Suppression, BackupCount=1
04-30 14:22:21.487 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() no effect
found in backup queue
04-30 14:22:21.488 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), 0xf5a1bff0
04-30 14:22:21.488 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), effect
name:Automatic Gain Control, BackupCount=1
04-30 14:22:21.488 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() found fx at
index 0, 0xf5a1bff0
04-30 14:22:21.488 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect()-
04-30 14:22:21.489 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), 0xf5a1bff0
04-30 14:22:21.489 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(),
mPreProcessEffectBackupCount wrong
04-30 14:22:21.568 710 29065 V Camera3-Status: getDeviceStateLocked: Component 0
not idle
04-30 14:22:21.568 710 29065 V Camera3-Status: getDeviceStateLocked: Component 1
not idle
04-30 14:22:21.568 810 17130 I MtkCam/ppl_context: [endFlush] + <Default/1>
04-30 14:22:21.568 810 17130 I mtkcam-InFlightRequest: [waitUntilDrained] +
04-30 14:22:21.568 810 17130 I mtkcam-InFlightRequest: [waitUntilDrained] -
04-30 14:22:21.568 810 17130 I MtkCam/ppl_context: [endFlush] - <Default/1>
04-30 14:22:21.568 810 17130 I mtkcam-PreReleaseRequest: [dump] ========== dump
PreReleaseRequestMgr ===========
04-30 14:22:21.568 810 17130 I mtkcam-PreReleaseRequest: [dump] ========== dump
InFlightRequests(0) ============
04-30 14:22:21.568 810 17130 I mtkcam-PreReleaseRequest: [dump] ========== dump
PendingRequests(0) ============
04-30 14:22:21.568 810 17130 I mtkcam-dev3: [1-session::tryRunCommandLocked] Run
command onFlushLocked -
04-30 14:22:21.568 710 20321 V Camera3-Device:
[0xf334c180]waitUntilDrainedLocked: Camera 1: Waiting until idle (5000000000ns)
04-30 14:22:21.719 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
04-30 14:22:21.719 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
13, keyValuePairs = routing=1
04-30 14:22:21.720 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices: 0x2 => 0x1
04-30 14:22:21.720 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setSuspend(), mSuspendCount =
0, suspend_on = 1, flags 0x6
04-30 14:22:21.721 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +routing(), route output
device from 0x2 to 0x1, flag 0x6
04-30 14:22:21.721 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 6
04-30 14:22:21.721 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
6, mDevice = 0x2
04-30 14:22:21.721 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: deinitPlayBackHandler
ePlaybackHandlerType 7
04-30 14:22:21.721 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: +deinit
04-30 14:22:21.721 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: vafx_speaker_boost_deinit+
04-30 14:22:21.721 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: vafx_speaker_boost_deinit-
04-30 14:22:21.721 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: -deinit
04-30 14:22:21.721 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: ~AudioALSAVAFXCtrl
ePlaybackHandlerType 7
04-30 14:22:21.721 568 17919 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xf4437000) 0xf2442700 0xf2447bc0
04-30 14:22:21.721 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1,
playbackhandler size 1
04-30 14:22:21.721 568 17919 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
04-30 14:22:21.726 568 17919 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
04-30 14:22:21.726 568 17919 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 0
04-30 14:22:21.726 568 17919 W AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output
DeviceStatusCounter < 0
04-30 14:22:21.728 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
04-30 14:22:21.728 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
04-30 14:22:21.728 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
04-30 14:22:21.728 568 17919 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_speech_enh, 0xf441b900,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf0f00000, retval = 0
04-30 14:22:21.729 568 17919 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf5a657a0
04-30 14:22:21.729 568 17919 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
04-30 14:22:21.729 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
04-30 14:22:21.729 568 17919 D [Awinic]: End Done !
04-30 14:22:21.729 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setSuspend(), mSuspendCount =
1, suspend_on = 0, flags 0x6
04-30 14:22:21.735 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn:
updateOutputDeviceInfoForInputStream(), mStreamInReopen = 1,
mStreamAttributeTarget.output_devices change: 0x2 => 0x1
04-30 14:22:21.735 568 17919 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 0, devices 0x1, index 5, mode 0x3
04-30 14:22:21.735 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices = 0x1
04-30 14:22:21.735 568 4396 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 0, devices 0x1, index 5, mode 0x3
04-30 14:22:21.735 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 6
04-30 14:22:21.735 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 3, output_devices = 0x1, isMixerOut = 0x0, flag = 6
04-30 14:22:21.735 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x1, flags: 0x6, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e
04-30 14:22:21.737 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:Awinic dlopen lib success
04-30 14:22:21.737 568 4396 I [Awinic]: mec6_v0.1.5
04-30 14:22:21.738 568 4396 D [Awinic]: set parameter done!
04-30 14:22:21.738 568 4396 D [Awinic]: init Done !
04-30 14:22:21.738 568 4396 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
04-30 14:22:21.738 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 6,
source output_devices = 0x1, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 2048, sample_rate =
04-30 14:22:21.738 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xf4439680 Init lib v125
04-30 14:22:21.738 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
04-30 14:22:21.738 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this (0xf4439680) init done 0xf442e980 0xf2456580
04-30 14:22:21.738 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 7,
stringpair = I2S0DL1_PLayback
04-30 14:22:21.738 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x1)
04-30 14:22:21.738 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 6,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 256, period_count
= 4, format = 1, avail_min = 256, start_threshold = 1024
04-30 14:22:21.739 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 1, device = 0x1, SampleRate =
04-30 14:22:21.739 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 7 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xf5a4b260
04-30 14:22:21.739 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, voip: 1, mAurisysScenario: 5
04-30 14:22:21.739 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x1, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 4, audio_mode: 3, stream_type: 0, output_flags: 0x6,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
04-30 14:22:21.740 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1,
frame = 20, b_interleave = 0, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
04-30 14:22:21.740 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 1, ch_mask:
0x1, buf fs: 16000, buf content fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1; dl out[type:3], ch: 1,
ch_mask: 0x1, buf fs: 16000, buf content fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1
04-30 14:22:21.740 568 4396 D : categoryPath =
Scene,Default,Profile,Normal, custom_scene = Default
04-30 14:22:21.740 568 4396 D : parm_WB[ 0]=128, 253, 10756, 63, 55303,
1119, 63429, 99, 1120, 651
04-30 14:22:21.740 568 4396 D : ,parm_WB[10]=626, 64, 152, 0, 0, 0,
58587, 38911, 24410
04-30 14:22:21.740 568 4396 D : ,parm_WB[32]=208, parm_WB[47]=41116
04-30 14:22:21.740 568 4396 D : comm_parm[ 0]=0, 55997, 31000, 87,
32769, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
04-30 14:22:21.740 568 4396 D : [=coef=]Compen_filter_WB: p[0]=65090,
p[1]=92, p[2]=65428, p[3]=477, p[4]=64968
04-30 14:22:21.740 568 4396 D : [=coef=]MIC1_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=58178,
p[1]=15521, p[2]=7644, p[3]=50248, p[4]=7644
04-30 14:22:21.740 568 4396 D : [=coef=]MIC2_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=57527,
p[1]=16194, p[2]=7884, p[3]=49768, p[4]=7884
04-30 14:22:21.740 568 4396 D : [=coef=]ENH_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=31376,
p[1]=50468, p[2]=32769, p[3]=16384, p[4]=32596
04-30 14:22:21.740 568 4396 D : [=coef=]ENH_IIR_COEF_DL_WB: p[0]=52853,
p[1]=48451, p[2]=13948, p[3]=17828, p[4]=59841
04-30 14:22:21.740 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=1938,model=vivo 1938", file_path
"/vendor/etc/aurisys_param/Speech_AudioParam.xml", enhancement_mode 0,
param_buf_size 15256, data_size 15256, custom_info SetAudioCustomScene=
04-30 14:22:21.742 568 4396 D : MTK_SP1 Soft. Version 1.1.17, 2019-03-04
04-30 14:22:21.742 568 4396 D : Current sample rate, 16000
04-30 14:22:21.742 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_speech_enh, 0xf441e100, memory_size
2744096, arsi_handler 0xf0f00000, retval 0x0
04-30 14:22:21.742 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_speech_enh, 0xf441e100, sample_rate: 48000 => 16000, num_channels: 2 => 1,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x1, interleave: 1 => 0, frame: 0 => 20
04-30 14:22:21.743 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 16000 =>
48000, num_channels: 1 => 2, audio_format: 0x1 => 0x4, interleave: 0 => 1, frame:
20 => 0
04-30 14:22:21.743 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x1, mOutputDevices = 0x0,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
04-30 14:22:21.743 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = receiver_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
04-30 14:22:21.744 568 4396 D _V_ktv_service: audio_mtk_ktv_set_output: 0x1
04-30 14:22:21.744 568 4396 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
04-30 14:22:21.744 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
04-30 14:22:21.745 568 4396 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error =
04-30 14:22:21.750 568 4396 D audio_ringbuf: dynamic_change_ring_buf_size(),
0xf5a53b80: 360 -> 1044, data_count 344, write_size 170, free_space 0
04-30 14:22:21.750 568 4396 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error =
04-30 14:22:21.861 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 6,
04-30 14:22:21.861 568 17919 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 0, devices 0x1, index 5, mode 0x3
04-30 14:22:21.861 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setVolumeIndex() stream=
0, device= 1, index= 5
04-30 14:22:21.861 568 17919 D SpeechDriverFactory: GetSpeechDriverByIndex(),
04-30 14:22:21.861 568 17919 D SpeechDriverNormal: setMDVolumeIndex(), stream: 0,
device: 0x1, index: 5, sph off, return
04-30 14:22:21.861 568 17919 D SpeechDriverFactory: GetSpeechDriverByIndex(),
04-30 14:22:21.861 568 17919 D SpeechDriverFactory: GetSpeechDriverByIndex(),
04-30 14:22:21.864 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
04-30 14:22:21.864 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
21, keyValuePairs = routing=1
04-30 14:22:21.864 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x8, output_devices: 0x2 => 0x1
04-30 14:22:21.864 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -routingOutputDevice(),
stream out not active, route itself and return
04-30 14:22:21.864 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +routing(), route output
device from 0x2 to 0x1, flag 0x8
04-30 14:22:21.893 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager:
setAllInputStreamsSuspend(), this streamin does not have capture handler, just set
04-30 14:22:21.894 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: setSuspend(), mSuspendLockCount
= 0 ,mSuspendCount = 0, suspend_on = 1
04-30 14:22:21.894 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: standbyAllInputStreams(),
mStreamInVector[0] capture handler not created yet, pAudioALSAStreamIn=0xf54e1500,
04-30 14:22:21.894 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setMode(), mAudioMode: 3
=> 0, mEnterPhoneCallMode = 0, mResumeAllStreamsAtRouting = 0,
resumeAllStreamsAtSetMode = 1
04-30 14:22:21.894 568 17919 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 0, devices 0x1, index 5, mode 0x0
04-30 14:22:21.894 568 17919 D AudioUtility: power_hal_hint - custPowerHint 3,
data 0
04-30 14:22:21.896 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x1, flags: 0x6, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e
04-30 14:22:21.896 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager:
setAllInputStreamsSuspend(), this streamin does not have capture handler, just set
04-30 14:22:21.896 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: setSuspend(), mSuspendLockCount
= 0 ,mSuspendCount = 1, suspend_on = 0
04-30 14:22:21.896 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -setMode(), mAudioMode =
0, mResumeAllStreamsAtRouting = 0, resumeAllStreamsAtSetMode = 1
04-30 14:22:21.902 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
04-30 14:22:21.903 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
13, keyValuePairs = routing=1
04-30 14:22:21.906 568 17919 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x1), return
04-30 14:22:21.923 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
04-30 14:22:21.923 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_speech_enh, 0xf441e100,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf0f00000, retval = 0
04-30 14:22:21.924 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf5a65e30
04-30 14:22:21.924 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, voip: 0, mAurisysScenario: 1
04-30 14:22:21.924 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x1, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 2, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 0, output_flags: 0x6,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
04-30 14:22:21.924 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3,
frame = 0, b_interleave = 1, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
04-30 14:22:21.924 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask:
0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3; dl out[type:3], ch: 2,
ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3
04-30 14:22:21.924 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
04-30 14:22:21.924 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [0]/[PlaybackACF]
04-30 14:22:21.924 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
04-30 14:22:21.925 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=1938,model=vivo 1938", file_path "/vendor/etc/audio_param",
enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 2528, data_size 2528, custom_info
04-30 14:22:21.925 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf441e100, memory_size
72624, arsi_handler 0xf41e03c0, retval 0x0
04-30 14:22:21.925 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), arsi_query_process_unit_bytes, ul 0, dl 2048, retval
04-30 14:22:21.925 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_bessound, 0xf441e100, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x3, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0 => 0
04-30 14:22:21.925 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 48000 =>
48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x4, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0
=> 0
04-30 14:22:22.410 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 6
04-30 14:22:22.410 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 6
04-30 14:22:22.410 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 6
04-30 14:22:22.410 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
6, mDevice = 0x1
04-30 14:22:22.411 568 17919 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xf4439680) 0xf442e980 0xf2456580
04-30 14:22:22.411 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x1, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1,
playbackhandler size 1
04-30 14:22:22.411 568 17919 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = receiver_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
04-30 14:22:22.412 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
04-30 14:22:22.412 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x1, SampleRate =
04-30 14:22:22.412 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
04-30 14:22:22.412 568 17919 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf441e100,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf41e03c0, retval = 0
04-30 14:22:22.412 568 17919 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf5a65e30
04-30 14:22:22.412 568 17919 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
04-30 14:22:22.412 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
04-30 14:22:22.412 568 17919 D [Awinic]: End Done !
04-30 14:22:22.913 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters(): checkDevice=
04-30 14:22:22.913 568 17919 W AudioALSAHardware: setParameters(), still have
param.size() = 1, remain param = "checkDevice="
04-30 14:22:22.913 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters(): checkDevice=
04-30 14:22:25.089 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SingleStaMonitorState what:558356 0 0 rt=525680194/598593752
04-30 14:22:25.090 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine: AppRttMonitorState
what:558356 0 0 rt=525680195/598593752
04-30 14:22:25.090 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SystemRttMonitorState what:558356 0 0 rt=525680195/598593752
04-30 14:22:25.090 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine: DefaultState
what:558356 0 0 rt=525680195/598593753
04-30 14:22:25.260 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SingleStaMonitorState what:558351 0 0 rt=525680365/598593923
04-30 14:22:25.260 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine: AppRttMonitorState
what:558351 0 0 rt=525680365/598593923
04-30 14:22:25.260 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SystemRttMonitorState what:558351 0 0 rt=525680365/598593923
04-30 14:22:25.421 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SingleStaMonitorState CMD_GET_TCP_INFO 0 0 rt=525680526/598594084
04-30 14:22:26.423 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SingleStaMonitorState CMD_GET_TCP_INFO 0 0 rt=525681528/598595086
04-30 14:22:26.481 10713 10713 I _V_ContentCatcher-FingerTouchManager:
{ action=ACTION_POINTER_DOWN(1), actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=558.0, y[0]=1311.0,
toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, id[1]=1, x[1]=98.0, y[1]=1220.0,
toolType[1]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0,
flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=2, historySize=0, eventTime=525681585,
downTime=525681569, deviceId=2, source=0x1002,
displayId=0 },mCurrentMotionEvent:MotionEvent { action=ACTION_POINTER_DOWN(1),
actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=558.0, y[0]=1311.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER,
id[1]=1, x[1]=98.0, y[1]=1220.0, toolType[1]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0,
classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=2,
historySize=0, eventTime=525681585, downTime=525681569, deviceId=2, source=0x1002,
displayId=0 })
04-30 14:22:26.718 10713 10713 I _V_ContentCatcher-FingerTouchManager:
{ action=ACTION_POINTER_DOWN(1), actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=99.0, y[0]=1223.0,
toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, id[1]=1, x[1]=507.0, y[1]=1161.0,
toolType[1]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0,
flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=2, historySize=0, eventTime=525681820,
downTime=525681753, deviceId=2, source=0x1002,
displayId=0 },mCurrentMotionEvent:MotionEvent { action=ACTION_POINTER_DOWN(1),
actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=99.0, y[0]=1223.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER,
id[1]=1, x[1]=507.0, y[1]=1161.0, toolType[1]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0,
classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=2,
historySize=0, eventTime=525681820, downTime=525681753, deviceId=2, source=0x1002,
displayId=0 })
04-30 14:22:27.262 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SingleStaMonitorState what:558351 0 0 rt=525682367/598595925
04-30 14:22:27.263 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine: AppRttMonitorState
what:558351 0 0 rt=525682368/598595926
04-30 14:22:27.263 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SystemRttMonitorState what:558351 0 0 rt=525682368/598595926
04-30 14:22:27.424 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SingleStaMonitorState CMD_GET_TCP_INFO 0 0 rt=525682529/598596086
04-30 14:22:27.654 10713 10713 I _V_ContentCatcher-FingerTouchManager:
{ action=ACTION_POINTER_DOWN(1), actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=270.0, y[0]=1333.0,
toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, id[1]=1, x[1]=472.0, y[1]=1131.0,
toolType[1]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0,
flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=2, historySize=0, eventTime=525682757,
downTime=525682707, deviceId=2, source=0x1002,
displayId=0 },mCurrentMotionEvent:MotionEvent { action=ACTION_POINTER_DOWN(1),
actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=270.0, y[0]=1333.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER,
id[1]=1, x[1]=472.0, y[1]=1131.0, toolType[1]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0,
classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=2,
historySize=0, eventTime=525682757, downTime=525682707, deviceId=2, source=0x1002,
displayId=0 })
04-30 14:22:28.116 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SingleStaMonitorState what:558356 0 0 rt=525683221/598596778
04-30 14:22:28.116 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine: AppRttMonitorState
what:558356 0 0 rt=525683221/598596779
04-30 14:22:28.116 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SystemRttMonitorState what:558356 0 0 rt=525683221/598596779
04-30 14:22:28.116 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine: DefaultState
what:558356 0 0 rt=525683221/598596779
04-30 14:22:28.425 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SingleStaMonitorState CMD_GET_TCP_INFO 0 0 rt=525683530/598597088
04-30 14:22:29.264 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SingleStaMonitorState what:558351 0 0 rt=525684369/598597927
04-30 14:22:29.264 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine: AppRttMonitorState
what:558351 0 0 rt=525684369/598597927
04-30 14:22:29.264 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SystemRttMonitorState what:558351 0 0 rt=525684369/598597927
04-30 14:22:29.425 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SingleStaMonitorState CMD_GET_TCP_INFO 0 0 rt=525684530/598598088
04-30 14:22:29.781 10713 10713 I _V_ContentCatcher-FingerTouchManager:
{ action=ACTION_POINTER_DOWN(1), actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=78.0, y[0]=1201.0,
toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, id[1]=1, x[1]=363.0, y[1]=1120.0,
toolType[1]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0,
flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=2, historySize=0, eventTime=525684884,
downTime=525684817, deviceId=2, source=0x1002,
displayId=0 },mCurrentMotionEvent:MotionEvent { action=ACTION_POINTER_DOWN(1),
actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=78.0, y[0]=1201.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER,
id[1]=1, x[1]=363.0, y[1]=1120.0, toolType[1]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0,
classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=2,
historySize=0, eventTime=525684884, downTime=525684817, deviceId=2, source=0x1002,
displayId=0 })
04-30 14:22:29.829 15893 28966 V MediaPlayerNative: setDataSource(178, 41070772,
04-30 14:22:29.831 752 27998 V MediaPlayerService: setDataSource fd=9
(/data/app/com.whatsapp-svn5sXTSxrKBqBUpVn2Yig==/base.apk), offset=41070772,
04-30 14:22:29.841 752 27998 V NuPlayer: setDataSourceAsync fd 9/41070772/4568
source: 0xf1476400
04-30 14:22:29.876 752 29228 V NuPlayer: startPlaybackTimer() time
525684981473640 (onstart)
04-30 14:22:29.944 752 29234 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
23219, start 525685038127640, so match entry
04-30 14:22:29.944 752 29234 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
46439, start 525685039883101, so match entry
04-30 14:22:29.945 752 29234 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
69659, start 525685041250409, so match entry
04-30 14:22:29.946 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:22:29.946 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:22:29.952 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:22:29.953 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:22:29.970 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
04-30 14:22:29.970 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
13, keyValuePairs = routing=2
04-30 14:22:29.970 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices: 0x1 => 0x2
04-30 14:22:29.970 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -routingOutputDevice(),
stream out not active, route itself and return
04-30 14:22:29.970 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +routing(), route output
device from 0x1 to 0x2, flag 0x6
04-30 14:22:29.981 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 6,
04-30 14:22:29.981 568 17919 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 5, devices 0x2, index 7, mode 0x0
04-30 14:22:29.981 568 17919 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
12, spkAnaType = 3, spkLMixerName = Lineout_PGAL_GAIN, spkRMixerName =
04-30 14:22:29.981 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setVolumeIndex() stream=
5, device= 2, index= 7
04-30 14:22:29.990 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
04-30 14:22:29.990 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 6,
04-30 14:22:29.990 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 8,
04-30 14:22:29.990 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 65536,
04-30 14:22:29.991 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
04-30 14:22:29.996 752 29232 V AudioSink: getPlayedOutDurationUs(0)
nowUs(525685101056) frames(0) framesAt(525685101056)
04-30 14:22:29.996 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamIn:
updateOutputDeviceInfoForInputStream(), mStreamInReopen = 1,
mStreamAttributeTarget.output_devices change: 0x1 => 0x2
04-30 14:22:29.996 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +syncSharedOutDevice(),
routingSharedOutDevice: 2
04-30 14:22:29.996 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -syncSharedOutDevice()
04-30 14:22:29.996 568 4396 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 5, devices 0x2, index 7, mode 0x0
04-30 14:22:29.996 568 4396 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
12, spkAnaType = 3, spkLMixerName = Lineout_PGAL_GAIN, spkRMixerName =
04-30 14:22:29.997 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 6
04-30 14:22:29.997 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 0, output_devices = 0x2, isMixerOut = 0x0, flag = 6
04-30 14:22:29.997 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x6, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e
04-30 14:22:29.999 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:Awinic dlopen lib success
04-30 14:22:29.999 568 4396 I [Awinic]: mec6_v0.1.5
04-30 14:22:30.000 568 4396 D [Awinic]: set parameter done!
04-30 14:22:30.000 568 4396 D [Awinic]: init Done !
04-30 14:22:30.000 568 4396 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
04-30 14:22:30.000 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 6,
source output_devices = 0x2, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 2048, sample_rate =
04-30 14:22:30.000 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xf4437700 Init lib v125
04-30 14:22:30.000 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
04-30 14:22:30.000 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this (0xf4437700) init done 0xf4463940 0xf21b1b80
04-30 14:22:30.000 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 7,
stringpair = I2S0DL1_PLayback
04-30 14:22:30.001 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x1)
04-30 14:22:30.001 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 6,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 256, period_count
= 4, format = 1, avail_min = 256, start_threshold = 1024
04-30 14:22:30.001 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 1, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
04-30 14:22:30.003 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 7 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xf5a4ae00
04-30 14:22:30.003 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, voip: 0, mAurisysScenario: 1
04-30 14:22:30.003 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 2, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 5, output_flags: 0x6,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
04-30 14:22:30.003 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3,
frame = 0, b_interleave = 1, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
04-30 14:22:30.003 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask:
0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3; dl out[type:3], ch: 2,
ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3
04-30 14:22:30.003 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
04-30 14:22:30.003 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [5]/[PlaybackDRC]
04-30 14:22:30.003 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music
04-30 14:22:30.003 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
04-30 14:22:30.003 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [0]/[PlaybackACF]
04-30 14:22:30.003 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
04-30 14:22:30.003 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
04-30 14:22:30.003 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [6]/[PlaybackDRC]
04-30 14:22:30.003 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Ring
04-30 14:22:30.003 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
04-30 14:22:30.003 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [8]/[PlaybackACF]
04-30 14:22:30.003 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
04-30 14:22:30.003 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=1938,model=vivo 1938", file_path "/vendor/etc/audio_param",
enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 2528, data_size 2528, custom_info
04-30 14:22:30.004 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf441e600, memory_size
72624, arsi_handler 0xf41e0bc0, retval 0x0
04-30 14:22:30.004 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), arsi_query_process_unit_bytes, ul 0, dl 2048, retval
04-30 14:22:30.004 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_bessound, 0xf441e600, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x3, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0 => 0
04-30 14:22:30.004 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 48000 =>
48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x4, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0
=> 0
04-30 14:22:30.004 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x2, mOutputDevices = 0x0,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
04-30 14:22:30.004 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: spkType is 1
04-30 14:22:30.004 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: OpenSpeakerPath
SampleRate 48000
04-30 14:22:30.004 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
04-30 14:22:30.005 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
04-30 14:22:30.038 752 29228 V NuPlayer: updatePlaybackTimer(stop) time
525684981473640 (onPause)
04-30 14:22:30.041 568 4396 D _V_ktv_service: audio_mtk_ktv_set_output: 0x2
04-30 14:22:30.041 568 4396 V AudioALSAVAFXManager: initPlayBackHandler
04-30 14:22:30.041 568 4396 V AudioALSAVAFXManager: OpenPCMDump()
04-30 14:22:30.041 568 4396 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: F 0x4 Dev 0x0 CM 0xc CN 2 SR
48000 BS 8192
04-30 14:22:30.041 568 4396 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: AudioALSAVAFXCtrl
ePlaybackHandlerType 7
04-30 14:22:30.041 568 4396 D _V_vafx_sp_wrapper: vafx_speaker_boost_init:
sample_rate 48000, format_type 2
04-30 14:22:30.042 568 4396 D _V_vafx_sp_wrapper:
04-30 14:22:30.042 568 4396 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
04-30 14:22:30.042 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
04-30 14:22:30.427 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SingleStaMonitorState CMD_GET_TCP_INFO 0 0 rt=525685532/598599090
04-30 14:22:31.101 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 6
04-30 14:22:31.101 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 6
04-30 14:22:31.101 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 6
04-30 14:22:31.101 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
6, mDevice = 0x2
04-30 14:22:31.101 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: deinitPlayBackHandler
ePlaybackHandlerType 7
04-30 14:22:31.102 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: +deinit
04-30 14:22:31.102 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: vafx_speaker_boost_deinit+
04-30 14:22:31.102 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: vafx_speaker_boost_deinit-
04-30 14:22:31.102 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: -deinit
04-30 14:22:31.102 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: ~AudioALSAVAFXCtrl
ePlaybackHandlerType 7
04-30 14:22:31.102 568 17919 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xf4437700) 0xf4463940 0xf21b1b80
04-30 14:22:31.102 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1,
playbackhandler size 1
04-30 14:22:31.103 568 17919 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
04-30 14:22:31.109 568 17919 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
04-30 14:22:31.109 568 17919 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 0
04-30 14:22:31.109 568 17919 W AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output
DeviceStatusCounter < 0
04-30 14:22:31.110 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
04-30 14:22:31.110 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
04-30 14:22:31.110 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
04-30 14:22:31.110 568 17919 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf441e600,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf41e0bc0, retval = 0
04-30 14:22:31.111 568 17919 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf5a651f0
04-30 14:22:31.111 568 17919 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
04-30 14:22:31.111 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
04-30 14:22:31.111 568 17919 D [Awinic]: End Done !
04-30 14:22:31.141 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SingleStaMonitorState what:558356 0 0 rt=525686245/598599803
04-30 14:22:31.141 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine: AppRttMonitorState
what:558356 0 0 rt=525686246/598599803
04-30 14:22:31.141 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SystemRttMonitorState what:558356 0 0 rt=525686246/598599804
04-30 14:22:31.141 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine: DefaultState
what:558356 0 0 rt=525686246/598599804
04-30 14:22:31.265 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SingleStaMonitorState what:558351 0 0 rt=525686369/598599927
04-30 14:22:31.265 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine: AppRttMonitorState
what:558351 0 0 rt=525686370/598599928
04-30 14:22:31.265 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SystemRttMonitorState what:558351 0 0 rt=525686370/598599928
04-30 14:22:31.428 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SingleStaMonitorState CMD_GET_TCP_INFO 0 0 rt=525686533/598600091
04-30 14:22:32.201 15893 28966 V MediaPlayerNative: setDataSource(178, 41070772,
04-30 14:22:32.203 752 27998 V MediaPlayerService: setDataSource fd=68
(/data/app/com.whatsapp-svn5sXTSxrKBqBUpVn2Yig==/base.apk), offset=41070772,
04-30 14:22:32.217 752 27998 V NuPlayer: setDataSourceAsync fd 68/41070772/4568
source: 0xf1476580
04-30 14:22:32.258 752 29248 V NuPlayer: startPlaybackTimer() time
525687363361255 (onstart)
04-30 14:22:32.338 752 29253 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
23219, start 525687430756025, so match entry
04-30 14:22:32.339 752 29253 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
46439, start 525687432174255, so match entry
04-30 14:22:32.340 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:22:32.340 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:22:32.341 752 29253 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
69659, start 525687433914871, so match entry
04-30 14:22:32.346 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:22:32.347 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:22:32.367 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
04-30 14:22:32.367 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
13, keyValuePairs = routing=2
04-30 14:22:32.367 568 17919 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x2), return
04-30 14:22:32.372 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
04-30 14:22:32.372 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 6,
04-30 14:22:32.372 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 8,
04-30 14:22:32.372 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 65536,
04-30 14:22:32.373 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
04-30 14:22:32.377 752 29251 V AudioSink: getPlayedOutDurationUs(0)
nowUs(525687482421) frames(0) framesAt(525687482421)
04-30 14:22:32.378 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +syncSharedOutDevice(),
routingSharedOutDevice: 2
04-30 14:22:32.378 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -syncSharedOutDevice()
04-30 14:22:32.378 568 4396 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 5, devices 0x2, index 7, mode 0x0
04-30 14:22:32.378 568 4396 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
12, spkAnaType = 3, spkLMixerName = Lineout_PGAL_GAIN, spkRMixerName =
04-30 14:22:32.378 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 6
04-30 14:22:32.378 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 0, output_devices = 0x2, isMixerOut = 0x0, flag = 6
04-30 14:22:32.378 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x6, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e
04-30 14:22:32.379 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:Awinic dlopen lib success
04-30 14:22:32.379 568 4396 I [Awinic]: mec6_v0.1.5
04-30 14:22:32.379 568 4396 D [Awinic]: set parameter done!
04-30 14:22:32.379 568 4396 D [Awinic]: init Done !
04-30 14:22:32.379 568 4396 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
04-30 14:22:32.379 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 6,
source output_devices = 0x2, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 2048, sample_rate =
04-30 14:22:32.379 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xf4439300 Init lib v125
04-30 14:22:32.379 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
04-30 14:22:32.379 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this (0xf4439300) init done 0xf41d2300 0xf28d5b40
04-30 14:22:32.380 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 7,
stringpair = I2S0DL1_PLayback
04-30 14:22:32.380 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x1)
04-30 14:22:32.380 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 6,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 256, period_count
= 4, format = 1, avail_min = 256, start_threshold = 1024
04-30 14:22:32.380 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 1, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
04-30 14:22:32.381 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 7 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xf5a4b500
04-30 14:22:32.381 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, voip: 0, mAurisysScenario: 1
04-30 14:22:32.381 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 2, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 5, output_flags: 0x6,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
04-30 14:22:32.381 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3,
frame = 0, b_interleave = 1, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
04-30 14:22:32.381 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask:
0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3; dl out[type:3], ch: 2,
ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3
04-30 14:22:32.382 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
04-30 14:22:32.382 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [5]/[PlaybackDRC]
04-30 14:22:32.382 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music
04-30 14:22:32.382 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
04-30 14:22:32.382 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [0]/[PlaybackACF]
04-30 14:22:32.382 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
04-30 14:22:32.382 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
04-30 14:22:32.382 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [6]/[PlaybackDRC]
04-30 14:22:32.382 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Ring
04-30 14:22:32.382 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
04-30 14:22:32.382 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [8]/[PlaybackACF]
04-30 14:22:32.382 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
04-30 14:22:32.382 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=1938,model=vivo 1938", file_path "/vendor/etc/audio_param",
enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 2528, data_size 2528, custom_info
04-30 14:22:32.382 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf441e380, memory_size
72624, arsi_handler 0xf242df80, retval 0x0
04-30 14:22:32.382 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), arsi_query_process_unit_bytes, ul 0, dl 2048, retval
04-30 14:22:32.382 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_bessound, 0xf441e380, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x3, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0 => 0
04-30 14:22:32.383 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 48000 =>
48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x4, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0
=> 0
04-30 14:22:32.383 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x2, mOutputDevices = 0x0,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
04-30 14:22:32.383 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: spkType is 1
04-30 14:22:32.383 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: OpenSpeakerPath
SampleRate 48000
04-30 14:22:32.383 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
04-30 14:22:32.384 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
04-30 14:22:32.421 752 29248 V NuPlayer: updatePlaybackTimer(stop) time
525687363361255 (onPause)
04-30 14:22:32.422 568 4396 V AudioALSAVAFXManager: initPlayBackHandler
04-30 14:22:32.422 568 4396 V AudioALSAVAFXManager: OpenPCMDump()
04-30 14:22:32.422 568 4396 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: F 0x4 Dev 0x0 CM 0xc CN 2 SR
48000 BS 8192
04-30 14:22:32.422 568 4396 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: AudioALSAVAFXCtrl
ePlaybackHandlerType 7
04-30 14:22:32.422 568 4396 D _V_vafx_sp_wrapper: vafx_speaker_boost_init:
sample_rate 48000, format_type 2
04-30 14:22:32.422 568 4396 D _V_vafx_sp_wrapper:
04-30 14:22:32.422 568 4396 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
04-30 14:22:32.422 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
04-30 14:22:32.430 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SingleStaMonitorState CMD_GET_TCP_INFO 0 0 rt=525687535/598601093
04-30 14:22:33.266 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SingleStaMonitorState what:558351 0 0 rt=525688371/598601929
04-30 14:22:33.266 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine: AppRttMonitorState
what:558351 0 0 rt=525688371/598601929
04-30 14:22:33.267 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SystemRttMonitorState what:558351 0 0 rt=525688371/598601929
04-30 14:22:33.432 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SingleStaMonitorState CMD_GET_TCP_INFO 0 0 rt=525688537/598602094
04-30 14:22:33.482 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 6
04-30 14:22:33.482 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 6
04-30 14:22:33.482 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 6
04-30 14:22:33.483 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
6, mDevice = 0x2
04-30 14:22:33.483 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: deinitPlayBackHandler
ePlaybackHandlerType 7
04-30 14:22:33.483 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: +deinit
04-30 14:22:33.483 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: vafx_speaker_boost_deinit+
04-30 14:22:33.483 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: vafx_speaker_boost_deinit-
04-30 14:22:33.483 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: -deinit
04-30 14:22:33.483 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: ~AudioALSAVAFXCtrl
ePlaybackHandlerType 7
04-30 14:22:33.484 568 17919 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xf4439300) 0xf41d2300 0xf28d5b40
04-30 14:22:33.484 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1,
playbackhandler size 1
04-30 14:22:33.484 568 17919 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
04-30 14:22:33.490 568 17919 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
04-30 14:22:33.491 568 17919 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 0
04-30 14:22:33.491 568 17919 W AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output
DeviceStatusCounter < 0
04-30 14:22:33.492 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
04-30 14:22:33.492 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
04-30 14:22:33.492 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
04-30 14:22:33.492 568 17919 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf441e380,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf242df80, retval = 0
04-30 14:22:33.492 568 17919 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf5a656c0
04-30 14:22:33.493 568 17919 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
04-30 14:22:33.493 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
04-30 14:22:33.493 568 17919 D [Awinic]: End Done !
04-30 14:22:34.170 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SingleStaMonitorState what:558356 0 0 rt=525689275/598602833
04-30 14:22:34.170 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine: AppRttMonitorState
what:558356 0 0 rt=525689275/598602833
04-30 14:22:34.170 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SystemRttMonitorState what:558356 0 0 rt=525689275/598602833
04-30 14:22:34.170 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine: DefaultState
what:558356 0 0 rt=525689275/598602833
04-30 14:22:34.432 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SingleStaMonitorState CMD_GET_TCP_INFO 0 0 rt=525689537/598603095
04-30 14:22:35.568 1522 1734 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkInfo [WIFI ()
- 223] was already satisfying request 11290. No change.
04-30 14:22:35.568 1522 1734 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkInfo [WIFI ()
- 223] was already satisfying request 11286. No change.
04-30 14:22:35.568 2417 2417 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request
NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=11294, [ Capabilities:
INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10212] ] with score 60 and serial -1
04-30 14:22:35.568 1522 1734 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkInfo [WIFI ()
- 223] was already satisfying request 11165. No change.
04-30 14:22:35.568 1522 1734 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkInfo [WIFI ()
- 223] was already satisfying request 11276. No change.
04-30 14:22:35.568 1522 1734 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkInfo [WIFI ()
- 223] was already satisfying request 9114. No change.
04-30 14:22:35.568 1522 1734 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkInfo [WIFI ()
- 223] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
04-30 14:22:35.568 1522 1714 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
10212] ] with score 60 and serial -1
04-30 14:22:35.568 1522 1734 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkInfo [WIFI ()
- 223] was already satisfying request 11291. No change.
04-30 14:22:35.568 1522 1734 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkInfo [WIFI ()
- 223] was already satisfying request 11043. No change.
04-30 14:22:35.568 1522 1734 D ConnectivityService: sending notification
CALLBACK_AVAILABLE for NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=11294, [ Capabilities:
04-30 14:22:40.824 15893 28966 V MediaPlayerNative: setDataSource(199, 41070772,
04-30 14:22:40.828 752 14543 V MediaPlayerService: setDataSource fd=73
(/data/app/com.whatsapp-svn5sXTSxrKBqBUpVn2Yig==/base.apk), offset=41070772,
04-30 14:22:40.843 752 14543 V NuPlayer: setDataSourceAsync fd 73/41070772/4568
source: 0xf1474600
04-30 14:22:40.982 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:22:40.983 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:22:40.989 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:22:40.989 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:22:41.014 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
04-30 14:22:41.014 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
13, keyValuePairs = routing=2
04-30 14:22:41.014 568 17919 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x2), return
04-30 14:22:41.019 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
04-30 14:22:41.020 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 6,
04-30 14:22:41.020 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 8,
04-30 14:22:41.020 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 65536,
04-30 14:22:41.020 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
04-30 14:22:41.029 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +syncSharedOutDevice(),
routingSharedOutDevice: 2
04-30 14:22:41.029 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -syncSharedOutDevice()
04-30 14:22:41.029 568 4396 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 5, devices 0x2, index 7, mode 0x0
04-30 14:22:41.029 568 4396 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
12, spkAnaType = 3, spkLMixerName = Lineout_PGAL_GAIN, spkRMixerName =
04-30 14:22:41.029 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 6
04-30 14:22:41.029 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 0, output_devices = 0x2, isMixerOut = 0x0, flag = 6
04-30 14:22:41.029 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x6, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e
04-30 14:22:41.032 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:Awinic dlopen lib success
04-30 14:22:41.032 568 4396 I [Awinic]: mec6_v0.1.5
04-30 14:22:41.032 568 4396 D [Awinic]: set parameter done!
04-30 14:22:41.032 568 4396 D [Awinic]: init Done !
04-30 14:22:41.032 568 4396 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
04-30 14:22:41.032 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 6,
source output_devices = 0x2, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 2048, sample_rate =
04-30 14:22:41.033 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xf443a100 Init lib v125
04-30 14:22:41.033 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
04-30 14:22:41.033 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this (0xf443a100) init done 0xf416c740 0xf1d88700
04-30 14:22:41.033 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 7,
stringpair = I2S0DL1_PLayback
04-30 14:22:41.034 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x1)
04-30 14:22:41.034 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 6,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 256, period_count
= 4, format = 1, avail_min = 256, start_threshold = 1024
04-30 14:22:41.034 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 1, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
04-30 14:22:41.035 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 7 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xf5a4b5e0
04-30 14:22:41.035 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, voip: 0, mAurisysScenario: 1
04-30 14:22:41.035 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 2, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 5, output_flags: 0x6,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
04-30 14:22:41.036 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3,
frame = 0, b_interleave = 1, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
04-30 14:22:41.036 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask:
0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3; dl out[type:3], ch: 2,
ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3
04-30 14:22:41.036 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
04-30 14:22:41.036 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [5]/[PlaybackDRC]
04-30 14:22:41.036 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music
04-30 14:22:41.036 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
04-30 14:22:41.036 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [0]/[PlaybackACF]
04-30 14:22:41.036 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
04-30 14:22:41.036 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
04-30 14:22:41.036 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [6]/[PlaybackDRC]
04-30 14:22:41.036 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Ring
04-30 14:22:41.036 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
04-30 14:22:41.036 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [8]/[PlaybackACF]
04-30 14:22:41.036 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
04-30 14:22:41.036 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=1938,model=vivo 1938", file_path "/vendor/etc/audio_param",
enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 2528, data_size 2528, custom_info
04-30 14:22:41.037 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf441ac80, memory_size
72624, arsi_handler 0xf242d800, retval 0x0
04-30 14:22:41.037 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), arsi_query_process_unit_bytes, ul 0, dl 2048, retval
04-30 14:22:41.037 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_bessound, 0xf441ac80, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x3, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0 => 0
04-30 14:22:41.037 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 48000 =>
48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x4, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0
=> 0
04-30 14:22:41.037 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x2, mOutputDevices = 0x0,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
04-30 14:22:41.037 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: spkType is 1
04-30 14:22:41.037 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: OpenSpeakerPath
SampleRate 48000
04-30 14:22:41.037 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
04-30 14:22:41.038 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
04-30 14:22:41.078 568 4396 V AudioALSAVAFXManager: initPlayBackHandler
04-30 14:22:41.078 568 4396 V AudioALSAVAFXManager: OpenPCMDump()
04-30 14:22:41.078 568 4396 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: F 0x4 Dev 0x0 CM 0xc CN 2 SR
48000 BS 8192
04-30 14:22:41.078 568 4396 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: AudioALSAVAFXCtrl
ePlaybackHandlerType 7
04-30 14:22:41.078 568 4396 D _V_vafx_sp_wrapper: vafx_speaker_boost_init:
sample_rate 48000, format_type 2
04-30 14:22:41.079 568 4396 D _V_vafx_sp_wrapper:
04-30 14:22:41.079 568 4396 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
04-30 14:22:41.079 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
04-30 14:22:42.136 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 6
04-30 14:22:42.136 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 6
04-30 14:22:42.136 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 6
04-30 14:22:42.136 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
6, mDevice = 0x2
04-30 14:22:42.136 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: deinitPlayBackHandler
ePlaybackHandlerType 7
04-30 14:22:42.136 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: +deinit
04-30 14:22:42.136 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: vafx_speaker_boost_deinit+
04-30 14:22:42.137 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: vafx_speaker_boost_deinit-
04-30 14:22:42.137 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: -deinit
04-30 14:22:42.137 568 17919 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: ~AudioALSAVAFXCtrl
ePlaybackHandlerType 7
04-30 14:22:42.137 568 17919 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xf443a100) 0xf416c740 0xf1d88700
04-30 14:22:42.137 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1,
playbackhandler size 1
04-30 14:22:42.137 568 17919 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
04-30 14:22:42.144 568 17919 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
04-30 14:22:42.145 568 17919 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 0
04-30 14:22:42.145 568 17919 W AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output
DeviceStatusCounter < 0
04-30 14:22:42.146 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
04-30 14:22:42.146 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
04-30 14:22:42.146 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
04-30 14:22:42.146 568 17919 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf441ac80,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf242d800, retval = 0
04-30 14:22:42.146 568 17919 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf5a65ab0
04-30 14:22:42.147 568 17919 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
04-30 14:22:42.147 568 17919 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
04-30 14:22:42.147 568 17919 D [Awinic]: End Done !
04-30 14:22:42.914 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:22:42.914 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:22:42.918 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:22:42.918 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:22:43.351 15893 29408 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
256870, start 525698451153410, so match entry
04-30 14:22:43.803 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager:
setAllInputStreamsSuspend(), this streamin does not have capture handler, just set
04-30 14:22:43.803 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: setSuspend(), mSuspendLockCount
= 0 ,mSuspendCount = 0, suspend_on = 1
04-30 14:22:43.803 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: standbyAllInputStreams(),
mStreamInVector[0] capture handler not created yet, pAudioALSAStreamIn=0xf54e1500,
04-30 14:22:43.803 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setMode(), mAudioMode: 0
=> 3, mEnterPhoneCallMode = 0, mResumeAllStreamsAtRouting = 0,
resumeAllStreamsAtSetMode = 1
04-30 14:22:43.804 568 17919 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 5, devices 0x2, index 7, mode 0x3
04-30 14:22:43.804 568 17919 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
12, spkAnaType = 3, spkLMixerName = Lineout_PGAL_GAIN, spkRMixerName =
04-30 14:22:43.804 568 17919 D AudioUtility: power_hal_hint - custPowerHint 3,
data 268435455
04-30 14:22:43.804 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager:
setAllInputStreamsSuspend(), this streamin does not have capture handler, just set
04-30 14:22:43.804 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: setSuspend(), mSuspendLockCount
= 0 ,mSuspendCount = 1, suspend_on = 0
04-30 14:22:43.804 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -setMode(), mAudioMode =
3, mResumeAllStreamsAtRouting = 0, resumeAllStreamsAtSetMode = 1
04-30 14:22:43.816 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
04-30 14:22:43.816 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
13, keyValuePairs = routing=2
04-30 14:22:43.816 568 25698 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x2), return
04-30 14:22:43.821 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 6,
04-30 14:22:43.821 568 25698 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 0, devices 0x2, index 5, mode 0x3
04-30 14:22:43.821 568 25698 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
9, spkAnaType = 3, spkLMixerName = Lineout_PGAL_GAIN, spkRMixerName =
04-30 14:22:43.821 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setVolumeIndex() stream=
0, device= 2, index= 5
04-30 14:22:43.821 568 25698 D SpeechDriverFactory: GetSpeechDriverByIndex(),
04-30 14:22:43.821 568 25698 D SpeechDriverNormal: setMDVolumeIndex(), stream: 0,
device: 0x2, index: 5, sph off, return
04-30 14:22:43.821 568 25698 D SpeechDriverFactory: GetSpeechDriverByIndex(),
04-30 14:22:43.821 568 25698 D SpeechDriverFactory: GetSpeechDriverByIndex(),
04-30 14:22:43.824 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
04-30 14:22:43.824 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
13, keyValuePairs = routing=2
04-30 14:22:43.824 568 25698 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x2), return
04-30 14:22:43.827 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
04-30 14:22:43.827 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
21, keyValuePairs = routing=2
04-30 14:22:43.827 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x8, output_devices: 0x1 => 0x2
04-30 14:22:43.827 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -routingOutputDevice(),
stream out not active, route itself and return
04-30 14:22:43.827 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +routing(), route output
device from 0x1 to 0x2, flag 0x8
04-30 14:22:43.916 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:22:43.916 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:22:43.920 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:22:43.920 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:22:43.941 568 25698 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf5483110 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:22:43.951 568 25698 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf5483110 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:22:43.952 568 25698 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf2a7e770 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:22:43.953 568 25698 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf2a7e770 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:22:43.954 568 25698 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf5483070 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:22:43.955 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), 0xf5483110
04-30 14:22:43.955 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(),
mPreProcessEffectBackupCount wrong
04-30 14:22:43.956 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), 0xf2a7e770
04-30 14:22:43.956 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(),
mPreProcessEffectBackupCount wrong
04-30 14:22:43.957 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), 0xf5483070
04-30 14:22:43.957 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(),
mPreProcessEffectBackupCount wrong
04-30 14:22:43.964 568 17919 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf5483130 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:22:43.974 568 17919 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf5483130 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:22:43.975 568 17919 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf4192680 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:22:43.976 568 17919 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf4192680 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:22:43.976 568 17919 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf41929a0 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:22:43.987 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
80000080->Mixer Src 7
04-30 14:22:43.987 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
4150, keyValuePairs = input_source=7;routing=-2147483520
04-30 14:22:43.987 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +routingInputDevice(),
input_device: 0x80000004 => 0x80000080
04-30 14:22:43.987 568 17919 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingInputDevice(), not
support back_mic if mic < 2, force to set input_device = 0x80000004
04-30 14:22:43.987 568 17919 W AudioALSAStreamManager: -routingInputDevice(),
input_device == current_input_device(0x80000004), return
04-30 14:22:43.989 568 25698 W StreamHAL: Error from HAL stream in function
set_microphone_direction: Function not implemented
04-30 14:22:43.990 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), 0xf5483130
04-30 14:22:43.990 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), effect
name:Acoustic Echo Canceler, BackupCount=0
04-30 14:22:43.990 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), AECOn, need
reopen the capture handle
04-30 14:22:43.990 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect()-
04-30 14:22:43.990 568 25698 W StreamHAL: Error from HAL stream in function
set_microphone_field_dimension: Function not implemented
04-30 14:22:43.991 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), 0xf4192680
04-30 14:22:43.991 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), effect
name:Noise Suppression, BackupCount=1
04-30 14:22:43.991 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), NSOn, need
reopen the capture handle
04-30 14:22:43.991 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect()-
04-30 14:22:43.992 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), 0xf41929a0
04-30 14:22:43.992 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), effect
name:Automatic Gain Control, BackupCount=2
04-30 14:22:43.992 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), AGCOn, need
reopen the capture handle
04-30 14:22:43.992 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect()-
04-30 14:22:43.992 568 22220 D AudioALSAStreamIn: open()
04-30 14:22:43.992 568 22220 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createCaptureHandler(),
mAudioMode = 3, input_source = 7, input_device = 0x80000004,
mBypassDualMICProcessUL=0, sample_rate=16000
04-30 14:22:43.992 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC:
04-30 14:22:43.992 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC: +open(), input_device
= 0x80000004, input_source = 0x7, sample_rate=16000, num_channels=1,
04-30 14:22:43.992 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
04-30 14:22:43.992 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase:
configStreamAttribute(), audio_mode: 3 => 3, input_device: 0x80000004 =>
0x80000004, flag: 0x0 => 0x0, input_source: 7->7, output_device: 0x2 => 0x2, DSP
out sample_rate: 16000 => 16000
04-30 14:22:43.992 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase: attach(),
0xf40a4000, mCaptureDataClientVector.size()=0, Identity=0xf5a4a620,
mCaptureDataProviderType = 0
04-30 14:22:43.992 568 22220 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 1,
stringpair = MultiMedia1_Capture
04-30 14:22:43.992 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: open(+),
audiomode=0, cardindex = 0, pcmindex = 1
04-30 14:22:43.994 568 22220 D AudioSpeechEnhanceInfo: GetHifiRecord,
04-30 14:22:43.994 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: buffersizemax:
49152, bHifiRecord: 0, btempDebug: 0
04-30 14:22:43.994 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: mConfig
format: 1, channels: 1, rate: 48000, period_size: 960, period_count: 6, latency:
20, kReadBufferSize: 3840, mCaptureDropSize: 0
04-30 14:22:43.994 568 568 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
04-30 14:22:43.994 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 6,
04-30 14:22:43.994 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 8,
04-30 14:22:43.994 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 65536,
04-30 14:22:43.994 568 568 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
04-30 14:22:43.996 568 22220 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startInputDevice(), new_device: 0x80000004, mInputDevice: 0x0,
mStartInputDeviceCount: 0, mMicInverse: 0, mNumPhoneMicSupport: 1,
mBuiltInMicSpecificTyp: 0
04-30 14:22:43.996 568 22220 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = builtin_Mic_SingleMic descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
04-30 14:22:43.996 568 22220 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
startInputDevice(), mInputDevice = 0x80000004, mStartInputDeviceCount = 1
04-30 14:22:43.996 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: open(-)
04-30 14:22:43.996 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase:
configStreamAttribute(), audio_mode: 3 => 3, input_device: 0x80000004 =>
0x80000004, flag: 0x0 => 0x0, input_source: 7->7, output_device: 0x2 => 0x2, DSP
out sample_rate: 16000 => 16000
04-30 14:22:43.996 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase: attach(),
0xf40a4400, mCaptureDataClientVector.size()=0, Identity=0xf5a4a620,
mCaptureDataProviderType = 5
04-30 14:22:43.996 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderEchoRef: open(),
audio_format = 1, output_device=0x2, audio_channel_mask=c, num_channels=2,
sample_rate=48000, buf_total_latency=160ms
04-30 14:22:43.996 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderEchoRef: open(),
format = 0, channels=2, rate=48000, period_size=960,
04-30 14:22:43.996 568 29427 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: +readThread(),
pid: 568, tid: 29427, kReadBufferSize=0xf00, open_index=622,
04-30 14:22:43.996 568 22220 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 9,
stringpair = DL1_AWB_Record
04-30 14:22:43.997 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal: mLatency
20, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840, mProcessedDataPeriodBufSize 640,
mEchoRefDataPeriodBufSize 3840, stream_attribute_target->audio_format = 1
mStreamAttributeSource->audio_format = 4
04-30 14:22:43.997 568 29428 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderEchoRef:
+readThread(), pid: 568, tid: 29428, kReadBufferSize=f00
04-30 14:22:43.997 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +syncSharedOutDevice(),
routingSharedOutDevice: 2
04-30 14:22:43.998 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -syncSharedOutDevice()
04-30 14:22:43.998 568 4396 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 0, devices 0x2, index 5, mode 0x3
04-30 14:22:43.998 568 4396 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
9, spkAnaType = 3, spkLMixerName = Lineout_PGAL_GAIN, spkRMixerName =
04-30 14:22:43.998 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 6
04-30 14:22:43.998 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 3, output_devices = 0x2, isMixerOut = 0x0, flag = 6
04-30 14:22:43.998 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x6, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e
04-30 14:22:43.999 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
isNeedSyncPcmStart, read thread ready! pcm start
04-30 14:22:43.999 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:Awinic dlopen lib success
04-30 14:22:43.999 568 29427 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase: pcm_start
04-30 14:22:43.999 568 4396 I [Awinic]: mec6_v0.1.5
04-30 14:22:43.999 568 29428 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase: pcm_start
04-30 14:22:43.999 568 4396 D [Awinic]: set parameter done!
04-30 14:22:43.999 568 4396 D [Awinic]: init Done !
04-30 14:22:43.999 568 4396 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
04-30 14:22:43.999 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 6,
source output_devices = 0x2, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 2048, sample_rate =
04-30 14:22:44.000 568 22220 D AudioMTKGainController: +SetCaptureGain(), mode=3,
source=7, input device=0x80000004, output device=0x2
04-30 14:22:44.000 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xf4437380 Init lib v125
04-30 14:22:44.000 568 22220 D AudioMTKGainController: ApplyMicGain(), analogidx
= 2, mSceneIndex = 0, _mic_mode = 4, _gain_device = 2, mode = 3, micgain = 20,
mULTotalGain = 152, mBand = 0, mNetwork = 0
04-30 14:22:44.000 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
04-30 14:22:44.000 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this (0xf4437380) init done 0xf4463b80 0xf21b1680
04-30 14:22:44.000 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 7,
stringpair = I2S0DL1_PLayback
04-30 14:22:44.001 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
CreateAurisysLibManager(), voip: 1, low_latency: 0, aec: 1, input_source: 7, flag:
0x0 => mAurisysScenario: 5
04-30 14:22:44.001 568 22220 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x4,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 1, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x10, hw_info_mask: 0x0;
output dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x0, fs: 0, max fs: 48000, ch: 0, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x0,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 4, audio_mode: 3, stream_type: 0, output_flags: 0x0,
input_source: 7, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x1c
04-30 14:22:44.001 568 22220 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1,
frame = 20, b_interleave = 0, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 1, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
04-30 14:22:44.001 568 22220 D aurisys_utility: ul in[type:0], ch: 1, ch_mask:
0x10, buf fs: 16000, buf content fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1; ul out[type:1], ch: 1,
ch_mask: 0x10, buf fs: 16000, buf content fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1
04-30 14:22:44.001 568 22220 D aurisys_utility: ul ref[type:4], ch: 1, ch_mask:
0x10, buf fs: 16000, buf content fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1
04-30 14:22:44.001 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x1)
04-30 14:22:44.001 568 22220 D : categoryPath =
Scene,Default,Profile,Handsfree, custom_scene = Default
04-30 14:22:44.001 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 6,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 256, period_count
= 16, format = 1, avail_min = 256, start_threshold = 4096
04-30 14:22:44.001 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 1, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
04-30 14:22:44.001 568 22220 D : parm_WB[ 0]=32896, 240, 32768, 4159,
51463, 9543, 408, 0, 80, 4325
04-30 14:22:44.001 568 22220 D : ,parm_WB[10]=610, 0, 944, 0, 0, 0,
65252, 255, 85
04-30 14:22:44.001 568 22220 D : ,parm_WB[32]=0, parm_WB[47]=51200
04-30 14:22:44.001 568 22220 D : comm_parm[ 0]=0, 55997, 31000, 87,
32769, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
04-30 14:22:44.001 568 22220 D : [=coef=]Compen_filter_WB: p[0]=14,
p[1]=65533, p[2]=10, p[3]=65505, p[4]=9
04-30 14:22:44.001 568 22220 D : [=coef=]MIC1_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=58178,
p[1]=15521, p[2]=7644, p[3]=50248, p[4]=7644
04-30 14:22:44.001 568 22220 D : [=coef=]MIC2_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=57527,
p[1]=16194, p[2]=7884, p[3]=49768, p[4]=7884
04-30 14:22:44.001 568 22220 D : [=coef=]ENH_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=31376,
p[1]=50468, p[2]=32769, p[3]=16384, p[4]=32596
04-30 14:22:44.001 568 22220 D : [=coef=]ENH_IIR_COEF_DL_WB: p[0]=50118,
p[1]=30608, p[2]=16187, p[3]=34188, p[4]=51272
04-30 14:22:44.001 568 22220 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=1938,model=vivo 1938", file_path
"/vendor/etc/aurisys_param/Speech_AudioParam.xml", enhancement_mode 0,
param_buf_size 15256, data_size 15256, custom_info SetAudioCustomScene=
04-30 14:22:44.002 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 7 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xf5a4b7a0
04-30 14:22:44.002 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, voip: 1, mAurisysScenario: 5
04-30 14:22:44.002 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 4, audio_mode: 3, stream_type: 0, output_flags: 0x6,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
04-30 14:22:44.002 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1,
frame = 20, b_interleave = 0, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
04-30 14:22:44.002 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 1, ch_mask:
0x1, buf fs: 16000, buf content fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1; dl out[type:3], ch: 1,
ch_mask: 0x1, buf fs: 16000, buf content fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1
04-30 14:22:44.002 568 4396 D : categoryPath =
Scene,Default,Profile,Handsfree, custom_scene = Default
04-30 14:22:44.002 568 4396 D : parm_WB[ 0]=32896, 240, 32768, 4159,
51463, 9543, 408, 0, 80, 4325
04-30 14:22:44.002 568 4396 D : ,parm_WB[10]=610, 0, 944, 0, 0, 0,
65252, 255, 85
04-30 14:22:44.002 568 4396 D : ,parm_WB[32]=0, parm_WB[47]=51200
04-30 14:22:44.002 568 4396 D : comm_parm[ 0]=0, 55997, 31000, 87,
32769, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
04-30 14:22:44.002 568 4396 D : [=coef=]Compen_filter_WB: p[0]=14,
p[1]=65533, p[2]=10, p[3]=65505, p[4]=9
04-30 14:22:44.002 568 4396 D : [=coef=]MIC1_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=58178,
p[1]=15521, p[2]=7644, p[3]=50248, p[4]=7644
04-30 14:22:44.002 568 4396 D : [=coef=]MIC2_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=57527,
p[1]=16194, p[2]=7884, p[3]=49768, p[4]=7884
04-30 14:22:44.002 568 4396 D : [=coef=]ENH_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=31376,
p[1]=50468, p[2]=32769, p[3]=16384, p[4]=32596
04-30 14:22:44.002 568 4396 D : [=coef=]ENH_IIR_COEF_DL_WB: p[0]=50118,
p[1]=30608, p[2]=16187, p[3]=34188, p[4]=51272
04-30 14:22:44.002 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=1938,model=vivo 1938", file_path
"/vendor/etc/aurisys_param/Speech_AudioParam.xml", enhancement_mode 0,
param_buf_size 15256, data_size 15256, custom_info SetAudioCustomScene=
04-30 14:22:44.003 568 22220 D : MTK_SP1 Soft. Version 1.1.17, 2019-03-04
04-30 14:22:44.003 568 22220 D : Current sample rate, 16000
04-30 14:22:44.004 568 22220 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_speech_enh, 0xf441b680, memory_size
2744096, arsi_handler 0xf0f00000, retval 0x0
04-30 14:22:44.004 568 22220 D aurisys_lib_manager: UL Lib, lib_name
mtk_speech_enh, 0xf441b680, sample_rate: 48000 => 16000, num_channels: 1 => 1,
audio_format: 0x4 => 0x1, interleave: 1 => 0, frame: 0 => 20
04-30 14:22:44.004 568 22220 D aurisys_lib_manager: UL out, sample_rate: 16000 =>
16000, num_channels: 1 => 1, audio_format: 0x1 => 0x1, interleave: 0 => 1, frame:
20 => 0
04-30 14:22:44.004 568 22220 D aurisys_lib_manager: AEC, sample_rate: 48000 =>
16000, num_channels: 2 => 1, audio_format: 0x1 => 0x1, interleave: 1 => 0, frame: 0
=> 20
04-30 14:22:44.004 568 22220 D aurisys_lib_handler: lib_name mtk_speech_enh,
0xf441b680, set ul_analog_gain_ref_only 48, ul_digital_gain 48, retval 0
04-30 14:22:44.004 568 4396 D : MTK_SP1 Soft. Version 1.1.17, 2019-03-04
04-30 14:22:44.004 568 4396 D : Current sample rate, 16000
04-30 14:22:44.004 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect()+ 0xf5483130
04-30 14:22:44.004 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect(), effect type:
7b491460, effect name:Acoustic Echo Canceler
04-30 14:22:44.004 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect(),
StreamInAttributeinfo num_channels=1, audio_channel_mask=10, sample_rate=16000
04-30 14:22:44.005 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect()-, RetStatus=0
04-30 14:22:44.005 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect()+ 0xf4192680
04-30 14:22:44.005 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect(), effect type:
58b4b260, effect name:Noise Suppression
04-30 14:22:44.005 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect(),
StreamInAttributeinfo num_channels=1, audio_channel_mask=10, sample_rate=16000
04-30 14:22:44.005 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect()-, RetStatus=0
04-30 14:22:44.005 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect()+ 0xf41929a0
04-30 14:22:44.005 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect(), effect type:
0a8abfe0, effect name:Automatic Gain Control
04-30 14:22:44.005 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect(),
StreamInAttributeinfo num_channels=1, audio_channel_mask=10, sample_rate=16000
04-30 14:22:44.005 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect()-, RetStatus=0
04-30 14:22:44.005 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_speech_enh, 0xf441bb80, memory_size
2744096, arsi_handler 0xf0c00000, retval 0x0
04-30 14:22:44.005 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal(-), drop_ms = 60
04-30 14:22:44.005 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC: -open()
04-30 14:22:44.005 568 22220 D AudioALSAStreamIn: open(), Set RawStartFrameCount
= 0
04-30 14:22:44.005 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_speech_enh, 0xf441bb80, sample_rate: 48000 => 16000, num_channels: 2 => 1,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x1, interleave: 1 => 0, frame: 0 => 20
04-30 14:22:44.005 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 16000 =>
48000, num_channels: 1 => 2, audio_format: 0x1 => 0x4, interleave: 0 => 1, frame:
20 => 0
04-30 14:22:44.005 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x2, mOutputDevices = 0x0,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
04-30 14:22:44.005 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: spkType is 1
04-30 14:22:44.005 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: OpenSpeakerPath
SampleRate 48000
04-30 14:22:44.005 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
04-30 14:22:44.006 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
04-30 14:22:44.029 568 29427 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
syncEchoRefData(UL*), UL in: 525699.104785890, EchoRef: 0.000000000
04-30 14:22:44.030 568 29428 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
syncEchoRefData(AEC*), UL in: 525699.104785890, EchoRef: 525699.105957975
04-30 14:22:44.030 568 29428 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
syncEchoRefData(), III. time_diff_ms 1.172085, compensate 228 echo ref data
04-30 14:22:44.030 568 29428 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
+mRawDataBuf data_count 3840, mEchoRefDataBuf data_count 4068,
mRawDataPeriodBufSize = 3840, mEchoRefDataPeriodBufSize = 3840
04-30 14:22:44.030 568 29428 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal: -
mRawDataBuf data_count 0, -mEchoRefDataBuf data_count 228
04-30 14:22:44.041 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
04-30 14:22:44.045 568 29429 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840, data_count_raw_aec 228,
mEchoRefDataPeriodBufSize 3840
04-30 14:22:44.063 568 4396 V AudioALSAVAFXManager: initPlayBackHandler
04-30 14:22:44.063 568 4396 V AudioALSAVAFXManager: OpenPCMDump()
04-30 14:22:44.063 568 4396 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: F 0x4 Dev 0x0 CM 0xc CN 2 SR
48000 BS 32768
04-30 14:22:44.063 568 4396 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: AudioALSAVAFXCtrl
ePlaybackHandlerType 7
04-30 14:22:44.063 568 4396 D _V_vafx_sp_wrapper: vafx_speaker_boost_init:
sample_rate 48000, format_type 2
04-30 14:22:44.064 568 4396 D _V_vafx_sp_wrapper:
04-30 14:22:44.064 568 4396 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
04-30 14:22:44.064 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
04-30 14:22:44.066 568 4396 D audio_ringbuf: dynamic_change_ring_buf_size(),
0xf5a53e80: 360 -> 1044, data_count 344, write_size 170, free_space 0
04-30 14:22:44.081 568 4396 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error =
04-30 14:22:44.089 568 4396 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) writer identical 3
04-30 14:22:44.095 568 4396 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error =
04-30 14:22:44.217 568 568 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
04-30 14:22:44.217 568 568 W AudioALSAHardware: setParameters(), still have
param.size() = 1, remain param = "cameraFacing=front"
04-30 14:22:44.217 568 568 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
04-30 14:22:44.277 810 1607 I BWC : cam_id=1 sen_fps=30 sen_size=1997568
pd=0 video=0 vb_ratio=0.000000 vb_time=0.000000 rawi=0 yuv=0 raw_bbp=1.250000
04-30 14:22:45.446 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): 7567, 50568, -
5237, dt: 160
04-30 14:22:45.757 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): -19115, -
146568, -7248, dt: 160
04-30 14:22:48.786 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): -1140, -8568,
11174, dt: 159
04-30 14:22:49.520 568 568 W DeviceHAL: Error from HAL Device in function
get_mic_mute: Function not implemented
04-30 14:22:49.520 568 568 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) audio@5.0-servi
identical 1 line
04-30 14:22:49.521 568 568 W DeviceHAL: Error from HAL Device in function
get_mic_mute: Function not implemented
04-30 14:22:49.529 568 568 W DeviceHAL: Error from HAL Device in function
get_mic_mute: Function not implemented
04-30 14:22:49.529 568 568 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) audio@5.0-servi
identical 1 line
04-30 14:22:49.529 568 568 W DeviceHAL: Error from HAL Device in function
get_mic_mute: Function not implemented
04-30 14:22:49.530 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setMicMute(), mMicMute: 0
=> 0
04-30 14:22:49.540 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +SetInputMute(), 0
04-30 14:22:49.540 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: SetInputMute(), 0
04-30 14:22:49.540 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: -SetInputMute()
04-30 14:22:49.541 568 568 W DeviceHAL: Error from HAL Device in function
set_mic_mute: Function not implemented
04-30 14:22:49.541 568 568 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) audio@5.0-servi
identical 1 line
04-30 14:22:49.541 568 568 W DeviceHAL: Error from HAL Device in function
set_mic_mute: Function not implemented
04-30 14:22:49.556 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): -7568, 11511,
-5135, dt: 160
04-30 14:22:51.987 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): 26352, -5680,
-3416, dt: 160
04-30 14:22:53.528 710 20493 V Camera2ClientBase: notifyShutter: Shutter
notification for request id 0 at time 525708568053000
04-30 14:22:53.696 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): -56878, 29401,
18465, dt: 160
04-30 14:22:53.736 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): -59236, 25365,
2568, dt: 158
04-30 14:22:53.886 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): -56818, 7253,
-22741, dt: 160
04-30 14:22:53.917 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): -71568, 16294,
-17143, dt: 160
04-30 14:22:54.568 810 29436 D ULog : R AppRequest:215 M[CameraDevice:187001]
- :mtkcam-AppStreamMgr #2048323
04-30 14:22:55.247 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): -16568, -6648,
6764, dt: 160
04-30 14:22:55.568 808 849 E : akm_log setv_mag-hdt_ag(msQ4) = 159
04-30 14:22:55.568 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): -152172,
18360, -35589, dt: 159
04-30 14:22:55.568 710 29440 V Camera3-Status: getDeviceStateLocked: Component 0
not idle
04-30 14:22:55.986 710 20493 V Camera2ClientBase: notifyShutter: Shutter
notification for request id 0 at time 525711036568000
04-30 14:22:56.666 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): -15683, -6509,
-23981, dt: 160
04-30 14:22:58.977 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): -4621, 5681,
340, dt: 161
04-30 14:22:59.853 810 29436 D ULog : R AppRequest:337 M[CameraDevice:187001]
- :mtkcam-AppStreamMgr #2048568
04-30 14:23:01.463 1522 1779 D _V_SlaRttMonitorStateMachine:
SingleStaMonitorState CMD_GET_TCP_INFO 0 0 rt=525716568/598630126
04-30 14:23:03.926 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): 5568, -6266, -
974, dt: 160
04-30 14:23:06.866 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): 2484, -568, -
3749, dt: 160
04-30 14:23:07.279 710 20493 V Camera2ClientBase: notifyShutter: Shutter
notification for request id 0 at time 525722327568000
04-30 14:23:10.364 810 29439 E Hal3ARaw: [setParams] ReqMagic(#568),
i4MagicOfLceGainFrame(567), History(#566,#567,#568)
04-30 14:23:10.369 810 14537 D ULog : R AppRequest:568 M[CameraDevice:187001]
+ :mtkcam-dev3 #2049020
04-30 14:23:10.414 810 29439 E Hal3ARaw: [setParams] ReqMagic(#569),
i4MagicOfLceGainFrame(568), History(#567,#568,#569)
04-30 14:23:10.464 810 29439 E Hal3ARaw: [setParams] ReqMagic(#570),
i4MagicOfLceGainFrame(569), History(#568,#569,#570)
04-30 14:23:10.568 810 31878 D ULog : R AppRequest:572 M[CameraDevice:187001]
+ :mtkcam-dev3 #2049028
04-30 14:23:10.568 810 31878 D MtkCam/ATMsEventMgr: [HIDL]get factor(APP_TYPE),
04-30 14:23:10.568 810 31878 D MtkCam/ATMsEventMgr: [HIDL]get factor(APP_NAME),
04-30 14:23:10.610 810 29436 D ULog : R AppRequest:568 M[CameraDevice:187001]
- :mtkcam-AppStreamMgr #2049029
04-30 14:23:10.616 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): -2371, 641, -
5681, dt: 160
04-30 14:23:11.568 808 849 E : akm_log detect_phone_state m:1, h:0
04-30 14:23:11.568 808 849 E : akm_log detect_phone_state m:1, h:0
04-30 14:23:11.806 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): -25053, -3568,
-15143, dt: 160
04-30 14:23:12.896 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): -3732, 311, -
3568, dt: 159
04-30 14:23:13.568 810 29439 E Hal3ARaw: [setParams] ReqMagic(#625),
i4MagicOfLceGainFrame(624), History(#623,#624,#625)
04-30 14:23:13.568 810 29439 E : [init()] Err: 68:, vivo dynamic EV+
+ : sensor_dev=2, totalPixelSize=499392
04-30 14:23:13.568 810 29439 E : [setLCEGain2VIVOHelper()] Err: 636:,
vivo lce gain:0.000000
04-30 14:23:13.568 810 29439 E Hal3ARaw: [setParams] MTK_3A_ISP_LCE_GAIN(1000)
04-30 14:23:14.568 810 29439 E Hal3ARaw: [setParams] ReqMagic(#649),
i4MagicOfLceGainFrame(648), History(#647,#648,#649)
04-30 14:23:14.568 810 29439 E : [init()] Err: 68:, vivo dynamic EV+
+ : sensor_dev=2, totalPixelSize=499392
04-30 14:23:14.568 810 29439 E : [setLCEGain2VIVOHelper()] Err: 636:,
vivo lce gain:0.000000
04-30 14:23:14.568 810 29439 E Hal3ARaw: [setParams] MTK_3A_ISP_LCE_GAIN(1000)
04-30 14:23:16.566 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): 88113, -19568,
52594, dt: 159
04-30 14:23:16.586 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): 56806, -14803,
43647, dt: 159
04-30 14:23:18.246 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): -62568, 10963,
632, dt: 160
04-30 14:23:19.246 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): 4670, -5476, -
8568, dt: 160
04-30 14:23:21.256 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): 836663,
322763, 95687, dt: 160
04-30 14:23:22.806 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): -56891, -8596,
-15886, dt: 159
04-30 14:23:23.896 808 849 E : akm_log pg_gyr(d/s*1000): 31915, 25683,
22802, dt: 160
04-30 14:23:24.711 568 568 W DeviceHAL: Error from HAL Device in function
get_mic_mute: Function not implemented
04-30 14:23:24.711 568 568 W DeviceHAL: Error from HAL Device in function
get_mic_mute: Function not implemented
04-30 14:23:24.714 568 568 W DeviceHAL: Error from HAL Device in function
get_mic_mute: Function not implemented
04-30 14:23:24.735 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: standby(), halRequest 0,
mDestroy 0, flag 0
04-30 14:23:24.735 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: close()
04-30 14:23:24.735 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: updateStandByFrameCount(),
update the mStandbyFrameCount = 61669120-> 62320640
04-30 14:23:24.735 568 568 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC: +close()
04-30 14:23:24.740 568 568 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
pthread_join hProcessThread done
04-30 14:23:24.740 568 568 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase: detach(),
0xf40a4000, mCaptureDataClientVector.size()=1, Identity=0xf5a4a620
04-30 14:23:24.740 568 568 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopInputDevice(), mInputDevice = 0x80000004, stop_device = 0x80000004,
mStartInputDeviceCount = 1, mMicInverse = 0, mNumPhoneMicSupport = 1
04-30 14:23:24.740 568 568 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = builtin_Mic_SingleMic descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
04-30 14:23:24.741 568 568 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: close()
04-30 14:23:24.760 568 29427 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: -readThread(),
pid: 568, tid: 29427
04-30 14:23:24.760 568 568 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: pthread_join
hReadThread done
04-30 14:23:24.762 568 568 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: -close()
04-30 14:23:24.762 568 568 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase: detach(),
0xf40a4400, mCaptureDataClientVector.size()=1, Identity=0xf5a4a620
04-30 14:23:24.762 568 568 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderEchoRef: close()
04-30 14:23:24.771 568 568 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mCaptureDataProviderEchoRef detach done
04-30 14:23:24.771 568 568 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
04-30 14:23:24.771 568 568 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_speech_enh, 0xf441b680,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf0f00000, retval = 0
04-30 14:23:24.772 568 568 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf5a650a0
04-30 14:23:24.773 568 568 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC: -close()
04-30 14:23:24.773 568 568 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC:
04-30 14:23:24.782 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing releaseAudioPatch
04-30 14:23:24.782 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
4150, keyValuePairs = routing=0
04-30 14:23:24.782 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +routingInputDevice(),
input_device: 0x80000004 => 0x0
04-30 14:23:24.782 568 17919 W AudioALSAStreamManager: -routingInputDevice(),
input_device == AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE(0x0), return
04-30 14:23:24.782 568 17919 D AudioALSAHardware: handlecheck releaseAudioPatch
remove handle [1912] OK
04-30 14:23:24.793 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), 0xf5483130
04-30 14:23:24.793 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), effect
name:Acoustic Echo Canceler, BackupCount=3
04-30 14:23:24.793 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() found fx at
index 0, 0xf5483130
04-30 14:23:24.793 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() moving fx
from 1 to 0
04-30 14:23:24.793 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() moving fx
from 2 to 1
04-30 14:23:24.793 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect()-
04-30 14:23:24.793 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), 0xf5483130
04-30 14:23:24.793 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), effect
name:Acoustic Echo Canceler, BackupCount=2
04-30 14:23:24.793 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() no effect
found in backup queue
04-30 14:23:24.796 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), 0xf4192680
04-30 14:23:24.796 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), effect
name:Noise Suppression, BackupCount=2
04-30 14:23:24.796 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() found fx at
index 0, 0xf4192680
04-30 14:23:24.796 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() moving fx
from 1 to 0
04-30 14:23:24.796 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect()-
04-30 14:23:24.797 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), 0xf4192680
04-30 14:23:24.797 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), effect
name:Noise Suppression, BackupCount=1
04-30 14:23:24.797 568 568 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() no effect
found in backup queue
04-30 14:23:24.799 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), 0xf41929a0
04-30 14:23:24.799 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), effect
name:Automatic Gain Control, BackupCount=1
04-30 14:23:24.799 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect() found fx at
index 0, 0xf41929a0
04-30 14:23:24.799 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect()-
04-30 14:23:24.802 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), 0xf41929a0
04-30 14:23:24.802 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(),
mPreProcessEffectBackupCount wrong
04-30 14:23:25.307 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:23:25.307 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:23:25.312 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:23:25.313 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:23:25.326 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
04-30 14:23:25.326 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 6,
04-30 14:23:25.326 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 8,
04-30 14:23:25.326 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 65536,
04-30 14:23:25.326 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
04-30 14:23:26.018 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 6,
04-30 14:23:26.018 568 25698 W AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
devices(0x1) != mOutputDevices(0x2), skip set device gain
04-30 14:23:26.018 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setVolumeIndex() stream=
0, device= 1, index= 0
04-30 14:23:26.018 568 25698 D SpeechDriverFactory: GetSpeechDriverByIndex(),
04-30 14:23:26.018 568 25698 D SpeechDriverFactory: GetSpeechDriverByIndex(),
04-30 14:23:26.018 568 25698 D SpeechDriverFactory: GetSpeechDriverByIndex(),
04-30 14:23:26.094 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
04-30 14:23:26.094 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
13, keyValuePairs = routing=1
04-30 14:23:26.096 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices: 0x2 => 0x1
04-30 14:23:26.097 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setSuspend(), mSuspendCount =
0, suspend_on = 1, flags 0x6
04-30 14:23:26.097 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +routing(), route output
device from 0x2 to 0x1, flag 0x6
04-30 14:23:26.097 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 6
04-30 14:23:26.097 568 25698 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
6, mDevice = 0x2
04-30 14:23:26.097 568 25698 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: deinitPlayBackHandler
ePlaybackHandlerType 7
04-30 14:23:26.097 568 25698 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: +deinit
04-30 14:23:26.097 568 25698 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: vafx_speaker_boost_deinit+
04-30 14:23:26.097 568 25698 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: vafx_speaker_boost_deinit-
04-30 14:23:26.097 568 25698 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: -deinit
04-30 14:23:26.097 568 25698 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: ~AudioALSAVAFXCtrl
ePlaybackHandlerType 7
04-30 14:23:26.097 568 25698 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xf4437380) 0xf4463b80 0xf21b1680
04-30 14:23:26.097 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1,
playbackhandler size 1
04-30 14:23:26.097 568 25698 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
04-30 14:23:26.102 568 25698 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
04-30 14:23:26.103 568 25698 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
04-30 14:23:26.103 568 25698 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
04-30 14:23:26.103 568 25698 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
04-30 14:23:26.103 568 25698 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
04-30 14:23:26.103 568 25698 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_speech_enh, 0xf441bb80,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf0c00000, retval = 0
04-30 14:23:26.104 568 25698 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf5a65b20
04-30 14:23:26.105 568 25698 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
04-30 14:23:26.105 568 25698 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
04-30 14:23:26.105 568 25698 D [Awinic]: End Done !
04-30 14:23:26.105 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setSuspend(), mSuspendCount =
1, suspend_on = 0, flags 0x6
04-30 14:23:26.111 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn:
updateOutputDeviceInfoForInputStream(), mStreamInReopen = 1,
mStreamAttributeTarget.output_devices change: 0x2 => 0x1
04-30 14:23:26.111 568 25698 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 0, devices 0x1, index 0, mode 0x3
04-30 14:23:26.111 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices = 0x1
04-30 14:23:26.111 568 4396 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 0, devices 0x1, index 0, mode 0x3
04-30 14:23:26.111 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 6
04-30 14:23:26.111 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 3, output_devices = 0x1, isMixerOut = 0x0, flag = 6
04-30 14:23:26.111 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x1, flags: 0x6, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e
04-30 14:23:26.113 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:Awinic dlopen lib success
04-30 14:23:26.113 568 4396 I [Awinic]: mec6_v0.1.5
04-30 14:23:26.114 568 4396 D [Awinic]: set parameter done!
04-30 14:23:26.114 568 4396 D [Awinic]: init Done !
04-30 14:23:26.114 568 4396 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
04-30 14:23:26.114 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 6,
source output_devices = 0x1, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 2048, sample_rate =
04-30 14:23:26.114 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xf4437000 Init lib v125
04-30 14:23:26.114 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
04-30 14:23:26.114 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this (0xf4437000) init done 0xf442e500 0xf219e6c0
04-30 14:23:26.114 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 7,
stringpair = I2S0DL1_PLayback
04-30 14:23:26.115 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x1)
04-30 14:23:26.115 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 6,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 256, period_count
= 4, format = 1, avail_min = 256, start_threshold = 1024
04-30 14:23:26.115 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 1, device = 0x1, SampleRate =
04-30 14:23:26.116 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 7 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xf5a4b0a0
04-30 14:23:26.116 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, voip: 1, mAurisysScenario: 5
04-30 14:23:26.116 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x1, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 4, audio_mode: 3, stream_type: 0, output_flags: 0x6,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
04-30 14:23:26.116 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1,
frame = 20, b_interleave = 0, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
04-30 14:23:26.116 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 1, ch_mask:
0x1, buf fs: 16000, buf content fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1; dl out[type:3], ch: 1,
ch_mask: 0x1, buf fs: 16000, buf content fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1
04-30 14:23:26.116 568 4396 D : categoryPath =
Scene,Default,Profile,Normal, custom_scene = Default
04-30 14:23:26.116 568 4396 D : parm_WB[ 0]=128, 253, 10756, 63, 55303,
1119, 63429, 99, 1120, 651
04-30 14:23:26.116 568 4396 D : ,parm_WB[10]=626, 64, 152, 0, 0, 0,
58587, 38911, 24410
04-30 14:23:26.116 568 4396 D : ,parm_WB[32]=208, parm_WB[47]=41116
04-30 14:23:26.116 568 4396 D : comm_parm[ 0]=0, 55997, 31000, 87,
32769, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
04-30 14:23:26.116 568 4396 D : [=coef=]Compen_filter_WB: p[0]=65090,
p[1]=92, p[2]=65428, p[3]=477, p[4]=64968
04-30 14:23:26.116 568 4396 D : [=coef=]MIC1_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=58178,
p[1]=15521, p[2]=7644, p[3]=50248, p[4]=7644
04-30 14:23:26.116 568 4396 D : [=coef=]MIC2_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=57527,
p[1]=16194, p[2]=7884, p[3]=49768, p[4]=7884
04-30 14:23:26.116 568 4396 D : [=coef=]ENH_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=31376,
p[1]=50468, p[2]=32769, p[3]=16384, p[4]=32596
04-30 14:23:26.117 568 4396 D : [=coef=]ENH_IIR_COEF_DL_WB: p[0]=52853,
p[1]=48451, p[2]=13948, p[3]=17828, p[4]=59841
04-30 14:23:26.117 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=1938,model=vivo 1938", file_path
"/vendor/etc/aurisys_param/Speech_AudioParam.xml", enhancement_mode 0,
param_buf_size 15256, data_size 15256, custom_info SetAudioCustomScene=
04-30 14:23:26.118 568 4396 D : MTK_SP1 Soft. Version 1.1.17, 2019-03-04
04-30 14:23:26.118 568 4396 D : Current sample rate, 16000
04-30 14:23:26.119 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_speech_enh, 0xf441cd00, memory_size
2744096, arsi_handler 0xf0f00000, retval 0x0
04-30 14:23:26.119 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_speech_enh, 0xf441cd00, sample_rate: 48000 => 16000, num_channels: 2 => 1,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x1, interleave: 1 => 0, frame: 0 => 20
04-30 14:23:26.119 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 16000 =>
48000, num_channels: 1 => 2, audio_format: 0x1 => 0x4, interleave: 0 => 1, frame:
20 => 0
04-30 14:23:26.119 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x1, mOutputDevices = 0x0,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
04-30 14:23:26.119 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = receiver_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
04-30 14:23:26.121 568 4396 D _V_ktv_service: audio_mtk_ktv_set_output: 0x1
04-30 14:23:26.121 568 4396 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
04-30 14:23:26.121 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
04-30 14:23:26.122 568 4396 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error =
04-30 14:23:26.127 568 4396 D audio_ringbuf: dynamic_change_ring_buf_size(),
0xf3fd5e00: 360 -> 1044, data_count 344, write_size 170, free_space 0
04-30 14:23:26.127 568 4396 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error =
04-30 14:23:26.194 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 6,
04-30 14:23:26.195 568 25698 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 0, devices 0x1, index 5, mode 0x3
04-30 14:23:26.195 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setVolumeIndex() stream=
0, device= 1, index= 5
04-30 14:23:26.195 568 25698 D SpeechDriverFactory: GetSpeechDriverByIndex(),
04-30 14:23:26.195 568 25698 D SpeechDriverNormal: setMDVolumeIndex(), stream: 0,
device: 0x1, index: 5, sph off, return
04-30 14:23:26.195 568 25698 D SpeechDriverFactory: GetSpeechDriverByIndex(),
04-30 14:23:26.195 568 25698 D SpeechDriverFactory: GetSpeechDriverByIndex(),
04-30 14:23:26.226 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 6,
04-30 14:23:26.227 568 25698 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 0, devices 0x1, index 5, mode 0x3
04-30 14:23:26.227 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setVolumeIndex() stream=
0, device= 1, index= 5
04-30 14:23:26.227 568 25698 D SpeechDriverFactory: GetSpeechDriverByIndex(),
04-30 14:23:26.227 568 25698 D SpeechDriverNormal: setMDVolumeIndex(), stream: 0,
device: 0x1, index: 5, sph off, return
04-30 14:23:26.227 568 25698 D SpeechDriverFactory: GetSpeechDriverByIndex(),
04-30 14:23:26.227 568 25698 D SpeechDriverFactory: GetSpeechDriverByIndex(),
04-30 14:23:26.229 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
04-30 14:23:26.229 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
21, keyValuePairs = routing=1
04-30 14:23:26.229 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x8, output_devices: 0x2 => 0x1
04-30 14:23:26.229 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -routingOutputDevice(),
stream out not active, route itself and return
04-30 14:23:26.229 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +routing(), route output
device from 0x2 to 0x1, flag 0x8
04-30 14:23:26.258 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager:
setAllInputStreamsSuspend(), this streamin does not have capture handler, just set
04-30 14:23:26.258 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: setSuspend(), mSuspendLockCount
= 0 ,mSuspendCount = 0, suspend_on = 1
04-30 14:23:26.258 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: standbyAllInputStreams(),
mStreamInVector[0] capture handler not created yet, pAudioALSAStreamIn=0xf54e1500,
04-30 14:23:26.258 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setMode(), mAudioMode: 3
=> 0, mEnterPhoneCallMode = 0, mResumeAllStreamsAtRouting = 0,
resumeAllStreamsAtSetMode = 1
04-30 14:23:26.258 568 25698 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 0, devices 0x1, index 5, mode 0x0
04-30 14:23:26.258 568 25698 D AudioUtility: power_hal_hint - custPowerHint 3,
data 0
04-30 14:23:26.262 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x1, flags: 0x6, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e
04-30 14:23:26.262 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager:
setAllInputStreamsSuspend(), this streamin does not have capture handler, just set
04-30 14:23:26.262 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: setSuspend(), mSuspendLockCount
= 0 ,mSuspendCount = 1, suspend_on = 0
04-30 14:23:26.262 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -setMode(), mAudioMode =
0, mResumeAllStreamsAtRouting = 0, resumeAllStreamsAtSetMode = 1
04-30 14:23:26.268 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
04-30 14:23:26.268 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
13, keyValuePairs = routing=1
04-30 14:23:26.273 568 25698 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x1), return
04-30 14:23:26.289 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
04-30 14:23:26.289 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_speech_enh, 0xf441cd00,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf0f00000, retval = 0
04-30 14:23:26.290 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf5a64f50
04-30 14:23:26.290 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, voip: 0, mAurisysScenario: 1
04-30 14:23:26.290 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x1, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 2, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 0, output_flags: 0x6,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
04-30 14:23:26.290 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3,
frame = 0, b_interleave = 1, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
04-30 14:23:26.290 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask:
0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3; dl out[type:3], ch: 2,
ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3
04-30 14:23:26.290 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
04-30 14:23:26.290 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [0]/[PlaybackACF]
04-30 14:23:26.290 568 4396 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
04-30 14:23:26.291 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=1938,model=vivo 1938", file_path "/vendor/etc/audio_param",
enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 2528, data_size 2528, custom_info
04-30 14:23:26.291 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf441cd00, memory_size
72624, arsi_handler 0xf1d88f40, retval 0x0
04-30 14:23:26.291 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), arsi_query_process_unit_bytes, ul 0, dl 2048, retval
04-30 14:23:26.291 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_bessound, 0xf441cd00, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x3, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0 => 0
04-30 14:23:26.291 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 48000 =>
48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x4, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0
=> 0
04-30 14:23:26.894 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 6
04-30 14:23:26.894 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 6
04-30 14:23:26.894 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 6
04-30 14:23:26.894 568 25698 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
6, mDevice = 0x1
04-30 14:23:26.894 568 25698 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xf4437000) 0xf442e500 0xf219e6c0
04-30 14:23:26.894 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x1, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1,
playbackhandler size 1
04-30 14:23:26.894 568 25698 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = receiver_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
04-30 14:23:26.895 568 25698 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
04-30 14:23:26.895 568 25698 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x1, SampleRate =
04-30 14:23:26.895 568 25698 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
04-30 14:23:26.895 568 25698 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf441cd00,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf1d88f40, retval = 0
04-30 14:23:26.895 568 25698 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf5a64f50
04-30 14:23:26.895 568 25698 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
04-30 14:23:26.895 568 25698 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
04-30 14:23:26.895 568 25698 D [Awinic]: End Done !
04-30 14:23:27.186 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:23:27.186 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:23:27.190 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:23:27.190 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:23:27.237 591 639 I libPowerHal: perfLockAcq hdl:0 pid:625
duration:2000 pid_exist:1 => new_hdl:318568
04-30 14:23:27.282 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters(): checkDevice=
04-30 14:23:27.283 568 25698 W AudioALSAHardware: setParameters(), still have
param.size() = 1, remain param = "checkDevice="
04-30 14:23:27.283 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters(): checkDevice=
04-30 14:23:27.568 15893 29758 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
36281, start 525742666005336, so match entry
04-30 14:23:27.602 15893 29758 V MediaCodec: -- Looking at startdata. presentation
256870, start 525742699262412, so match entry
04-30 14:23:27.914 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager:
setAllInputStreamsSuspend(), this streamin does not have capture handler, just set
04-30 14:23:27.914 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: setSuspend(), mSuspendLockCount
= 0 ,mSuspendCount = 0, suspend_on = 1
04-30 14:23:27.914 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: standbyAllInputStreams(),
mStreamInVector[0] capture handler not created yet, pAudioALSAStreamIn=0xf54e1500,
04-30 14:23:27.914 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setMode(), mAudioMode: 0
=> 3, mEnterPhoneCallMode = 0, mResumeAllStreamsAtRouting = 0,
resumeAllStreamsAtSetMode = 1
04-30 14:23:27.914 568 25698 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 0, devices 0x1, index 5, mode 0x3
04-30 14:23:27.914 568 25698 D AudioUtility: power_hal_hint - custPowerHint 3,
data 268435455
04-30 14:23:27.914 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager:
setAllInputStreamsSuspend(), this streamin does not have capture handler, just set
04-30 14:23:27.914 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: setSuspend(), mSuspendLockCount
= 0 ,mSuspendCount = 1, suspend_on = 0
04-30 14:23:27.914 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -setMode(), mAudioMode =
3, mResumeAllStreamsAtRouting = 0, resumeAllStreamsAtSetMode = 1
04-30 14:23:27.929 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
04-30 14:23:27.929 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
13, keyValuePairs = routing=2
04-30 14:23:27.929 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices: 0x1 => 0x2
04-30 14:23:27.929 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -routingOutputDevice(),
stream out not active, route itself and return
04-30 14:23:27.929 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +routing(), route output
device from 0x1 to 0x2, flag 0x6
04-30 14:23:27.937 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 6,
04-30 14:23:27.937 568 25698 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 0, devices 0x2, index 5, mode 0x3
04-30 14:23:27.937 568 25698 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
9, spkAnaType = 3, spkLMixerName = Lineout_PGAL_GAIN, spkRMixerName =
04-30 14:23:27.937 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setVolumeIndex() stream=
0, device= 2, index= 5
04-30 14:23:27.937 568 25698 D SpeechDriverFactory: GetSpeechDriverByIndex(),
04-30 14:23:27.937 568 25698 D SpeechDriverNormal: setMDVolumeIndex(), stream: 0,
device: 0x2, index: 5, sph off, return
04-30 14:23:27.937 568 25698 D SpeechDriverFactory: GetSpeechDriverByIndex(),
04-30 14:23:27.937 568 25698 D SpeechDriverFactory: GetSpeechDriverByIndex(),
04-30 14:23:27.940 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
04-30 14:23:27.940 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
13, keyValuePairs = routing=2
04-30 14:23:27.940 568 25698 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x2), return
04-30 14:23:27.943 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
04-30 14:23:27.943 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
21, keyValuePairs = routing=2
04-30 14:23:27.943 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x8, output_devices: 0x1 => 0x2
04-30 14:23:27.943 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -routingOutputDevice(),
stream out not active, route itself and return
04-30 14:23:27.943 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +routing(), route output
device from 0x1 to 0x2, flag 0x8
04-30 14:23:28.032 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:23:28.032 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:23:28.036 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
04-30 14:23:28.036 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
04-30 14:23:28.054 568 25698 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf5483070 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:23:28.064 568 25698 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf5483070 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:23:28.065 568 25698 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf2a7e780 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:23:28.067 568 25698 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf2a7e780 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:23:28.068 568 25698 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf54830a0 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:23:28.069 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), 0xf5483070
04-30 14:23:28.069 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(),
mPreProcessEffectBackupCount wrong
04-30 14:23:28.070 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), 0xf2a7e780
04-30 14:23:28.070 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(),
mPreProcessEffectBackupCount wrong
04-30 14:23:28.070 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(), 0xf54830a0
04-30 14:23:28.070 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: removeAudioEffect(),
mPreProcessEffectBackupCount wrong
04-30 14:23:28.076 568 25698 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf5483070 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:23:28.083 568 25698 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf5483070 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:23:28.084 568 25698 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf2a7e7b0 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:23:28.084 568 25698 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf2a7e7b0 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:23:28.085 568 25698 W EffectHAL: Effect 0xf5483100 command SET_CONFIG
returned status: Invalid argument
04-30 14:23:28.094 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +routing createAudioPatch
80000080->Mixer Src 7
04-30 14:23:28.094 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
4150, keyValuePairs = input_source=7;routing=-2147483520
04-30 14:23:28.095 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +routingInputDevice(),
input_device: 0x80000004 => 0x80000080
04-30 14:23:28.095 568 25698 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingInputDevice(), not
support back_mic if mic < 2, force to set input_device = 0x80000004
04-30 14:23:28.095 568 25698 W AudioALSAStreamManager: -routingInputDevice(),
input_device == current_input_device(0x80000004), return
04-30 14:23:28.097 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), 0xf5483070
04-30 14:23:28.097 568 17919 W StreamHAL: Error from HAL stream in function
set_microphone_direction: Function not implemented
04-30 14:23:28.097 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), effect
name:Acoustic Echo Canceler, BackupCount=0
04-30 14:23:28.097 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), AECOn, need
reopen the capture handle
04-30 14:23:28.097 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect()-
04-30 14:23:28.098 568 25698 W StreamHAL: Error from HAL stream in function
set_microphone_field_dimension: Function not implemented
04-30 14:23:28.098 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), 0xf2a7e7b0
04-30 14:23:28.098 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), effect
name:Noise Suppression, BackupCount=1
04-30 14:23:28.098 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), NSOn, need
reopen the capture handle
04-30 14:23:28.098 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect()-
04-30 14:23:28.100 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), 0xf5483100
04-30 14:23:28.100 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), effect
name:Automatic Gain Control, BackupCount=2
04-30 14:23:28.100 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect(), AGCOn, need
reopen the capture handle
04-30 14:23:28.100 568 17919 D AudioALSAStreamIn: addAudioEffect()-
04-30 14:23:28.100 568 22220 D AudioALSAStreamIn: open()
04-30 14:23:28.100 568 22220 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createCaptureHandler(),
mAudioMode = 3, input_source = 7, input_device = 0x80000004,
mBypassDualMICProcessUL=0, sample_rate=16000
04-30 14:23:28.100 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
04-30 14:23:28.100 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC:
04-30 14:23:28.100 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 6,
04-30 14:23:28.100 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC: +open(), input_device
= 0x80000004, input_source = 0x7, sample_rate=16000, num_channels=1,
04-30 14:23:28.100 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 8,
04-30 14:23:28.100 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
04-30 14:23:28.100 568 25698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 65536,
04-30 14:23:28.100 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase:
configStreamAttribute(), audio_mode: 3 => 3, input_device: 0x80000004 =>
0x80000004, flag: 0x0 => 0x0, input_source: 7->7, output_device: 0x2 => 0x2, DSP
out sample_rate: 16000 => 16000
04-30 14:23:28.100 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase: attach(),
0xf40a4000, mCaptureDataClientVector.size()=0, Identity=0xf5a4ae00,
mCaptureDataProviderType = 0
04-30 14:23:28.100 568 22220 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 1,
stringpair = MultiMedia1_Capture
04-30 14:23:28.100 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: open(+),
audiomode=0, cardindex = 0, pcmindex = 1
04-30 14:23:28.100 568 25698 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
04-30 14:23:28.101 568 22220 D AudioSpeechEnhanceInfo: GetHifiRecord,
04-30 14:23:28.101 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: buffersizemax:
49152, bHifiRecord: 0, btempDebug: 0
04-30 14:23:28.101 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: mConfig
format: 1, channels: 1, rate: 48000, period_size: 960, period_count: 6, latency:
20, kReadBufferSize: 3840, mCaptureDropSize: 0
04-30 14:23:28.103 568 22220 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startInputDevice(), new_device: 0x80000004, mInputDevice: 0x0,
mStartInputDeviceCount: 0, mMicInverse: 0, mNumPhoneMicSupport: 1,
mBuiltInMicSpecificTyp: 0
04-30 14:23:28.103 568 22220 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = builtin_Mic_SingleMic descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
04-30 14:23:28.103 568 22220 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
startInputDevice(), mInputDevice = 0x80000004, mStartInputDeviceCount = 1
04-30 14:23:28.104 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: open(-)
04-30 14:23:28.104 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase:
configStreamAttribute(), audio_mode: 3 => 3, input_device: 0x80000004 =>
0x80000004, flag: 0x0 => 0x0, input_source: 7->7, output_device: 0x2 => 0x2, DSP
out sample_rate: 16000 => 16000
04-30 14:23:28.104 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase: attach(),
0xf40a4400, mCaptureDataClientVector.size()=0, Identity=0xf5a4ae00,
mCaptureDataProviderType = 5
04-30 14:23:28.104 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderEchoRef: open(),
audio_format = 1, output_device=0x2, audio_channel_mask=c, num_channels=2,
sample_rate=48000, buf_total_latency=160ms
04-30 14:23:28.104 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderEchoRef: open(),
format = 0, channels=2, rate=48000, period_size=960,
04-30 14:23:28.104 568 22220 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 9,
stringpair = DL1_AWB_Record
04-30 14:23:28.104 568 29773 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderNormal: +readThread(),
pid: 568, tid: 29773, kReadBufferSize=0xf00, open_index=623,
04-30 14:23:28.104 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal: mLatency
20, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840, mProcessedDataPeriodBufSize 640,
mEchoRefDataPeriodBufSize 3840, stream_attribute_target->audio_format = 1
mStreamAttributeSource->audio_format = 4
04-30 14:23:28.104 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +syncSharedOutDevice(),
routingSharedOutDevice: 2
04-30 14:23:28.104 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -syncSharedOutDevice()
04-30 14:23:28.105 568 4396 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 0, devices 0x2, index 5, mode 0x3
04-30 14:23:28.105 568 4396 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
9, spkAnaType = 3, spkLMixerName = Lineout_PGAL_GAIN, spkRMixerName =
04-30 14:23:28.105 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 6
04-30 14:23:28.105 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 3, output_devices = 0x2, isMixerOut = 0x0, flag = 6
04-30 14:23:28.105 568 4396 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x6, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e
04-30 14:23:28.106 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:Awinic dlopen lib success
04-30 14:23:28.106 568 4396 I [Awinic]: mec6_v0.1.5
04-30 14:23:28.106 568 4396 D [Awinic]: set parameter done!
04-30 14:23:28.106 568 4396 D [Awinic]: init Done !
04-30 14:23:28.106 568 4396 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
04-30 14:23:28.106 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 6,
source output_devices = 0x2, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 2048, sample_rate =
04-30 14:23:28.106 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xf4437700 Init lib v125
04-30 14:23:28.106 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
04-30 14:23:28.107 568 4396 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this (0xf4437700) init done 0xf442e080 0xf21b1380
04-30 14:23:28.107 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 7,
stringpair = I2S0DL1_PLayback
04-30 14:23:28.107 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x1)
04-30 14:23:28.107 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 6,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 256, period_count
= 16, format = 1, avail_min = 256, start_threshold = 4096
04-30 14:23:28.107 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 1, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
04-30 14:23:28.108 568 29774 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderEchoRef:
+readThread(), pid: 568, tid: 29774, kReadBufferSize=f00
04-30 14:23:28.108 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 7 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xf5a4b260
04-30 14:23:28.108 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, voip: 1, mAurisysScenario: 5
04-30 14:23:28.108 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 4, audio_mode: 3, stream_type: 0, output_flags: 0x6,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
04-30 14:23:28.108 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1,
frame = 20, b_interleave = 0, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
04-30 14:23:28.108 568 4396 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 1, ch_mask:
0x1, buf fs: 16000, buf content fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1; dl out[type:3], ch: 1,
ch_mask: 0x1, buf fs: 16000, buf content fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1
04-30 14:23:28.108 568 4396 D : categoryPath =
Scene,Default,Profile,Handsfree, custom_scene = Default
04-30 14:23:28.108 568 4396 D : parm_WB[ 0]=32896, 240, 32768, 4159,
51463, 9543, 408, 0, 80, 4325
04-30 14:23:28.108 568 4396 D : ,parm_WB[10]=610, 0, 944, 0, 0, 0,
65252, 255, 85
04-30 14:23:28.108 568 4396 D : ,parm_WB[32]=0, parm_WB[47]=51200
04-30 14:23:28.108 568 4396 D : comm_parm[ 0]=0, 55997, 31000, 87,
32769, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
04-30 14:23:28.108 568 4396 D : [=coef=]Compen_filter_WB: p[0]=14,
p[1]=65533, p[2]=10, p[3]=65505, p[4]=9
04-30 14:23:28.108 568 4396 D : [=coef=]MIC1_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=58178,
p[1]=15521, p[2]=7644, p[3]=50248, p[4]=7644
04-30 14:23:28.108 568 4396 D : [=coef=]MIC2_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=57527,
p[1]=16194, p[2]=7884, p[3]=49768, p[4]=7884
04-30 14:23:28.108 568 4396 D : [=coef=]ENH_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=31376,
p[1]=50468, p[2]=32769, p[3]=16384, p[4]=32596
04-30 14:23:28.108 568 4396 D : [=coef=]ENH_IIR_COEF_DL_WB: p[0]=50118,
p[1]=30608, p[2]=16187, p[3]=34188, p[4]=51272
04-30 14:23:28.108 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=1938,model=vivo 1938", file_path
"/vendor/etc/aurisys_param/Speech_AudioParam.xml", enhancement_mode 0,
param_buf_size 15256, data_size 15256, custom_info SetAudioCustomScene=
04-30 14:23:28.108 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
isNeedSyncPcmStart, read thread ready! pcm start
04-30 14:23:28.109 568 22220 D AudioMTKGainController: +SetCaptureGain(), mode=3,
source=7, input device=0x80000004, output device=0x2
04-30 14:23:28.109 568 22220 D AudioMTKGainController: ApplyMicGain(), analogidx
= 2, mSceneIndex = 0, _mic_mode = 4, _gain_device = 2, mode = 3, micgain = 20,
mULTotalGain = 152, mBand = 0, mNetwork = 0
04-30 14:23:28.109 568 29773 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase: pcm_start
04-30 14:23:28.109 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
CreateAurisysLibManager(), voip: 1, low_latency: 0, aec: 1, input_source: 7, flag:
0x0 => mAurisysScenario: 5
04-30 14:23:28.109 568 22220 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x4,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 1, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x10, hw_info_mask: 0x0;
output dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x0, fs: 0, max fs: 48000, ch: 0, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x0,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 4, audio_mode: 3, stream_type: 0, output_flags: 0x0,
input_source: 7, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x1c
04-30 14:23:28.109 568 29774 D AudioALSACaptureDataProviderBase: pcm_start
04-30 14:23:28.109 568 22220 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1,
frame = 20, b_interleave = 0, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 1, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
04-30 14:23:28.109 568 22220 D aurisys_utility: ul in[type:0], ch: 1, ch_mask:
0x10, buf fs: 16000, buf content fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1; ul out[type:1], ch: 1,
ch_mask: 0x10, buf fs: 16000, buf content fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1
04-30 14:23:28.109 568 22220 D aurisys_utility: ul ref[type:4], ch: 1, ch_mask:
0x10, buf fs: 16000, buf content fs: 16000, fmt: 0x1
04-30 14:23:28.109 568 22220 D : categoryPath =
Scene,Default,Profile,Handsfree, custom_scene = Default
04-30 14:23:28.109 568 22220 D : parm_WB[ 0]=32896, 240, 32768, 4159,
51463, 9543, 408, 0, 80, 4325
04-30 14:23:28.109 568 22220 D : ,parm_WB[10]=610, 0, 944, 0, 0, 0,
65252, 255, 85
04-30 14:23:28.109 568 22220 D : ,parm_WB[32]=0, parm_WB[47]=51200
04-30 14:23:28.109 568 22220 D : comm_parm[ 0]=0, 55997, 31000, 87,
32769, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
04-30 14:23:28.109 568 22220 D : [=coef=]Compen_filter_WB: p[0]=14,
p[1]=65533, p[2]=10, p[3]=65505, p[4]=9
04-30 14:23:28.109 568 22220 D : [=coef=]MIC1_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=58178,
p[1]=15521, p[2]=7644, p[3]=50248, p[4]=7644
04-30 14:23:28.109 568 22220 D : [=coef=]MIC2_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=57527,
p[1]=16194, p[2]=7884, p[3]=49768, p[4]=7884
04-30 14:23:28.109 568 22220 D : [=coef=]ENH_IIR_COEF_UL_WB: p[0]=31376,
p[1]=50468, p[2]=32769, p[3]=16384, p[4]=32596
04-30 14:23:28.109 568 22220 D : [=coef=]ENH_IIR_COEF_DL_WB: p[0]=50118,
p[1]=30608, p[2]=16187, p[3]=34188, p[4]=51272
04-30 14:23:28.109 568 22220 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=1938,model=vivo 1938", file_path
"/vendor/etc/aurisys_param/Speech_AudioParam.xml", enhancement_mode 0,
param_buf_size 15256, data_size 15256, custom_info SetAudioCustomScene=
04-30 14:23:28.110 568 4396 D : MTK_SP1 Soft. Version 1.1.17, 2019-03-04
04-30 14:23:28.110 568 4396 D : Current sample rate, 16000
04-30 14:23:28.111 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_speech_enh, 0xf441d480, memory_size
2744096, arsi_handler 0xf0f00000, retval 0x0
04-30 14:23:28.111 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_speech_enh, 0xf441d480, sample_rate: 48000 => 16000, num_channels: 2 => 1,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x1, interleave: 1 => 0, frame: 0 => 20
04-30 14:23:28.111 568 4396 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 16000 =>
48000, num_channels: 1 => 2, audio_format: 0x1 => 0x4, interleave: 0 => 1, frame:
20 => 0
04-30 14:23:28.111 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x2, mOutputDevices = 0x0,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
04-30 14:23:28.111 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: spkType is 1
04-30 14:23:28.111 568 4396 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: OpenSpeakerPath
SampleRate 48000
04-30 14:23:28.111 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
04-30 14:23:28.111 568 22220 D : MTK_SP1 Soft. Version 1.1.17, 2019-03-04
04-30 14:23:28.112 568 22220 D : Current sample rate, 16000
04-30 14:23:28.112 568 22220 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_speech_enh, 0xf441c300, memory_size
2744096, arsi_handler 0xf0c00000, retval 0x0
04-30 14:23:28.112 568 22220 D aurisys_lib_manager: UL Lib, lib_name
mtk_speech_enh, 0xf441c300, sample_rate: 48000 => 16000, num_channels: 1 => 1,
audio_format: 0x4 => 0x1, interleave: 1 => 0, frame: 0 => 20
04-30 14:23:28.112 568 22220 D aurisys_lib_manager: UL out, sample_rate: 16000 =>
16000, num_channels: 1 => 1, audio_format: 0x1 => 0x1, interleave: 0 => 1, frame:
20 => 0
04-30 14:23:28.112 568 22220 D aurisys_lib_manager: AEC, sample_rate: 48000 =>
16000, num_channels: 2 => 1, audio_format: 0x1 => 0x1, interleave: 1 => 0, frame: 0
=> 20
04-30 14:23:28.112 568 22220 D aurisys_lib_handler: lib_name mtk_speech_enh,
0xf441c300, set ul_analog_gain_ref_only 48, ul_digital_gain 48, retval 0
04-30 14:23:28.112 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect()+ 0xf5483070
04-30 14:23:28.112 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect(), effect type:
7b491460, effect name:Acoustic Echo Canceler
04-30 14:23:28.112 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect(),
StreamInAttributeinfo num_channels=1, audio_channel_mask=10, sample_rate=16000
04-30 14:23:28.112 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect()-, RetStatus=0
04-30 14:23:28.112 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect()+ 0xf2a7e7b0
04-30 14:23:28.112 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect(), effect type:
58b4b260, effect name:Noise Suppression
04-30 14:23:28.112 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect(),
StreamInAttributeinfo num_channels=1, audio_channel_mask=10, sample_rate=16000
04-30 14:23:28.112 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect()-, RetStatus=0
04-30 14:23:28.112 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect()+ 0xf5483100
04-30 14:23:28.112 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect(), effect type:
0a8abfe0, effect name:Automatic Gain Control
04-30 14:23:28.112 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect(),
StreamInAttributeinfo num_channels=1, audio_channel_mask=10, sample_rate=16000
04-30 14:23:28.112 568 22220 D AudioPreProcess: addAudioEffect()-, RetStatus=0
04-30 14:23:28.113 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
04-30 14:23:28.115 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal(-), drop_ms = 60
04-30 14:23:28.115 568 22220 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerAEC: -open()
04-30 14:23:28.115 568 22220 D AudioALSAStreamIn: open(), Set RawStartFrameCount
= 0
04-30 14:23:28.139 568 29774 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
syncEchoRefData(AEC*), UL in: 0.000000000, EchoRef: 525743.217569610
04-30 14:23:28.139 568 29773 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
syncEchoRefData(UL*), UL in: 525743.214294969, EchoRef: 525743.217569610
04-30 14:23:28.139 568 29773 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
syncEchoRefData(), II. time_diff_ms 3.274641, compensate 628 echo ref data
04-30 14:23:28.139 568 29773 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
+mRawDataBuf data_count 3840, mEchoRefDataBuf data_count 4468,
mRawDataPeriodBufSize = 3840, mEchoRefDataPeriodBufSize = 3840
04-30 14:23:28.139 568 29773 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal: -
mRawDataBuf data_count 0, -mEchoRefDataBuf data_count 628
04-30 14:23:28.149 568 4396 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
04-30 14:23:28.155 568 29776 W AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
data_count_raw_ul 0, mRawDataPeriodBufSize 3840, data_count_raw_aec 628,
mEchoRefDataPeriodBufSize 3840
04-30 14:23:28.171 625 625 D ANDROID-MTK-PROXY-VPERF: proxy_perfLockRelease
pl_handle = 318568
04-30 14:23:28.171 625 625 I mtkperf_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:318568, tid:625
04-30 14:23:28.171 591 641 I mtkpower@1.1-impl: perfLockRelease hdl:318568
04-30 14:23:28.171 591 639 I powerd : [powerd_req] POWER_MSG_PERF_LOCK_REL:
04-30 14:23:28.171 568 4396 D _V_ktv_service: audio_mtk_ktv_set_output: 0x2
04-30 14:23:28.171 591 639 E libPowerHal: perfLockRel handle:318568
04-30 14:23:28.171 568 4396 V AudioALSAVAFXManager: initPlayBackHandler
04-30 14:23:28.171 568 4396 V AudioALSAVAFXManager: OpenPCMDump()
04-30 14:23:28.172 568 4396 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: F 0x4 Dev 0x0 CM 0xc CN 2 SR
48000 BS 32768
04-30 14:23:28.172 568 4396 D AudioALSAVAFXManager: AudioALSAVAFXCtrl
ePlaybackHandlerType 7
04-30 14:23:28.172 568 4396 D _V_vafx_sp_wrapper: vafx_speaker_boost_init:
sample_rate 48000, format_type 2
04-30 14:23:28.172 568 4396 D _V_vafx_sp_wrapper:
04-30 14:23:28.172 568 4396 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
04-30 14:23:28.172 568 4396 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
04-30 14:23:28.174 568 4396 D audio_ringbuf: dynamic_change_ring_buf_size(),
0xf5a53d00: 360 -> 1044, data_count 344, write_size 170, free_space 0
04-30 14:23:28.189 568 4396 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error =
04-30 14:23:28.191 568 4396 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error =
04-30 14:23:28.195 568 4396 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error =
04-30 14:23:28.197 568 4396 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error =
04-30 14:23:28.202 568 4396 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error =

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