Individual and Combined Effects of Genistein and Hesperidin On Immunity

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Individual and combined effects of genistein and hesperidin on immunity

and intestinal morphometry in lipopolysacharide-challenged broiler chickens

A. A. Kamboh*† and W-y. Zhu*1

*Laboratory of Gastrointestinal Microbiology, College of Animal Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural
University, Nanjing 210095, China; and †Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Faculty of Animal Husbandry
and Veterinary Sciences, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam 70060, Pakistan

ABSTRACT Genistein and hesperidin have been shown as a few negative effects including reduced villus length
to have beneficial effects in several animal models in- and increased crypt depth were observed in some seg-
cluding mice, rats, pigs, and humans. This study inves- ments of the small intestine. Both genistein and hes-
tigated the individual and combined effects of genistein peridin seemed to modify the immunity positively by
(an isoflavone) and hesperidin (a flavanone) on immu- altering the phagocytic activity (P < 0.01). Parameters
nity and intestinal morphometry in lipopolysaccharide of intestinal morphometry such as villus length, crypt
(LPS)-challenged broiler chickens. Seven hundred twen- depth, villus width, and villus length/crypt depth ra-
ty 1-d-old commercial Arbor Acres broiler chicks were tios were also improved (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05) by the
randomly divided into 6 treatments, with 6 replicates supplemental genistein and hesperidin in both LPS-un-
of 20 birds each. Chicks were fed a basal diet without challenged and -challenged groups. However, no effect
any additive (control), supplemented with 5 mg of ge- (P > 0.05) was observed for BWG, FI, and FCR of
nistein/kg of feed (G5) and 20 mg of hesperidin/kg of broilers. Overall, genistein and hesperidin improved the
feed (H20), or a mixture of genistein and hesperidin immunity and the morphometry of small intestine in a
(1:4) with doses of 5 (GH5), 10 (GH10), and 20 (GH20) dose-dependent manner. These findings provided the
mg/kg of feed for 42 d. On d 16, 18, and 20, one-half first account on the in vivo effects of genistein and hes-
the birds from each group were separated and injected peridin for immunostimulation and morphometric gut
intraperitoneally with Escherichia coli LPS (250 μg/ development in LPS-challenged chickens. Thus, both
kg of BW) to induce the immunological stimulation. compounds may be used as alternative feed additives
Samples were collected on 21 and 42 d. The results in the poultry industry to promote gut health and im-
showed that LPS treatment exerts immunomodulatory prove immunity against infections.
effects (P < 0.05) in phagocytic activity at 21 d, where-
Key words: genistein, hesperidin, immunity, lipopolysaccharide, morphometry
2014 Poultry Science 93:2175–2183

INTRODUCTION In China, some bacterial diseases such as fowl cholera,

infectious coryzea, avian bordetellosis, and mycoplas-
In recent years, growing interest in discontinuing in- mosis; and viral diseases such as avian influenza, viral
feed antibiotics has greatly enhanced the search for al- enteritis, infectious bursal disease, infectious bronchitis,
ternative feed additives including prebiotic, probiotic, and Newcastle disease have been common in poultry
and phytogenic additives to improve the immune sys- birds recently (Wang et al., 2013). In addition to these
tem, gut function, and productivity of farm animals obvious diseases, subclinical forms of these diseases and
(Giannenas et al., 2010). In contrast to antibiotics, several others such as colibacillosis, necrotic enteritis,
these products do not have any known side effects and and fowl typhoid are very devastating because these
are thus considered safe in the food chain. Flavonoids, cause several billion dollars of loss per annum (Frolich
a group of polyphenolic compounds found mainly in et al., 2013). These subclinical diseases cause low-dose
fruits and vegetables, are some of the widely researched endotoxemia. In contrast to high-dose endotoxemia
alternatives to in-feed antibiotics in animal nutrition. that induces a robust momentary inflammatory re-
sponse, subclinical low-dose endotoxin causes low-grade
yet persistent inflammatory responses that result in the
©2014 Poultry Science Association Inc.
Received February 13, 2014.
initiation and propagation of chronic pathological dis-
Accepted May 8, 2014. eases (Maitra et al., 2012). Lipopolysaccharide (LPS),
1 Corresponding author: an endotoxin, is an essential component of the cell wall

2176 Kamboh and Zhu

of gram-negative bacteria. Many studies have been re- Table 1. Feed ingredients and analytical composition of basal
ported on LPS challenge, but all those demonstrated diet for broiler chickens (%, unless otherwise indicated)
a severe challenge (high-dose endotoxemia, 500–1,000 Starter Grower
µg/kg of BW; Xie et al., 2000; Bowen et al., 2009). Item (1 to 21 d) (22 to 42 d)
Little information is available on subclinical low-dose Ingredient
exposure of endotoxin LPS in broilers.  Corn 60.2 65.65
Genistein and hesperidin are 2 naturally occurring   Soybean meal 30.0 24.0
  Corn gluten meal 2.5 3.0
flavonoids, abundant in soybeans and citrus fruits, re-   Soybean oil 2.8 3.0
spectively. Flavonoids are well known for improving  Limestone 1.2 1.2
chicken health and egg production (Ting et al., 2011),   Dicalcium phosphate 1.7 1.6
  Vitamin-mineral premix1 1.0 1.0
gut protective efficiency, attenuation of LPS effects,  Salt 0.3 0.3
and upregulation of both innate and acquired immune   l-Lysine 0.15 0.15
responses (Calixto et al., 2004; Kawaguchi et al., 2004).   dl-Methionine 0.15 0.1
Analyzed chemical composition
In some studies, flavonoid-rich alfalfa extract and soy   ME (kcal/kg) 3,122 3,188
isoflavones have been reported for significant effects on  CP 20.72 18.93
growth performance, T and B lymphocyte prolifera-   Ether extract 4.14 5.79
 DM 89.1 88.4
tion, and stimulation of immune cells in broiler chickens  Lysine 1.17 1.0
(Dong et al., 2007; Jiang et al., 2007). In some recent  Methionine 0.5 0.41
studies, unpurified flavonoids in their native forms (fla-   Methionine + cysteine 0.65 0.6
 Threonine 0.7 0.6
vonoid-rich botanicals) or their extracts (or both) were  Tryptophan 0.17 0.16
reported for immunomodulatory and gut-promoting ef-  Calcium 0.9 0.84
fects, including increased villus length and surface area  Phosphorus 0.6 0.5
of small intestine in growing chickens (Hanieh et al., 1Mineral premix provided per kilogram of diet: transretinyl acetate,

2010; Hassanpour et al., 2010; Wallace et al., 2010). To 25 mg; cholecalciferol, 6 mg; menadione, 1.2 mg; thiamine, 2.3 mg; ri-
boflavin, 8 mg; nicotinamide, 42 mg; choline chloride, 400 mg; calcium
our knowledge, however, little research has been con- pantothenate, 10 mg; pyridoxine HCl, 4 mg; biotin, 0.04 mg; folic acid,
ducted to investigate the supplementation of purified 1 mg; cobalamin, 0.012 mg; Fe (from ferrous sulfate), 82 mg; Cu (from
flavonoids in immunologically challenged broiler chick- copper sulfate), 7.5 mg; Mn (from manganese sulfate), 110 mg; Zn (from
zinc oxide), 64 mg; I (from calcium iodate), 1.1 mg; Se (from sodium
ens. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate selenite), 0.28 mg.
the growth performance, immunomodulatory, and gut
morphometric effects of 2 purified flavonoids genistein
and hesperidin individually and in combination, in low it was maintained at room temperature till the end of
levels in immunologically challenged broiler chickens. the experiment (at 42 d). Relative humidity was main-
tained in the house between 65 to 75% during the entire
experimental period. Twenty-four hour light availabil-
MATERIALS AND METHODS ity was ensured in the house. Corn-soybean basal diets
Experimental Design, Diets, and Housing in the form of mash (starter mash for 1 to 21 d and
grower mash for 22 to 42 d) and water were offered ad
All the experimental procedures were reviewed and libitum to all birds. The birds were not supplemented
approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee of with any antibacterial or anticoccidial agent and did
the Nanjing Agricultural University, China. A total of not receive any therapeutic intervention during the en-
720 one-day-old, mixed sex commercial broiler chicks tire study period. The composition of experimental di-
(Arbor Acres) were obtained from a local hatchery (He- ets is shown in Table 1.
wei Agriculture Development Co., Anhui, China). The A 2 × 6 factorial design was used as genistein or
birds (average BW 44 g) were randomly divided into 6 hesperidin (or both) treatment as one factor and LPS/
treatment groups as follows: 1) basal diet without any saline injection as another factor. Genistein and hes-
additive (control); 2) basal diet with 5 mg of genistein/ peridin were purchased from a commercial company
kg (G5); 3) basal diet with 20 mg of hesperidin/kg (Sigma Chemical Co. USA, St. Louis, MO) with 98%
(H20); 4) basal diet with 5 mg of genistein + hesperi- purity. Their purity was further confirmed before they
din/kg (1:4, GH5); 5) basal diet with 10 mg of genis- were mixed with feed (Mahmoud et al., 2013). On d 16,
tein + hesperidin/kg (1:4, GH10); and 6) basal diet one-half the birds from each replicate were given 0.9%
with 20 mg of genistein + hesperidin/kg (1:4, GH20). saline solution and the other half were injected intra-
The dose and ratios of genistein and hesperidin were peritoneally with highly purified Escherichia coli LPS
based on previous work done in our laboratory (unpub- (serotype 055:B5, Sigma) at 250 µg/kg of BW. This
lished data). Each group had 6 replicates of 20 birds procedure was repeated on d 18 and 20; however, chick-
each that were assigned to wire cages (size: 102 × 60 ens are very tolerant of the effect of LPS, so repeated
× 32 cm) and housed in a full automatically controlled exposure is needed to induce immunological stimula-
room maintained at 34°C during the first day, 31 to tion (Zhang et al., 2010). Body weight, feed refusal, and
33°C during the first week, and gradually reduced by mortalities were recorded for both starter and grower
3°C per week to reach a minimum of 26°C, after which periods.
Sample Collection tecture. Villus length was measured as the vertical dis-
tance from the villus tip to villus-crypt junction. Villus
At 21 and 42 d of age, broilers were deprived of feed width was recorded at its mid-height. Crypt depth was
for 12 h, weighed to calculate performance, and one measured as the vertical distance from the villus-crypt
broiler per replicate was randomly selected and killed junction to the lower limit of the crypt (Giannenas et
by decapitation. The whole GIT was removed and 2-cm al., 2010). All the measurements were recorded from 10
segments were taken from the middle of the duodenum well-oriented villi × 3 sections/chicken.
(from the gizzard outlet to pancreatic and bile ducts),
jejunum (from the point of entry of the bile ducts to
Meckel’s diverticulum), and ileum (from Meckel’s di- Statistics
verticulum to ileocecal junction). These samples were Data were analyzed using the GLM procedure of
washed with cold PBS and kept in 10% neutral buff- SPSS 16.0 for Windows (SPSS, 1999) as 6 × 2 factorial
ered formalin at 4°C for fixation until morphometric arrangement with dietary treatments of genistein/hes-
analysis. peridin and LPS challenge as main effects. Tukey’s mul-
tiple range test was used to evaluate the significant dif-
In Vivo Mononuclear Phagocytosis ferences among treatment means. Level of significance
Assessment was determined at P < 0.05. All results were presented
as mean and pooled SEM.
The individual and combined effects of genistein and
hesperidin on the phagocytic activity of the reticuloen-
dothelial system were assessed by measuring the car- RESULTS
bon clearance rate as described previously (Damre et Growth Performance
al., 2003). On d 21 and 42, 6 birds from each group
were given colloidal carbon (black indian ink, Shang- As shown in Table 2, dietary treatments of genis-
hai Xinde Oriental Co., Shanghai, China) intravenously tein and hesperidin and LPS challenge did not affect
(0.1 mL/300 g of BW). At 2 and 20 min intervals, 30- BW gain (BWG), feed intake (FI), and feed conver-
µL blood samples were collected from the wing vein sion ratio (FCR, intake:BWG) of broilers during the
after the carbon injection. Each blood sample was he- starter (1–21 d) and grower period (22–42 d). A slight
molyzed immediately by the addition of 2 mL of 0.1% reduction was observed in FI and BWG during 1 to
Na2CO3 solution. The concentration of carbon particles 21 d in LPS-challenged groups; however, it was found
was analyzed in plasma samples by measuring optical to be nonsignificant (P > 0.05). No effect of dietary
density (OD) at wavelength of 600 nm. Phagocytic ac- treatments or LPS were found in the mortality ratio
tivity was calculated in terms of the phagocytic index throughout the experimental period (data not shown).
by using the following equations (Shukla et al., 2009):
Phagocytic Response
rate of carbon clearance (K) = log OD2
Effect of Dietary Treatments. Dietary treatments
− log OD10/T2 − T1;
of genistein and hesperidin elevated (P < 0.01) the
phagocytic index of broiler chickens at 21 and 42 d
phagocytic index = K1/3
in a dose-dependent fashion (Table 3). In LPS-unchal-
× BW of animal/liver weight + spleen weight, lenged groups, all dietary treatments except G5 showed
a higher level (P < 0.01) of phagocytic activity com-
where OD2 is the log absorbance of blood at 2 min, pared with the control on d 21 (i.e., H20, +15.7%;
OD10 is log absorbance of blood at 10 min, T2 is the GH5, +8.4%; GH10, +45.9%; and GH20, +92.9%).
last time point of blood collection, and T1 is the first At 42 d, all dietary treatments except low dose groups
time point of blood collection. (G5 and GH5) had improved (P < 0.01) phagocytic
activity (i.e., H20, +16.0%; GH10, +17.0%; and GH20,
Morphometric Analysis +51.5%) compared with the unsupplemented control
Formalin-fixed intestinal tissues were embedded with Effect of LPS. A marked increase (P = 0.001) in
optimal cutting temperature compound (OCT, Sigma) phagocytic activity was observed for the LPS challenge
and cut into transverse sections (7 µm) at −20°C. These (control: +27.3%) on 21 d. In LPS-challenged groups,
were stained by the hematoxylin and eosin (H&E, Sig- phagocytic activity was improved in all groups except
ma) method and examined with a Nikon phase con- GH20 (i.e., control, +27.3%; G5, +50.5%; H20, +33.8%;
trast microscope coupled with a Microcomp integrated GH5, +29.1%; and GH10, +20.9%). The interaction
digital imaging analysis system (Nikon Eclipse 80i, between challenge and diet was also statistically signifi-
Nikon Co., Tokyo, Japan). Images were viewed (4×) to cant (P < 0.01) on 21 d, whereas LPS challenge did not
measure morphometric parameters of intestinal archi- affect phagocytic activity on 42 d.

Table 2. Effect of genistein and hesperidin supplementation on growth performance in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced broiler chickens from 1 to 42 d of age
Dietary treatment2

LPS (−) LPS (+) P-value3

Parameter1 CON G5 H20 GH5 GH10 GH20 CON G5 H20 GH5 GH10 GH20 SEM Diet Challenge Interaction

1–21 d                                
  BWG (g) 794 792 779 791 799 783 734 782 785 780 789 788 8.320 0.064 0.056 0.033
  FI (g) 1,033 1,042 1,048 1,049 1,014 1,025 960 1,019 1,020 1,027 998 1,013 9.431 0.109 0.042 0.333
 FCR 1.301 1.315 1.345 1.326 1.269 1.309 1.307 1.303 1.299 1.316 1.264 1.285 0.011 0.505 0.061 0.669
22–42 d                                
  BWG (g) 1,125 1,135 1,202 1,137 1,118 1,162 1,131 1,156 1,210 1,205 1,202 1,145 11.02 0.074 0.957 0.765
  FI (g) 2,412 2,473 2,475 2,393 2,310 2,492 2,448 2,463 2,426 2,396 2,387 2,454 17.21 0.212 0.856 0.897
 FCR 2.197 2.069 1.990 2.176 2.066 2.144 2.164 2.130 2.004 1.988 1.985 2.143 0.019 0.406 0.775 0.985
1BWG = BW gain; FI = feed intake; FCR = feed conversion ratio.
2CON = control; G5 = 5 mg of genistein/kg; H20 = 20 mg of hesperidin/kg; GH5 = 5 mg of genistein + hesperidin/kg (1:4); GH10 = 10 mg of genistein + hesperidin/kg (1:4); GH20 = 20 mg of
genistein + hesperidin/kg (1:4).
3P-values represent the main effect of the diet, the main effect of LPS challenge, and the interaction between dietary treatments and LPS challenge.
Kamboh and Zhu

Table 3. Effect of genistein and hesperidin supplementation on phagocytic index in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced broiler chickens at 21 and 42 d of age
Dietary treatment2

LPS (−) LPS (+) P-value3

index1 CON G5 H20 GH5 GH10 GH20 CON G5 H20 GH5 GH10 GH20 SEM Diet Challenge Interaction

21 d 0.561g 0.487h 0.649f 0.608f 0.819d 1.082a 0.714e 0.733e 0.868c 0.785d 0.990b 1.031b 0.062 0.001 0.001 0.001
42 d 0.619c 0.607c 0.718b 0.584c 0.724b 0.938a 0.621c 0.613c 0.693b 0.600c 0.709b 0.955a 0.055 0.001 0.979 0.622
a–hMean values (n = 6) in a row not sharing a common superscript are significantly different (P < 0.05).
1Relative rate of carbon clearance.
2CON = control; G5 = 5 mg of genistein/kg; H20 = 20 mg of hesperidin/kg; GH5 = 5 mg of genistein + hesperidin/kg (1:4); GH10 = 10 mg of genistein + hesperidin/kg (1:4); GH20 = 20 mg of
genistein + hesperidin/kg (1:4).
3P-values represents the main effect of the diet, the main effect of LPS challenge, and the interaction between dietary treatments and LPS challenge.
Intestinal Morphometrics and challenge was nonsignificant for all parameters of
duodenum except for villus length at 21 d (P = 0.01,
Effect of Dietary Treatments. In LPS-unchallenged Table 4). The LPS injection reduced the villus length
groups, the duodenal villus length was significantly lon- (control: −8.7%) and villus length/crypt depth ratio
ger (P < 0.01) at both 21 and 42 d for GH10 (+5.9% (control: −9.8%) at 21 d, whereas no effect was record-
at 21 d, +12.5% at 42 d) and GH20 (+11.2% at 21 ed in the morphometry of jejunum at 42 d. Significant
d, +12.0% at 42 d) groups compared with the control interaction (P = 0.04) was recorded between the diet
group (Tables 4 and 5). However, there was no effect and LPS challenge for the villus length at 21 d (Table
of dietary treatments on duodenal villus width at 21 4). In LPS-challenged groups, reduction in crypt depth
d, whereas at 42 d high-dose groups (H20 and GH20) and elevation in villus length/crypt depth ratio of il-
were significantly improved (P < 0.01) regardless of eum was recorded by the LPS injection with significant
LPS challenge. Among LPS-unchallenged groups, duo- differences (P < 0.05) in H20, GH10, and GH20 groups
denal crypt depth was reduced significantly (P < 0.05) (21 d).
in GH10 group (−11.2%) at 21 d. Villus length/crypt
depth ratio of duodenum was elevated (P < 0.01) in DISCUSSION
GH5 (at 21 d), GH10, and GH20 (at 21 and 42 d)
groups, regardless of LPS challenge. Circulating subclinical LPS, a glycoprotein from
The means of villus length, villus width, crypt depth, gram-negative bacteria, occurs in animals in disease
and villus length/crypt depth ratios in jejunum are conditions and sometimes in very low levels in healthy
presented in Tables 4 and 5, respectively. It was ob- individuals. It activates innate immunity through Toll-
served that, in LPS-unchallenged groups villus length like receptor 4 (TLR4); however, persistent elevation
altered significantly (P < 0.01) in H20 (+14.1%), GH5 of circulating LPS is known to cause chronic subclinical
(+9.7%), GH10 (+19.6%) at 21 d, and GH20 groups diseases. It may induce apoptosis by activating the car-
(+18.3% at 21 d and +10.4% at 42 d) in comparison diac renin-angiotensin system, and thus decrease sur-
with the control group. A similar trend was observed vival (Lew et al., 2013). The LPS extracted from E. coli
for villus width, but the differences were significant (P is used at subclinical levels to induce immunological
< 0.05) only on 42 d for the H20 group (+13.3%). Like- stress in experimental animals because it is a valuable
wise, villus length/crypt depth ratio was also increased indicator to evaluate the efficacy of immunomodulatory
(P < 0.01) for GH10 (+38.0%) and GH20 (+39.1%) agents, health status, and capability to acclimatize or
groups at 21 d, compared with the control group. How- recover from subclinical infections (Cheng et al., 2004).
ever, crypt depth was not affected by supplemented The present study revealed that both individual and
genistein and hesperidin (P > 0.05). combined dietary treatments of genistein and hesperi-
As shown in Tables 4 and 5, among LPS-unchallenged din did not influence the growth performance (BWG,
groups, villus length of the ileum in the G5 (+17.4%) FI, and FCR) of broiler chickens challenged with E.
group, crypt depth in the H20 (−11.7%) and GH10 coli LPS. Previous studies have also found that in-
(–10.8%) groups, and villus length/crypt depth in the feed flavonoids did not affect BW, BWG, and FI in
G5 (+22.5%), H20 (+20.8%), GH10 (+17.4%), and broilers (Peña et al., 2008; Kamboh and Zhu, 2013a).
GH20 (+15.3%) groups were significantly (P < 0.05 or However, it was reported that LPS challenge (500 µg/
P < 0.01) altered in comparison with control group at kg of BW) retarded the FI and daily gain of growing
21 d. At 42 d, no effect of supplemental genistein and turkeys (Hu et al., 2011), whereas, in the present study,
hesperidin was observed in morphometric structures similar effects could not be detected in genistein and
of the ileum (Table 5). In LPS treated groups, villus hesperidin-supplemented chickens. This might be due
length and villus width was improved at 21 d, and the to the low dose of LPS used in our study, anti-stress
interaction between diet and LPS challenge was statis- effects of these compounds, or both, like other phyto-
tically significant (P < 0.05) for the crypt depth and chemicals (Young et al., 2003). Our previous studies
villus length/crypt depth ratio (21 d). have also documented the anti-stress and antioxidative
Effect of LPS. Tables 4 and 5 indicate that LPS effects of these flavonoidal compounds (Kamboh and
treatment reduced the villus length (control: −3.6%) Zhu, 2013b,c).
and increased the crypt depth (control: +4.5%) at 21 The current study has demonstrated the improved
d, whereas no effect was recorded in the morphometry phagocytic activity of mononuclear cells by the supple-
of the duodenum at 42 d. However, in genistein- and mentation of genistein and hesperidin in a dose-depen-
hesperidin-treated groups, these deteriorations were dent manner, which is consistent with a study of rats fed
not observed. In LPS-challenged groups, duodenal vil- 200 to 500 mg of flavonoid-rich Caesalpinia bonducella
lus length were significantly raised (P < 0.05) in GH10 extract/kg (Shukla et al., 2009). Moreover, the results
(+12.4% on 42 d) and GH20 (+14.0% on 21 and +12.5% suggest the possibility that supplemental genistein and
on 42 d) groups. However, duodenal crypt depth was hesperidin could potentiate the phagocytic activity not
promoted by LPS challenge with significant differences only of peritoneal leukocytes and monocytes but also
(P < 0.01) in all treated groups compared with the of tissue macrophages, liver Kupffer cells, and spleenic
control group (at 21 d). The interaction between diet macrophages. Thus, important visceral organs such

Table 4. Effect of genistein and hesperidin supplementation on intestinal morphometric analysis in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced broiler chickens at 21 d of age1
Dietary treatment

LPS (−) LPS (+) P-value2

Parameter CON G5 H20 GH5 GH10 GH20 CON G5 H20 GH5 GH10 GH20 SEM Diet Challenge Interaction

  Villus length (µm) 1,027def 985f 1,063cd 1,076bcd 1,087bc 1,142a 990ef 984f 1,043cde 1,027def 1,034cdef 1,129ab 16.742 0.001 0.001 0.015
  Villus width (µm) 148ab 143ab 149ab 152ab 159ab 157ab 140b 141b 149ab 141b 154ab 164a 3.028 0.001 0.207 0.315
  Crypt depth (µm) 134ab 122bc 130abc 121bc 119c 124bc 140a 124bc 121bc 125bc 124bc 132abc 2.477 0.016 0.175 0.432
  Villus length/ 7.70cd 8.06bcd 8.17abcd 8.89ab 9.06ab 9.19a 7.08d 8.00bcd 8.64abc 8.20abc 8.34abc 8.56abc 1.091 0.001 0.008 0.261
  crypt depth
  Villus length (µm) 838de 845cd 956ab 919bc 1,002a 991ab 765e 841de 931ab 934ab 993ab 998a 19.937 0.001 0.173 0.049
  Villus width (µm) 104 107 115 107 111 110 97 107 112 108 110 111 4.276 0.025 0.554 0.354
  Crypt depth (µm) 91 89 82 87 83 78 93 90 84 83 82 80 3.206 0.002 0.954 0.806
  Villus length/ 9.2cd 9.4bcd 11.8abc 10.6abcd 12.8a 12.7a 8.3d 9.3cd 11.0abcd 11.2abcd 12.3abc 12.5ab 1.251 0.001 0.397 0.665
  crypt depth
Kamboh and Zhu

  Villus length (µm) 591b 694a 633ab 618b 626ab 647ab 601b 660ab 647ab 632ab 625ab 651ab 15.040 0.363 0.932 0.770
  Villus width (µm) 117 117 118 113 120 122 118 119 120 120 123 121 7.003 0.166 0.492 0.903
  Crypt depth (µm) 111a 106abc 98cd 108ab 99bcd 105abc 111a 107ab 92de 108ab 86e 100bcd 3.191 0.001 0.038 0.036
  Villus length/ 5.34f 6.54abc 6.45bcd 5.71def 6.27bcd 6.16cde 5.38ef 6.17cde 7.01ab 5.84cdef 7.25a 6.47abcd 1.080 0.001 0.062 0.048
  crypt depth
a–fMean values (n = 6) in a row not sharing a common superscript are significantly different (P < 0.05).
1CON = control; G5 = 5 mg of genistein/kg; H20 = 20 mg of hesperidin/kg; GH5 = 5 mg of genistein + hesperidin/kg (1:4); GH10 = 10 mg of genistein + hesperidin/kg (1:4); GH20 = 20 mg of
genistein + hesperidin/kg (1:4).
2P-values represent the main effect of the diet, the main effect of LPS challenge, and the interaction between dietary treatments and LPS challenge.
Table 5. Effect of genistein and hesperidin supplementation on intestinal morphometric analysis in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced broiler chickens at 42 d of age
Dietary treatment1

LPS (−) LPS (+) P-value2

Parameter CON G5 H20 GH5 GH10 GH20 CON G5 H20 GH5 GH10 GH20 SEM Diet Challenge Interaction

  Villus length (µm) 1,497b 1,493b 1,514b 1,522b 1,684a 1,676a 1,499b 1,474b 1,527b 1,520b 1,685a 1,686a 31.778 0.001 0.939 0.782
  Villus width (µm) 179c 189abc 192ab 182bc 185abc 194a 178c 188abc 193ab 182bc 186abc 195a 6.167 0.001 0.975 0.763
  Crypt depth (µm) 164a 160a 162a 158ab 142c 154abc 161a 163a 163a 160a 144bc 155abc 2.939 0.001 0.588 0.635
  Villus length/ 9.1c 9.3c 9.3c 9.7bc 11.8a 10.9ab 9.3c 9.0c 9.3c 9.5c 11.7a 10.9ab 0.738 0.001 0.760 0.849
  crypt depth
  Villus length (µm) 1,134bc 1,194ab 996d 1,045cd 1,208ab 1,252a 1,129bc 1,189ab 1,123bc 1,048cd 1,206ab 1,247a 19.919 0.004 0.365 0.789
  Villus width (µm) 143b 140b 162a 149ab 156ab 153ab 142b 140b 163a 154ab 154ab 156ab 5.033 0.001 0.760 0.769
  Crypt depth (µm) 112 115 106 108 107 108 112 113 106 107 107 109 5.408 0.074 0.935 0.818
  Villus length/ 10.2abc 10.4abc 9.4c 9.7bc 11.3ab 11.7a 10.1abc 10.5abc 10.6abc 9.7bc 11.3ab 11.6a 1.134 0.001 0.410 0.753
  crypt depth
  Villus length (µm) 870 953 861 988 946 869 869 903 859 989 942 870 32.673 0.433 0.670 0.734
  Villus width (µm) 139 143 142 135 143 146 139 144 143 136 144 145 6.666 0.445 0.893 0.972
  Crypt depth (µm) 117 117 105 112 111 106 118 116 105 111 111 106 5.745 0.052 0.912 0.946
  Villus length/ 7.46 8.28 8.20 8.91 8.56 8.35 7.41 8.37 8.20 8.99 8.56 8.38 2.144 0.019 0.836 0.782
  crypt depth
a–dMean values (n = 6) in a row not sharing a common superscript are significantly different (P < 0.05).
1CON = control; G5 = 5 mg of genistein/kg; H20 = 20 mg of hesperidin/kg; GH5 = 5 mg of genistein + hesperidin/kg (1:4); GH10 = 10 mg of genistein + hesperidin/kg (1:4); GH20 = 20 mg of

genistein + hesperidin/kg (1:4).

2P-values represent the main effect of the diet, the main effect of LPS challenge, and the interaction between dietary treatments and LPS challenge.
2182 Kamboh and Zhu

as the liver and spleen could obtain more protection cated that these compounds could stimulate the epi-
from pathogenic bacteria and viruses. It is well known thelial cell mitosis because longer or thicker (or both)
that Kupffer cells and macrophages are critical compo- villi are associated with activated cell mitosis, with
nents of the mononuclear phagocytic system of the liver reduced crypt depth reflecting the prolonged survival
and spleen, respectively. Both Kupffer cells and mac- of villi without the need for renewal. This is because
rophages are derived from the circulating monocytes; crypt is regarded as the villus factory and large crypt
hence, a substance that can modulate the activity of indicates rapid tissue turnover due to inflammation
monocytes will also affect the monocytes fixed in the from pathogens, their toxins, or both (Giannenas et al.,
tissues (Kupffer cells and spleen macrophages). It is 2010; Awad et al., 2011). Moreover, the increased vil-
also well recognized that the enhancement of phagocyte lus length/crypt depth ratios by supplemental genistein
function is applicable for therapy of cancer because el- and hesperidin could be considered as a better ratio for
evated phagocyte number or activity results in the re- digestive tract maintenance (Hu and Guo, 2007).
lease of H2O2, which causes the destruction of cancer- Hu et al. (2011) reported that subclinical level injec-
ous cells (Gu et al., 2010). Furthermore, we observed tion of LPS could cause deleterious effects on the small
the immunostimulatory effect of LPS on phagocytic intestine structure and functions by decreasing the vil-
cells (21 d) for the elimination of carbon particles. That lus length and villus width in broilers. In the present
is consistent with a recent in vitro study that revealed study, the LPS-challenged control group showed similar
that subclinical low-dose endotoxins could activate responses of gut morphometry by decreasing the villus
macrophages (Maitra et al., 2012). Muller et al. (2005) length and increasing crypt depth, whereas genistein- or
also documented that constituents of bacterial cell wall, hesperidin-treated groups did not show any deleterious
including LPS are the potent activators of monocytes, effect on intestinal structures. These intestinal morpho-
neutrophils, and macrophages. Phagocytosis by mono- metric caring effects of supplemental compounds might
nuclear cells in response to LPS is accompanied by a be a protective effect of these compounds from pro-
dramatic increase in oxygen consumption by an abun- apoptotic oxidant stress to gut epithelial cells (Miller
dant production of reactive oxygen intermediates such et al., 2001) or modulating the intestinal microflora
as superoxide anion that ultimately damage the visceral that play an instructive role in the regulation of villus
organs and decrease the function of immune cells. Bio- morphology (Hooper et al., 2001). In some recent stud-
flavonoids could neutralize reactive oxygen species and ies, poor morphometry (shorter villi and deeper crypts)
also inhibit the phosphorylation of neutrophil proteins, of the intestinal tract have been associated with gut
which is suggested as an important intracellular event stressors such as pathogens and inflammation produced
for neutrophil activation (Pilkhwal et al., 2010). It has by them and their toxins (Giannenas et al., 2010).
been hypothesized that TLR4 is the critical receptor Compounds used in the present study (genistein and
for the LPS signaling in host defense, and the innate hesperidin) are well known for their anti-inflammatory
immune system may be involved in the regulation of and prebiotic-like effects on gut microbiota, as reviewed
adaptive immunity, which is mediated by lymphocytes by Laparra and Sanz (2010).
(Ogikubo et al., 2004). Our results demonstrating a In conclusion, the current study has demonstrated
significant effect of a genistein and hesperidin combi- the effects of genistein and hesperidin individually and
nation possibly indicate its synergism. From available in combination (1:4) for immunostimulation and mor-
literature, it is manifested that flavonoids have a strong phometric gut development in low level LPS-challenged
potential for making synergism for platelet aggregation broiler chickens. It was established that genistein and
(Pignatelli et al., 2000) and antimicrobial activity (Al- hesperidin have the potential to improve immunity, and
varez et al., 2008). Nevertheless, whether or not there is those also develop the morphometric structures of the
synergism between these compounds needs to be evalu- small intestine in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover,
ated, possibly by special-purpose experiment design. both compounds were found to be effective in attenu-
This study is the first to evaluate the impact of pu- ating the LPS-induced deterioration of intestinal ar-
rified genistein and hesperidin on gut development in chitecture. Further experiments should be established
broiler chickens. Previously, some attempts have been using the live pathogen challenge, positive control, or
made on commercial chickens to explore the gut-pro- both (of antibiotics) to validate the present findings, so
moting effects of herbal plants containing adequate these compounds can be used as alternative feed addi-
amounts of flavonoids, and the incredible differences tives in the poultry industry.
in terms of increased villus length and decreased crypt
depth were recorded in the small intestine (Hassanpour ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
et al., 2010; Awad et al., 2011). In the present study,
a remarkable increase in gut villus length and villus This work was supported by National public benefit
width (21 and 42 d) and reduction in crypt depth (in research program (200903003). Asghar Ali Kamboh is
duodenum and ileum on 21 d and duodenum on 42 d) highly thankful to Sindh Agriculture University, Tan-
in supplemented chickens also indicating the novel po- dojam/Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, for
tential of these compounds to improve gut morphology. granting monetary support for his study at Nanjing
Differences measured in villus length and width indi- Agricultural University.
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