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JMJ Marist Brothers

Notre Dame of Dadiangas University

College of Health Sciences
Nursing Department




In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in NCM 104

For the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Clinical Instructor

Presented by:


Name of Student

Chapter I


The Filipino people embraces a culture that values the community, the

family, and each of its members above all else. Accordingly, a community is

portrayed as a group of people who share interests, strengths, and

interpersonal connections. It is a social group that shares characteristics such

as norms, religion, values, customs, or identity (Simon, 2020). Also, a

community is a place where people can develop relationships and feel a

sense of belonging. It is a secure environment in which residents can nurture

and grow individually and as a group while working toward a common goal.

Family, on the other hand, has long been considered as the basic unit

of society and the pillar of every individual. It is composed of two or more

people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one

another and usually reside in the same dwelling (McCarthy, 2019. Thus, it is

widely considered as the primordial recipient of community nursing effort,

which contributes to the development and progress of the community through

active involvement and individual responsibilities of every constituent (Bibby,


Meanwhile, the status of a family influences the status of the

community as a whole (Thomas, Liu, & Umberson, 2017). Now, community

health nursing entails responding to clients' health needs and issues, as well

as managing health programs and resources. It is then the responsibility of

community health nurses to transform the community into a group of self-

sufficient and united individuals. Therefore, because the family is the

fundamental unit in society, conducting a family case study is crucial in order

to evaluate the home and family conditions and to provide adequate nursing

care and health-related activities for the family.

Furthermore, the perception or status of each household will always

influence the condition of the whole community. As it was said, a response to

people's health needs is community health nursing, and it is not about a

particular class or family. It is thorough and specific in its approach.

Community health services are not temporary, as the community itself

requires constant assessment and monitoring. With this to say, the ultimate

purpose of community health nursing is to promote and preserve the health of

individual families and groups or populations.

In a global study conducted by Miller (2018) entitled “Family and

Community Integrity”, it has been found that although family and community

are frequently studied separately, they are inextricably and reciprocally

related. Also, in a national study conducted by Marasigan & Silas (2018), it

has been concluded that communities are indeed the setting in which families

prosper and thrive or flounder and fail. Thus, a better understanding of the

complex, dynamic relationship between family and community benefits

practitioners, policymakers, and researchers or community health nurses.

Overall, the ultimate purpose of this case study is to assess each

family member's health status, develop a nursing care plan for each family

health concern, promote health via health education, and design interventions

to provide nursing care to the household or chosen family from the community
in order for them to improve their way of life, their health status, and become

self-reliant in maintaining their wellbeing.

Chapter II


The ultimate purpose of this case study is to assess each family

member's health status, to develop a nursing care plan for each family health

concern, and to design interventions to provide nursing care to the household

in order for them to improve their way of life, their health status, and to

become self-reliant in maintaining their wellbeing. In accordance, this chapter

presents the purpose as well as the general and specific objectives of this

family case study. Relatively, setting objectives provides directions for

planning a family nursing intervention, so it has been included at this part. In

fact, this endeavor facilitates motivation for the client and the nurse by

providing a sense of achievement. (Kozier, Erb et. al., 2004)

General Objectives

At the end of the student nurse-family relationship, the respondent

family will be able to improve/maintain family health status and become

independent in maintaining their health through following the appropriate

nursing interventions given.

Specific Objectives

After the initial assessment with the family through interview, the student

nurse will be able to:

 Build rapport and gain trust of the family.

 Give relevant and factual information to the family during interview.

 Gain information on the family’s health history.

 Identify actual and potential problems which may hinder attainment of

optimum health.

 Categorize and prioritize family nursing problems with the assistance of

the student nurse.

 Plan appropriate nursing interventions while considering the student

nurse’s capabilities, as well as the community and family’s resources.

Chapter III


This chapter presents the family’s data base which includes: The

Family Structure, Characteristics and Dynamics, the Socioeconomic and

Cultural Characteristics, the Home and Environment, The Health Status of

each Family Members, the Values, Habits, Practices on Health Promotion,

and the Maintenance and Disease Prevention.

A. Family Structure, Characteristics and Dynamics

Name Age Sex Civil Status Family Position

Mrs. T 57 F Widowed Grandmother

Child 1 24 F Single Eldest child

Child 2 22 M Single Second child

Child 3 20 M Single Third child

Aunt C 31 F Single Aunt

Child 4 14 M Child Cousin

Child 5 11 F Child Cousin

Uncle A 32 M Single Uncle

The family is considered an extended family. An extended family is

composed of a grandmother, aunts and uncles in addition to parents and their

children. Also, an extended family may live together as a single household.

Often there could be many generations living under the same roof, depending
on the circumstances. Regardless of whether or not they live in a single

household, extended families provide a lot of opportunities for human

relationships and substantial support for the growth and development of


The respondent family lives in Brgy. San Isidro, General Santos City.

They have been living there since 1987. Accordingly, although the family has

been living in the same residential area for 33 years, they have experienced

transferring from household to household for 3 times already.

Mrs. T is the one responsible for making major decisions for the family.

She is also responsible for budgeting and managing the family’s finances.

When it comes to matters concerning the children’s schooling, she often

consults with the mother of her grandchildren, Ms. L, who works abroad. In

terms of health care, Mrs. T is more dominant since she is also the one

responsible for taking care of the children since they were little. She takes

care of the children, and everyone else in the family, when they get sick. She

often relies on herbal plants and “hilot” for the treatment of ailments.

B. Socioeconomic and Cultural Characteristics

The respondent family’s main source of income comes from Ms. L, who

works abroad. Pre-pandemic, she earns roughly Php 60,000 per month. Since

the pandemic started, their source of income was greatly affected. She now

earns roughly Php 20,000 per month from working part-time jobs. The Aunt C

works as a hairdresser and earns about Php 7,000 a month. She sometimes

helps provide the day to day needs of the family in terms of food and bills.

Mrs. T does not work so she is in charge of the house and taking care of the
children. Mrs. T budgets the money that Ms. L sends in terms of food, school

fees and other necessities. Among the five children in the household, three

are in college while the remaining two are still in grade school. Two out of

three college students go to private schools while one is in state university.

More often than not, nothing is left from the money that Ms. L sends for other


The family strives to accommodate all their needs with the combined

income of Aunt C and Ms. L. According to the National Economic and

Development Authority (NEDA), each individual should at least have Php

2768.60 when the total monthly income of the family is divided among the

total family members. The total combine income of the family is Php 28,000

and when divided among 8 family members, each member receives Php

3,500, thus they can be considered middle income family.

All of them are affiliated with the Church of Christ. In fact, Mrs. T

mentioned that they go to church every Sunday and actively participates in

different church activities like Bayanihan and Youth Fellowship.

Significant others are people who play a very important role in a

person’s life. They are the ones very close to a person or a group of persons.

For the respondent family, the significant others are their relatives which also

happen to be their neighbors. They usually run to said relative in times of

hardship and problems.

The respondent mentioned that they seldom participate in community

activities, but they often bring food to their neighbors when there are birthdays

or other occasions.
Since the respondent family lives in the city proper, community

resources are not hard to come by. They have easy access to schools,

hospitals, malls, leisure parks and other community facilities.

C. Home and Environment

The family rents a house made of half-concrete half-Amakan. Mrs. T

does not know the exact measurement of the house. In order for the house to

be adequate, the total floor area must be divided among family members and

each should have at least 3.5 m2.

The house has 3 rooms. One sala/dining area and 2 bedrooms. 2-3

family members share the bedrooms while the rest sleeps on the dining area.

The family has several appliances including ceiling fans, a refrigerator, and an

electric charcoal stove. In terms of garbage disposal, the “basurero” often

collects their garbage every Thursday.

Mrs. T often uses charcoal in cooking. She is the one who prepares the

food. She cooks outside the house where the dirty kitchen is located. They

usually eat meat, fish and vegetables. The family uses plastic and ceramic

plates, and stainless spoon and fork in eating. In terms of cooking facilities,

the family is well equipped with pots, pans, casseroles, knives and etc. The

family used three different kinds of water – tap water for bathing and washing

their clothes, water from deep well pumps for cooking, and mineral water for


The family has one common comfort room with a separate bath room.

The family built a drainage system in a way that their waste water collects on
a shallow well that the family dug out. This well does not smell, and no

obstructions were noted in the drainage system.

The family owns one “sikad” which the family uses for transportation to

go to Church. However, when they have to go into the city proper, they

usually commute.

D. Health Status of Each Family Member

Medical and Nursing History

Name of Family Member Health History

Has hypertension.
Went for check-up in 2018 and was
Mrs. T diagnosed with early signs of
Has underlying heart condition.
Was hospitalized in 2013.
Child 1
Has history of UTI
No history of any illness or
Child 2
underlying health conditions.
No history of any illness or
Child 3
underlying health conditions.
No history of any illness or
Aunt C
underlying health conditions.
No history of any illness or
Child 4
underlying health conditions.
No history of any illness or
Child 5
underlying health conditions.
Uncle A Has hypertension.

According to Mrs. T, her family generally is hypertensive. Even with her

cousins and other relatives, hypertension is a common problem.

Nutritional Assessment

In terms of nutrition, the family often eats meat like pork, chicken, beef

and fish. They do try to have vegetables from time to time. They also take

herbal medications more often than supplemental vitamins and the prescribed

medications. In this case, all of the members of Mc. Stuffins family were

normal in terms of nutrition status.

Risk factor assessment indicating presence of major contributing

modifiable risk factors for specific lifestyle illness

Name of Family Member Risk Factors

Does not take her maintenance

Mrs. T
medications regularly.
Child 1 likes to drink soft drink and
Child 1
often stays up late at night.
Likes to drink lots of coffee and stays
Child 2
up late at night.
Child 3 Likes to stay up late at night.

Aunt C No identified risk factors.

Child 4 No identified risk factors.

Child 5 No identified risk factors.

Uncle B likes to drink alcohol and is
Uncle A
drunk most times of the week.

Physical Assessment Indicating Presence of Illness State

Date of Observation: October 31, 2022

Client: Mrs. T
A 57-year old housewife, able to recall recent and remote memories, appears

apparent on her age and well groomed.

 Vital Signs: Blood pressure – 125/80 mmHg

 General Appearance: Client is responsive and can answer all

questions immediately. She is also oriented to time, place and person.

The client also appears well-groomed. Her voice is very audible without

any hearing problems.

 Skin: The client’s skin is brown in color. It is warm to touch. No lesions

and/or rashes can be seen.

 Head: Head is normocephalic. Her hair is dyed since its already

graying. Facial features are normal.

 Eyes: Eyes are round and normal. No redness and lesions observed.

Eye movements are symmetrical. No secretion and discharges. Client

wears prescription glasses because her vision is blurry due to old age.

 Ears: Client is able to hear clearly on both ears. Ears were symmetrical

and in level with the outer canthus of eyes. Client does not use any

hearing devices.

 Nose: No swelling or tenderness. No discharges observed.

 Mouth: No lesions noted. Client does not wear dentures. Lips are light

pink in color.

 Neck: Neck is in midline position. Full ROM is noted.

 Spine and back: Spine is in midline position of the body without any


 Thorax and lungs: Client breathes normally. No presence of

adventitious breath sounds.

 Musculoskeletal: Active range of motion. No joint deformities noted.

 Upper extremities: Right shoulder can only perform 60% ROM. Client

says it is painful to lift right shoulder.

 Lower extremities: Both lower extremities are equal in size. No

involuntary movements noted.

Client: Child 1

Child 1 is 24 years old; able to recall recent and remote memories, appears

apparent on her age and well groomed.

 Vital Signs: Blood pressure – 110/60 mmHg

 General Appearance: Client is responsive and can answer all

questions immediately. She is also oriented to time, place and person.

The client also appears well-groomed. Her voice is very audible.

However, she says she can only hear from her right ear.

 Skin: The client’s skin is light and fair. It is warm to touch. No lesions

and/or rashes can be seen.

 Head: Head is normocephalic. Her hair is naturally black and wavy.

Facial features are normal.

 Eyes: Eyes are round and normal. No redness and lesions observed.

Eye movements are symmetrical. No secretion and discharges. Client

wears prescription glasses.

 Ears: Client says she is not able to hear anything using her left ear

since she was young. Ears were symmetrical and in level with the outer

canthus of eyes. Client does not use any hearing devices.

 Nose: No swelling or tenderness. No discharges observed.

 Mouth: No lesions noted. Client does not wear dentures. Lips are light

pink in color.

 Neck: Neck is in midline position. Full ROM is noted.

 Spine and back: Spine is in midline position of the body without any


 Thorax and lungs: Client breathes normally. No presence of

adventitious breath sounds.

 Musculoskeletal: Active range of motion. No joint deformities noted.

 Upper extremities: Client is able to perform active range of motion. No

involuntary movement noted.

 Lower extremities: Both lower extremities are equal in size. No

involuntary movements noted.

Client: Child 2

Child 2 is 22 years old; able to recall recent and remote memories, appears

apparent on her age and well groomed.

 Vital Signs: Blood pressure – 120/60 mmHg

 General Appearance: Client is responsive and can answer all

questions immediately. He is also oriented to time, place and person.

The client also appears well-groomed. His voice is very audible.

 Skin: The client’s skin is slightly brown. It is warm to touch. No lesions

and/or rashes can be seen.

 Head: Head is normocephalic. His hair is naturally black, short, and

wavy. Facial features are normal.

 Eyes: Eyes are round and normal. No redness and lesions observed.

Eye movements are symmetrical. No secretion and discharges. Client

does not wear any prescription glasses.

 Ears: Client is able to hear at both ears equally. Ears were symmetrical

and in level with the outer canthus of eyes. Client does not use any

hearing devices.

 Nose: No swelling or tenderness. No discharges observed.

 Mouth: No lesions noted. Client does not wear dentures. Lips are light

pink in color.

 Neck: Neck is in midline position. Full ROM is noted.

 Spine and back: Spine is in midline position of the body without any


 Musculoskeletal: Active range of motion. No joint deformities noted.

 Upper extremities: Client is able to perform active range of motion. No

involuntary movement noted.

 Lower extremities: Both lower extremities are equal in size. No

involuntary movements noted.

Client: Child 3

Student nurse was not able to assess child 2 because he was having his

online classes during the interview.

Client: Aunt C

Student nurse was not able to assess Aunt A because she was at work during

the interview.
Client: Child 4

Student nurse was not able to assess child 4 because he was not at home

during the interview.

Client: Child 5

Student nurse was not able to assess child 5 because she was not at home

during the interview.

Client: Uncle A

The client was not at home during the interview so the student nurse was not

able to perform individual assessment.

Result of laboratory / diagnostic and other screening procedures

supportive of assessment findings

The student nurse was not able to gain access to any laboratory or

diagnostic results from the family.

E. Values, Habits, Practices on Health Promotion, Maintenance and

Disease Prevention

Immunization Status of the family members

None of the children in the family completed their immunizations,

according to the head of the family (Mrs. T), they believe that receiving

immunizations once is enough.

Deworming of Family members

The children underwent deworming in school while the adults have been

dewormed when they were kids in the nearest Barangay Health Center.
Healthy lifestyle practices

According to the family, they do not exercise regularly. However, Mrs. T

the household chores every day and Aunt C works out on her own every other

day. On the other hand, Mrs. T stated that all the college children in the family

either just sits all day for online classes or sleeps when there is a vacant time.

Moreover, the family eat their meals regularly, but according to them they

don’t usually eat breakfast. They eat lunch around 11 am, and their dinner

around 7:30 pm. Thus, most of the time, they basically eat twice a day, but

have snacks in between their meals occasionally

Use of Promotive – Preventive Health Services

The family is very keen in the use of alternative treatments like herbal

medications. A lot of medicinal plants can be seen around the neighborhood

and according to Mrs. T, almost all of her neighbors adhere to this practice

instead of getting regular check-ups and routine treatments on clinics or

hospitals when sickness occurs. Aside from that, Mrs. T also stated that they

regularly have their blood pressures checked for monitoring. They also try to

eat less fatty food and make a conscious effort to add vegetables in their diet.
Chapter IV


This chapter illustrates the family background of the study which

includes the family history, family tree and the list of household members,

which could be an indicative for the present health status of the family


A. Family History

The Mc. Stuffins Family is an extended family composed of the

grandmother, Mrs. T, Aunt C, Uncle A and a total of 5 grandchildren. Mrs. T is

the family head and the one responsible for making important decisions for

the family. The family usually gets their finances from the combined income of

Ms. L, who lives abroad, and Aunt C who works as a hairdresser.

The family lives in a rental house located in Brgy San Isidro, General

Santos City. Although a little bit cramped, the family tries to live and adjust to

their living conditions. The family has been living in the same neighborhood

for 33 years.

In terms of nutrition, the family eats meat 3-4 times a week. They

occasionally have vegetables as the kids do not like it. Sometimes when the

budget is really tight and they cannot afford to buy meat, they will just pick

whatever vegetable can be found around the neighborhood (eggplants,

malunggay, kamote tops, etc.)

Furthermore, in terms of health, Mrs. T stated that hypertension runs in

the family bloodline. Almost all of her cousins and relatives have

hypertension. She also stated that she has a history of heart condition and

recently found out to be diabetic.

All family members are in optimum health condition during the


B. Family Genogram

Grandfather Mrs. T

Mr. J Uncle B Uncle A Aunt

Ms. L

Child 4
Child Child Child
1 M 5

Child 2

Child 3

Note: Child M and Uncle B are

not included in the family profile
because they live in a different
household while Ms. L lives
Chapter V

This chapter shows the family’s coping index, in contrast to the ideal

attitude, and behavior of a family. This helps nurses in determining nursing

care or intervention to be given at any potential problems they may face. This

also shows the coping ability of the family at various situations.


5 – Complete competence; totally able to manage family health care needs.

3 – Moderate competence; able to manage family health care needs but

available resources are inadequate, thus, coping ability is slightly limited.

1 – No competence; totally incapable to manage family health care needs.

Criteria Ideal Actual Justification

1. Physical Is concerned Each member of 3 The family

Independenc with ability to the family is was rated a 3

e move about, to capable and able because not

get out of bed, to do things on all of them

take care of their own. They are engage in

daily grooming, also able to physical

walking, maintain good independence

personal hygiene practices . The male

hygiene and without the need members in

toileting for assistance. the family,

child 2 and 3,

do not wash

the dishes and

both child 2

and 3 as well

as child 1

which is a

female does

not do their

own laundry.

Mrs. T mostly

do all the

house chores

for the family


simple things

that can be


2. Therapeutic Includes all of The family often 3 The family

Competence the procedures utilizes several values the

or treatments herbal plans for importance of

prescribed for medication. When maintaining

the care of that is not enough good health

illness such as to alleviate condition, but

giving discomfort, they lacks

medications, resort to prescribed knowledge on

using medications. They the limitations

appliances, only go to the of using

dressing, hospital when herbal

exercises, pain/discomfort is medication.

relaxation, unbearable Their

nutritional diet, because due to adherence to

and others. financial hospital visits

limitations. also depends

on the

availability of

their finances.

3. Knowledge of Concerned with The family has 3 Response to

Health the particular basic knowledge health

Conditions health condition on particular health conditions is

that is the conditions and sometimes

occasion for understands the delayed due

care such as importance of to lack of

knowledge of having immediate available

the disease or response to finances.

inability to emergency Although

understand situations. equipped with

communicabilit However, ample

y of diseases adherence to knowledge

and mode of health care about the

transmission. regimen is importance of

Understanding sometimes limited immediate

the general due to financial response to

pattern of incapability. certain

development of situations

newborn baby concerning

and basic health, family

needs of infants members tend

for physical to bear

care. discomfort in

order so that

they can

attend to other

needs of the


4. Applications Concerned with The household is 3 The family’s

of Health family action in generally clean. personal

Principles of relation to The family makes hygiene is

Personal maintaining sure to wash food already

Hygiene family nutrition, brought from the satisfactory.

securing market thoroughly. However,

adequate rest The family’s adherence to

and relaxation drainage system is other health

for family also devoid of any maintenance

members, trash or clogs, and programs like

carrying it does not have immunization

accepted strong odor. and proper

preventive diet therapy

In terms of
measures needs to be
nutrition, the family
(immunizations, improved.
generally has meat
4-5 times every
appraisal, and
week and seldom
safe home-
has vegetables in
making in
their meals. None
relation to
of the children in
storing and of
the family was also
preparing food.
able to complete


5. Health Concerned with The family has 5 The family has

Attitudes the way the medications that a positive

family feels are available on outlook on the

about health hand for importance of

care in general, emergency maintaining

including situations. They good health

preventive also make sure to condition as

services, care monitor their BP well as

of illness and regularly. However, disease

public health they seldom go to

measures. the barangay prevention.

health clinic for

check-ups but

choose to visit the

family doctor


6. Emotional Has to do with Mrs. T states that 5 Problems and

Competence the maturity her number one trials are

and integrity cause of stress always a part

with which the these days is how of one’s life.

members of the expensive is the The family

family are able cost of the was able to

to meet the children’s manage their

usual stresses schooling is. With stress well

and problems the pandemic despite facing

in life, and to going on, she numerous

plan for happy sometimes does challenges.

and fruitful not know where to

living. The get money to pay

development of for school fees. But

the individual’s despite all that she,

responsibilities together with her

and decision. family remains

To consider the hopeful that it will

needs of others
as well as one’s all come to pass.


7. Family Living Concerned with According to Mrs. 5 The family has

the T, they get along a really good

interpersonal really well with the relationship

aspect of family members of the with each

life. The family family – even with other, which is

members get their relatives. Pre- really

along with one pandemic, they admirable. It is

another, the often have Sunday important to

ways in which family dinners have good

they make together with their relationship

decisions close relatives. with the

affecting the members of

Of course, even
family, the one’s family
among family
degree to which because they
members, there
they support are the first
can be
one another persons who
and do things will help you in
. Mrs. T said that
as family, the times of need.
during these
degree of
instances, they talk
respect and
amongst each
affection, and
other and try to
the ways in
determine where
which they
one went wrong,
manage the so that they can

family budget. correct it.

Concerned with Although Having

home, the comfortable, the adequate

community and family’s house is privacy to

work quite small for attend to

environment as them. Mrs. T says individual

its affect family they have more needs is also

health. The appliances stored important.

condition of the inside cabinets

house such as than what they are

pressure of using. Their

8. Physical accident sleeping area is

Environment hazards, also not enough to

screening, give privacy to

plumbing, every member.

With regards to
facilities of
their community,
Mrs. T says she
privacy, level of
really likes where
they are living right
now because
and of schools
transport to
and availability.
community facilities

is not difficult.
Degree of the The family is aware The family is

family use and of what available aware of what

awareness of commodities are types of

the available freely offered by services are

community the barangay. They available in

facilities for readily accept the local

education and assistance from community

9. Use of welfare. the barangay and and they

Community enjoy the services 5 make use of

Facility offered. However, those

they still prefer to services.

visit their family

doctor for

consultation when

it comes to matters

concerning their


Chapter VI

Typology of Nursing Problem

This chapter shows what problems have been identified by the student

nurse during the assessment and interview of the chosen family. It consists of

the subjective and objective cues, nursing problem and diagnosis. The family

nursing problems are classified as wellness state, health deficits, health

threats, and foreseeable crisis and stress points.

Cues/Data Health Problems Family Nursing Problems

Subjective cues: Health Threat Poor home condition
“Kasya man mi matulog related to inadequate
diria sa among ginapuy- living space as evidenced
an. Lisud lang panagsa by lack of privacy.
ba kay kanang wala gud

kay privacy. Sometimes

kanang nagailis ka, naa

nalang kalit magsulod sa

kwarto nimo kay

siyempre pila man mo

gatulog sa isa ka kwarto

and limited lang sad ang

spaces diria,” as

verbalized by the client.

Objective cues:

Space inside the house is

too small.
Things are not organized

well due to limited space.

2-3 family members sleep

in the same room, some

are sleeping in the living


Subjective cues:
“Pag init ang panahon,

igang kayo, alinsangan

jud diria sa sulod. Maong

dili ka makatulog

panagsa kanang matag-

udto,” as stated by Mrs. Poor home condition

T. related to poor lighting

and ventilation as
Health threat
evidenced by statements

of feeling hot and inability

Objective cues: to get rest.

It’s a little hot inside the


No proper ventilation as

the windows are always


Subjective cues: Health Threat Inability to provide

“Pag nay sakit ang bisan adequate nursing care to

kinsa sa amoa, the sick, disabled,

ginapainom lang nako dependent or vulnerable/

sila ug mga herbal nga at risk member of the

naa lang sa palibot. family due to lack of the

Mahal man gud necessary facilities,

magsigeg palit ug equipment and supplies

synthetic, mahal magpalit of care.

sa pharmacy. Nya
Aside from that, there are
budgeted baya amoang
also financial constraints
kwarta na ginapadala sa
related to supposed
akong anak gikan
health care practices
and Foreseeable
abroad. Unya, para pud Crisis based on the statement
sa akoa, maayo na kay
of the client.
walay side effects.Tested
Deficient knowledge
and proven na effective
related to proper handling
man sad,” as stated by
and preparation of herbal
Mrs. T.
medications and its side


Objective cues:

Various herbal plants can

be found around the

Fresh sambong and

tawa-tawa leaves were

beside the sink as seen

by the student nurse.

Chapter VII


This chapter shows the prioritization of the identified family health

problems. This is a method of computation which determines the severity of

the household problems. There are four criteria used for determining priorities

among all the problems and these include the nature of the condition,

modifiability, preventive potential and the salience of the problem.

Deficient knowledge related to proper handling and preparation of

herbal medications and its side effects.

Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification



regarding herb-

drug interaction

poses a threat to

the family’s health

since they are

quite dependent
Nature of the
2/3 x 1 0.67 on the use of

medications. If not

given proper

attention, it might

lead to

complications in

their health


Modifiability of 2/2 x 2 2 The problem can

the Problem be easily modified

through proper

health teaching on

the possible herb-

drug interactions

and its effect on

the body.

The family has

positive attitude

Preventive on learning more

3/3 x 1 1
Potential information about

the effects of

herbal medication.

Since the family is

quite dependent

on herbal

medication, health

Salience 2/2 x 1 1 teaching should

be prioritized in

order to prevent



Total Score: 4.67

Inability to provide adequate nursing care to the sick, disabled,

dependent or vulnerable/at risk member of the family due to lack of the

necessary facilities, equipment and supplies of care.

Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification


appropriate health

care interventions
Nature of the
2/3 x 1 0.67 is important to

recurrence to

health conditions.

This problem can

easily be modified

through educating

the family about

Modifiability of
2/2 x 2 1 the importance of
the Problem
seeking proper

health advice from



Preventive 2/3 x 1 0.67 Due to financial

Potential limitations, the

family sometimes


discomfort felt in
order to prioritize

other family


This problem

needs immediate

Salience 2/2 x 1 1 attention to

prevent possible


Total Score: 3.34

Poor home condition related to poor lighting and ventilation as

evidenced by statements of feeling hot and inability to get rest.

Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification

Proper ventilation and

lighting is important to

attain body needs like

Nature of the rest. Inadequate rest

2/3 x 1 0.67
problem and sleep may cause

an individual

unavailable to perform

activities of daily living.

Modifiability of ½x2 1 This problem can only

the Problem be partially modified.

The family is living in a

rental house so they

cannot renovate the

house without the

owner’s permission.

Buying ventilation

devices such as electric

fan is not in the family’s

priorities as of the


This problem can easily

be prevented through


Preventive positioning/arrangemen
3/3 x 1 1
Potential t of the things inside the

house, among other

modifications for proper


The family does not feel

the need to immediately

attend to this problem

Salience 0/2 x 1 0
because there are other

more important things

to worry about.
Total Score: 2.67

Poor home condition related to inadequate living space as evidenced by

lack of privacy.

Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification

Being able to

Nature of the attain privacy

2/3 x 1 0.67
problem helps reduce

client anxiety.

This problem can

only be partially

modified. The

family is living in

Modifiability of a rental house so

½x2 1
the Problem they cannot

renovate the

house without the



Preventive 1/3 x 1 0.33 The preventive

Potential measures

available for this

problem are not

feasible given the

family’s current

condition and



The family does

not feel the need

to attend to this


Salience 0/2 x 1 0
because they are


enough with their

current living


Total Score: 2

Ranking of Family Nursing Problems

Rank Health Problem Score

Deficient knowledge related

to proper handling and

1 preparation of herbal
medications and its side


2 Inability to provide 3.34

adequate nursing care to

the sick, disabled,

dependent or vulnerable/at

risk member of the family

due to lack of the necessary

facilities, equipment and

supplies of care.

Poor home condition

related to poor lighting and

3 ventilation as evidenced by
statements of feeling hot

and inability to get rest.

Poor home condition

related to inadequate living

space as evidenced by lack

of privacy.

Chapter IX


This family case study presents the health condition of the Mc. Stuffins

family with association to the family’s structure, socio-economic and cultural

factors, home and environmental factor, and data obtained from health

assessments of each member. It also contains information about identified

problems with the family's living situation. In this chapter, the information and

data that the student nurse had collected from the Mc. Stuffins family are

presented in a descriptive-narrative format.


The Mc. Stuffins family is an extended family composed of Mrs. T, the

family head, Aunt C and Uncle A, together with 5 children. All children are in

school with three going to college. Mrs. T budgets the family’s finances which

are provided by Ms. L, who live abroad, and Aunt C who works as a

hairdresser. The family has been doing well in the past couple of years but

due to the global pandemic, their budget was drastically reduced. Because of

this they have to prioritize their finances – more than they already do.

The family lives in a small rental house in Brgy. San Isidro, General

Santos City. The living space is a little too small for a household of 8

members. They often have problem with lack of privacy, inadequate

ventilation and noise. Despite all these, the family tries to make living as

comfortable as possible.

Additionally, the family has a moderate competence in engaging in

physical activities as other members seldom do exercise and household

chores, however they try to cope up with this through recreational activities

when there are vacant times. Apart from that, the family also adheres to

herbal medication more than pharmacologic regiment. They believe that

taking herbal medications has lesser risk for side effects than medications

brought from pharmacies. They often make use of plants around the

neighborhood. When asked where they got information about the

effectiveness and medicinal properties of such plants, Mrs. T answered, “Mo

man gud na sulti sa mga naka-testing na ug gamit kanang mga herbal-herbal.

Epektib man daw. Mao to, gi-testing sad nakog gamit, wala man sad nakalain
sa lawas kay herbal man. Walay ubang kemikal na halo, kumbaga natural


Furthermore, after gathering and analyzing data gathered, the student

nurse concludes that among all problems identified, the lack of proper

knowledge in handling and use of herbal medication as alternative therapeutic

regimen should be given utmost attention. If not given immediate attention,

this might lead to complications. The family should be provided proper

education and health teaching about herb-drug interactions and the possible

complications that it may cause.



Famorca, Nies, & McEwen. (2013). Fundamentals of Nursing Care

Kozier and Erb’s. (2015). Fundamentals of Nursing

Internet sources:

Cobigo, M. (2016). (PDF) understanding community. ResearchGate. Retrieved

October 10, 2022, from


Sharma, R. (2013). The family and family structure classification redefined for the

current times. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 2(4), 306.

Retrieved November 12, 2022 from

Nursing Notes. N/D. Typology of Nursing Problems in Family Nursing Practice.

RNPedia. Retrieved November 23, 2022 from



Front view of the house of Mc. Stuffin’s family

A room inside the family’s house occupied by 3 persons

Back portion of the

(Mrs. T and other members of the family haven’t agreed to be

photographed due to personal privacy purposes.)

Health Data Card





Actual Family Visit Record


Spot Map DANGER,
W WATER Mabuhay Road


Prk. Kaunlaran, Aquinoville

Lovely Melody S. Aquino

Yumang St. Extension, Aquinoville, Prk. Kaunlaran
Brgy. San Isidro, General Santos City
Mobile no. 09461525646
Email address:

Age: 19
Birthday: January 10, 2003
Place of Birth: Polomolok, South Cotabato
Religion: Chirstian- Evangelical
Sex: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Mother’s Name: Emerita S. Aquino
Father’s Name: Faustino J. Aquino, Jr.

Tertiary: Notre Dame of Dadiangas University, Inc. Marist Avenue, General
Santos City; Bachelor of Science in Nursing (2021-Present)
SHS: General Santos Doctors’ Medical School Foundation Incorporated
Secondary: Lagao National Highschool (2015-2019)
Elementary: Pagalungan Elementary School (2009-2014)

 First Aider’s Club – Creatives Committee Member

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