Arif Saifudin Pop Writing UAS

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Popular Writing Final Assignment

Arif Saifudin


It is Saturday night. I am sitting right in the front of my fireplace. I put my socks

and blanket on then stare straight at the fire. I can feel the fire hug me. It is so warm and
peaceful. Slowly, past memories of my childhood came across my mind. The memory of
me sitting in the exact same spot with my parents happily. We played card games,
drank hot chocolate, sang happy songs for a whole night till I exhausted and fell to a
deep slumber. All of these memories make me smile but I do not know why this tears
going down my cheeks like a river. Maybe because they are no longer with me in this
house. It has been 7 years since I lived on my own. I am still staring at the fire and
suddenly everything is moving weirdly. It feels like my whole house is alive. At the same
time, I can barely move my body. It is when I realize that I have not eaten since this
morning. I do not have anything to eat in this house. I have no choice but to go out and
buy some food. I drink a glass of water to regain myself little energy. I take my coat and
boots before I leave my house just to make sure that those freezing cold air does not
attack me.

I open the door and leave my house. It is a quiet night. As I walked down the
road, I gaze into the dark sky with only two or three stars that can be caught by eyes.
The road is just as dark. Once in a while a car passes through and illuminate the road
for a couple seconds. Whenever that happened, I can clearly see foot marks on top of
the snow. I guess I am not the only one who want to go out in the winter night. I do my
best to keep my consciousness on my way to the nearest store. After a while, I can see
the building and I speed up my walking so that I can buy some food quickly.

Surprisingly, I find the store is filled by a lot of people. They come with their
family and do the shopping together. It knocks my heart really hard to see this. After all
those past memories that I remembered, I have to see people doing something with
their family. I cannot lie for my feeling and it surely painful. However, I sooner back to
think of why I come to this store. I rush in and go to the fruit section. There are a lot of
fruits and people choosing which one to buy. Out of all the people my eyes caught an
image of a person that seems familiar to me. I get closer to make sure that it is true. I
cannot believe my eyes that this actually is true. He is Walt Whitman. I keep staring at
him in silent. Oh my god, he is so beautiful. In a moment, he quickly steals my attention.
It feels like all the spotlights are go toward him. “What a gorgeous creature created by
God”, that is what I think. It is strange because I never feel this feeling before. It is a
feeling that makes me want to be around him every time. The feeling that makes me
want to adore him in every moment. I see him slipping some stuffs under his jacket. It is
intrigued me. I am on my way to his place. I think he realized that I saw him stealing
from the store. He grabs my arm and push me to the wall. He put his finger in front of
her mouth as if he is saying “Shut up, or you will be in trouble”. I do not open my mouth
even for an inch. To be honest, I like this situation so much. I can see him from a very
close distance. I asked him quietly of why did he steal from this store. “This store sells
everything in a very high cost. They are trying to kill people either by the cold or not able
to afford this stuff” he answered. I offer him to use my money if he wanted to. “You don’t
need to. Instead, why don’t you take whatever you want. I know the way out of this store
without the owner knowing it” he said. I am very tempted to be on his side longer. So, I
follow his instruction and he bring me run through the dark unused corridor which
connect the store to the outside. I am sure that there is only two of us going to this
corridor. However, I can hear footsteps coming from behind us. It is the store owner with
the security guard realizing that we have been stealing from them. They managed to get
us and the security hit us on our head. I faint instantly. When I wake up, I am in front of
my fireplace still. It seems that I must have fainted from starving. I have to go to the
store early in the morning.

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