HOPE Worldwide Report - Issue 19

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I S S U E 19 W W W. H O P E W W. O RG

Antonio Boyd, Community Service Division Leader, and his wife Audrey.

To show great love for God and our neighbor we need not do great things. It is how much love we put in the doing that makes our offering something beautiful for God. Mother Teresa We recently talked with Antonio Boyd, HOPE worldwide Community Service Division Leader. His passion for organizing volunteers to serve the poor is reflected in his answers to our questions regarding increasing volunteerism in North America.
to clean streets, educate families on health issues, refurbish houses and provide encouragement to the poor in our midst. Hww : How are we preparing our young people for acts of service now and in the years to come? AB: This is a major emphasis for us. Our National Youth Advisory Council (NYAC) is comprised of 15 outstanding high school and college students representing six regions across the U.S. I see this group and the thousands of young people they represent serving as the emerging leaders in building our domestic community service programs. These young men and women are the future generation of service leaders that are already changing the world. Our Campus Ministry Conference Days service days have seen 1,700, 2,200 and 1,100 students actively involved in New Orleans, Chicago and Athens. (continued on page 3)

Hww : Antonio, why do you do

what you do?

AB: Im passionate about helping people who suffer. Im passionate about meeting the needs of the poorest of the poor. And Im passionate about helping to make HOPE worldwide more effective here at home than its ever been. Its also my personal mission to give everyone in the HOPE worldwide North American family the opportunity to serve the poor. Hww : And what are some of the practical results of your passion for people in need? AB: Weve gone from 43 subsidiaries and branches to 100 Chapters in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean in two years. Our response to the needs of people following Hurricane Katrina showed we are capable of providing effective immediate and long-term disaster assistance. And each year on Martin Luther King Day, we mobilize thousands of volunteers to go into our nations inner cities

A teens commitment to serving the poor through HOPE worldwide

If I had to choose one event that changed my perspective it would be becoming a Christian and learning about Gods grace for my life. Later, when I became a member of HOPE worldwides National Youth Advisory Council, I began to see more and more the value not only of believing but of putting my faith into action.
His name is Maurice Harried. Bullied and harassed in middle school, he now maintains a 3.9 GPA, while serving as a Student Commissioner for the City of Baltimore and is on HOPE worldwides National Youth Advisory Council (NYAC). With a mother who abused drugs and a father who spent time behind bars, this young man chose a better way to live. Read about Maurices amazing journey at www.hopeww.org/Maurice
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Volunteerism at its best is serving God and helping those in need though compassionate acts of service
We dont have the words to express our gratitude for the tremendous effort being made by the more than 37,000 North American volunteers who make a continual commitment to serve the poor. They serve from Hawaii to Haiti, from Los Angeles to Philadelphia, and from Toronto to Houstonand more than 100 cities in between. One example is the Boston Chapter of HOPE worldwide which provides hope and help though the compassionate work of its volunteers: Hundreds participate in a variety of fundraising events to support the Framingham Food Pantry and other local volunteer efforts. Volunteers partner with Rebuilding Together to assist the elderly and handicapped with basic home repairs. On MLK Day 2011, 520 volunteers distributed fire prevention information to 43,500 homes. Many volunteers have also participated in the newly formed Community Service Brigades which provide health care services to improvished communities in Central America. These volunteers know theres no better exercise for the heart than reaching down and picking someone else up.
Boston Chapter volunteer, Dr. Jon Drake, with Florinda. Through his service with the Community Service Brigade, she received the urgent care needed to diagnose and treat her diabetes. Watch their story at www.hopeww.org/florinda
Vanessa Embling Photography

EMPOWERING A GENERATION: THE POWER OF SATURDAY ACADEMY Volunteers working through Chapters of HOPE worldwide continue to create an environment for life-changing experiences in the lives of at-risk youth. Saturday Academy programs introduce students to caring adults who dedicate Saturday mornings to helping young people achieve victories in learning rather than frustration. The program goals include:
Building character by instilling positive life lessons Motivating and inspiring learning and success by developing and reinforcing basic academic skills Developing a knowledge base of different disciplines through sports, the arts and various types of enrichment activities Its conventional wisdom to say a pessimist sees the glass of water as half empty, and the optimist sees the same glass as half full. But a caring volunteer with HOPE worldwide sees a glass of water and immediately begins looking for someone who is thirsty.

Vanessa Embling Photography

RESPONDING AND REBUILDING AFTER DISASTER Since September 2005, over 7,500 volunteers, have been able to serve an average of 1,600 hours each month through the Gulf Coast Chapter. These volunteers have gutted over 2,600 homes along the Gulf Coast, saving homeowners nearly $52 million and restoring more than 50 houses so families could return.
Volunteers who have assisted victims of fires, earthquakes, tornados and hurricanes often have similar reflections on their acts of service: Im on the scene because this is where God wants me to be. I volunteer because its who I am. By sharing myself with people in need Im becoming the person God designed me to be. Hopefully, the volunteer stories offered in this newsletter encourage your spirit and inspire you to consider how you can use your talents to reach out to help a neighbor in need.

Vanessa Embling Photography

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1. Saturday Academy provides a fun and safe place for children to learn and grow. 2. Volunteers on the scene to help families affected by tornadoes earlier this year. They are standing ready to respond to this years hurricane season. 3. Bostons creative fundraisers make local and international volunteer outreach possible. Shown here (l-r) Anne and Ken Lowey, Chapter Directors; Debbie Drake, Program Director; Lori and Walter Kotkowski, Community Service Brigades Directors. 4. Young volunteers encourage others to honor God through kindness to the needy.

Help the needy in a special way, consider becoming a HOPE worldwide Community Service Fellow.
Community Service Fellows are on the front line of helping to break the cycle of poverty among the neediest in our nation. Volunteers receive a living stipend as well as an education award upon completion of their service. To learn more, visit www.hopeww.org.

Conversation with Antonio Boyd (continued from cover)

Hww : Antonio, I know you also have some late, breaking news... AB: Yes, indeed. Weve been working with Canada and the Caribbean to build the same infrastructure in their countries as we have in the United States. The good news is the 12 churches in Canada have decided to add HOPE worldwide to their 2020 Vision plans and are now ready to appoint chapter directors in each city. The Caribbean will soon follow as Will Archer and Peter Swaby coordinate that effort. God is moving and the word is spreading. Every committed Christian will soon have the opportunity to serve the poor through a HOPE worldwide Chapter in North America.

Hww : What final word do you have for the reader of this newsletter? AB: I encourage you to stay tuned for your next opportunity to reach out to people in need. Log on to www.hopeww.org/chapters to locate a program near you. Dig deep within and discover your own heart for service to the poor, and then act on that passion wherever you see a need arise. You never know, but your next act of service might begin with reaching out to your next door neighbor. And please pray for the thousands of families, children and seniors within our own borders who need Gods love and a human touch. Together lets continue to provide hope to the poorand see lives transformed.

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Contact Us: HOPE worldwide | 353 West Lancaster Avenue, Suite 200 | Wayne, PA 19087 Phone 610-254-8800 | Fax 610-254-8989 | hope_worldwide@hopeww.org

A closing word from Randy

Dear Friend of HOPE worldwide, Without your compassion and generosity there would be no HOPE worldwide. Families around the world would remain in desperate poverty, and here at home, they would be left with little hope. But we are hereand God gives us the privilege of providing opportunities for you to be involved. If youve been part of our family for many years, I urge you to keep your compassion alive. If youve recently joined us, I welcome you with open arms. We need you, and we believe you will also benefit as a partner in our mission to bring hope and change lives. With our shared heart for God, incredible things will continue to happen in the lives of the poor. Thank for being a caring friend,

Stronger Together
November 20, 2011
Pray. Be involved. Tell others. Its easy.
Set up your own online donation page at www.hopeww.org/dayofgiving/fundraise

Randy Jordan, CEO And there is no better P.S. than this

Follow Gods example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:1-2 NIV
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HOPE worldwide, a 501 (c) (3) faith-based relief and development organization, is registered with the U.S. Agency for International Development and has been granted special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. HOPE worldwides global community of employees, volunteers and partner organizations brings hope and changes lives by providing humanitarian aid to poor, weak and suffering people on every inhabited continent.

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