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January ASB Report

Elias Ramirez
Spirit Comissioner
05 February 2023

Position Assessment:
Over the past month the spirit commissioners and I were pretty busy. Before Winterfest we had
to fill out a PO and get candy ordered for that spirit week. We then had 6 consecutive spirit
days, I only did counts for two of them thought because I can’t miss my 4th period. I also helped
out the sophomore class basically every night for a week with decorations for our winterfest

Standing Comittees:
I am not a part of any standing committees at this time.

Special Comittees:
Right now, along with the rest of the class I am working on Valentines Day hearts.

Mentorship Evaluation:
In this new semester everyone got new mentors, I was paired with Kylee Brown, which I am
very excited about! She and I have taken time to talk and grow closer together, but I still cant
wait to get closer with her throughou this semester. We also went to lunch together a few days
ago, and it went really well.

A concern I have is elections. With elections coming up, I’ve heard that things get tense when
friends run against each other, and I’m just worried about what it’s going to do to our class.

Positive Comment:
A positive comment I have is for Claire Morris. Through the past month she’s been doing a great
job at organizing all things winterfest. She also has been one of the few people who I’ve felt like
I could really talk to lately. Even though sometimes we fight she is still one of my closest friends,
and I really appreciate her.

One thing that I would like to change in the program is more of a personal thing, but I’d like to
change how close I am with some people. Theres some people in our class who I have never
even had a real conversation with and I think that’s something that I need to change and work

My Impact:
I’ve had a lot of time to think about how I’m impacting not just my leadership class lately, but
everyone around me. I’m not sure if my impact is positive or negative, but I do believe that I am
making one. I try pretty hard to be a friend to anyone who needs one, but recently, someone
made me aware of some things that have completely changed my perspective on how I’m
affecting those around me, and I am going to really try to change that and work hard to make
those around me feel comfortable and safe around me.

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