Project 2

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iProject 2.

Historical Figure
School: Gonzalo Navarro Báez
Subject: English III
Name: Rivero Hernández Paulina
Group: 3rd “E”
Teacher: Elda Millet Medina
Term: 2nd
Date: February 27th 2023
Infographic about: Marie Curie
Marie Curie was born in Varsovia, Polonia on November 7th 1867.
She was the last of five children at the teachers Bronislawa Boguska
and Wlodyslaw Sklodowski.


Her childhood was marked by the dead of one of her
sisters from thypus and the dead of her mother when she
was 10 years old.
She studied in the clandestine Uniwersytet Latajacy
because the universities didn’t accept female students.

When she went to Paris, she didn´t have money, so she ate
radishes for months.
She studied in a very cold place.

In 1895 Marie and Pierre Curie got married.
Marie and Pierre Curie discovered
In 1898 radium and polium.
She gave the name radiation to
In 1898
Becquerel's discovery.
In Marie and Pierre Curie received The
1903 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Marie Curie received a second Nobel
In 1911 Prize in Chemistry.
She died when she was 66 years old.

“If it takes me a hundred years, it will be a pity, but I will not stop
working as long as I live”
- Marie Curie

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