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To. My then Recoqnizedas an ‘American National Stendard (ANS!) ANSVIEEE: StH 76219 7ir2002) (Revision of ANSIIEEE $4 702, ginaly novos foal uae *090) IEEE Standard Definitions for Use in Reporting Electric Generating Unit Reliability, Availability, and Productivity Sparsor Power Systems Engineering Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Reafiirmed March 20, 2002 Approved September 19, 1985 IEEE-SA Standards Board Approved August 1, 2002 American National Standards Institute © Copyright 1937 by ‘The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc 345 East 47th Street, New York NY 10017, USA. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any forr, tn an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior wirtien permission of the publisher. ce. EXto OEM manager ( Tay, Teche Tom Engineers, Th (Ide, Uemurn, Wiese ) Cowrertial / P lanving (ight, Teawn, hal, ce. Decvuentakn, beng = FYE Tuas [BEEE Standards decuments are developed within the Technical Comes ofthe IEEE Societs an the Standards Coonlinating Committees of the TEE Standards Board, Members ofthe commitens > vyeluntaily aad without cecatsnign. Tey ae nt necessarily members ofthe Instn. The standards espe ‘within IEEE represent 2 aoe boa expertise on he scbject within the Latte a well 5 those acvites cone ‘of IEEE which fave expresved an intrest in parizipating in he developmen ofthe sana, tise ofan TEBE Standards wholly volinary. The existence of an TEEE Standard doesnot imply PA there srenoother teapsto produce test, measure, purchase, market or provide cher goods and serves related to the scope of the IEEE aa ahrmore, te viewpoint expessel atthe ime a andard is approved and issued fg subject to change tght stout rough developments in te stale of tear and comments resve ows Ws of the standard. Every esd i eabjecied to review 2 least once every fve yeas for visio ot rafimatin ‘When a documest is aa eave years ol. and has not been reaffirmed, iis reasonable (0 conelude that cowie although still of aa aaa gp not wholly elect the present sate of teat. Users are canned to check w teaming that hey have the latest edition of ary IEEE Standard. comment revo of TERE Standards ore weleoe romany inerest pay regis of mish SOS oa or change in coeunents shel bei he form of «proposed change of ext Ses with $Sopropriate supporting commen’. Interpretations: Occesionally questions may aise raiding the meaning of orion of standards 0s they relate 10 {perifis applications. When the nee for interpretations is troup fhe aon ‘of IEEE, the Institute will initiate a ease appropri: responses. Since IEEE Sandards represent» consensus of #1 concerned interests itis seen t ensure that any interpretation as als rescired the concuence of Paine of interests. For this reason sound the members ofits technical committees arenot able w provide an ins resPoanse 10 interpretation requests tee inthove cases where the mater bas previously received formal comsiferstin. CCominichtson standards and requests for interpretations should be addressed to: Secretary, IEEE Standards Board 343 East 47th Suect New York, NY 10017 USA Foreword (This Forewordis nota part of ANSVIEEE Std762-1987, IEEE Standard Defstions for Use in Reporting Electric Generating Unit Reliability Availability, and Productivity.) Measures of generating unit performance have been defined, recorded. and utlized by the electric power industry for over 40 years. Initially, only a few terms, such as forced outage rate and scheduled outage rate, were needed The increased focus on generating unit performance in recent years hes caused regulatory agencies and the industry to placea greater emphasis on pecformance measures, ‘These contemporary constraints have amplified the difficulties that evolved from having gonerating unit statistios compiled by different orgenizstions to meet their own specific needs. In the past these difficulties have included the interpretation of data within 2 given sysiem by an ouiside ageney and the conelation of data among the various systems. The current problems have made clear the need for a standard to overcome these difficulties by providing terminology and indexes for use in existing data systems or in future systems. This standard i directed toward allowing for & ‘meaningful exchange of electric generating unit performance data while attempting to retain es much of existing systems as possible. No sitempl is made here 19 standardize of 10 recommend methodologies or procedures for the collection of unit pecformance dats. Furthermore, no atlerpt is made here to address the special requirements of electrie generating units Limited by fuel supplies, resources such a8 water (hydro), or environmental restrictions. Its expected that the ‘methiods used will contiaue to vary from system to system according to individual needs. What is attempted is to specify certain common tern and indexes that must be obtainable from each data bate to provide for a basis of information exchange “The task force has attempted to keep thelist of terms and indexes asbriefas possible. Performance cannot be mezsured bya single parameter, and several indexes are required to indicate the ability of a generating unit to produce power when called upen, The use of any single index to measure the performance of a unit or a class of units is misleading. ‘This requirement has necessitated the inclusion of all ofthe terms and indexes as given here. Some indeses are based on period hours, By use of sucha common base simple additive relationships between various indexes resul, and the use of pesiad hours gives sets of indenes that sam 10 100%, as described in Appendix C. Other indexes are rot bated on period hours, For example, in the static forced outage rate (see 7.16), (Service hours + forced outage hours) is used as a base because forced outage rate is intended to estimate the probability of forced ‘outage during the times when there is no planned or maintenance outage. For other than base load service, furinor ‘modifications are needed to estimate this probsbility corresty. It isthe intent ofthe task force to define sufficient data ‘categories (slates, dimes, capacity levels) so that suitable indexes forall types of units can be calculated. It should be noted that even the use of all the indexes and terms cannot identity the underlying and sometimes Compelling reasons for lost performance. “This standard was prepared by the Power Plant Productivity Definitions Task Force of the Applications of Probability Methods Subcommittee of the Power Systems Engizeering Committee, whose members were as follows: MP. Bhavaraju, Chair P,P. Albrecht ALR. Fragola W.L. Lavalee G.H. Applegren R.M.Groff, Jr R.LNiebo BE. Biggsrstaif ELE, Haddod* RJ. Ringlee S.M DeSalvo J. Krasnodebski 1.P, Whooley * Past chairman “The fellowing penséns were on the ballosing conmiktes that approved this document for submission (0 the TERE Seandards Board A.M, Adamson HLL. Forgey PF. Albrecht D.W. Fonest J. Aldich HH Frey RN, Allan C.W. Gelings LB. Andres G.Geoss NJ. Balu 5,7.Tadiad ‘AW. Barstow ML Henderson M.P, Bhavaraju DM. Hunt R. Bilinion T. Kennedy §. H. Bouchey D.F. Koenig Man-Loong Chan EF Koncel L.Salvades EK.Chew M.A. Kollasha 5. M, Shahidebpour .A.Clements §,P, Kurugenty ‘Walter Sikes FLW. Colbora 6... Landry V. Caner M.G. Lauby RUT,DAquannt KD.Le C.F De Siena) SoH Lee RL Sullivan KDhir B,D. Limmer B.D. Taylor Di Caprio CA. Mecasthar P.B.Uso10 W. M. Diebold S.N, Meruvada RO.Usry J. Bndrenyt W.D. Masters PLR Van Home “Linda Finley MEM:Coy CN. Whitmire K, Medicherla _Winen the TEESE Standards Board epproved this standard on Sepember 1, 1983, tha the following members John E. May, Chair John P. Riganati, Vice Chair ‘Sava I. Sherr, Secreiary James H. Beall Jay Forster Lawrence V. MoCall Fletcher 1. Buckley Daniel L. Goldberg Doaald T. Michael* Rene Castenschiold ‘Kenneth D. Hendrix Frank L. Rose Edward Chelorti Irvin N. Howell Clifford 0. Swanson Edward J. Cohen Jack Kinn 5. Richard Weger Paul G. Cummings Joseph L. Koeptinger* W.B. Wilkens Donald C. Fleckensein Inving Kolodny Charles J. Wylie RF. Lawreace ‘Member emeritus “the unk force wishes to dadicate this work to the memory of Veazey MLCook, a ploner in Bs neFTeatCe of generating ult oulge dts in ystem planning suis. The format and many ofthe ters use in this standard eaa be traced fo Veazey Cook's work. CLAUSE 1 Purpose. csi Scope: Unit Sates 31 Active... 32 Desetivated Shutdown Capacity Terms 441. Maximum Capacity (MC)... 4.2 Dependable Capacity 43 Available Capacity... 44, Seasonal Decating. 4.3. Unit Deratin 4.6 Planned Derating 4.7. Unplanned Derating.. 428 Installed Nameplate Capacity ‘Time Designations and Dates. 5.1. Available Hours (AH) 5.2 Service Hours (SH)... 3.3 Reserve Shutdown Hours (RSE) 54. Unwvailable Hours (UH) 5.5 Planned Ouage Hours (POH) 546 Unplanned Outage Hours (UOHD. 5.7. Forced Outage Hours (FOH). 5.8 Maintenance Outage Hours (MOE). 5.9. Deactivated Shutiown Hours (DSH). 5.10 Peiod Hours (PL). 5.11 Unit Derated Hours (UNDE), 55.12 Planned Derated Hours (PDH)... 3.13 Unplanned Derated Hours (UDE) 5.14 Forted Derated Hours (FDH). 5.15 Maintenance Derated Hours (MDH). 16 Seasonal Dercted Hours (SDH) 5.17 Equivalent Hours (E) 5.18 Deactivation Date. 5.19 Reactivation Date... Energy Terms 6.1 Actual Generation (AAG). 62. Maximum Generation (MG)... 63 Available Generation (AG). G4. Unavailable Generation (UG) 65 Seasonal Unavailable Generation 6US).. 66 Reserve Generation (RQ). 07 Detaied Generation (DO)... CLAUSE PAGE 1 Performance Indexes... 7.1 Planned Outage Factor (POF) 7.2 Unplanned Outage Factor (UOP)... 7.3. Forced Outage Factor (FOF). 74 Maintenance Outage Factor (MOF) . 7S. Unavailebilty Factor UP)... 7.6 Availability Factor (AF) 71. Serviee Factor (SF) 7.8. Sezsonal Dersting Factor (SDF) 79. Unit Derating Factor (UDF)... 7.10 Equivalent Unavailsbility Factor (EUR) 7.11 Equivalent Availability Facior EAP). 7.12 Gross Capacity Facior (GCP) 7.13 Net Capatity Factor (NCP)... 7-14 Gross Outpat Factor (GOF 7-13 Net Output Factor (NOF). 7.16 Forced Outage Rate (FOR) snes 7.17 Equivalent Forced Outage Rate (EFOR) 7.18 Mean Service Time to Outage 7.19 Mean Outaze Duration 7.20 Starting Reliability (SR). 7.21 Cyeling Rate (CR) ‘Annex A Comelation Between Unit Stat and Capacity Derating Definitions in This Standard and These ‘Annex B Transitions Betwaen States (Infometive) ‘Annex CRelationships Between Period-Hour-Based Performance Indexes (Informative). Annex D Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations (Informative) .. Formerly Used by the Industry (Informative) 219 An American National Standard IEEE Standard Definitions for Use in Reporting Electric Generating Uni Reliability, Availability, and Productivity 1. Purpose ‘This standard ig intended to aid the electric power industry in reporting and evaluating electric generating unit reliability, availability, and producivity, It was developed 1o overcome present difficulties in the interpretation of clas is determined by the ovage clans that iniites the In some eases, te opportunity exists during unplanned outages to perform some ofthe repairs or maintenance th would pave been pesiormed daring the next ranted oblage. Ifthe additional work extends the oulage beyond that requred forthe ‘unplanned ouage, the remaining outage should be feported as aplenned outage 4— Unlike planned outages, unplanned outages do nothave = xed duration that can te estimated cach year Class 0 Unplanned Outage (Starting Failure) An outage that results fom the unsuccessful attempt © place the unit inservice (See, Class 1 Unplanned Outage (Immediate) ‘An outage that requires immediate removal ftom the exis 2 sale. NOTE — A Class 1 unplanned ootage canbe inated from ether the in-service orreserve shutdown sates. Class] unplanned stage cam alko be initited from the planned outape state, See Note in 3.1.21 Copyraht © 1908 IEEE All Fights Resend 3 ANSMIEEE Ste 762-1087 IEEE STANDARD DEFINITIONS FOR USE IN REPORTING ELEGTAIC Class 2 Unplanned Outage (Delayed) ‘Aa outage that does not require immediate removal from the in-service ste but requires removal within 6b, Class 3 Unplanned Outage (Postponed) An outage that can be postponed beyond 6 h but requires thata unite removed fromn the in-service sate before the snd of the next weekend. NOTE — Clesses 2 and 3 can onlybe initiate from the inservice state. Class 4 Unplanned Outage (Deferred) ‘An outage that will allow a uit outage to be deferred beyond the end of the nest weekead bul requires that a unit be removed from the available state before the next planned outage. Repair Urgenoy ‘Whea a planned or unplanned outage is initiated, the urgency with which repsir activities are carried outs classified ‘according to one of three classes as defined in through, Maximum Effort Repairs were accomplished inthe shortest possible ime. Normal Effort Repsie were cared out with nocmal repr erows working normal sift Low-Priosity Exfort Repairs were cared outwith ess than a noma effort. 3.1.3 Starting arempt The setion to bring a unit from shutdown to the in-service state. Repeated initiations of the staring sequence without accomplishing corrective repairs are courted as a single aterpt Starting Failure The inability to bring a unit from some unavailable state or reserve shutdown state to the in-service state within a specified petiod. The specified period may be different for individual units, Repeated failures within the specified starting period are to be counted as single sarting faire Starting Success ‘The occurrence of bringing a unit from some unavailable state or the reserve shutdown state to the in-service state Within a specified period. The specified period may be different for individual units, 4 (Copyright © 1008 IEEE Al Righte Reserved GENERATING UNIT RELIABILITY, AVAILABILITY, AND PRODUOTIVITY ANSMIEEE Std 762-1967 3.2 Deactivated Shutdown ‘The state in which @ unit is unavailable for service for an extended pericd of time because ofits removal for economy Or Feasons not related to the equipment. Under this condition, 2 unit generally requires weeks of preparation to make itavailable, 4. Capacity Terms ‘Terms that involve eapacity can be expressed as gros or net quantities [NOTE — The capacity etnition are elated as shown in Fig 2, The corelation between the capaccy-terting definition in this section and partl-ouuage definitions in use by industry is shown in Appendix A. eer = atSESRee NOTE: Al capacity and devatings are to be expressed cn either grose or net basis Figure 2—Unit Capacity Levels 4A Maximum Capacity (MC) ‘The maximum capacity that a unit can sustain over a specified pericd of time. The maximum capacity ean be expressed 4s gross maximum capacity (GMC) or net maximum capacity (NMC). To establish this capacity, formal demonstration Se required. The test should be repested periodically. This demonstrated capacity level shall be corrected to generating Cconcitions for Which tnere should be minimum ambient restriction. When 2 demonstration test has not been conducted. the estimated maximum capacity of the unit shall be used. 4.2 Dependable Capacity The maximum capaciry, modified for ambient limitations fora specified peried of time, such as a month or a season. Cepyight © 1008 IEEE Al Rights Reserved ANGIIEEE 6a 762-1087 IEEE STANDARO DEFINITIONS FOR USE IN REPORTING ELECTRIC. 43 Available Capacity "The dependable capacity, modified for equipment limitation at any time, 4.4 Seasonal Derating ‘The difference between maximum capacity and dependable capacity 4.5 Unit Derating “The difference between dependable capacity and available capicty. 4.6 Planned Derating “That portion of the unit derating that is scheduled well in advance. 4.6.1 Basic Planned Derating “The planned derating thats originally scheduled and of predetermined duration. 4.6.2 Extended Planned Derating “The planned derating thats the extension of the basic planned derating beyond its predetermined duration, 4.7 Unplanned Derating ‘Tet portion ofthe unit deraiing thatis nota planned derating. Unplanned derating events aré classified according to the urgeney with which the derating needs to be initiated, as defined in 4.7.1 through 4.7.4 4.7.1 Unplanned Dere ing, Class 4 (Immediate) [A derating that requires an immediate setion forthe reduction of capacty. 4.7.2 Unplanned Derating, Class 2 (Delayed) AA derating that does not require an immediate reduction of capacity, bat requires a reduction of cepact within 6h, 4.7.3 Unplanned Derating, Class 3 (Postponed) [A derating that can be postponed beyond 6 h, but requires 2 eduction of capacity before the end of the next weekend. 4.7.4 Unplanned Derating, Clase 4 (Deferred) 'A depating that can be deferred beyond the end of the next weekead, but requires a reduction of eapacity before the next planned outage. 4.8 Installed Nameplate Capacity “The full-load continuous gross capacity of a unit under specified conditions, as calculated from the electric generator ‘nameplate based on the rated power factcr 6 Copyright © 1998 IEEE All Rights Reserved (GENERATING UNIT RELIABILITY, AVAILABILITY, AND PRODUSTIVITY. ANSIIEEE Si 762-1087 NOTE — The nimeplat rating of the electric generator may not be indicative ofthe unit maximum or dependable capacity since some other erm or equipment (such a te curbing) may limit un. oatput, 5. Time Designations and Dates NOTE — The time spentin the varias unit states dened in Section 3s defined in 5.1 through $.10, Soe Fig 3 tn$.11 trough 5.16 the time a unit was subject tothe various categoris of unt derating defined in Section 4. ix dened. erated tine ‘s accumulated only curing che available, inservice, and reserve shutdown stats, em00 Hoses 510) ravaasce HOUR ee serge nouns resenve sturoown rive ounce nrc ourace ea uns) welts welts (38) romgpoumct —wasrenet orace Figure 3—Time Spent in Various Unit States 5.1 Available Hours (AH) ‘The number of hours a unit was in the available state NOTE — Availabe hoorsis he sum of servis ours and reserve shutdown hours or may de compute from penod ics minus tnavailable bours (see 5.8), 8.2 Service Hours (SH) ‘The aumber of hours a unit was in the in-service state. 5.3 Reserve Shutdown Hours (RSH) ‘The number of hours a unit was in the reserve shutdown state 5.4 Unavailable Hours (UH) ‘The number of hours « unit was in the unavailable state. ‘NOTE — Unwvailable hours are the sum of planned outa bours and unplanned ovtage hours. o the sum of planned outage hour, forced outage hours, and maintenaace outage hours, 5.5 Planned Outage Hours (POH) ‘The sumnber of hours @ unit was inthe basic or extended planned outage state Copyrgh: ©1980 IEEE All ighis Reserves ANSVIEEE sts 702-1807 'EEE STANDARD DEFINITIONS FOR USEIN REPORTING ELECTRIC 5.8 Unplanned Outage Hours (UOH) ‘The number of hours @ unit was in aClass0, 1,2 3, or 4 unplanned outage state 8.7 Forced Outage Hours (FOH) ‘The number of hours unit was in aClass 0, 1.2. or 3 unplanned outage state 5.8 Maintenance Outage Hours (MOH) The number of hours a nit was ina Class 4 unplanned cutage state 5.9 Deactivated Shutdown Hours (DSH) ‘The number of hours @ unt was in the deactivated shutdown state 5.10 Period Hours (PH) ‘The number ofhours a unit was in the active state. 5.11 Unit Derated Hours (UNDH) ‘The available hours during Which @ unit deraing was in effect 5.11.1 In-Service Unit Derated Hours (IUNDH) ‘The inservice hours during which a unit drating was in effect 5.11.2 Reserve Shutdown Unit Derated Hours (RSUNDH) ‘The reserve shutdown hours during which a unit derating was in effect. 5.12 Planned Derated Hours (PDH) ‘The availible hours during which basis cr extended planned derating wes in effet 5.12.1 In Service PlAnned Derated Hours (IPDH) ‘The inservice hours duting which a basic or extended planned derating was ia effect, 5.12.2 Reserve Shutdown Planned Derated Hours (RSPOH) The reserve shutdown hours during which a basic or extended planned derating was in effect. 5.19 Unplanned Derated Hours (UDH) ‘The available hours during which an unplanned derating was in effect. 8 Copyright © 1998 IEEE Al Rights Pserved GENERATING UNIT RELIABILITY. AVAILABILITY, AND BRODUCTIITY ANSVEEE Std 76241887 5.13.1 In-Service Unplanned Derated Hours (IUDH) ‘The in-service hours during which an unplanned dereting was in effect, 9.18.2 Reserve Shutdown Unplanned Derated Hours (RSUDH) ‘The reserve shutdown hours during which an unplanned derating wasin effec. 5.14 Forced Derated Hours (FDH) ‘The avaiable hours during which a Class 1,2, or 3 unplanned derating was in effect 5.14.1 In-Service Forced Derated Hours (IFDH) ‘The in-service hours during which a Clas 1,2, or3 unplanned dereting was in effect. 5.14.2 Reserve Shutdown Forced Derated Hours (RSFDH) ‘The reserve shutdown hours during which a Class 1 3 unplanned derating was in effect 5.15 Maintenance Derated Hours (MDH) The available hours during which & Class 4 unplanned deraing was in effect, 5.15.1 In-Service Maintenance Derated Hours (IMDH) ‘The in-service hours during which a Class 4 unplanned derating was in effect, 5.18.2 Reserve Shutdown Maintenance Derated Hours (RSMDH) “The reserve shutdown hours during which » Class 4 unplanned deraiing was in effect 5.16 Seasonal Derated Hours (SDH) ‘The available hours during which a sonal derating wae in effect. 5.17 Equivalent Hours (E) Themumber ofhours unit was in time category involving unit dratng, expressed as equivalent hours of ullotage at maximum capacity: Both unit derating and macinnum capacity shall be expressed on aonsistent nis, eross ot met Equivalent hours can be calculaied for each ofthe time categorisin 5.11through 5 16. The symbol desigaation forthe ‘auivalent hours is formed by adding an Fin front ofthe symbol forthe corresponding time designation (or example, ‘uivalent unit darted hoursis designated EUNDH), Equivalent hours can be calelated fom the following elton. DOT, = where %) = equivalent hours in the time category represented by parentheses, which Can be any one of the time categories in 5.11 through 5.16 Conrright ©1986 IEEE All Rights Reserved 9 ANSIEEE Std 762-1987 EEE STANDARO DEFINITIONS FOR USE IN REFORTING ELECTRIC D(); =the deratng for the time category shown in parentheses, after the ith change in either available capacity (unit deratings) or dependable capacity (seasonal deretings) NOTE — In ordertoapporion equivalent hours smong the various time categories, aparcorate ground rules shall be ‘established in the feporting system so tht after exch change in either avalable capacity or dependable ‘epaciy, tbe sam ofall subcategorits cf unit deratng is equal to th unit derating, J; =the number of hours accumulated in the time category of interest between the ith and the (i+ 1jth change in eitheravaileble capacity (unit deratings) or dependable capacity (seasonal deratings) MC — =maximum capacity 5.18 Deactivation Date ‘The date a unit was placed into the deactivated shutdown state. 5.19 Reactivation Date ‘The date @ unit was retarted to the active state ftom the deactivated shutdown state, 6. Energy Terms Similar to capacity terms, energy terme can be expressed at gross or mst quantities. 6.1 Actual Generation (AAG) ‘The energy that wag generated by a unit in a given period. Actial generation can be expressed as gross actual generation (AAG) or net ectual generation (NAG). 6.2 Maximum Generation (MG) ‘The energy that could heve been produced by a unitin a given period of time if operated continously at maximam capacity. Manimum generation can be expressed as gress maximum generation (GMG) or net maximum generation (NMG). MG — =period hours - maximum capacity =PH-MC GMG =PH.GMC NMG =PH-NMC 6.3 Avaliable Generation (AG) ‘The energy that could have been generated by eunitin « given period if operated continuously at its vailable capacly. 64 Unavailable Generation (UG) ‘The difference between the energy that would have been generated if operating continuously at dependable cepacity and ihe energy that would have been generated if operating continuously a avaable capacity. This isthe energy thet Could not be generated by a unit due to planned and unplanned outages and unit deratings. UG (planned outage hours + unplanned outage hours + equivalent unit derated hours) -maximum capacity (POH + UOH + EUNDH) MC 10 ‘Copyright © 1908 IEEE Al Fights Raserves ‘GENERATING UNIT RELIABILITY, AVAILABILITY, AND PRODUCTIVITY ANSUIEEE Ste 762-1987 6.5 Seasonal Unavailable Generation (SUG) ‘The difference between the energy that would have been generatedif operating continuously at maximum eepacity and the energy that would have been generated i operating continuously at dependable capacity, calculated only during the time the unit was in the available state, SUG — =oquivalent seasonal derated hours - maximum capacity ESDH -MC 66 Reserve Genoration (RG) ‘The energy that a unit could have produced in a given period but did not, because it was not required by the system. ‘Thisis the difference between avallable generation and actual generarioa, 6.7 Derated Generation (DG) ‘The generation that was not available due to unit deratings. DG —_-=equivalentunit derated bours - maximum capacity = EUNDE - MC 7. Performance Indexes “Appendix C discusses the relationships among the performance lndexes that are based on period hours NOTE — All per unit performance indexes ae exprevsed in percentage. 7.1 Planned Outage Factor (POF) 7.2 Unplanned Outage Factor (UOF) tor = tpi nage Bop 7.3 Forced Outage Factor (FOF) forced oatage hours eried hours OK = OE 100 FOF 10 ‘Copyright © 1908 ECE All Rghts Peserved n ANSVIEEE std 72.1987 7.4 Maintenance Outage Factor (MOF) 2. Maintenance onage hours eS peiod ours “1° MOH ae 7.5 Unavailability Factor (UF) _ POH + Mou + FON, BS Pir _ POH+ UOH = POHL UOH tag 100 7.6 Availability Factor (AF) 7.7 Service Factor (SF) ait SF = Feed Fours 100 7.8 Seasonal Derating Factor (SDF) IEEE STANDARD DEFINITIONS FOR USE IN REPORTING ELECTRIC. ‘The fraction of maximum generation tat Could not be preduced due io seasonal decatings: gpg = 23s00al unavailable generation jog ‘maximum generation sug = 2S 100 ESDE ESDE 100 7.9 Unit Derating Factor (UDF) ‘The fraction of maximum generaticn that could nat be produced due to unit deratings: Copyright © 1998 IEEE AI Rignte Reeowes ‘GENERATING UNIT RELIABILITY, AVAILABILITY, AND PRODUCTIVITY ANGVIEEE etd 76241807 og = Mil derated generation DE = “maxim generation pe 2g 100 EUNDH PE 100 7.10 Equivalent Unavailability Factor (EUF) The fraction of maximum generation thar could not be prodiced due to unit deraings and planned snd unplanned outages: EUF = 7.11 Equivalent Avaltabliity Factor (EAF) ‘The fraction of maximum generation that could be provided if limited only by outages and deratin rap = Suiihiblegenttion ‘matin generation AG AS 100 AH-(EUNDH +EsD1) nD 100 7.42 Gross Capacity Factor (GCF) cor = _H0ss actu generation ross maximom generaion GAAG og 7.13 Net Capacity Factor (NCF) NOTE — Net capscity factor caleuleted using this equation san be negative during « period shen the unit is shutdown. Fee meaningful pooling of dats on several units, net capacity foter can be defined tebe Zero when the unt ie shatdows, Copyrigit © 1998 IESE All Rights Reserved 3 ANSUIEEE S16 762-1967 IEEE STANDARD DEFINITIONS FOR USE IN REPORTING ELECTRIC 7.14 Gross Output Factor (GOF) Gor = —__#08 setal generation 6: ‘SeIvi6e hours. gress maximum e=pasiny 100 Gane Fi 7.15 Net Output Factor (NOF) sctacual generation NOF = ses ours nt meximum capaci NAAG Si-nc 1% 7.16 Forced Outage Rate (FOR) com = fore ovtige hours FOR = Sea ‘Outage Hours + service Hous“ FOR FoH+sH°° 7.17 Equivalent Forced Outage Rate (EFOR) forced outage hous + stm af equivalent forced drat hours FOR = Hows MPoD 7193 ‘Mem Plsoned Cutsge Duration MSTFO 7181 Mean Service Time to Forced Outage MSTNO 7182 Mean Service Tame toMsintenance Outage MSTRO 7183 ‘Mean Service Time to Planned Outage NaAG ron Net Actal Generation NcF 73 NetCapadity Factor NMC 44 NetMeximum Capacity NMG 62 NetMeximum Gereration NOF 75 Net Output Fier Copyright © 1988 IEEE All Fights oserved 2B ANSUIEEE Sts 76241967 saa Fa sin ee Femi z= ae nero fA eae me | See ee eg | EEE neces 2 oS SO ee ne ee Se, = z ee oe |i een 2 2 a = g oS a oe a na a ee wor | ah Se | ee ven | owas aan es ———wa AIRE Tei : = : ee So Se a Se eT aly : seem i Ce erase id 4 ae : oa i Copyright© 1688 IEEE Al signs Reserved

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