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Pathologie Biologie 52 (2004) 43–49

Actualité biologique

Biological markers for the follow-up of athletes

throughout the training season
Les marqueurs biologiques pour
la surveillance des athlètes à l’entraînement
G. Lac *, F. Maso
Laboratoire de Physiologie de la Performance Motrice, Univ. B. Pascal, Bat Biologie B, Les cézeaux, 63177 Aubiere, France
Received 12 December 2002; accepted 20 December 2002


During the training season, a state of fatigue known as overtraining may occur, resulting from an excessive load of training, both in volume
and intensity. Even now, difficult to predict the risk of overtraining, although this syndrome has been the subject of numerous studies. A lot of
biological markers have been propounded. Taken alone, none of them have an absolute significance. This paper aims to review these markers,
considering their biological interest, the ease with which they can be measured and the cost, from the simplest (body weight daily recording)
to the most up to date markers (e.g. anti-oxidant status). They are grouped into three categories: non-invasive behavioural and biological
markers, biochemical markers, and hormonal and immunological markers.
© 2003 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


Au cours de la saison d’entraînement et de compétition chez le sportif, un état de fatigue nommé surentraînement peut survenir. Il est le
résultat d’une charge excessive d’entraînement, à la fois en volume et en intensité. Malgré que ce syndrome ait fait l’objet de nombreuses
études, il est encore difficile à ce jour de prédire le risque de survenue. Un grand nombre de marqueurs biologiques ont été proposés, mais
aucun d’entre eux pris isolément n’a de signification absolue. Cet article a pour objet de recenser ces principaux marqueurs, en prenant en
compte leur intérêt biologique, la facilité et le coût de la détermination, en allant du plus simple (pesée quotidienne) au plus élaboré (statut
anti-oxydant par exemple). Ces marqueurs sont regroupés en trois catégories : marqueurs comportementaux et biologiques non invasifs,
marqueurs biochimiques et marqueurs hormonaux et immunolmogiques.
© 2003 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Training; Overtraining; Biological markers

Mots clés : Entraînement ; Surentraînement ; Marqueurs biologiques

1. Introduction Overtraining corresponds to a loss of adaptability result-

ing in a well-known symptomatology: a deterioration in
Training conditions an improvement in performance, but performance, difficulty to train and an absence of motivation,
there is a very narrow line between pre-competitive tapering behavioural disorders (irritability, melancholy), sleeping dis-
off and the syndrome of overtraining. orders, difficult recovery, an increased occurrence of muscu-
lar accidents and higher sensitivity to infections. These
* Corresponding author. symptoms are generally felt by the subject and make it
E-mail address: (G. Lac). possible to characterise a case of overtraining by using ques-
© 2003 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
44 G. Lac, F. Maso / Pathologie Biologie 52 (2004) 43–49

tionnaires including the above-mentioned symptoms. In ad- 2. Biological markers

dition to this, the blood constants of a subject suffering from
overtraining will be abnormal. Reviews on this topic are These are of a physiological, biochemical, hormonal and
available [1–6]. immunological nature. The physician may of course request
The state of optimal form or pre-competitive tapering off some microbiological analyses to be sure that the observed
for an athlete corresponds to his maximum performance symptoms are not the result of infectious illness. We will not
capacities, to a state of well-being or even of euphoria, with cover this last case.
an optimal attention. It is a state of maximum adaptation and All these parameters are summarised in Tables 1–3.
is obviously underlain by excellent health. It has now been
admitted that some changes in the biological constants can
also be associated with pre-competitive tapering off. In par- 3. Comments of Table 1
ticular, the need for the athlete to attain the limits of his
physical capacities can chronically modify some regulation The first three items of this table constitute the minimal
factors such as the glucocorticoid and sexual hormones [7,8]. base for the follow-up of an athlete. These controls are
It has long been a challenge for sports medicine to propose generally carried out by the trainers and often by the athletes
reliable markers which would allow the form, or conversely themselves. For measurements of body composition, the
the tiredness, of an athlete to be detected. This means of skinfold thickness measurement is the simplest and most
ensuring that the athlete is at the top of his form and that he reliable. Impedencemetry gives more random results, but
does not present a risk of overtraining is fundamental. It must makes it possible to provide an indication about the hydration
allow quick adjustment of the training load and, if necessary, state of the subject. The physical tests should be adapted
respect of a period of rest if the risk of overtraining occurs. according to the sporting specialty.
The need for a regular control of selected variables has The nutritional follow-up using a 7-d table should be
actually been propounded. In addition, this method, which is carried out systematically. These measurements are often
currently called the “longitudinal follow-up” of the athlete, is criticised by purists who consider them to be insufficiently
the best if not the only way of making sure that progresses in precise for quantitative assessment. In our opinion, the essen-
recorded performance are of a “physiological” and not “phar- tial interest of this method is not quantitative (any imbalance
macological” nature. of the energy is easily controllable by regular weighing), but
We will try to summarise the tools available for this qualitative. It allows any imbalance of the ration between the
follow-up which exist at the present time in this field. We will large food groups, minerals and vitamins to be objectified. It
specify those for which there are consensus and those which also measures the distribution of food consumption over the
remain more in the field of research, and to give a possible day. So it enables the detection of food skews resulting from
hierarchy of the tests to be applied, taking into account the bad habits (overconsumption of fat, underconsumption of
ease with which they can be done, their cost and reliability. fruit and vegetables, insufficient breakfast, excessive nib-

Table 1
Physiological and behavioural markers (non-invasive)
Biological Practicability (non-invasive methods) References
Weight control +++ +++ Daily [9–11]
Sleep quality Autocontrol
% Body fat +++ +++ Skinfold thickness
% Lean body mass Impedencemetry
Follow-up of fitness and performance +++ ++ VO2max, VMA, vertical jump (Bosco), short sprints, etc. [12–14]
Coupled with lactates and blood gas control ++ ++
Nutritional follow-up +++ ++ During a week using adapted software. Quality assessment of
the diet
Autoquestionnaire for well-being, e.g. POMS* +++ +++ At various periods of the sporting season [15–23]
Resting heart rate +++ ++ Daily, use of cardiofrequencemeter [10,24,25]
Exercising HR +++ ++
Electrocardiography [26–28]
Electromyography +++ ++ Using adapted software
ECG, EMG spectrum
Blood pressure (at rest and during exercise) ++ + [28,29]
Echography, DEXA* (skeleton, body composition) ++ ++ Cardiac control (medical care). Already used for high-level [30]
MRI*, MNR* ++ +/– For research only
* Profile of mood state (POMS), double X-ray absorption (DEXA), magnetic resonance imagery (MRI), magnetic nuclear resonance (MNR).
G. Lac, F. Maso / Pathologie Biologie 52 (2004) 43–49 45

Table 2
Biochemical markers (invasive)
Biological Practicability (on blood or urine samples) References
NF – SS* haemoglobin, haematocrit Red blood cells (RBC) volume ++ ++ Blood [1,31,32]
Rheological measures of blood + + [33,34]
Fe, Ferritin, % of transferrine saturation ++ ++ Especially in females [5,35–37]
CK – LDH* + ++ Very great variability if micro-traumatisms
(from 1 to 1000 fold)
Myosin chains (for muscle damages) ++ +–
3-Methylhistidine (muscle damages) – ++ Possible interference with food proteins [5,38]
OH proline (tendon) ++ +–
Pyridinoline (bone) – + Urine
Propeptide C
Myoglobin (muscle)
Albumin, hématie + +
Ionnogram ++ ++ Blood [5,34,39–42]
Glycaemia + ++
Lipidic status ++ ++
NH3, urea, uric acid – ++ [43,44]
Branched chain amino acids (BCAA) ++ +
Glutamine +++ +–
Ca, Mg, P (Zn, Cu, Se) ++ +– Blood [45–50]
Anti-oxidant status
Vitamin status Blood [51]
Numeration formula (NF), sedimentation speed (SS), creatine kinase (CK), lactico-dehydrogenase (LDH).

bling, etc.). It seems to us to be particularly recommended for 4. Comments of Table 2

young athletes to help them set up their own dietary disci-
pline on an objective basis. These examinations are made on the biological liquids;
The autoquestionnaires (psychological profiling, over- generally on blood, urine, and even in saliva. The muscular
training questionnaires, etc.) used to determine the states of biopsies are reserved for research or for pathology. In this
form are valuable and probably precious aids for the evalua- category, we find the markers of blood constants, muscular
tion of the state of tapering off or overtraining. They consti- damage and the various metabolisms. The sedimentation test
tute an alarm system. Additional biological examinations are and leukocytic formula provide information about the pos-
necessary to confirm that there is a risk of overtraining. sible existence of an infectious state. The haematocrit and
Cardiac control is used very widely in athletes to adjust blood cell count tell us about the transport capacity of gases
the intensity of training. It is the “ad minima” examination of by blood (and about possible illicit practices). These prelimi-
aptitude to sport and has the advantage of being non-invasive; nary blood examinations are relatively cheap and valuable
the existence of reliable on-field heart rate recorders allows a for an initial appreciation of the general level of health. In the
continuous recording over long periods (24 h) with computer event of real asthenia and of suspicion of anaemia, the mea-
analysis of the profile facilitating the exploitation of this tool. surement of the haemoglobin level and globular volume, plus
In an overtrained athlete, resting heart rate and blood pres- the levels of iron, ferritin and percentage of saturation of the
sure are elevated, the adaptation of the heart rate to exercise transferrine will complete the examination [32]. The iron
(e.g. Ruffier-Dickson test) is altered, and there are some level alone is not a sufficient indicator [5]. The occurrence of
anomalies on the ECG. These modifications constitute good anaemia is higher in women, but can also occur in men as a
indicators of fatigue. result of a restrictive and/or poorly balanced diet. Although
More sophisticated tests carried out in the laboratory by there is no real consensus on the occurrence of hyposider-
experts in cardiac examination of sportsmen can be useful, emia (almost systematic in the sportsman) and its effect on
like ECG spectral analysis [26,29], echocardiography and performance, one should compensate by adopting the prin-
Doppler [27]. ciple of precaution.
The analysis of the whole body composition, including the Muscular damage is a systematic consequence of physical
skeleton (bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral exercise, but is amplified in the case of overtraining. Mea-
content (BMC)), with an up to date non-invasive method surements of the levels of creatine kinase (CK) and lactico-
(double X-ray absorpsiometry or DEXA, magnetic reso- dehydrogenase (LDH) are simple to carry out and not very
nance imagery (MRI) and magnetic nuclear resonance expensive. The validity of this indicator is limited by the fact
(MNR)) is possible [30], but these very expensive tools are that traumatisms may multiply the CK values by a factor of a
primarily reserved for hospitalised patients. In sports medi- hundred [37]. The urinary myoglobin reflects severe muscu-
cine, they are mainly reserved for the research field. lar constraints. It can reveal the existence of a rhabdomyoly-
46 G. Lac, F. Maso / Pathologie Biologie 52 (2004) 43–49

sis, particularly in veterans. For 3-methylhistidine (marker of Physical exercise increases the catabolism of proteins and
muscle catabolism) and hydroxy proline (marker for the thus the release of amino acids. They are consumed for
tendon), the problem is even more complicated because pro- energy production, in particular the branched amino acids
teins contained in meat consumed may interfere with these (valin, leucine and isoleucine) which lower their concentra-
levels [5]. Finally, the measurement of the release of myosin tion in blood and muscle. A supplement [40] in these compo-
chains in plasma is expensive and complicated and thus nents appeared to be beneficial for tests of endurance.
remains reserved for research [33]. Taking into account these Glutamine is a particular amino acid that is used as a donor
complications, one can easily understand that by default, the of ammonium ions for urea renal excretion (ammonia amino
best indicator remains the CK, but that high values of this acid-givers). So the catabolic phenomena that accompany
must be interpreted with prudence and that this indicator muscle exercise increase the production of ammonia and
must be associated with others to give a valid interpretation. cause a reduction in glutamine levels, with a cumulative effect.
Urinary DPD (dihydroxy pyridinoline) is an indicator of Overtraining indicates a significant chronic fall in the levels of
osseous resorption whereas osteocalcine and the collagen this compound and constitutes an interesting marker of this
propeptides C and N are markers of accretion [38]. The syndrome. In addition, glutamine is essential for the immune
measurement of these compounds provides an indication of system functionality, which explains immune deficiencies
osseous remodelling and can provide a supplement to infor- (with increased occurrence of infectious episodes) during
mation obtained on the BMD by imagery (see above). These overtraining. A supplement of glutamine in the diet makes it
measurements are still reserved for the field of research. possible to limit this risk. It would appear that this compound
Albuminurie and haematurie can occur after tests of ultra is a good marker of overtraining but unfortunately it is difficult
endurance and are the result of a renal inflammation. Control to assess (for review see [43]). Recently, Rowbottom et al.
is simple, and recovery to the normal state must be checked. [44] have shown that elevated glutamine levels might be
The following items are related to general metabolism. associated with well-trained states in male triathletes.
Ionnogram and glycaemia measurements are simple to per-
Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus are implicated in
form and analysis is currently automated. An imbalance in
various metabolisms related to performance. Ca and P are the
the K/Na ratio may appear after physical effort, but generally
elements of the bone capital, but along with Mg, are also
returns quickly to normal. The overtrained subject presents a
implicit in cellular excitability; in situations of tiredness and
tendency towards hypoglycaemia.
stress, the calci-magnesic deficit can lead to bouts of spasmo-
The lipid assessment must be carried out in order to detect a
philia. Some data associate Mg with force; in the same
possible family dyslipidemia, whose occurrence in sportsmen
manner, P would improve the aerobic performance [46].
is identical to that seen in people in general. The lipid assess-
Systemic dosages are not very indicative (although these
ments practised in sportsmen have systematically made it
values can be easily obtained with the ionnogram) since the
possible to highlight an improvement in lipid status (or a
bone content is huge and is in balance with the plasmatic pool
reduction in cardiovascular risk) with, in particular, a rise in
under hormonal control. What is fundamental for these three
the high density lipoprotein (HDL) fraction (with a correlative
elements is to make sure that the daily ration is sufficient.
rise in its apoprotein A1) and a reduction in the low density
lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol [39,41,42]. These modifica- The oligo-elements, Zn, Cu and Se, have also been the
tions are thus representative of a good level of “fitness”. subject of investigations in sportsmen. These metals are co-
Ammonia (NH3), urea and uric acid [5] are compounds factors of anti-oxidant enzymes which playa fundamental
resulting from nitrogen metabolism, but they do not have the role in sportsmen on account of an increased production of
same significance. Ammonia and urea are representative of free radicals [48,49]. Generally, the anti-oxidant potential is
the metabolism of proteins, mainly of food origin (thus in increased by training, so, the best way to evaluate the oxida-
relation to diet composition), and also of muscular origin. tive stress is to determine the balance between the free radical
Basal levels are amplified by long exercise when neogluco- levels and the anti-oxidant potential [48,49]. A drop of this
genesis starts. Ammonia dosage is difficult to do and is ratio will correspond to a possible state of overtraining. With
mainly used in research. Uric acid levels are increased by respect to the vitamins [51], A, C and E have anti-oxidant
short intense exercise (xanthine pathway). Urea and uric acid properties and are thus concerned with sporting activity, but
are both toxic compounds (uric acid role is implicit in ten- theydo not present a particular risk of deficit. Vitamin D3 is
dinitis) and their urinary elimination is directly correlated involved in the phospho-calcic metabolism and its rate must
with diuresis. Weak diuresis is thus the first cause of high be supervised in athletes, especially those little exposed to
levels. The sportsman must rehydrate himself sufficiently, the sun (indoor sportsmen). Deficits in B1 and B6 can occur
not only to compensate for losses due to sweating, but also to in sportsmen. Athletes concerned by weight control and low
ensure sufficient diuresis, which is especially important since diet consumption need to be checked for their vitamin as well
an athlete produces more urea than a sedentary person. High as mineral levels. Thus, branched amino acids, glutamine,
urea levels of a chronic nature constitute an indication of minerals and vitamins can be supplemented, on the condition
overtraining, but we think that it must be associated with that this is done reasonably under medical control in order to
other markers before being used to signal this condition. avoid the risk of overdosing.
G. Lac, F. Maso / Pathologie Biologie 52 (2004) 43–49 47

Table 3
Hormonal and immunological markers
Biological interest Practicability (blood, urine, saliva) References
Cortisol (reflection of stress) +++ +++ Saliva [2,8,31,52–55]
+ Blood
Testosterone +++ +++ [31,55–58]
DHEA* (female) +++ +++ [59]
Osteocalcine ++ + Blood [60]
GH* + + Blood [2]
IGF1* ++ + Blood [33,61]
IGF1 BP1 and BP3* ++ +
Epinephrine ++ + Blood
Norepinephrine Urine [1,4,10,55,62,63]
Ig total* ++ + Control of infectious disease [64–67]
Salivary sIgA* (upper respiratory tract) ++ ++
Glutamine Blood [5,68,69]
C reactive protein
* Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), growth hormone (GH), insulin like growth factor I (IGFI) = somatomedine, IGFI binding protein 1 and 3 (IGFI BP1 and
3), immunoglobulin (Ig), secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA).

5. Comments of Table 3 stage of overtraining, the cortisol levels will drop. It is there-
fore difficult to make an interpretation starting from only one
Hormones are metabolic regulators and are in this way
cortisol assay, since the levels of this hormone vary during
concerned with sport. It is traditional to find in the literature
the day (circadian rhythm). On the other hand, it is interest-
the concepts of sympathetic tiredness (the Basedowoid syn- ing to follow long-term variations in the same athlete accord-
drome, with increased resting heart rate and basal metabolic ing to time and circumstances (training session, competition,
rate, insomnia, etc.) or of parasympathetic tiredness (the advance of the training season with cumulated tiredness).
Addisonoid syndrome, with a fall in resting heart rate and This long-term follow-up is now possible thanks in particular
blood pressure, digestive troubles, etc.) in relation to the to the possibility of assaying this hormone in saliva, which is
increase or conversely, a reduction in the catecholamine a non-invasive process and which allows the repetition of a
levels [4,62]. It means that overtraining may lead to two great number of samplings [8,72].
opposite physiological reactions, but some authors consider The testosterone levels (male sex hormone) may also be
that sympathetic reactions are less alarming and even corre- affected by the practice of high-level sport. This hormone,
spond to training improvements. Catecholamines are diffi- apart from its specific effects on the genital apparatus, exerts
cult to assess and can be used only as additive interpretative a positive effect on the reconstitution of the glycogen stock
factors in research. Their levels are correlated to the heart and on muscle protein synthesis after long exercise, which
rate, so that continuous recording of the heart rate provides makes this compound an anabolic hormone. However, it has
an indication of which type of tiredness is observed. been shown for a long time that high-level endurance training
With respect to hormonal levels, lot of work during this in the female athlete causes a blocking of the sexual function
last decade has focused on the cortisol responses to exercise with amenorrhoea. In the same way, more recently, it has
[8,52–54,70–72]. This compound is qualified as the hormone been observed that, in man, intensive endurance training
of “stress” and induces a positive adaptation of the organism: caused a fall in the testosterone level [56,57]. Conversely, for
stimulatory effects of the nervous system, even euphoric athletes practicing strength training, this phenomenon does
effects, analgesic effects, anti-inflammatory, ergogenic and not occur and would even be reversed [58]. Recently, we
also a hyper glycaemic role by neoglucogenesis. The neo- proposed substituting the adrenal androgen DHEA for test-
glucogenesis being carried out from amino acids of the pro- osterone in the female for whom testosterone is not a specific
teic capital explains that this hormone is said to be catabolic. marker [59].
Due to the constraint resulting from physical exercise, this In conclusion, in a large number of sports practise, cortisol
hormone presents temporary increased rates following inten- levels are normally elevated and testosterone levels may be
sive exercises [52,53]. It may also be chronically elevated in lowered. As a result of this, Adlercreutz et al. [70] proposed
athletes submitted to heavy training loads [2,3,8,54] which considering the testosterone/cortisol (T/C) ratio as an index,
corresponds to a positive adaptation. Beyond a certain denoting tapering off when it was slightly lowered, and
threshold, the negative effects will be able to override the overtraining when this ratio fell by more than 30%. Of
positive effects with, in particular, asthenia and protein ca- course, this rule may be applied only in the long-term
tabolism. In the situations of chronic tiredness which can follow-up of an athlete, and not by comparing the level of a
occur in the athlete and which represents the most serious given athlete to a reference value. This index is considered as
48 G. Lac, F. Maso / Pathologie Biologie 52 (2004) 43–49

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