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Activity Science/2.

2/15/Photosynthesis/My Daily Task/2017

Material Photosynthesis Score Coin
1. Explain observation that plant need water and sunlight to produce its
own food (photosynthesis).
Source Internet and science workbook

Activity 1

No Statement about photosynthesis Tick to the right

1 Photosynthesis is the process of plant to make their own food.
2 Photosynthesis occurs in the leaf of plant.
3 Photosynthesis occurs in the stem of plant.
4 Light is needed for photosynthesis.
5 The plant’s leaves use the light to make a sugar called glucose.
6 Glucose is the food for the plant.
7 Glucose gives the plant energy to grow.
8 During the process of photosynthesis, oxygen is produced.
9 Water is taken in through the roots of the plant and transported to the leaves.
10 Plant need carbon dioxide to make photosynthesis.
11 Carbon dioxide enter the leaves through stomata in the leaf.
12 Plant need water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight for photosynthesis.

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