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BMA6104 Organisational Strategy

Project 1
Group Presentation (50%)

Students will assess the strategic situation of a group of businesses covering both individual
business situations and opportunities for working with other businesses within a group.
Each student will evaluate the strategic situation of their own individual business and then
work with a small group to deliver a group assessment exploring corporate fit and forward
strategy across all the businesses within the group. Individual marks will be awarded for the
work of each student.

The format for submission for each student is a set of slides (between 5 and 10) supported
by a written commentary (max 1500 words, excluding references and appendix material),
with each student presenting these slides as part of a group presentation. The slides and
commentary should provide detail on the following three areas:

(1) the strategic positioning of your own business (both external and internal factors),
(2) some future strategic options for your business, and
(3) possible future strategic options for linking with other businesses in your group.

The commentary should give detail and depth supporting the slides: it should NOT be
written as a script to read out loud, but it should provide background information for and
explanation of the points being summarised in the slides. The same graphs, tables and
figures may be used in both slides and commentary. Other non-essential material can also
be submitted in appendices to the commentary which does not affect the wordcount.

You must submit a single Word file through Turnitin which contains the Powerpoint slides
(pasted in) followed by the commentary and any appendices. You can submit these either as
two separate blocks – all slides followed by all commentary - or with each slide
accompanied by its own commentary. Both of these formats are acceptable.

The length of the submission is as follows:

 Presentation slides: 5-10

 Written commentary: 1500 words (+/- 10%), excluding references, and any
appendices (optional)

 In-class presentation: groups of 4-5, 5 mins/person

Forming groups
Groups will be finalised by Week 3. It is essential that everyone in your group is working on
businesses connected to the same sector. You should choose a business from one of the
three designated sectors below:

 Clothing (includes design houses, raw materials suppliers (textiles, threads,

accessories, dyes), distribution (shipping and transport), wholesalers, primary
retailers, second hand retailers, recyclers, waste collection and disposal)

 Food and drink (includes farmers and growers, feed and fertiliser producers,
livestock markets, haulage and distribution companies, food and drink
manufacturers, hospitality services inc. pubs and restaurants, supermarkets, other

 Automobiles (includes car manufacturers, components suppliers (eg. tyres,

electronics, ), material suppliers (eg steels, rubbers, textiles, paints), testing facilities,
shipping and transport, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, second-hand car dealers,
scrap merchants).

Your group may choose individual businesses at the same level (for example, two or more
component manufacturers) but these should have different outputs.


General Guidance:
One full reference list should be included covering both slides and commentary.

Citations and references should be provided using the Harvard style.

Charts, diagrams and figures may all be used wherever appropriate to the points being
See following page for details of assessment criteria.
Please submit to Turnitin using either a Word file.

For all other policies regarding submission of your work please refer to the Business and
Management BA(Hons) Student Handbook 2019-20.
Marking Criteria - BMA6104 Group Presentation
0% – 39% 40% – 49% 50% – 59% 60% – 69% 70% – 84% 85% – 100%

Knowledge of Very weak understanding, Generally weak Some understanding of Competent understanding Excellent understanding of Exceptional
concepts and based on little or no understanding of core core concepts shown, also of core concepts shown, core concepts shown understanding of core
contexts research into case and concepts, with weak demonstrating some along with a good breadth coupled with extensive concepts shown,
sector. Descriptions of research into case exploration of case and and depth of investigation and insightful details on together with
concepts and context lack and/or sector. Some sector issues. Generally into details of case and case and sector. Wide comprehensive coverage
accuracy and relevance. limited evidence of clear and coherent, limited sector. Some critical ranging and critical of relevant case and
Source material is very understanding concepts in range and depth. reflection and reflections strongly in sector details. Source
weak or non-existent. and relevance in use. Source material is consideration of evidence. Source material material is extremely
Source material is weak. moderate, providing some alternatives evident. is excellent, providing very well chosen throughout.
adequate support. Source material is good, strong support.
providing strong support.

Analysis There is no or very little Very limited evidence of Key concepts are used to Uses key concepts Key concepts used very There is sophisticated
evaluation or analysis; ability to apply concepts structure and develop effectively to generate effectively and these are use of core concepts,
work is almost entirely and tools in analysis analysis, though this is robust and well focused complemented with clearly combining insightful
descriptive. appropriately and limited in range and depth insights into case and supported independent analysis with well
meaningfully. Analysis is of issues being context, leading to a judgement, original supported critical
largely descriptive and considered. A reasonable coherent analysis. Some insights and critical reflection and generation
there is little developed attempt is made at evidence of further critical reflections. The overall of original ideas. The
argument. developing a coherent reflection and evaluation. argument is coherent and argument is
argument. wide ranging. comprehensive and
Teamwork Very weak or no Weak exploration of Some exploration of group Good exploration of group Excellent exploration of Superb exploration of
exploration of group group strategy, showing strategy, with sound strategy, showing good group strategy, showing group strategy and
strategy and limited engagement with evidence of engaging with development of wide exploration of options. High level of
opportunities. No or very others. Work is not others. Exploration of connections. Some options. Strong evidence collaboration and
limited evidence of properly integrated. opportunities is under- opportunities are well of collaboration leading to exploration of
engaging with other team developed but some good explored and a clear team a well integrated team opportunities, leading to
members. Work appears links are made. perspective developed. perspective. a fully comprehensive
isolated. team perspective.

Communicatio Lacking clarity in delivery. Basic delivery, Provides a fair level of Provides a good level of Provides an excellent level Provides an outstanding
n Frequently difficult to acceptable overall but clarity, occasionally clarity, only minor aspects of clarity, covering level of clarity, without
understand or follow the with some confusion and lacking in coherence. may lack some coherence. complex issues very errors of any kind.
argument. Weak structure lack of clarity. There are Generally appropriate in Good attention to length clearly. No noticeable Complex issues are
and over/under length. noticeable errors in length and focus. Limited and focus, there are only errors in spelling, succinctly covered and
Numerous instances of quality of presentation errors in spelling, occasional errors in grammar, legibility and the presentation provide
errors in quality of including spelling, grammar, legibility and spelling, grammar, referencing. Arguments a comprehensive and
presentation including grammar, legibility and referencing. Quality legibility and referencing. are coherent and well compelling exploration of
spelling, grammar, referencing. overall is standard. Quality shows some focused throughout, core issues. The style is
legibility and referencing. originally and careful quality shows exciting and engaging
attention to detail. professionalism and throughout.

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