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A Capstone Project
Presented to the Faculty of
College of Informatics and Computing Sciences
The National Engineering University
Alangilan, Batangas City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology






May 2021


Conceptual Framework

In order to answer the identified need for a conceptual framework which would

provide a practical, evidence-based tool for informing the effective design of the

accreditation process, the proponents highlighted relevant input as well as synthesized

research on existing accreditation processes and practices while drawing theoretical

connections between them. As a result, the product of the proponents’ reasoning or

tentative conclusion is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Moreover, the conceptual framework displayed is multidimensional in nature and

based on the operational experience of the proponents with studying education systems'

performance in general, and particularly, accreditation processes in academic institutions.

Moreover, it acknowledges the interdependence among the components of accreditation

with the concepts and methodology used that contribute to the successful completion of

the project.

Relatively, the proponents of the study emphasize the framework's significance as

a critical analysis for employing internal and external evaluations as a significant aspect

towards establishing a central position for the study of educational quality in schools as it

demonstrates the relationships among the various accreditation components (inputs,

processes, and outputs). Likewise, it can be utilized by academics, researchers and

practitioners in the future as an effort to build and develop customized accreditation



Software Development Model

The accreditation system would be designed and developed using a framework

known as Agile Development approach, as shown in Figure 2. This extensively adopted

system development structure comprised numerous phases that marked the success of

the system analysis and design effort, paving the way for process improvements to

accomplish objectives. Relatively, the development of the system would be geared

towards the management of accreditation processes in the College of Informatics and

Computing Sciences, making it efficient in terms of time, and coverage.

Figure 2. Agile Development Model

In addition, the proponents of the study believed that Agile development is the most

suitable approach for the study since it hinges on the core strength of constant and

frequent iterations coming out on a regular basis as well as its ability to rapidly adapt to

the ever-changing needs of both the project or the whims of the client. Given that,

elaborated below are the various phases including their respective sub processes

employed by the proponents throughout the study:

a. Analysis, as considered as the heart of the project life cycle, consisted of the

documentation for the project plan. Among the processes involved in this phase

are the following:

Define project purpose and scope. The purpose and scope of the project,

as well as the objective and significance, was determined through group

discussions. Each team member contributed for effective collaboration and further

established interpersonal skills.

Project Planning. The documentation of the project plan was accomplished

wherein project deliverables, costs, duties, and specifications, as well as the

project schedule were specified. Furthermore, this step entailed the creation of a

set of plans that directed the proponents through the project's implementation and

closure phases.

Stakeholder engagement. Consultations with involved stakeholders were

held to ensure that the project plan developed by the proponents was practical and

feasible. Moreover, the proponents believed that this is important for system

analysis because it will act as an efficient tool for subsequent procedures, such as

data collection.

b. Design. This served as the second phase of the project management wherein the

project's key features, structure, criteria for success, and major deliverables were

all planned out by the proponents. Based on the defined objectives, the modules

and interfaces of the system were first designed by the proponents according to

the needs as well as roles of the faculty users in the accreditation process. These

modules and interfaces were then modified to design the roles and tasks of staff,

students, and lastly, the administrator. Moreover, the measures that make up this

process are outlined below:

Requirements Analysis and Prototyping. Through an extensive deliberation

of relevant considerations, constraints as well as the maintenance related-issues,

the proponents assessed the suitable components for the actual execution of the

project. As both the proponents and stakeholders came up with a mutual

agreement during the early phase, it was also essential to build an in-depth

understanding of which technologies to use. Likewise, in order to implement the

innovative thoughts developed within the past weeks, it was only necessary for the

proponents to put lots of effort into understanding the system and translating the

user’s needs to get the best outcome as a product. Hence, a requirements

analysis transpired within this phase.

System Design. Deemed as the most critical step within the development

of a system, the conceptual design was translated into a physical design by the

proponents - a comprehensive representation of what is needed to address the

existing problems throughout the accreditation process. With regards to this, the

proponents of the study utilized various tools and techniques such as Data flow

diagram (DFD), Sequence diagram, Database diagram, and Use-Case Diagram.

The proponents of the study, in particular, took the time of developing the

system throughout this phase because they believed that specific tasks like

debugging, restructuring, and changing the functionality of specific elements in the

software application could become quite efficient due to a good software design.

Likewise, the proponents greatly considered that a good design would generate

fewer problems, increase user involvement, perfect functionality as well as create

a strong link between users and the system.

c. Development. Featured within this phase is the system construction wherein the

actual system is built and coding is done by the proponents through the utilization

of automation tools to convert process and data models into actual prototypes. In

addition to this, the approaches involved in the process are described below:

Coding. To create a functional system, the system design ought to be

enforced. Throughout this programming phase, the proponents of the study

translated the requirements of the program, provided by the client, into machine

instructions which correspond to programs. It was an essential stage wherein the

aid of a computer language specified processes which are then converted into

control specifications. In addition, programming tools such as HTML, JavaScript,

PHP, and CSS were leveraged by the proponents.

UI Design. This phase took into account all the interactive and immersive

elements of a product interface, including buttons, icons, spacing, typography,

color schemes, and responsive design. In relation to this, the proponents aimed

for the UI design of the accreditation system to direct the user aesthetically through

the interface of the system by establishing an intuitive experience that promotes

accessibility, usability, as well as efficiency wherein it doesn't involve excessive


Database Design. As this process comprises the designing, development,

implementation and maintenance of data management systems, the proponents

of the study decided what information must be processed and how the elements

of the information interrelate.

d. Testing/Integration. Within this phase, the proponents focused on increasing

value to the client such as improved system quality and performance while at the

same time providing value to the project team like reducing operational costs and

improving response time. In relation to this, enumerated below are the steps

associated within this phase:

Data Synchronization. As the proponents of the study value the importance

of data quality, consistency, and privacy, they synchronized information between

two or more devices while automatically updating changes between them to

maintain system continuity.

Quality Assurance. As the functionality, design, reliability, longevity, and

cost of the system is all about satisfying client needs and expectations, the

proponents offered an assurance that according to expectations or requirements,

the accreditation system would operate without any problems.

Software testing. Practically, a software evaluation does not only identify

software bugs but also to customize those. Through this process, the proponents

of the study were able to assess the software's reliability. Moreover, the

proponents ensured as well as focused on improving the production process of the

accreditation system making it effective and efficient in compliance with the quality


e. Implementation. The techniques adopted by the proponents of the study to

design, test and deploy new code influenced how easily software would react to

changes in client expectations or requirements. Furthermore, with new updates,

the proponents of the study streamlined the process of building, testing and

deploying new code to adapt quickly to client demand and regularly produce new

functionality to meet user needs.

f. Maintenance. In order to remove errors in the system during its operating life and

to adapt the system to any changes in its working environment, monitoring is

crucial. As such, the proponents reviewed the system from time to time to satisfy

the potential future needs, meet the scope of any future enhancement, future

functionality and any other added functional characteristics through the following:

Risk Management. The proponents believe that risk management would be

the most challenging aspect of managing the system. While the future could never

be predicted with certainty, a simple and streamlined risk management process

could be applied to predict the uncertainties of the project and diminish the

associated occurrence or impact. Moreover, this would not only help avoid

situations but also aid in remembering and learning from past mistakes. This would

improve the chance of a successful project completion and reduce the

consequences of those risks.

Analysis of the Existing System

As the College of Informatics and Computing Sciences has to constantly check

itself against the standards in place and keep itself abreast of the latest demands of the

labor market, they invest a considerable amount of resources to develop its faculty,

research, and facilities. Throughout this labor intensive, paper-based operation dictated

by accreditation inspections and timelines, document collection as well as manual

photocopying and submissions are one of the major concerns of the department before

and during accreditation visits. To fulfill these expectations, both the faculty and the staff

work collaboratively and make sure that all documents must always be accessible and,

most importantly, up to date.

In the previous process, the college dean as well as the department chairs would

notify each faculty member to update their respective faculty profiles which are

preformatted according to the requirements needed by the accreditation body - through

email and Google Drive. This manual way of information submission resulted in inefficient

information management, specifically, confusion due to multiple copies of records

submitted by the faculty through the years, manual consolidation and sorting of faculty

information, monitoring problem due to the form are submitted thru email, record conflict

due to submission is sent to several administration personnel, and lastly, different data

formats. As such, the proponents sought for a solution to replace the paper-based and

decentralized system of monitoring data relevant for the accreditation process.

Fish Bone Analysis

The fishbone diagram presented in Figure 3 is characterized by a brainstorming

session held by the proponents to systematically identify a wide range of possible causes

and further categorize these potential causes of problems or issues in an orderly manner.

As such, the proponents assessed each bone's validity by analyzing data and finding

common ground on which bones are improbable.

By employing the fish bone analysis, the proponents identified six causes in the

accreditation process namely People, Process, Equipment, Materials, Environment, and

Management including their respective effects. The proponents also observed that the

most significant bone pointed to the human factor as the likely cause of the problem: the

lack of collaboration among stakeholders. Moreover, variations in management structure

and inadequate communication were deemed to be the root causes throughout the

accreditation process, as they were the critical determinants of the problem.

Figure 3. Fishbone Diagram

System Boundary

As regarded by the proponents, identifying and establishing the components within

the system and what is outside in the environment is a central component of systems

design. As such, this necessitates the establishment of the system boundary as illustrated

in Figure 4. Based on the diagram, the dashed line serves as a boundary that separates

the internal components and entities of the accreditation system from the external entities

or the so-called environment. In particular, among the identified external entities are the

accrediting agencies such as AACCUP, ABET, and PICAB including ISO as well as the

ten areas of performance since these are the major factors that would provide the inputs

and consume the outputs.

Since the CICS Online Accreditation Management System is intended for real-life

accreditation processes, the proponents designed the system to function efficiently in the

context of a variety of potential difficulties and challenges. Likewise, the proponents

regarded that what happens outside the system, in the system’s environment, is of vital


Figure 4. System Boundary

Hardware Requirements

The hardware requirements intended to suit the needs of the system ranged from

minimum to recommended requirements for optimal efficiency and better system

engagement. In relation to this, the proponents specified these requirements as hard disk

drive, processor, memory as well as input and output devices. In terms of processor, the

minimum requirement is Intel Pentium processors whereas the proponents recommend

Dual Core or Third Generation Processors. On the other hand, the minimum requirement

for hard disk drive is at least 5GB whereas at least 20GB is recommended. Meanwhile,

the minimum and recommended requirement for memory is 120 MB DDR and 1 GB DDR

or above, respectively.

Furthermore, in order to demonstrate compliance as well as enable collaboration

among faculty members, and enhance the educational experience for instructors and

students, the computer-assisted accreditation system ought to have input devices such

as keyboard, mouse and output devices such as monitors to accomplish its objectives. In

particular, since the main purpose of the CICS Online Accreditation Management System

would be to generate relevant documents, printers are deemed highly essential.

Software Requirements Specification

As the accreditation system requires specific specifications for functions,

procedures, and data storage, software requirements specifications were categorized into

functional requirements and nonfunctional requirements. Other requirements included

the programming languages to be used as well as the knowledge for the end user's

familiarity of the system. Specifically, the proponents concentrated on the requirements

specification of information related to the evaluation process employed for Program

Educational Objectives (PEOs) as well as Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) since both

of these are critical determinants within the accreditation process in the College of

Informatics and Computing Sciences.

Software Requirements

Aside from the aforementioned hardware requirements, different software

requirements intended to suit the needs of the system are categorized into specification

and type. In relation to this, the proponents specified these requirements as operating

system, web browser, database as well as software tools.

In terms of operating system, Windows 8 and 10 are the recommended

specifications whereas the types are 32-bit and 64-bit. On the other hand, the

recommended Mac operating system is OS X 10.7 or higher and is 64-bit. Meanwhile, the

recommended specification of Linux is Ubuntu which is 64-bit. In terms of web browser,

the recommended specification for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and

Safari is 2016 and higher. Consequently, the recommended database for the

accreditation system is MySQL (MariaDB) version 10.4.18 while the software tools

comprise HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP version 7.1.16.

Functional Requirements

Through functional requirements, stakeholders could communicate their

requirements as well as expectations to the proponents of the study in order to achieve

the end goal which is to deliver a high-quality accreditation system exactly what is asked


1. Faculty

1.1 The faculty shall have an account within the system.

1.2 The faculty shall have access to all functionalities of the system.

1.3 The faculty shall be able to provide self-study assessments.

1.4 The faculty shall compile documentary evidence of teaching.

1.5 The faculty shall also function as the system administrator.

2. Staff

2.1 The staff shall have an account within the system.

2.2 The staff shall access the course and student portfolio.

2.3 The staff shall be able to showcase professional accomplishments.

2.4 The staff shall be able to upload copies of the course syllabus, modules, and

exams including the key to corrections.

3. Students

3.1 The students shall have an account within the system.

3.2 The student shall create an archive for school projects and other academic-

related work.

3.3 The student shall upload respective individual grades per semester.

4. Evaluators

4.1 The evaluators shall have an account within the system.

4.2 The evaluators shall assess the program dependent on the self-descriptive

reports, figures and charts presented.

4.3 The evaluators shall utilize the given rating sheet to provide a rubric-based


Non-Functional Requirements

Specified below are the non-functional requirements which demonstrate how the

accreditation system should behave and were deemed constraints upon the system’s

behavior. As such, enumerated below are the non-functional requirements of the

accreditation system:

1. Accessibility

1.1 The system shall ensure accessibility from any location that has an Internet

connection and authorization to access the system.

1.2 The system shall provide complete documented evidence which illustrate self-

reflection and growth of faculty, staff, and students.

2. Accuracy

2.1 The system shall provide an accurate copy of the downloadable forms as well

as program evaluation status of the department.

2.2 The system shall incorporate the correct formulas in order to generate accurate

graphical analysis.

3. Compatibility

3.1 The system shall be able to operate efficiently even with the combination of

different browsers and operating systems.

3.2 The system shall validate whether a web application runs on all versions of

distinctive browsers or not.

4. Performance

4.1 The system shall complete updating the databases every time the

administrator makes a request.

4.2 The system shall be able to function efficiently under stated conditions for a

specified period of time.

4.3 The system shall facilitate an efficient accreditation process by centralizing all

the needed data in one location.

5. Reliability

5.1 The system shall provide compliance and narrative reports of the ten areas of


5.2 The system shall provide an online accreditation guide that will act as a detailed

technical communication document for a variety of users.

5.3 The system shall yield consistent results despite repeated observations and/or

measures taken under identical circumstances.

5.4 The system shall facilitate the evaluators' work during their visit by providing

an easier way to evaluate accreditation requirements.

6. Security

6.1 The system shall be secured from internal and external threats.

6.2 The system shall employ access control features such as passwords and

differing user rights dependent on roles.

7. Usability

7.1 The system shall be made readily available with user-friendly interfaces as

consideration for the users as well as administrator(s) of the system.

7.2 The system shall focus on how well the users could conveniently learn and

utilize the system to automate accreditation tasks.

7.3 The system shall easily reestablish proficiency when users return to the system

after a period of inactivity.


The various software design constraints are addressed in the preceding tables

whereas ratings were determined by an autonomous and deliberate engagement in

reviewing and critiquing each option dependent on the proponent’s familiarity and

background knowledge.

In terms of server-side scripting tools, the proponents came up with four options

namely CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and WordPress, as shown in Table 1. As the proponents

have sufficient knowledge to manipulate and control PHP, it was chosen as the server-

side scripting language. Moreover, the proponents believe that it would be of great help

in producing a dynamic and interactive web page since it could interact with MySQL

databases among the other alternatives.

Table 1.
Server-Side Scripting Languages

Design Constraints CSS JavaScript PHP WordPress

Performance 8 8 9 7
Dependability 8 8 8 8
End User Criteria 8 7 8 7
Reliability 8 7 9 7
Usability 9 6 10 7
Availability 7 7 9 6
Security 9 8 8 8

In terms of database, the proponents came up with three options namely MySQL,

MS Access, and Oracle, as shown in Table 2. The aforementioned databases were rated

based on the resources with regards to PHP. As such, MySQL was chosen by the

proponents because it has a suitable database server for querying information. Also, it

functions on any operating system as well as supports a wide range of development

interfaces, specifically PHP.

In contrast to MS Access, MySQL and Oracle both have a username and

password, making these more stable. MySQL and Oracle run on a multitude of platforms,

while MS Access only runs on Windows. In terms of usability, while Oracle has a lot of

features, MySQL has a number of advantages that Oracle doesn't, and it has better

functional performance, so it's the most prominent database.

Table 2.

Design Constraints MySQL MS Access Oracle

Performance 9 7 8
Dependability 9 7 8
End-User Criteria 9 7 7
Reliability 9 8 7
Usability 9 8 6
Availability 8 8 6
Security 9 7 9

Depicted in Table 3 are the distinctive text and image editors like Sublime Text,

Visual Studio Code, and Adobe Photoshop. Although NetBeans analyzes the codes, the

proponents conclude that it's too slow, based on their experience with text editors. Visual

Studio Code, on the other hand, has a fast source code editor that is qualified for

immediate usage. Moreover, with support for hundreds of languages, VS Code constantly

helped the proponents to be instantly productive with syntax highlighting, bracket-

matching, auto-indentation, box-selection, snippets, and more. With features such as

resizing, color correction, and HDR imaging, Photoshop, on the other hand, generates

superior results. Relative to this, the proponents favored Visual Studio Code and Adobe

Photoshop due to prior experiences.

Table 3.
Text and Image Editor

Design Constraints NetBeans VS Code Photoshop

Performance 8 9 9
Dependability 7 9 9
End-User Criteria 7 8 9
Reliability 8 8 9
Usability 8 8 10
Availability 8 8 9
Security 8 9 8

As displayed in Table 4, the proponents identified three testing tools that are fit to

the developed system such as WAMP, MAMP and XAMPP. The proponents favored

XAMPP over the alternatives because it is straightforward and PHP error reporting is

available by default, which will aid the debugging of the scripts. MAMP, on the other hand,

is only available for the Mac operating system, which is why the developers rejected it.

Despite the fact that WAMP and XAMPP are almost identical, XAMPP has more

advanced features.

Table 4.
Testing Tools

Design Constraints XAMPP WAMP MAMP

Performance 7 8 9
Dependability 8 8 7
End-User Criteria 9 8 9
Reliability 9 9 9
Usability 8 9 10
Availability 8 7 9
Security 8 9 8

Multiple Designs

The CICS Online Accreditation Management System comprises primarily

database-driven modules designed to store, present and generate reports as well as

documents needed by the identified users such as the Faculty, Staff, Student, and

Evaluator. In order to support each user type, fourteen system modules were created for

the accreditation system and these are presented through a Block Diagram in Figure 5.

Figure 5. System Modules

As observed in the block diagram, the accreditation system has fourteen modules.

Each module is created and designed according to the functions described below:

1. User Authentication Module: This module manages the user's database

connection and retrieves relevant information based on the user's login

credentials. Users are identified accordingly in order to grant access to restricted

areas of the website.

2. Data Entry Module: This module encompasses the data entries to be done in the

system whereas the Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) functions are


3. Report Generation Module: This module is used primarily whenever a user

requests a report of their records. Moreover, the report is available in MS Excel

and PDF formats, and can also be printed.

4. Program Outcome Module: In this module, the instructor is authorized to adjust

and/or modify the Program Educational Objectives (PEO) and Student Learning

Outcomes (SLO). It may also provide Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILO)

for each course.

5. Teaching and Learning Plan Module: The Course Intended Learning Outcomes

(CILO) and Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) would be analyzed in this module

once the corresponding program outcomes have been added. In addition, the

instructor can include various course evaluation methods and rubric-based


6. Stakeholder Assessment Module: This module includes various questions about

students'/alumni's performance in the workplace while applying newly learned

skills to use in their respective programs. Alumni and employers could only

respond if the program's educational goals were attained.

7. Course Assessment Module: This module links the answers of the student in

different questions and surveys with regards to course.

8. Program Evaluation Module: This module links the summary and other reports

related to the Outcome-Based Education.

9. Faculty Information Module: In this module, personal information for the faculty

members are added and updated as per the privileges given.

10. Degree Earned Module: This module links the degrees earned records of the

faculty and displays it to the users. Degrees Earned are those considered to be

finished degrees, with data such as the bachelor's degree, master’s degree,

doctorate degree, date/year graduated and special order number.

11. Work History Module: This module links the work history records of the faculty and

is further categorized as academic experiences and industry experiences.

12. Publication Module: This module links to the research, publication, conferences

attended, journal, and books published by the faculty.

13. Grants/Awards Module: This module links the grants and awards details of the

faculty and displays it to the users.

14. Grades Module: This module links the individual grades per semester of students

currently enrolled in the respective programs of the College of Informatics and

Computing Sciences.


Throughout the design of the accreditation system, security is a critical factor. As

such, the proponents applied specific methods for authentication and authorization based

on the Role-based access control (RBAC) Model. This pertains to an architecture

designed for securing software systems; its constituting components are roles,

permissions, operations and objects as depicted schematically in Figure 6.

Figure 6. RBAC Component Schema

Likewise, the Principle of Least Privilege (POLP) also served as a basis for the

security architecture of the accreditation system. This concept in computer security would

limit users' access rights to only what is strictly required; users are granted permission to

read, write or execute only the files or resources necessary to do their jobs.

With regards to the CICS Online Accreditation Management System, this role-

based security framework would permit end-users to access the system dependent on

their roles within the CICS Department such as Student, Faculty, Evaluator, Staff, and

College Dean. The proponents believe that it would be less error-prone than granting

approvals one by one because it would have fine-grained control and a manageable

approach to access management. Moreover, this can reduce cybersecurity risk, protect

sensitive data, and ensure that users can only access information and perform actions

they need to do.


The analysis of trade-offs throughout the study is one of the major issues that the

proponents prioritized in order to attain the competitive objectives and further devote

resources to improve performance. Various halo effects would also be implicated since

these pertain to the cognitive biases a proponent directly/indirectly has, in which the

overall impression of the proponents influenced decision-making. As such, presented in

Table 5 are the sets of designs with their corresponding technology stack.

Table 5.
Multiple Technology Stacks

Design Technology Stack

Design A HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, XAMPP

Design B WordPress
Design C Python

Based on the table, Design A consists of open source solutions which may be used

to develop the accreditation system. WordPress specified in Design B, on the other hand,

emerged as an alternative option since it is efficient to use and has an intuitive interface.

Moreover, since this technology is simple, time spent on formatting would be greatly

reduced. Indicated in Design C is Python, another programming language of preference

because of its versatility and flexibility. The proponents believe that it is a true all-rounder

among the most popular programming languages.

Although all of the aforementioned alternatives would be greatly beneficial for the

development of the accreditation system, the proponents preferred Design A due to

familiarity of the proponents with the various technology stacks mentioned.

System Design/ Architecture

To map out the flow of information through symbols for the accreditation system,

Figure 7 graphically represents the functions, or processes, which capture, manipulate,

store, and distribute data between the system and its environment and between

components of a system.

Figure 7. Context Diagram

Based on the context diagram, the CICS Online Accreditation Management

System refers to the system under consideration as a single high-level process. Also, the

relationship that the system has with other external entities such as Evaluators, Students,

Faculty, and Staff are illustrated.

Link Architecture

Displayed in Figure 8 is the link architecture which shows the functionality of users

such as Admin, Dean of the College of Informatics and Computing Sciences, Faculty,

Staff, Student, and Evaluator and would further be used as a basis in constructing the

flow of the system.

Figure 8. Link Architecture

Use Case

Illustrated in the Use Case diagram are the different types of users such as Faculty,

Staff, Students, and Evaluators including their respective use cases. These interactions

with the accreditation system, as presented in Figure 9, clearly demonstrate the

relationship between the user and the different use cases they may encounter.

Figure 9. Use Case Diagram

As presented, the faculty and staff users are authorized individuals who are

responsible for managing the website’s operation such as providing relevant self-study

reports with regards to quality objective measures and standards of the accrediting

agencies. They could also manage the faculty portfolio wherein faculty as well as staff

could curate their entire professional careers since the accreditation system could

streamline and aggregate their content through assessments and annual performance

evaluations. Likewise, both these users could oversee the course portfolio which would

allow them to document the planning, process, and outcomes of a single course and to

further improve their skills through continuous reflection.

Conversely, students could manage their own portfolios which are collections of

student work that can demonstrate learning, specifically individual grades per semester,

and further be used as an effective assessment tool for student learning outcomes (SLO).

The external evaluators, on the other hand, could view the modules provided by the

College of Informatics and Computing Sciences with respect to the ten areas required.

Also, they could provide rubrics-based assessments from the given rating sheets in the

accreditation system.

Sequence Diagram

Illustrated in Figure 10 is an interaction diagram that details how operations in the

accreditation system would be carried out - what messages are sent and when. Based

on the diagram, the sequences were organized according to time which progresses as a

user navigates a page. Moreover, the objects involved in the operation such as Faculty,

Staff, Students, and Evaluators were listed from left to right with regards to when they

would take part in the message sequence.

Figure 10. Sequence Diagram

Database Design

The data that must be processed and how these data elements would interrelate

are specified in Figure 11. Moreover, this serves as a blueprint for implementing data in

specific software applications whereas the proponents gained a better understanding of

the information to be contained in the database with the ER diagram.

Figure 11. Entity Relationship Diagram

Graphical User Interface (INCLUDE RELEVANT GUI ONLY)

Highlighted within the subsequent figures is the presentation of document viewing

and actual screenshots of the entire user interface. This would further elaborate the

details of the accreditation system. Relatively, presented in Figure 12 is the Landing page

of the CICS Online Accreditation Management System which is designed with a single

focus or goal: persuade a visitor to take certain actions within the system.

In addition, displayed on the upper portion is the headline which would purposely

grab the visitor’s attention. As observed, the line ‘College of Informatics and Computing

Sciences’ has the largest font on the landing page, which distinguishes it from the rest of

the content. This is due to the proponents' belief that hierarchy is essential in any web

page, particularly a landing page; likewise, the subtext ‘Leading Innovations,

Transforming Lives’ is displayed under the headline. This brief yet official statement

summarizes the purpose or beliefs of the aforementioned Department and the wider

Batangas State University community. Also, it serves as a second hook to grab the user.

Figure 12. Landing Page

Exhibited within the center portion of the page is the welcome message as well as

the level of accreditation of each program within CICS. Furthermore, the Department’s as

well as the University’s official logos were featured to further establish recognition,

awareness, and consistency. Since humans are visual creatures, the proponents included

a video that showcases the University to keep them on the page long enough to pique

their curiosity. As the content as well as the quality was created and managed

professionally, the proponents were self-assured that this would further build trust among

visitors and end-users.


The proponents identified Windows Operating System as the system software for

this study wherein it would manage the computer hardware, software resources, and

provide common services for computer programs. Since this would serve as an interface

between the user and the computer hardware and would further control the execution of

all kinds of programs, the accreditation system will be compatible with any device running

a Windows operating system, ideally Windows 7 or higher.

Furthermore, the proponents designated the client-side script as JavaScript since

scripts written in this language can be embedded in HTML pages. Additionally,

proponents believe that JavaScript provides a multitude of options for incorporating

interesting elements to an HTML page. Consequently, PHP was used as a server-side

scripting language since the proponents have ample knowledge of how to manipulate and

manage it. Since it could communicate with MySQL databases, it was thought to be very

useful in creating a dynamic and interactive web page.

Web Platform

The proponents considered Bootstrap as the web development platform for this

study since it contains CSS-based and JavaScript-based design templates for

typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components. The proponents

believe that among the other alternatives, this efficient and inexpensive framework is

ideally suited for developing customized layouts for the accreditation system using HTML,

CSS, and JS.


For the Back-end Technology, the proponents utilized MySQL Server not only

because it is designed to work as a server in a client/server network but is also capable

of working as a stand-alone database directly on the client. Likewise, the scalability and

ease-of-use features of MySQL Server allow it to work efficiently on a client without

consuming too many resources.


Identified in the Table 6 are the Softwares as a Service (SaaS) that the proponents

have to subscribe to, in order to gain access to products or services. In particular, website

domain pertains to the unique address that users see in the address bar of the browser

whereas website hosting is a term subscription that keeps the website accessible on the


Table 6.
Subscription Fees

Software as a Service (SaaS) Description Estimated Cost

Website Domain The identification string within the ₱2,000


000webhost This term subscription would keep the ₱3,000 per year
website accessible on the internet.

Total: ₱5,000


Since the quality model is the foundation of a product quality assessment

framework, this could establish which quality characteristics will be considered when

assessing a software product's properties. Relative to this, the proponents regarded

ISO/IEC 25010 as an ideal framework for defining software metrics that were important

for the accreditation system since it comprises the eight quality characteristics a quality

application must have.

Testing Procedure

To check whether the accreditation system matches expected requirements, the

proponents employed the Agile Testing with the Agile testing quadrant as a basis. As

displayed in Figure 29, this quadrant was considered by the proponents as a guide that

divides the entire agile testing framework into four quadrants.

Figure 29. Agile Testing Quadrants

In relation to this, the working of each quadrant may be seen as under:

A. Agile Testing First Quadrant (Q1). This quadrant was concerned with the quality

of the code and the components and covers the Unit testing, and Component

testing of the accreditation system at a unit level. However, the participation of the

developer(s) in Q1 does not restrict the entry and work of a tester. A tester may go

through the documentation work to have a better understanding of the internal

structure of the software product which may help in designing effective test cases.

Once all the individual units are created and tested, combining “Unit Tested”

modules would begin and proceed to integrated testing. Moreover, the assigned

testers for this phase examined the interfaces between the units/modules wherein

the individual modules are first tested in isolation. Once the modules are unit

tested, they are integrated one by one, until all the modules are integrated, to check

the combinational behavior, and validate whether the requirements are

implemented correctly or not.

B. Agile Testing Second Quadrant (Q2). In this quadrant, the main focus was the

objectives of the study. Generally, it involved the usage of both manual and

automated testing and consisted of testing types such as Functional testing, and

Story tests done at the system level. A tester continuously interacted with the client

to gather and implement the evolved requirements in the test cases. Furthermore,

to validate the Graphic User Interface as per the client requirements and

expectations, Interface testing was employed whereas the size of buttons and

input field present on the screen, alignment of texts, tables as well as content within

the tables were included. Moreover, validation of the dashboard, selection of

distinct items transpired.

C. Agile Testing Third Quadrant (Q3). In this quadrant, feedback and reviews of

previous testing phases or quadrants along with the real user experience, worked

as a driving force to test the system, using multiple scenarios. The Manual testing

method is being used for evaluation based on the user requirements and logical

thinking of the testers. Furthermore, this quadrant was used by the proponents to

build and gain confidence in the usability of the accreditation system. The testing

types covered under this quadrant were usability testing, and user acceptance


D. Agile Testing Fourth Quadrant (Q4). This quadrant involved the utilization of

tools to automate the process of evaluating the system at an operational

acceptance level to fulfill the non-functional requirements, such as accessibility,

accuracy, compatibility, performance, reliability, security, and usability. The testing

types covered under this quadrant consisted of Compatibility testing, Performance

testing, Reliability testing, and Security testing including other types of testing

which is used to verify and validate the non-functional requirement of the

accreditation system.

To further elaborate, the testers checked how secured the system was from

internal and external threats. Also, testing of how secure and strong the

authorization and authentication processes were also included as well as how

software behaves for any attack and malicious programs. Likewise, the testers

ensured that the system can run with the combination of different browsers and

operating systems.

Data Gathering

Primary sources of assessment information include faculty members, enrolled and

graduating students, and alumni. The collected information would then be categorized

into two types namely Direct Data, and Indirect Data. Direct data would be based on

faculty members' assessments of student performance in their respective courses, as well

as their verbal feedback, findings, and suggestions on different aspects of a course or the

program as a whole. On the other hand, the primary sources of indirect assessment

findings are surveys of enrolled students, graduating students, and alumni. Participants

in the survey are asked a series of multiple choice and subjective questions concerning

their attainment of Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) and Student Learning

Outcomes (SLOs). They also gave general insights and suggestions on various aspects

of the course or the curriculum as a whole. Furthermore, enrolled and graduated students

are surveyed per term, while alumni surveys are performed at longer intervals.


This phase would serve as the how-to-guide of the proponents in order to deploy

the accreditation system from its current environment into the College of Informatics and

Computing Sciences Department. As such, presented in the Table 7 are the activities

relevant to this phase. In particular, those shaded with black are the recommended

phases for the activity at hand whereas the grey shade indicates that it would still be

possible to perform the activity, however, placing the activity in that particular phase may

imply risks.

Table 7.
Deployment Process Activities


Maintenance would be carried out by the proponents following detection of an

anomaly and aimed at restoring normal operating conditions. In relation to this, presented

in Table 8 are the distinctive maintenance types which would be conducted by the

assigned proponent at a specific time interval. The indicated maintenance types within

the table would be carried out by the proponents following detection of an anomaly and

aimed at restoring normal operating conditions.

Table 8.
Maintenance Plan

System Maintenance Type Time Interval Assigned Proponent

Adaptive Monthly Rod Andrew M. Dela Cruz

CICS Online
Accreditation Corrective Weekly Drendar Josh T.
Management Dimasacat
Preventive Quarterly All Proponents

Perfective Monthly Jem Krizelle L. Garing

Over time, the original environment (operating system, accreditation process and

rubrics, and external characteristics) for which the software was developed is likely to

change. In relation to this, the proponents included the adaptive maintenance in order to

modify the software to accommodate change to its external environment. Likewise,

Corrective maintenance would change the software to correct defects.

On the other hand, as the software is used, the client/user will recognize additional

functions that will provide benefit. Relative to this, through Perfective maintenance it

would extend the software beyond its original function requirements. Lastly, computer

software could deteriorate due to change, and because of this, preventive maintenance,

often called software re-engineering, must be conducted to enable the software to serve

the needs of its end-users. In essence, Preventive maintenance would make changes to

computer programs so that they can be more easily corrected, adapted, and enhanced.

Only about 20% of all maintenance work would be spent "fixing mistakes". The

remaining 80% would be spent in adapting existing systems to changes in their external

environment, making enhancements requested by users, and reengineering an

application for use

Risk Management

Risks are potentialities, and if these become realities in a project management

context, it could be classified as issues which must be addressed effectively. As such,

identifying, analyzing and then responding to any risk that arises over the life cycle of a

project to help the project remain on track and meet its goal is crucial. Throughout the

study, risk analysis and management would be implemented as a key project

management practice to ensure that the least number of surprises occur while the project

is underway.

While the future can never be predicted with certainty, a simple and streamlined

risk management process to predict the uncertainties in the projects and minimize the

occurrence or impact of these uncertainties could have a profound impact within the

whole project. Furthermore, this improves the chance of successful project completion

and reduces the consequences of those risks.

In relation to this, the proponents identified eight risks that could tremendously

affect the proposed monitoring system:

RISK 001: Does not meet the level of demand for the project. If the

accreditation system’s level of quality is unacceptable, the project can suffer. It should be

emphasized that project quality should be valued as a key determinant of both customer

satisfaction and project performance.

RISK 002: System Accuracy and Reliability. The use of web technologies to

deploy many classes of services through the Internet is becoming a de facto standard.

As such, system performance, accuracy and reliability remain key actors for the success

of any Web-based services.

RISK 003: Project Schedule Delay. Delay throughout the project management

has a negative effect on project sponsor, stakeholders, and users in terms of growth in

adversarial relationships, mistrust, litigation, and cash-flow problems.

RISK 004: Inadequate End-user Involvement. Lack of user involvement has

been proven disastrous for many projects. Without user involvement, nobody within the

team would feel committed to the project.

RISK 005: Poor Stakeholder Engagement. The behavioral patterns of, and

decisions made by stakeholders, both as individuals and as a group, can be a risk to

projects. Moreover, stakeholders may develop a lack of confidence in the project team,

either as a result of their concerns and opinions which have not been addressed or risks

that are not being adequately managed.

RISK 006: Slow response time. Reducing server response time should be a

primary goal within the project management. Similarly, investing resources in creating a

website is a waste of time if it loads sluggishly and users would end up abandoning the

system. The first couple of seconds determine whether a customer stays on your page or

bounces to a competitor.

RISK 007: Data Leakage. The leakage of confidential user information, especially

with this kind of monitoring system, could tremendously harm the involved user as well

as the involved stakeholders.

RISK 008: Unavailable / Dysfunctional Resources. Far too many projects fail

due to poor project management methodologies and processes.

Figure 30. Risk Matrix

To further classify and elaborate the aforementioned risks, illustrated in Figure 30

is the Risk Matrix which would serve as the basis for risk analysis presented in Table 9.

Table 9.
Risk Analysis

ID RISK Category Likelihood Severity Impact

Does not meet the level of

001 Technical Likely Significant High
demand for the project
System accuracy and
002 Technical Possible Significant Med High
003 Project schedule delay Possible Severe Med High
Inadequate End-user
004 External Unlikely Significant Medium
Poor stakeholder
005 External Unlikely Moderate Low Med
006 Slow response time Technical Very Likely Severe High
007 Confidential Data Leakage External Likely Significant High
Unavailable / Dysfunctional
008 Organizational Possible Significant Med High

Having identified and evaluated the risks, the next step involves the identification

of alternative appropriate actions for managing these risks and the specification and

implementation of treatment plans. Since identified risks may have varying impacts on

the organization, not all risks carry the prospect of loss or damage. As such, explained in

Table 10 are the risk treatments provided by the proponents for each risk.

Table 10.
Risk Treatment

Risk Risk Treatment

In-depth analysis as well as comprehensive planning of project
RISK 001: Does not meet the requirements with respect to stakeholder expectations and
level of demand for the project demands would be conducted throughout the project management
phase. Moreover, sensible decision-making and careful planning
would be made by each proponent to avoid getting off the track.

RISK 002: System accuracy and Various Quality Assurance and testing processes would transpire
reliability to ensure that the proponents would deliver the best system for
accreditation or services for continuous quality improvement as

RISK 003: Project schedule Dissemination of responsibilities as well as constant report of

delay progress would be regulated throughout the project management.

The proponents would involve the end-user within the early phases
RISK 004: Inadequate End-user of the project management to produce more accurate user
Involvement requirements thereby avoiding expensive and unnecessary
features as well as improved system acceptance. Also, they would
ensure successful system implementation.

Understanding who will be affected, how much influence they have

and their level of interest should be the first task within the project
management. Also, prioritizing internal stakeholders would enable
the proponents to focus energy and engagement efforts on the
RISK 005: Poor stakeholder individuals with the biggest impact. Likewise, the proponents must
engagement understand and align stakeholder expectations with the team’s
management strategy. Frequent communication is important, as a
particular stakeholder's influence and interest in an issue or project
can shift quickly.

Utilization of reliable and fast web hosting would be implemented

RISK 006: Slow response time to ensure that the hosting provider caters to the needs of users.
Also, proponents would optimize the databases as well as check if
PHP is updated before the development phase commences.

The proponents have to implement regular information security

RISK 007: Confidential Data training as well as create a culture of information security among
Leakage the stakeholders. In particular, Mr. Dimasacat would implement
preventive measures within the system to manage this kind of risk.

The proponents must come to an agreement about how to prioritize

RISK 008: Unavailable / progress through shared resources. It is also important to accept a
Dysfunctional Resources variety of working styles around the team and resources.

However, throughout the risk treatments stated in Table 10, it is only necessary to

appoint a team member who can best monitor the risk trigger as well as drive the defined

countermeasures. As such, risk owners, as presented in Table 11 are assigned for

immediate reporting of any changes and for driving the defined countermeasures.

Table 11.

Risk Ownership


001 Does not meet the level of demand for the project Drendar Josh T. Dimasacat
002 System accuracy and reliability Drendar Josh T. Dimasacat
003 Project schedule delay Jem Krizelle L. Garing
004 Inadequate End-user Involvement Jem Krizelle L. Garing
005 Poor stakeholder engagement Jem Krizelle L. Garing
006 Slow response time Rod Andrew M. Dela Cruz
007 Confidential Data Leakage Rod Andrew M. Dela Cruz
008 Unavailable / Dysfunctional Resources Drendar Josh T. Dimasacat



Displayed in Figure 31 is the timeline of activities along with the associated

information such as relevant dates, duration and the persons involved within the specific

task. Through this chart, delegating tasks to different members and aligning team

resources without overloading people in the process was made possible.

Figure 31. Gantt Chart

Moreover, the project management for this study consists of six phases namely

analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and maintenance wherein each

phase is regarded by the proponents of the study as an application of knowledge, skills,

tools, and techniques to a broad range of activities in order to meet the objectives of this

particular project.



Summarized in Table 12 are the roles of the proponents throughout the study

whereas the structure for this team is identified as Domain Specialist. In relation to this,

the proponents worked effectively on the given project whereas each proponent is

knowledgeable in a variety of fields and possesses a particular skill set.

Table 12.
Roles and Responsibilities

Name of the Proponent Task/Responsibility

Rod Andrew M. Dela Cruz UI/UX Designer, Tester

Drendar Josh T. Dimasacat Lead Programmer
Jem Krizelle L. Garing Documenter, Quality Assurance

Based on the table above, Mr. Dela Cruz and Mr. Dimasacat were both responsible

for using the technical requirements provided by the client in translating the business

requirements into a technical solution. Likewise, they were also responsible for building

the deliverables and communicating the status of the accreditation system.

On the other hand, Ms. Garing was responsible for generating innovative ideas for

the content of the supporting documentation while also ensuring that the software solution

meets the business requirements and that it is free of bugs, errors and defects.

Throughout the test planning and preparation phases of the software testing, she

analyzed, reviewed and assessed the technical requirements and design specifications

with the help of Mr. Dela Cruz. They also developed test designs, cases, and procedure

requirements, as well as examined the defect reports and test results.

Although distinctive roles were designated, the principles of cross-functionality and

self-organization were still applied by the proponents. As a result, it made a significant

contribution to transparency as well as optimized risk management for specifications and

system assessments. Also, with the radical departure from traditional development,

increased innovation was apparent as well as reduced defects since the proponents

shared overall responsibility for the outcomes. From the proponents’ standpoint, it was a

satisfying approach to accomplish the project because of considerable levels of

functionality and a lack of external control elements.



Presented in Table 13 is the budget cost management plan for the proposed


Table 13.
Budget Cost Management Analysis


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