The Lungs Are Located in The Thorax Cavity

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The lungs are located in the thorax cavity.

Structure Function

Ribs Protects internal organs

Intercostal muscles Muscles between the ribs, it controls the movement of

inhalation and exhalation.
Diaphragm Sheet of muscle at the bottom of the thorax, it helps to
change the volume.
Trachea Pipe that connects the mouth and nose to the lungs

Bronchi Large tubes branching off the trachea with bronchus

Bronchioles The bronchi split to form bronchioles in the lungs which is

connected to the alveoli
Alveoli Tiny air sacs where gas exchange takes place

Pleural membrane Sticks outside of the lungs and the inside of the chest cavity.
This allows the lungs to follow chest movement. Which
provides a airtight seal.

1. External inter costal muscles contract (E.I.C.M)
2. Internal inter costal muscles relax (I.I.C.M)
3. Ribcage is pulled up
4. Diaphragm contracts/Flattens
5. Volume inside your thorax increases
6. Air pressure inside the lungs reduces
7. Outside body air is high
8. Air moves into your lungs, because of the pressure difference

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