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Aim: - Measurement of the unknown capacitance using schering bridge.

Apparatus: - Schearing bridge kit, digital multimeter, patch chords.

Circuit Diagram:-


The Schering Bridge is one of the most important ac bridge used extensively for the
measurement of capacitance. In Schering Bridge the arm 1 contains a series combination of
the resistor and the capacitor and standard arm contain only one capacitor. The standard
capacitor is usually a standard high quality mica capacitor. In the balance condition of the
bridge the sum of the phase angles of the arms 1 and 4 is equals the sum of the phase angle of
arms 2 and 3. At the balance condition there is no current flow in the galvanometer.

At balance condition,
[R1+(1/jωC1)] * [R4 /(1+jωC4R4)] =R3 /( jωC2)
After solving & equating real & imaginary parts, we get
R1= C4*R3 /C2.
C1= R4*C2 /R3
Observation:- R4= __________.
C2= __________.
For Unknown Capacitor C1:-
Calculated -C1= (R4*C2 /R3)
Measured -C1= ________.
Dissipation factor (D.f)=ωR4C4

5) Study the circuit provided on the front panel on the kit.
6) Connect the unknown capacitance of the position given.
7) Set the null point of galvanometer by adjusting the variable resistor R4
8) Calculate the value of unknown capacitance by formula given

Result: -The values of unknown capacitance is found to be C1= ______uF.

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