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The relationship between Computer literacy and the choice of IT course among

senior high school students in ACLC Commonwealth

Name (Optional): Grade & Section:

Sex: Age:

☐ Male ☐ Below 17

☐ Female ☐ 17

☐ 18

☐ 19

☐ Above 19

Part I. Computer Literacy

Directions: Please choose the answer that best describes your Computer Literacy by putting a check
in the box beside each statement. Please put only one check for every number.
Scale: 5 - Excellent
4 - Verry good
3 - Good
2 - Neutral
1 - Bad

Yes No

1. Do you have your own

computer? (Yes or no)
5 4 3 2 1
How well do you use computer
for the following: Excellent Verry good Good Neutral Bad

2. How would you rate your

ability to troubleshoot
common computer issues?

3. How would you rate your

ability to use keyboard
shortcuts to perform tasks
on your computer?
4. How would you rate your
ability to use basic computer
programs, such as Microsoft
Office or Google Docs?

5. How would you rate your ability

to navigate and use the internet

6. How would you rate your ability

to use new software or application as
it becomes available?

7. How would you rate your ability

to protect your computer and
personal information from security

8. How would you rate your overall

computer literacy and proficiency?
Part II. Choice of IT course
Directions: Please choose the answer that best describes your rating by putting a check in the box
beside each statement. Please put only one check for every number.
Scale: 5 - Strongly agree
4 - Agree
3 - Neutral
2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly disagree

5 1
4 3 2
Questions: Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Agree Neutral Disagree

1. Will you choose the IT

course in college?

2. IT is a good course

3. IT is your preferred
course in the future

4. IT is better among
other courses

5. IT course is less
difficult than the other

6. You chose an IT course

since you had some computer

7. Having some computer

experience influenced your
decision to pursue an IT

Thank you for answering the survey!

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