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1. How does the Holy Spirit serve as “Paraclete” in your life during the pandemic time? How do
you consider the pandemic crisis an opportunity to grow in faith?

During the time of the pandemic, many things happened in a short period of time. It strokes
fear and worries in the minds of many people. During this time, the opportunity in faith grows
much more. Many people become worried about the growing pandemic so they started to come
back to pray, reaching out to God for help. Many prayed for good health and safety.

In these difficult times, the “Holy Spirit” came to provide strength and courage to those
who have faith in God. For me, the “Holy Spirit” gave me a sign of relief during the pandemic
by knowing that it is always and will be there to guide me through these difficult times. It
helped me strengthen my faith in God, reassuring me that everything will be alright. As I put
my trust in God, I know that he will leave me to stray during these difficult times.

The pandemic crisis became a series of opportunities to grow in faith. Even after the closure
of church activities and events, people continue to worship and pray inside the comfort of their
homes. To release their worries and doubts, they spiritually communicate to God to help them
and their family from the deadly virus. In this kind of time, people cannot deny the existence
of God, even after the times they have forgotten him, their faith will always come back when
difficult times like the pandemic comes. Therefore, people do not deny God's existence or
goodness because of a crisis. On the contrary, it leads to encouragement in a stronger faith.

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