See Overleaf: Stationary Compressors: Elektronikon® Mkiv A SB: Audit Data Display Handling

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Stationary compressors: Elektronikon® MkIV 2004-07

ASB: Audit Data Display handling

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2931 1159 00
Technical Specification Elektronikon MkIV


Elektronikon® MkIV

Audit Data Display handling

Name Elektronikon MkIV Secr. Class

1102 K/1
Detail Owner
Power Data Display
Ed: 00 Modified from: Print date

Family Written By: CTE-JH Compare Replaces Designation

Design Checked Product Checked Approved Date 9820 40 8208

Technical Specification Elektronikon MkIV

Document Information

Edition Date Description Author

00 First edition CTE-JH

Technical Specification Elektronikon MkIV

Table of Contents

1. Preface .............................................................................................................................................................................4
2. Display Handling .............................................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Actual values ...........................................................................................................................................................4
2.2 Compare To L/NL and Compared To MC ..........................................................................................................5
2.3 Settings/Setup..........................................................................................................................................................5
3. Menu Flow .......................................................................................................................................................................7

Technical Specification Elektronikon MkIV

1. Preface
The Power Data Display is a new menu item in which a Power audit can be started in VSD modules.
Besides the power consumption of the VSD, also the power consumption of a Fixed Speed and a Modulating Control
compressor in the same circumstances (same load curve) are estimated. According to this estimations, the energy savings
of a VSD machine in comparison to a Load / No Load or a Modulating Control compressor are shown.

A power audit always concerns a certain time period. According to this test period, the functionality knows 3 states :
1. There is no test running and no data is available about a finished test period. In this state, the settings for a future
test period can be changed and a test period can be started.
2. A test period is currently running. In this state, the temporary results about the test period so far are available.
3. No test period is running, but there are results about a finished test period available.

2. Display Handling

For displaying the power data, a new main menu item will be provided.
Status data ↑
Audit data D
Measured data ↓
this submenu will only be available if the status of the power display is set to active !

When selecting the item “power data”, following sub-menu will be shown :
Actual values D
Compare to L/NL
Compared to MC ↓

Compared to L/NL ↑
Compared to MC D
Settings/Setup ↓
The submenu items are :
• Actual values
• Compare To L/NL
• Compared To MC
• Settings/Setup

2.1 Actual values

In the first submenu, the actual values concerning power consumption of the machine are listed.
These values don’t depend on whether or not there is a period started or finished. They are always available.

The values are listed in next order :

Name Unit Description

Load pct current load in % in comparison to max load
Package Power kW current package power

Technical Specification Elektronikon MkIV

2.2 Compare To L/NL and Compared To MC

In these submenus, average values during the test period are displayed.
There are 3 possibilities :
1. If no test period is started yet, no data is available and the submenu’s are not selectable
2. If a test period I is currently running, the displayed values concern the test period so far
3. If a test period is finished and the results are still available, the results over this passed test period are displayed

% 13

The data is listed in next order :
Name Unit Description
Capacity l/s Average flow over the test period
Capacity pct Average flow in comparison to max load
Package Power kW Average package power over the test period
Energy Saved pct Percentage energy saved in comparison to when a Load / No Load or Modulating Control was
Energy Saved kWh Energy saved in comparison to when a Load / No Load or Modulating Control was used

Note that the first 3 items are the same in both submenu’s. Only the 2 last items really compare the VSD power
consumption to the power consumption if a fixed speed or a modulating control machine were used.

2.3 Settings/Setup
When selecting this item from the power data menu list, there are 3 possibilities, depending on the current state :

1. If there is no test period running currently, the possibility is offered to start a test period.
Also, the test period and the size of the customer’s air net can be changed here.
This is done either if there is information available about a previous test period or not.
Therefore, following display layouts are provided :
Test Period
Hours 168

Back Mod Strt

Size of air net ↑

litre 1050

Back Mod Strt

Selecting back, the power data menu list is shown again.
Selecting modify offers the possibility to change the between a min and a max value.
Selecting start, a test period is started.

2. When a test period is running, next screen is shown :

Remaining time
Hrs 164

Back Abort
Selecting back, the power data menu list is shown again.

Technical Specification Elektronikon MkIV

Selecting abort, the test period is stopped. Doing this, the information about the running test period becomes

3. When a test period is finished, next screen is shown :

Period finished

Back Reset
Selecting back, the power data menu list is shown again.
Selecting reset, the test period is stopped. Doing this, the information about the running test period becomes

Technical Specification Elektronikon MkIV

3. Menu Flow

-Compressor speed
-Loaded hours
Compressor Out Auto Operation Max Pressure ↑ -Motor starts
-Module hours
bar 7.0 Local control bar 7.5 -Accumulated volume
-Compressor Out
rpm 2500 ↓ Timer Active ↓ ↓ -DP Oil sep
-Element Outlet
Menu Main Help Xtra Main Help Xtra -Dewpoint
-Cool Ware In
-Cool Water Out

Status data → All Conditions

Audit data Are OK

Measured data ↓

Main Menu

Status data ↑

Audit data →

Measured data ↓


Actual values → Load Package power ↑

pct 0 kW 0
Compare to L/NL

Compare to MC ↓ ↓

Menu Menu Menu

Actual values ↑ Capacity

l/s 0
Compare to L/NL → -avg capacity pct
-avg package power
Compare to MC ↓ ↓ -avg energy saved
-avg energy saved pct
Menu Menu

Compare to L/NL ↑ l/s 0
-avg capacity pct
Compare to MC → -avg package power
↓ -avg energy saved
Settings/Setup ↓ -avg energy saved pct
Audit running
Audit not running
Compare to L/NL ↑ Test Period Remaining Time

Compare to MC hrs 168 hrs 150

Settings/Setup → ↓ ↓

Menu Menu Mod Strt Menu Cncl

Volume Air Net ↑

litre 10000

Menu Mod Strt

Menu flow-VSD audit feature

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