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This chapter focuses on the organization, architectural programming, space

identification and spatial programming of the spaces in the development. It mainly
includes identification and computations of spaces in the development, as well as
listing the facilities and equipment needed. It will also determine the required
adjacencies, user computations, and required area for each user.


Based on the interview from a local racetrack designer Vincent Nato. The
proposed Bicol Motorsports Complex should follow the required facilities, number of
personnel and office sizes from the standards of the Federation Internationale
Motorcyclisme (FIM). For the required dimension of racetrack, national standards
should be followed provided by National Motorcycle Sports and Safety Association


a.) Administration Building

Reception Area
Information Desk
Public Comfort Room (M)
Public Comfort Room (F)
Public Comfort Room (PWD)
- Food Counter
- Dining Area
- Kitchen
- Toilet
- Storage
Conference Room
- Toilet
Transactions Office
-BMC Head's Office
-Marketing Section
-Race Direction Section
-Paddock Officer Cubicle
-Social Events Section
Finance & Accounting Office
-Treasurer's Cubicle
-Auditor's Cubicle
-Vault Room
-Records Room

b.) Grandstand

(5) PWD Reserved Spaces
(5) Ticket Booth
-Comfort Room
Technical Control Room
-CCTV Monitoring Area
-Public Address Room
-Press Office
-Comfort Room
(15) Rentable Spaces
Mechanical Room
Power Supply
-Generator Room
-Power Room
-Solar Power Room
(2) Storage Rooms
Public Comfort Room (M)
Public Comfort Room (F)
Supply Room
-Receiving Area
-Wash Room
-Gardening Room
-Supply Office
Change Room
-Shower Room
-Locker Room

c.) Motorsports Training Center

Reception Area
Cashier's Booth
Motorcycle Rental Shop & Accessories
Mini Petrol Station
Tool Room
Carwash Area
Repair Area
Motorsports Training Office
Toilet (PWD)
T & B (Female)
T & B (Male)
Locker’s Area
Safety Riding Clinic
Driving Simulation Room

d.) Safety & Medical Building

Waiting Area
Emergency Room
Recovery Room
Doping Control Room
Medical & Technical Steward Office
Staff Lounge
Storage Room
Comfort Room

e.) Multi-Purpose Building

Public Comfort Room (M)
Public Comfort Room (F)
Janitor's Closet
Storage Room
Control Room
(2) Car Access
Dressing Room (Male)
-Comfort Room
Dressing Room (Female)
-Comfort Room
Electrical Room

f.) Motel

-Common Toilet
(2) Single Bed Rooms
(2) 4 Single Bed Rooms
(2) 4 Bunked Bed Rooms
Supply Room
Common Toilet

(4) 4 Bunked Bed Rooms

g.) Guard Post

Guard Post
Comfort Room
Locker / Change Room

h.) Racetrack Components

Rider's Paddock
Waiting Zone
Starting Area
Practice Area
(3) Flag Marshall Post
Pit Lane
Timekeeping Area
Medical Staff Area

i.) Driving School Building

Public Toilet (Female)
Public Toilet (Male)
Waiting Area
Queuing Area
-Staff’s Lounge
-(4) Cubicles
-Common Toilet
-(3) 4-wheeled vehicles
-(2) motorcycles
Janitor’s Closet & Storage Room


Public Toilet (Male)
Public Toilet (Female)
(2) Lecture Rooms
Simulation Room

Space Identification

Auditor's Cubicle. A space in an office allotted for the Auditor- competitors

and are stationed at various points of danger zones around race tracks to assist
them in case of any collisions, accidents or track problems.

Bleachers. A raised, tiered rows of benches found at sports fields and other

spectator events.

BMC Head Office. The main office of the proposed Bicol Motorsports

Bunkbed Room. A type of bedroom in where one bed frame is stacked on

top of another where it allows two or more people to sleep in the same room while
maximizing available floor space for activities.

Canteen. A type of food service location within an institution.

Cashier's Booth. An area where an employee deals directly with customers’


CCTV Monitoring Area. Also known as video surveillance room, is the room
where the staffs use video cameras to transmit a signal to a specific place, on a
limited set of monitors.

Certification Area. A part of the LTO office where passed examinees of

driving exam claim their certification document.

Chief of Security Office. The office of the Chief of Security of the proposed
Bicol Motorsports Complex.

Comfort Room. A room or small building containing one or

more toilets which is available for use by the general public, or by customers or
employees of certain businesses.

Conference Room. A room provided for singular events such as business

conferences and meetings.

Dining Area. A room for consuming food.

Doping Control Room. A room provided by the safety and medical team to
test the riders into a urinalysis free from drugs.

Driver's Lounge. A cozy lounge for the LTO driving examiners while waiting
for the next examinee.

Electrical Room. A room or space in a building dedicated to electrical

Emergency Room. A medical treatment facility specializing in emergency

medicine, the acute care of patients who present without prior appointment; either by
their own means or by that of an ambulance.

Flag Marshall Post. A post for marshals who are responsible for giving
warning signs, penalty and danger signs.

Finance & Accounting Office. It is where recording, summarizing and

reporting the myriad of transactions resulting from business operations over a period
of time occur. These transactions are summarized in the preparation of financial
statements, including the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement,
that encapsulate the company's operating performance over a specified period.

Gardening Room. A room intended for the equipment of gardening and


Generator Room. An area intended for generator sets where the noise from
the equipment cannot disturb others.

Guard Post. A building used to house personnel and security equipment.

Hall. A relatively large space enclosed by a roof and walls.

Housekeeping Room. The management of duties and chores involved in the

running of a household, such as cleaning, cooking, hotel maintenance, and bill pay.

Information Desk Area. A space wherein the guests can ask for information
within a building.

Janitor's Closet. A small area for janitor’s equipment and tools.

Kitchen. A room or part of the building used for cooking and food


Laundry Room. A room where all laundry are washed and cleaned.

Linen Room. Storage area for mattress, curtains, blankets, runners, and
table mantles.

Lobby. An entranceway or foyer in a building.

Locker Area. A small area for lockers where the staff of the building can
leave and secure their things.

Lounge. A sofa used for entertainment and waiting area.

Maintenance Room. A room intended for the maintenance of the facilities.

Marketing Office. An office for the staff designated in company

advertisement, promotions and marketing strategies.

Mechanical Room. A large room for mechanical equipment used during an


Medical & Technical Steward Office. An office provided for the designated
chief medical staffs and technical staff during racetrack operations.

Medical Staff Area. A tent space in the racetrack complex used by the
medical staff.

Mini Petrol Station. A small underground tanker of unleaded gas that sells to
the riders and trainees.

Motel Managers Office. The office of the manager of the motel.

Motorcycle Rental Shop & Accessories. A shop for motorcycle accessories

and rentals of motorcycle.

Motorcycle Washing Area. An area where the riders can wash their
motorcycles after the training or competition.

Motorsports Training Office. The office of the motorsport trainers.

Paddock Officer Cubicle. A small partitioned area for the paddock officer.

Pantry. A room where beverages, food, and sometimes dishes, household

cleaning chemicals, linens, or provisions are stored.

Pit Lane. It is where a racing vehicle stops in the pits during a race for

refuelling, new tyres, repairs, mechanical adjustments, a driver change, as a penalty,
or any combination of the above.

Podium Zone. A platform used to identify the winners of the events.

Practice Area. Area for test and practice of the trainees and riders.

Press Office. A written or recorded communications office directed at

members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something ostensibly

Public Address Room. A room where there is a public addressing system

that can inform the people within the perimeters of the building .

PWD Reserved Spaces. A space reserved for persons with disabilities in

order for them to enjoy the event.
Race Direction Office. An office of the race direction secretary; also includes
the team management director and the race director.

Racetrack. A facility built for racing of vehicles and may

feature grandstands or concourses.

Reception Area. An area for receptionist that is mainly found in the lobby to
greet and guide the customers or guests.

Records Room. An organizational room devoted to the management of

information in an organized way from the time of creation or inscription to its
eventual disposition.

Recovery Room. An area, normally attached to operating room suites,

designed to provide care for patients recovering from general anesthesia or surgery.

Rentable Spaces. Actual square-unit of a building that may be leased or

rented to tenants, the area upon which the lease or rental payments are computed. It
usually excludes common areas, elevator shafts, stairways, and space devoted to
cooling, heating, or other equipment. Also called net leasable area.

Repair Area. Area for repair and maintenance of ATV and motorcycles.

Rider's Paddock. An open space provided for the teams of the competitors
in preparation for the competition.

Safety Riding Clinic. Lecture area for responsible safety riding and product

Snack Bar. It usually refers to an inexpensive food counter that is part of a

permanent structure where foods and light meals are sold.

Social Events Office. An office that is open to public or small organizers who
wishes to reserve or schedule dates for the use of multi-purpose building and or race

Staff Lounge. A living area for staffs.

Starting Area. Area of the racetrack where the heat or race starts.

Storage Room. A room for storing supplies, devices, materials and any of

Supply Room. A room where office supplies are stocked.

Technical Control Room. A room serving as a central space where a large
physical facility or physically dispersed service can be monitored and technically

Ticket Booth. A place where tickets are sold to the public for admission to an

Timekeeping Area. An open space where the timekeeper checks the lap and
scores of the riders by timing.

Vault Room. A room or compartment for storage or safekeeping.

Waiting Area. A commonly part of a building where people sit or stand until
they are called for appointment.

Waiting Zone. A part of racetrack where the area next to the starting gate

Minimum Spatial Requirements

Table No. 16 - Parking & Loading Space Requirements

General Minimum Required

Classification of Parking Slots, Parking
Use / Character of Area and Loading
Occupancy Building Space Requirements
Division E-2 Offices Units with more than
Administration Building
(for public offices) 70.00 sq. meters – One
parking slot for each unit
One parking slot for every
Division I-1 (Places of
Grandstand 50.00 sq. meters of gross
floor area
Division E-2 Offices Units with more than
Race Office Building
(for private offices) 70.00 sq. meters – One
parking slot for each unit
Division I-1 One parking slot for every
Motorsports Training Center (Places of Assembly) 50.00 sq. meters of gross
floor area
Safety & Medical Building Division A-1
1 slot/ 12 beds
(Medical Building)
Multi-Purpose Building One parking slot for every
Division I-1
50.00 sq. meters of gross
(Places of Assembly)
floor area
Motel Division A-1
1 slot/ 20 beds

Table No. 17 - Parking Space Computations

No. of Parking
Consideration Computation

Administration Building 553.15 sq. m. / 70 sq.m. = 7.90 8

Grandstand 2543.115 sq. m. / 50 sq. m. = 50.86 51
Race Office Building 139.62 sq. m. / 70 sq. m. = 1.99 2
Motorsports Training Center 351.13 sq. m. / 50 sq. m. = 7.02 7
Safety & Medical Building Ambulance Parking = 1 1
Multi-Purpose Building 1325.74 sq. m. / 50 sq. m. = 26.51 27
Motel 56 beds / 20 beds = 2.8 3
Total No. of Parking Slots 99

PWD Parking Slot Requirement

Where parking spaces are required to be provided, the number of accessible

parking lots for vehicles driven by persons with disabilities or vehicles with
passengers with disabilities shall be in accordance with the requirement of
Implementing rules and regulations of BP 344.

Table No. 18 - Accessible Parking Slot Requirement of BP 344

Accessible Parking Slot Requirement

Total No. of Parking Slot Required No. of Accessible Parking Slots
1-25 1
26-50 2
51-75 3
70-100 4
101-180 5

Since the total number of the computed total parking slot is 105. BPP 344
requires additional 5 parking area for the physically challenged. Overall total of
parking spaces in the complex is 110 slots.

a.) Determination of No. of Exit

Every building or usable portion thereof shall have at least one (1) exit. In all
occupancies, floors above the first storey having an occupant load of more than ten
(10) shall not have less than two (2) exits. Every storey or portion thereof, having an
occupant load of 500 to 999 shall have at least three (3) exits. Every storey or
portion thereof having an occupant load of one thousand (1000) or more shall have
at least four (4) exits.

Table No. 19 - No. of Exit Computations

Consideration Max Occupancy No. of Exits

Administration Building 64 1
Grandstand 2510 4
Race Office Building 16 1
Motorsports Training Center 49 2
Safety & Medical Building 6 1
Multi-Purpose Building 500 3
ATV Adventure Building 54 2
Motel 56 2

b.) Racetrack Components

The race course and its components is based from the FIM Standards for
Motocross (2014 edition). The minimum spatial requirements for National level
racetrack is based on the Philippine National Competition Rules of all motorcycle
sports disciplines in the Philippines (2014 Edition). The details of the requirements
were issued by the National Motorcycle Sports and Safety Association.



A course shall not be less than .5 km nor greater than 3 km. Its width at the
narrowest point shall not be less than 7-8 m, and the course cannot be divided. The
free vertical space between the track and any obstacle above ground must be 3 m
minimum. The course shall not be approved if it crosses a section of deep water or if
it is too rocky or stony or contains straight sections permitting high speed. It must be
of a nature restricting the average speed to a maximum of 55 km per hour. Special
consideration must be given to the angle of jump faces. Each jump must have a
location number, which must be shown on the circuit map. The layout of the jumps
must be initially designed with the riders‟ safety in mind (all classes).

“Finishing touches” to the jumps may be made with the help of a qualified
rider present.

"Washboards or Whoops" may be incorporated on a course. "Washboards"

shall be defined as a number of consecutive semi-circular hillocks above the ground.
The layout of the "washboards" must be initially designed with the riders‟ safety in

mind (all classes). Particular attention must be given to the installation of the

Contiguous tracks should have a minimum width of approximately 10 m

between them, or be designed in such a way to allow medical staff and TV crews to
operate with safety. Contiguous tracks must be separated and protected by any of
the following: wood fence, plastic fence and/or straw bales. A thick rope may be
used as a support for a flexible fence. However, any of these materials used cannot
serve as a replacement for course markers. Special attention must be placed on
contiguous areas so that no unfair advantage can be gained by any rider cutting
them out.

There must be a sufficient number of official flag marshal posts all around the
course in order to give information by flag signals to the competitors during a race.
The posts must be distinctly indicated and the location chosen so that signs given
are clearly visible to the competitors. The number of the flag marshal post must be
indicated at each post. The areas where marshals are to be positioned must provide
the utmost safety. Posts must be well situated to ensure an overall view of the track
by the marshals.

Rider’s Paddock

The riders' paddock must have a direct access to the starting zone. It must be
equipped with adequate sanitary facilities, and may contain a waiting zone at the
start. The paddock must also hold the necessary equipment needed to carry out
technical controls, repairs and re-fuelling. . It must have a minimum dimension of
1,000 m2. This zone will be managed by the Paddock Officer. Paddock fencing must
be to a high standard with a minimum height of approximately 2 m. The ground must
permit competitors' transport vehicles to circulate on it under all weather conditions.

Waiting Zone

The starting area must contain a sufficiently large, 240 m2 (8 m x 30 m) hard

standing, fenced off waiting zone. The waiting zone should be located behind the
starting gate area.

The waiting zone must be fenced to a high standard with a minimum height of
approximately 2 m with a security gate (entrance/exit). It must provide proper
security for the persons who need to be within the confines of this zone. There must

be strict policing of passes for entry to this zone. It must have adequate surface
water drainage.

The waiting zone must have two security gates to allow competitors to enter
and leave the zone easily:

 An entrance from the paddock giving access to the waiting zone.

 An entrance from the waiting zone giving access to the starting gate

Starting Area

The width of the track at the start line must permit a line of at least 25-30
solos. The starting line must be placed so that it allows a regular start with equal
chances for all participants on the same row

Practice Area

A small practice area must be provided in the riders' paddock. The practice
area must consist of two contiguous tracks, separated and protected by any of wood
fence or plastic fence. It must have the following minimum dimensions: 50 m (length)
x 10 m (width). It must be completely fenced.

Flag Marshal Post

There must be a sufficient number of official flag marshal posts all around the
course in order to give information by flag signals to the competitors during a race.
The posts must be distinctly indicated and the location chosen so that signs given
are clearly visible to the competitors. The number of the flag marshal post must be
indicated at each post.

The areas where marshals are to be positioned should provide the utmost
safety. Posts must be well situated to ensure an overall view of the track by the

Pit Lane

Along the circuit, a zone must be reserved for repairs and signalling during
the races. The repair and signalling zone must be a combined area alongside the

course with direct access to the paddock. It must be situated on a horizontal hard
standing area with minimum approximate dimensions of 40 m (length) x 10 m
(width). This zone should have only one entrance from the paddock.

The repair and signalling zone must be fenced to a high standard with a
security gate (entrance/exit to the paddock), providing proper security for the
persons who need to be within the confines of this zone. There must be strict
policing of passes for entry to this zone.

This zone must have one entrance and one exit to the course to allow riders
to enter and leave the zone easily. The entrance and exit to the course must be kept
clear at all times. The exit from the repair and signalling zone to the course must be
controlled by a flag marshal.

Podium Zone

The finish area must contain a hard standing, fenced off podium zone with the
following dimensions: 10 m (length) x 15 m (width).

The podium zone must be fenced to a high standard with a security gate
(entrance/exit), providing proper security for the persons who and motorcycles which
need to be within the confines of this zone. There must be strict policing of passes
for entry to this zone. It must have adequate surface water drainage.

Timekeeping Area

The timekeeping and lap scoring services must be in line with the finishing
line. With regards to the photo finish no competitor may question a judge of fact of
the official scorers of the said results.


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