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Justin Hatton

The College Journey

Justin Hatton, a senior at the University of South Alabama, is
pursuing his bachelor of engineering. Over the course of his
college career, Hatton has interned at three engineering firms,
gaining astonishing experiences and opportunities. Hatton has
chosen the path of civil engineering.

The Start of Hatton's career

Hatton, set to graduate May 2023, has obtained a substantial
job offer from Southern Earth Sciences. Hatton has accepted
the notable job offer from Southern Earth Sciences. While
starting out his career, Hatton will be partaking in the various
opportunities presented in order to gain more office and field

Future Plans
Hatton plans to create his own engineering firm in the future.
Hatton wants to give other young college students
opportunities he has been given. The engineering firm would
be located in Mobile, Alabama, but would serve engineering
projects across the nation. Hatton states, "I am a young
engineer with big plans. One day, I want to be able to give
back to the community and people who have given so much to
me. It would be a great privilege and honor to open an
engineering firm along the gulf coast."

Growing up
Born and raised in Mobile, Alabama, Hatton grew up
experiencing memorable events along the gulf coast.
Fascinated with Mardi Gras, baseball, and boating, he spent
many days outside. As a child, Hatton built intricate designs
with Legos, sparking his interest in engineering at a young age.
Hatton states, "It was never a question of if I wanted to be an
engineer, but what path of engineering I would take."

For more information: Alexis Cox/PR Specialist/251-689-6709/

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