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Total number of questions in this chapter are :

(i) Level # 1 ....................... 64

(ii) Level # 2 ....................... 20

(iii) Level # 3 ....................... 15

(iii) Level # 4 ....................... 10

Total no. of questions ....................... 109

Q.8 The velocity of longitudinal waves in solid, is
given by (where symbols have their usual
Q.1 The ratio (V) of velocities of sound in dry air meanings)-
and humid air is -
(A) V < 1 (B) V > 1 (A) v = (B) v =
m 
(C) zero (D) V = 1
B P
Q.2 The Laplace’s formula for sound waves is - (C) v =  (D) v = 
P P
(A) V = (B) V = Q.9 The densities of two monoatomic gases are
 
in the ratio of 16:9 . The velocities of sound
 P in gases having the same pressure will be in
(C) V = (D) V = the ratio of
P 
(A) 4 : 3 (B) 3 : 4
Q.3 Sound waves are propagating in a medium.
The moduli of isothermal and adiabatic (C) 16 : 9 (D) 9 : 16
elasticity of the medium are E r and Es
Q.10 The correct graph between v 2 (square of the
respectively. The velocity of sound waves is
speed of sound) and absolute temperature T of
proportional to -
the gas is –
(A) E (B) Er

(C) Es (D) Er
(A) (B)
Q.4 If the air pressure is doubled at constant
temperature, then the speed of sound will be
become -
(A) Double
(B) Three times (C) (D)
(C) Four times
(D) Equal to its initial value

Q.5 At what temperature the speed of sound in

air becomes double of its value of 0ºC -
(A) 273 K (B) 819 K Q.11 In the stationary waves in an open organ pipe -
(C) 1092 K (D) 553 K (A) Both the ends are antinodes and in
between them there is at least one node
Q.6 At what temperature the speed of sound will
(B) Both the ends are nodes and in between
be double of the speed at 27º C -
them there is at least one antinode
(A) 54º C (B) 108º C
(C) 927º C (D) 327º C (C) Antinode at one end and node at the
Q.7 The velocity of sound waves in an ideal gas (D) Both the ends are antinodes and in
at temperatures T 1 K and T 2 K are between them there is no node.
respectively v 1 and v 2. The rms velocity of
gas molecules at these two temperatures are Q.12 In open pipes, the positions of antinodes are
w1 and w2, respectively then - obtained at –
v1 w 1 v1 w1  
(A) v  w (B) v   w (A) 0,
, 2 (B) 0,
, 
2 2 2 2
v1 w1  3 5 3
v1  w1 (C) , ,  (D) ,
(C)  (D) v  w2 4 4 4 4
v2 3 w2 2
Q.13 Modes of vibration in an open organ pipe are Q.19 An open pipe of length 33cm resonates with
represented by – frequency of 1000Hz. If the speed of sound
is 330m/s, then this frequency is -
(A) The fundamental frequency of the pipe
(B) The first overtone of the pipe
(a) (b)
(C) The second overtone of the pipe
(D) The fourth overtone of the pipe

Q.20 The velocity of sound in air is 333 m/s. The

length of an open pipe, in order to produce
(c) (d) second overtone of frequency 999 Hz in it,
will be
(A) 1.5 m (B) 1.0 m
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d (C) 0.5 m (D) 2 m
Q.14 In closed pipes, the positions of antinodes Q.21 The length of an open pipe is 48 cm and its
are obtained at – fundamental frequency is 320 Hz. If one of
 3 5  the ends of the pipe is closed then its
(A) , , (B) 0, ,  fundamental frequency will be- (V = 330m/s) –
4 4 4 2
(C) , 2, 3 (D) 2, 4, 6 (A) 160 Hz (B) 320 Hz
(C) 200 Hz (D) 240 Hz
Q.15 Modes of vibration in a closed organ pipe are
represented by – Q.22 The ratio of the lengths of two closed pipes
is 31/30. Their fundamental frequencies are
in ratio of –
31 30 60 31
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(a) (b) 30 31 31 60

Q.23 The length of an open pipe is 0.5m and the

velocity of sound in air is 332 m/sec. The
fundamental frequency of the pipe is
(A) 166 Hz (B) 332 Hz
(c) (d) (C) 664 Hz (D) 996 Hz

Q.24 Velocity of sound in air is 332 m/sec. The

shortest length of an open pipe which will
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
resonate with a tuning fork of frequency
Q.16 The first overtone of a closed pipe is given by – 166Hz is –
V 3V (A) 4.0 m (B) 2.0 m
(A) n2 = (B) n2 = (C) 1.0 m (D) 0.5 m
4 4
5V 7V Q.25 With a closed end organ pipe of length , the
(C) n2 = (D) n2 = fundamental tone has a frequency
4 4
(A) (v/ 2) and all harmonics are present
Q.17 The frequency of an open organ pipe is n. If (B) (v/4) and all harmonic are present
one of its ends is closed then its fundamen- (C) (v/4) and only odd harmonics are present
tal frequency will be –
(D) (v/4 ) and only even harmonics are
(A) 2n (B) n present
(C) n/2 (D) 3n/4
Q.26 For an open organ pipe of length  the
Q.18 In an open organ pipe, if the fundamental
wavelength of the fundamental note is equal
frequency is n, the overtones produced in it
are in the ratio of-
(A)  (B) /2 (C) /4 (D) 2 
(A) 2n : 3n : 4n (B) 2n : 4n : 8n
(C) 3n : 5n : 7n (D) 3n : 7n : 11n
Q.27 A cylindrical tube, open at the both ends, Q.34 An organ pipe P1 closed at one end vibrating
has a fundamental frequency f in air . The in its first harmonic and another pipe P2 open
tube is dipped vertically in water so that half at both ends vibrating in its third harmonic
of it is in water . The fundamental frequency are in resonance with a given tuning fork.
of the air column is now The ratio of the length of P1 to that of P2 is
(A) f / 2 (B) 3f /4 (C) f (D) 2 f (A) 8/3 (B) 1/6
(C) 1/2 (D) 1/3
Q.28 An air column in a pipe, which is closed at
one end. will be in resonance with a vibrating Q.35 An organ pipe of effective length 0.6 m is
tuning fork of frequency 264 Hz if the length closed at one end . Given that the speed of
of the column in cm is the sound in air is 300 m/sec, the two lowest
(A) 31.25 (B) 62.50 frequencies for the pipe are
(C) 93.75 (D) 125 (A) 250 Hz, 750 Hz (B) 250 Hz , 500 Hz
(C) 125 Hz, 375 Hz (D) 125 Hz , 250 Hz
Q.29 If length of a closed organ pipe is 1 m and
velocity of sound is 330 m/s, then the Q.36 The fundamental frequency of an open pipe
frequency is is 30 Hz. If one end of this pipe is closed,
 330   330  then the fundamental frequency will be –
(A) 4   (B) 3   (A) 15 Hz (B) 30 Hz
4  4 
 330  (C) 45 Hz (D) 60 Hz
(C) 2   (D) None of the above
4  Q.37 An open pipe is suddenly closed at one end
Q.30 In the open organ pipe, the fundamental with the result that the frequency of third
frequency is 30 vibration /sec. If the organ harmonic of the closed pipe is found to be
pipe is closed, then the f undamental higher by 100Hz than the fundamental
frequency will be frequency of the open pipe. The fundamental
frequency of the open pipe is –
(A) 10 vib/sec (B) 20 vib/sec
(C) 30 vib/sec (D) 15 vib/sec (A) 200 Hz (B) 300 Hz
(C) 240 Hz (D) 480 Hz
Q.31 An open organ pipe sounds a fundamental
note of frequency of 230 Hz . It the speed Q.38 The velocity of sound in air is 330 m/s. Then
of sound in air is 330 m/s., then the length the frequency that will resonate with an open
of the pipe is nearly pipe of length 1m is –
(A) 0.25 m (B) 0.50 m (A) 165 Hz (B) 330 Hz
(C) 0.75 m (D) 2.00 m (C) 495 Hz (D) All of the above

Q.32 An open organ pipe has fundamental Q.39 An open pipe of length L and another open
frequency of 300 Hz. The first overtone of pipe of length (L + x) are sounded together.
this organ pipe is the same as the first If the velocity of sound is V and x << L, then
overtone of a closed organ pipe. The length the beat frequency produced will be –
of the closed organ pipe is (A) Vx2/2L (B) VL/2x 2
(A) 10 cm (B) 41 cm (C) Vx/2L2 (D) VL2/ 2x
(C) 82 cm (D) 164 cm
based on
Resonance tube experiment
Q.33 A tube closed at one end and containing air,
produces, when excited , the fundamental Q.40 The wave produced in a resonating air
note of frequency 512 Hz. If the tube is open column is
at both ends, the fundamental frequency that (A) Progressive longitudinal
can be excited is ( in Hz) (B) Stationary longitudinal
(A) 1024 (B) 512 (C) Progressive transverse
(C) 256 (D) 128 (D) stationary transverse
Q.41 In a long cylindrical tube , the water level is Q.48 The number of beats produced per second is
adjusted and the air column above it is made equal to the –
to vibrate in unison with a vibrating tuning (A) Sum of frequencies of two forks
fork kept at the open end . Maximum sound (B) Difference of frequencies of two forks
is heard when the air column lengths are (C) Ratio of frequencies of two forks
equal to (D) Product of frequencies of two forks
  3  3
(A) , , (B) , , Q.49 Beats are the result of
4 2 4 2 2
(A) Diffraction
 3 5  3 5 (B) Destructive interference
(C) , , (D) , ,
2 2 2 4 4 4 (C) Constructive and destructive interference
(D) Superposition of two waves of nearly
Q.42 Standing stationary waves can be obtained
equal frequencies
in an air column even if interfering waves are
(A) Of different pitches Q.50 Two adjacent piano keys are struck simulta-
(B) Of different amplitudes neously. The notes emitted by them have
(C) Of different qualities frequencies n1 and n2 . The number of beats
(D) moving with different velocities heard per sound is
(A) (n1 – n2) /2 (B) (n1 + n2) / 2
Q.43 The correct formula for determination of (C) n1 – n2 (D) 2 ( n1 – n2 )
velocity of sound be resonance tube is –
Q.51 The fork A of frequency 100 is sounded with
(A) V = n(2 – 1) (B) V = 2n(2 – 1)
another tuning fork B. The number of beats
2n (2 – 1 ) produced is 2. On putting some wax on the
(C) V = (D) V =
(2 – 1 ) 2n prong of B, the number of beats reduces to
1. The frequency of the fork B is
Q.44 The approximate relation between the first (A) 101 (B) 99
and second resonance lengths of a
(C) 102 (D) 98
resonance tube is –
(A) 2 = 1 (B) 2 = 21 Q.52 If two tuning forks A and B are sounded
(C) 2 = 31 (D) 2 = 1/2 together, they produce 4 beats per sound . A
is then slightly loaded with wax, they produce
Q.45 The first two resonance lengths in a two beats when sounded again The frequency
resonance tube formed are 16.5 cm and of A is 256. The frequency of B will be
51cm. The end correction for the tube is – (A) 250 (B) 252
(A) 0.25 cm (B) 0.50 cm (C) 260 (D) 262
(C) 0.75 cm (D) 1.00 cm
Q.53 56 tuning forks are so arranged in series that
Q.46 A resonance tube is resonated with tuning each fork gives 4 beats per sec with the
fork of frequency 256 Hz, If the lengths of pervious one. The freqnency of the last fork
resonating air columns are 32cm and 100cm, is 3 times that of the first. The frequency of
then end correction will be - the first fork is
(A) 2cm (B) 4cm (A) 110 (B) 56
(C) 6 cm (D) 1 cm (C) 60 (D) 52

Q.54 The frequency of a fork A is 3 % more than

the frequency of a standard fork whereas the
frequency of fork B is 3% less. The forks A
Q.47 To reduce the frequency of a tuning fork –
and B produce 6 beats per second. The fre-
(A) It should be scraped by a file quency of standard fork will be
(B) It should be loaded with a little wax.
(A) 100 Hz (B) 106 Hz
(C) Either of (A) and (B) (C) 103 Hz (D) 112 Hz
(D) Neither of (A) and (B)
Q.55 Beats are produced by two waves y1 = a sin Q.60 A set of 24 tuning forks are so arranged that
2000  t and y2 = a sin 2008  t. The each gives 4 beats per second with the
number of beats heard per second is previous one and the last sounds the octave
(A) Zero (B) One of the first. Then the frequency of the last
(C) Four (D) Eight fork is –
(A) 92 Hz (B) 184Hz
Q.56 Two waves are y = 0.25 sin 316 t and (C) 116Hz (D) 160Hz
y = 0.25 sin 310 t are travelling in same
direction. The number of beats produced per Q.61 Five beats per second are heard when a
second will be tuning fork is sounded together with a
sonometer wire, when its length is either 95
(A) 6 (B) 3
cm or 100 cm.Then , the frequency of the
(C) 3 / (D)  / 3
tuning fork is
Q.57 A sources of sound gives 5 beats per second (A) 190Hz (B) 195Hz
when sounded with another sources of (C) 200Hz (D) 185 Hz
frequency 100 second –1 . The second
harmonic of the source, together with a
source of frequency 205 second–1 gives 5
Q.62 Voice of a child is more shrill than that of an
beats per second. What is the frequency of
elderly person because
the source ?
(A) The pitch of the child's voice is higher
(A) 95 second–1 (B) 100 second–1
than that of the person
(C) 105 second–1 (D) 205 second–1
(B) The pitch is lower
Q.58 When tension in a string is 225N, then (C) The child is more energetic
vibrating in fundamental mode it produces (D) None of the above
6 beats per second with a tuning fork. The
same string, when under tension of 256 N, Q.63 The terms pitch, quality and loudness of
again vibtrating in fundamental mode sound are associated with the following,
produces with the same tuning fork 6 beats/sec. respectively –
Then the frequency of the tuning fork is – (A) Intensity, frequency and waveform
(A) 256Hz (B) 225Hz (B) Frequency, intensity and waveform
(C) 240Hz (D) 186Hz (C) Frequency, waveform and intensity
(D) Waveform, frequency and intensity
Q.59 A sonometer wire is 31cm long is in
resonance with a tuning fork of frequency n. Q.64 In an orchestra, the musical sounds of
If the length is increased by 1cm and it is different instruments are distinguished from
vibrated with the same tuning fork, then 8 one another by which of the following
beats/sec are heard. The frequency of the tuning characteristic –
fork is – (A) Pitch (B) Loudness
(A) 248Hz (B) 256Hz (C) Quality (D) Overtones
(C) 264Hz (D) None of the above
Q.1 If the amplitudes of two sources, having equal Q.7 When a unknown fork is sounded with a
frequency are not equal, then known fork of frequency 288Hz then 5 beats
(A) There will be no interference per second are produced. The unknown fork
is again sounded after loading it with wax
(B) The intensity of sound will be the same
and again 5 beats are produced. The
at all the points
frequency of unknown fork will be -
(C) The intensity of sound at any point will
(A) 283 Hz (B) 293 Hz
decrease and increase (C) 288 Hz (D) 292 Hz
(D) The interference will be there, but the
minimum intensity will not be zero. Q.8 If a vibrating tuning fork is put in contact with
the sonometer box then the rider on the wire
Q.2 The beats are produced by two sound sources falls down. The frequency of tuning fork, as
of same amplitude and of nearly equal the compared to that of the sonometer wire
frequencies. The maximum intensity of beats will be -
will be ..... that of one source (A) More
(A) Same (B) Double (B) Less
(C) Four times (D) Eight times (C) Equal
(D) No relation between the two
Q.3 Two vertical antennas situated at a distance
3 Q.9 A metal wire of diameter 1 mm is stretched
emit radio signals of same wavelength. with a tension of 100N between two bridges
The intensity of each is I0 . The intensity at 50cm apart. It vibrates with its fundamental
a point equidistant from two antennas will be - frequency to produce 5 beats with a tuning
fork. The same number of
(A) 4I0 (B) 2I0
beats/s are heard when tension is reduced
(C) zero (D) I0 to 81 N. The frequency of the fork is
(A) 75 Hz. (B) 85 Hz
Q.4 The keys of two pianos are simultaneously
(C) 95 Hz (D) 105 Hz
pressed. The frequencies of nodes produced
by them are n1 and n2. The number of beats Q.10 If oil of density higher than that of water be
produced per second is used (in place of water) in a resonance tube,
(n1  n 2 ) then its frequency will -
(A) (n1 – n2 ) (B) (A) Increase
(n1  n 2 ) (B) Decrease
(C) (D) 2(n1 – n2 ) (C) Remain the same
(D) Depend upon the density of the material of
Q.5 On sounding two tuning forks A and B the tube
together 5 beats per second are produced.
On filling A slightly, the number of beats per Q.11 The frequency of an open pipe is 300Hz. The
second becomes 2. If the frequency of the A first overtone of this pipe is the same as the
is 384 Hz. Then the frequency of B will be - first overtone of a closed pipe. The length of
the closed organ pipe is
(A) 319 Hz (B) 314 Hz
(C) 389 Hz (D) 334 Hz (A) 21 cm (B) 42 cm
(C) 11 cm (D) 84 cm
Q.6 A tuning fork when sounded with tuning fork
Q.12 The fundamental frequency of an open pipe
of frequency 256 produces 4 beats/sec and
is n. Keeping the pipe vertical it is submerged
when sounded with another of frequency 250
in water so that half of its length is filled with
produces 2 beats/sec. The frequency of the
water. The fundamental frequency of the air
fork is -
column above water is -
(A) 260 (B) 252
(A) n/2 (B) 3n/4
(C) 248 (D) 250 (C) n (D) 2n
Q.13 A metallic rod of length 0.88 m is arranged Q.17 A brass rod of length 3 meter is clamped at
in Kundt’s tube by clamping at its midpoint. the centre. It emits a not of frequency
If the distance between two consecutive nodes 600 Hz when longitudinal vibrations are
in the tube is 8 cm then the velocity of sound excited. If the density of the brass is
in metal will be (V = 332 m/s) 8.3 × 103 kg/m3, then the Young's modulus
(A) 3652 m/s (B) 365 m/s of the brass is
(C) 36.5 m/s (D) 3.65 m/s (A) 10.7 × 1010 N/m 2
(B) 3.8 × 1011 N/m 2
Q.14 Two identical sonometer wires have a
(C) 2.7 × 1010 N/m 2
fundamental frequency of 500 Hz when kept
under the same tension. What fractional (D) Can not be determined
increase in the tension of one wire would Q.18 In a resonance tube, using a tuning fork of
cause an occurence of 5 beats/sec when frequency 325 Hz, two successive resonance
both wires vibrate together ? length are observed at 25.4 cm and 77.4 cm
(A) 1% (B) 2% respectively . The velocity of sound in air is
(A) 338 ms–1 (B) 328 ms–1
(C) 3% (D) 4%
(C) 330 ms–1 (D) 320 ms–1
Q.15 Two sound waves, originating from the same
sound source travel along different paths in Q.19 An organ pipe P1 closed at one end vibrating
air and than meet at a point . The speed of in its first harmonic and another pipe P2 open
the sound is 330m/s. If the source vibrates at both ends vibrating in its third harmonic
at a frequecny of 500 Hz and one path is are in resonance with a given tuning fork.
33 cm linger than the other, then the nature The ratio of the length of P1 to that of P2 is
of interference is (A) 8/3 (B) 1/6
(A) Destructive (C) 1/2 (D) 1/3
(B) Constructive
(C) Neither destructive nor constructive Q.20 A sonometer wire with a suspended mass of
(D) Nothing can be predicted M =1 kg is in resonance with a given tuning
fork. The apparatus is taken to the moon
Q.16 Air is blown on the mouth of a tube of length where the acceleration due to gravity is 1/6
25 cm and diameter 2 cm. The tube is open that on the earth. To obtain resonance on the
at both the ends . The velocity of sound is moon, the value of M should be
330 m/s. Then sound which is produced will
(A) 1 kg (B) 6 kg
correspond to frequencies
(C) 6 kg (D) 24 kg
(A) 660 Hz, 1320 Hz, 1980 Hz
(B) 330 Hz , 990 Hz, 1650 Hz
(C) 330 Hz, 660 Hz , 990 Hz
(D) All of the above
Passage based questions : (Q.1 to Q.3)
Transverse and longitudinal standing waves are
easily represented by sine waves. Positions of L
maximum displacement from equilibrium are There for 0 = 2L Therefore, 1 = 2 
 2
called antinodes, A. Position of zero
displacment are called nodes, N. For a complete  V 
cycle of a wave of wavelength  . The distance and 0 = v/2L and 1 = 2  
 2L 
between any two consecutive nodes (N – A – N)
or any two consecutive antinodes (A – N – A) is overtones are for the first overtone
multiples of 0 n = 2, the second

half of the wavelength, . The distance between  v 
n0 = n   harmonic. This
an adjacent node and antinode (N – A) is a  2L 
 implies that the ratio
quarter of the wavelength, .
4 of natural frequencies
is n = 1 : 2 : 3.....
II. Fundamental and first overtone for a pipe closed
N N at one end

Longitudinal standing waves can be produced
in columns of air in pipes. The closed end of a
pipe is always a node. The open end of a pipe
  L
is always an antinode. =L 
Wavelength,  and frequency, , of mechanical 4 4 3
waves are related to the speed of the wave
through the given medium : h = v L
Therefore 0 = 4L There fore, 1=4  
For room temperature air, the speed of sound, v 3
is 340 m/s The lowest natural frequency is called
the fundamental frequency, 0 and has wave V V v 
and 0 = & v 1= = 3 
length 0. A harmonic is an integral multiple of 4L  4L   4L 
 
the fundamental ferequency, n0 , with n = 1, 2,  3
3....... so the fundamental freqnecy is the first
harmonic. The harmonics that occure naturally overtones are for the first overtone
are called overtones. multipies of 0 : n = 3, the third
I. Fundamental and first overtone for a pipe open v 
at both ends : nµ0 = n   harmonic.
 4L 
This implies that the ratio of natural
frequency is
n = 1 : 3 : 5.........

Q.1 When an organ pipe is open at both ends, it

resonates with a fundamental frequency of 240
  L
=L  Hz. What is the fundamental frequency of the
2 2 2 same pipe if it is closed at one end
(A) 64 kg (B) 120 kg
(C) 360 Hz (D) 480Hz
Q.2 A pipe resonates at 60 Hz., 100 Hz and 140 Q.10 For a certain organ pipe three successive
Hz. How long is the pipe ? resonance frequencies are observed at
(A) 1.4 m (B) 2.8 m 425 Hz, 595 Hz and 765 Hz respectively. If
(C) 4.3 m (D) 8.5 m the speed of sound in air is 340m/s, then the
length of the pipe is
Q.3 For an organ pipe closed at its top end, the
second overtone is (A) 2.0 m (B) 0.4 m
(A) Second harmonic (B) Third harmonic (C) 1.0 m (D) 0.2 m
(C) Fourth harmonic (D) Fifth harmonic

Q.4 An organ pipe open at one end is vibrating in Q.11 An echo is heard when minimum distance of
first overtone and is in resonance with another the reflecting surface is –
pipe open at both ends and vibrating in third (A) 10 cm (B) 17 m (C) 34 m (D) 340 m
harmonic. The ratio of length of two pipes is–
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 4 : 1
Q.12 The amplitude of a wave is given by
(C) 8 : 3 (D) 3 : 8
Q.5 In an experiment with sonometer, a tuning A =
(a  b  c )
fork of frequency 256 Hz resonates with a
length of 25 cm and another tuning fork Resonance will occur when :
resonates with a length of 16 cm. Tension of (A) b = –c/2 (B) b = –a/2
the string remaining constant, the frequency
(C) b = 0, a = c (D) None of these
of the second tuning fork is –
(A) 163.84 Hz (B) 400 Hz
(C) 320 Hz (D) 204.8 Hz Q.13 Two identical sounds S1 and S2 reach at a
point P in phase. The resultant loudness at
Q.6 A cylindrical tube partially filled with water is point P is ndB higher than the loudness of
in resonance with a tuning fork when height S1. The value of n is –
of air column is 0.1 m. When the level of (A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6
water is lowered, the resonance is again
observed at 0.35m. The end correction is –
Q.14 When two tuning forks (fork 1 and fork 2) are
(A) 0.025 m (B) 0.015 m
sounded simultaneously, 4 beats per second
(C) 0.001 m (D) 0.002 m
are heard. Now, some tape is attached on
the prong of fork 2. When the tuning forks
Q.7 The end correction of a resonance column is are sounded again, 6 beats per second are
1.0 cm. If the shortest length resonating with heard. If the frequency of fork 1 is 200 Hz,
a tuning fork is 15.0 cm, the next resonating
length is : then what was the original frequency of
fork 2 ?
(A) 31 cm (B) 45 cm
(C) 46 cm (D) 47 cm (A) 196 Hz (B) 204 Hz
(C) 200 Hz (D) 202 Hz
Q.8 A standard tuning fork of frequency ƒ is used
to find the velocity of sound in air by Q.15 There are 26 tuning forks arranged in the
resonance column apparatus. The difference decreasing order of their frequencies. Each
between two resonating lengths is 1.0 m. tuning fork gives 3 beats with the next. The
Then the velocity of sound in air is–
first one is octave of the last. What is the
(A) ƒm/s (B) 2ƒm/s frequency of 18th tuning fork ?
(C) ƒ/2m/s (D) 3ƒm/s
(A) 100 (B) 99 (C) 96 (D) 103
Q.9 An open and a closed pipe have same length.
The ratio of frequencies of their nth overtone is –
n 1 2(n  1)
(A) (B)
2n  1 2n  1
n n1
(C) (D)
2n  1 2n
(Questions asked in previous AIEEE & IITJEE)
SECTION - A fork gives resonance when length of air column
is 0.1m. It again gives resonance when the
Q.1 Three sound waves of equal amplitudes have length of air column is 0.35 m. Then end
correction is.
frequencies (v – 1), v, (v + 1). They superpose to (A) 0.015m (B) 0.001m
give beats. The number of beats produced per (C) 0.025m (D) 0.002m

second will be – Q.6 A closed pipe is placed in box having air

density 1 . An open pipe is placed in another
(A) 4 (B) 3 box having air density 2. The frequency of
(C) 2 (D) 1 first overtone for both the pipe are same. The
length of closed pipe is L. The compressibility
SECTION - B of air in two boxes are same. Then length of
open pipe is -
Q.1 A cylindrical resonance tube open at both
L 4L 1
ends has a fundamental frequency F in air. (A) (B) 2
2 3
Half of the length of the tube is dipped
4L 4L 2
vertically in water. The fundamental frequency (C) (D)
3 3 1
of the air column now is
(A) F (B) 2F Q.7 A resonance tube is resonating with tuning
(C) 3 F (D) 4F fork of frequency 512 Hz. The First resonance
occurs at the length of 33.5 cm and second
resonance occurs at length of 63.7. Maximum
Q.2 Velocity of sound in air is 320 m/s. A pipe error in the determination of velocity
closed at one end has a length of 1 m.
Neglecting end correction, the air column (A) 51.2 cm/sec (B) 204.8 cm/s
(C) 102.4 cm/s (D) 161.5 cm/s
in the pipe can resonate for sound of
frequency - Q.8 An open organ pipe vibrating in second
harmonic having frequency f1. Its one end is
(A) 80 Hz (B) 240 Hz
closed & frequency slowly increases to f 2 &
(C) 400 Hz (D) All of these vibrates in nth harmonic then possible values
of n & f 2
Q.3 An open pipe is suddenly closed at one end 3 5
(A) n = 3; f 2 = f (B) n = 3; f 2 = f
with the result that the frequency of third 4 1 4 1
harmonic of the closed pipe is found to be 5 3
(C) n = 5; f 2 = f (D) n = 5 ; f 2 = f
higher by 100 Hz than the fundamental 4 1 4 1
frequency of the open pipe. The fundamental Q.9 A vibrating string of certain length  under a
frequency of the open pipe is - tension T resonates with a mode
(A) 200 Hz (B) 300 hz corresponding to the first overtone (third
harmonic) of an air column of length 75 cm
(C) 66.7 Hz (D) 480 Hz
inside a tube closed at one end. The string
also generates 4 beats per second when
Q.4 The ratio of the speed of sound in nitrogen excited along with a tuning fork of frequency
gas to that in helium gas, at 300 K is - n. Now when the tension of the string is
slightly increased the number of beats
2 1 reduces to 2 per second. Assuming the
(A) (B)
7 7 velocity of sound in air to be 340 m/s, the
3 6 frequency n of the tuning fork in Hz is
(C) (D)
5 5
Q.5 A cylindrical tube when sounded with a tuning (A) 344 (B) 336
(C) 117.3 (D) 109.3

Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. A B C D C C A B B A A B B A A B C A A C
Q.No. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans. A B B C C D C A,C B D C B A B C D A D C B
Q.No. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans. D B B C A A B B D C C B A A C C C D B B
Q.No. 61 62 63 64
Ans. B A C C

Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. D C A A C B B C C C B C A B A A A A B C

Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. B C D A B A D B B C B C D A D

Q.No. 1
Ans. C

Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ans. A D C C C B A C A

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