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1.Media in the Digital Age

2.Evolution of Media

3.Overview of Current Trends

4.Impact of ICT on Individuals, Organizations, and Society

5.Ethical Issues in ICT

In the end of this lesson you

would be able to learn and


-Define media in its connection

to digital media

-How it influence ways of

living and when it started

The word “media” applies to many things in the 21st

century, from mass media to news media, and traditional

media to the many emerging forms of digital media.

-The “digital age” began to unfold in the second half of the

20th century, as computer technology slowly infiltrated

different industries and then moved into the public sphere

Media refers to the means of communication
that uses unique tools to interconnect among
The forms of media include television, radio,
cellular phones, and internet (which involves
the access and use of various social media.

Digital age, media can considered as the

message, the medium, and the messenger.
Forms of content can be:
basically those pictures, videos,
testimonials, tweets, blogs posts and
lot more that is posted by unpaid and
not really associated users with the
brand but does it’s promotion as a
brand, and are better known to be
‘fans’ which thus helps a brand
build an immediate sense of
Professionally Generated Content

(PGC) is that content generated by

the brand itself in order to let people

know its brand and much more than

they have to offer through images,

videos, blog posts etc.

advertisements, sponsored

documentaries and about your

upcoming promotion
Examples of media tools used Blog
especially by millennials to generate Keeping diary as a journal is
content: a traditional method of record
one's thoughts or expressing
BLOGGER-the one who wrote about one's emotion through writing.
Microblog is a short blog post VIDEO BLOG/Vlog stands
for a video blog or video log,
designed for quick and typically
and refers to a type of blog
direct audience interactions
where most or all of the
content is in a video format.
Vlog posts consist of
creating a video of yourself
where you talk on a
particular subject such as
reporting or reviewing a
product or an event.
The medium used refers to
the tool or tools used in
sending message from the
source to the destination.
Traditionally , for professional
sends message to the
audience, such as a news
anchor delivering a news on
TV and/or Radio
The medium has the latest technologies,
the so-called social media has become
an avenue for information dissemination
even taking over news sites.

are interactive media

technologies that facilitate the creation
and sharing of information, ideas,
interests, and other forms of expression
What happened in April 14,1912?
Clue: One of the major world
commercial maritime peacetime
disaster in the history
Built by White Star Line and
Architect Thomas Andrews
• Andrews died in that disaster

The disaster was put into film and

the one
directed by James Cameron became
The disaster was put into film office hit
and the one
directed by James Cameron
became box
office hit
The sinking of RMS
Titanic, one of the
deadliest peacetime
maritime disasters in
If the Titanic sank in

the Atlantic Ocean,

how did the news reach

the people?
If the Titanic sank today, in what
format will people receive or read the

“No man is an island.”

Because man needs someone to
communicate with
1.How information
2.How Connection
The oldest form of printmaking is the
After Gutenberg invented his printing press,
woodcuts became the most effective method
of illustrating texts made with movable type.
Woodcuts have mostly
been used for cheaper
print production,
useful for single-
sheet prints such as
broadsides, as well
as book illustration.
To carve out the image,
an artist or carver uses
sharp blades and gouges

INEXPENSIVE substitute
for painting usually,
used books illustrations
People discovered fire, developed paper
from plants, and forged weapons and
tools with stone, bronze
EX: Cave paintings (35,000 BC)
Clay tablets in Mesopotamia (2400 BC)
Papyrus in Egypt (2500 BC)
These included primitive methods,
such as signal fires, smoke signals
and drums. These could only send
simple messages and couldn't be
used for rapid back-and-forth
Industrial Age
This is where the
evolution of media
1436 The Gutenberg
Johannes Gutenberg
invented 1st printing
Most histories of printed images begin with
Johannes Gutenberg's invention
People used the power of steam, developed
machine tools, established iron production, and
the manufacturing of various products
(including books through the printing press).
Faster means of communication
during the time is 1900 telegraph

The term comes from

the Greek words tele,
meaning at a distance,
and graphien,
meaning to write.
Telegraph system for transmitting

messages from a distance along a

wire, especially one creating

signals by making and breaking an

electrical connection.
the first form of wireless technology, the
enabled long distance communication and
changed the way people around the world
In the early 1900s, the spark-gap telegraph
was mainly used on maritime vessels,
including the famous Royal Mail Ship (RMS)
-The invention of the 
telephone by Alexander Graham

Bell in 1876 also spurred telegraph use instead of

completely replacing it. Methods were developed to

enable a single wire to carry both telephone and

telegraph transmissions at the same time.

Example: printing press for
mass Newspaper- The London
Gazette (1640)
Typewriter (1800)
Telephone (1876)
Motion picture
photography/projection (1890)
Motion picture with sound
In this age, long distance communication

became more efficient

-A wireless and paperless transmission of

information is available.
Movie Theatres
• First public movie show in New
York, 1896
-Now we can store
And transmit video
EX:The first full length film (12
was The Great Train Robbery
made in 1903
Transistor Radio
Television (1941)
Large electronic computers
ENIAC-Personal computers
Hewlett-Packard 9100A
the world's first programmable scientific desktop calculator.
Really a desktop computer, the 9100A combined Reverse
Polish Notation (RPN)—a system for representing
mathematical expressions without the use of
parentheses—with a special algorithm that could handle
trigonometric and logarithmic functions.
TV– live action in home 1936

• First black & white then color

Allows us to transmit

More media to more

Information Age (1900s-2000s)
-The Internet paved the way for faster
communication and the creation of the social
-People advanced the use of microelectronics with
the invention of personal computers, mobile
devices, and wearable technology.
Web browsers: Mosaic (1993), Internet Explorer (1995)
Blogs: Blogspot (1999), LiveJournal (1999), WordPress (2003)
Social networks: Friendster (2002), Multiply (2003), Facebook
Microblogs: Twitter (2006), Tumblr (2007)
Video: YouTube (2005)
Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality
Video chat: Skype (2003), Google Hangouts (2013)
Search Engines: Google (1996), Yahoo (1995)
Overview of Current Trends
A trend refers to something hip
or popular at a certain point in
time. It can be a particular
style in fashion, devices, or
entertainment. A new trend may
always come along to replace the
old one.
1. IoT and smart home technology

The so-called Internet of Things (IoT) has been trending since


-use of hardware technology such as sensors,

microprocessors, and microcontrollers.

-Controlling home appliances through a mobile phone- such as

switching the lights on and off, setting the timer for the washing

machine, and controlling the television to record shows that

might be missed due to traffic-is now possible.

2. Augmented reality and virtual
-Both technologies provide an immersive
3-D visual
experiencegaming/entertainment industry
by combining the virtual and real

-Augmented reality (AR) adds digital

elements to an existing live view by
often using the camera on a smartphone.
Virtual reality (VR)

-is an experience that

replaces a real-life

environment with a

simulated environment
3. Machine learning

Also called artificial intelligence, having machines decide

for you seems to be a daunting task

example :recent release of Apple's iPhone X,

The iOS intelligent personal assistant, Siri, has also been

upgraded with enhanced learning making the use of

iPhone more efficient. Its latest features include the

following :

1.Face ID

The owner's face is the new password. It is a more

secure way to unlock the phone and keep the data safe.
2.A11 Bionic is claimed to be the

with a neural engine

capable of up to 600 billion operations per

second. A neural engine, a type of

artificial intelligence, enables computers to

learn from observation.

3.Wireless charging
-A cable is not needed to charge the device.
4.iOS 11
In its latest operating system, one can scan documents in the notes app, edit
live photos, and in the U.S., even pay friends in Messages. Siri can also
translate languages.
5.Augmented Reality
It allows one to navigate without
looking at a map, visualize
industrial equipment, and many
4. Automation-Through advanced technology, it

is now possible to automate previously human-

exclusive tasks.

This is very much evident through wearable

devices such as step counters and heart rate

monitors used by health-conscious individuals.

Information collected is automatically saved and

stored in mobile devices for analysis later on.

5. Big data
-Big data is a term that describes large and
complex volumes of data.
-Big data can be analyzed for insights which
can help management make better decisions and
come up with more effective strategic plans.

Waze is an example of an app which uses big

data. The app helps users determine traffic,
direction and route estimations, and notifies
users with accident alerts and road hazards,
among others.
6. Physical-digital integrations

-They identify their physical elements and create

digital data for more efficient operation and back-up.

-The concept of having a "paperless company" in which

transactions, reports, and services are done using

automated systems is one such example.

7. Everything on demand
Due to the prevalence of network
connectivity, it is possible to have
information on demand.
Example : Music, movies, and even
drivers (e.g., Grab) are made
available through the apps in a
→Improved access to education

There are new ways of learning such as the use

of learning management system (LMS) which

implements educational enhancements such as

distance learning and online tutorials virtual

reality, and interactive multimedia.

Access to information and communication

Access to it is getting better as it has become available

in almost all places such as commercial establishments and

public spaces.

Examples: leisure and entertainment such as watching movies,

playing games, or even reading news and articles, and for

creating new relationships with people around the world.

-solve any security problems.
Examples security measure on applications are:
(1) the use of encryption methods to keep and protect
data from any malicious software;
(2) the use of passwords for personal information
protection; and
(3) the development of physical security systems such
as biometrics in a form of fingerprint, facial
recognition, iris (eye) recognition, and voice
Negative Effects

→ Reduced personal interaction and physical activity

 -people are less likely to talk to or meet each other in

person. And because of the comfort of working from home and

the entertainment that the internet offers (ie., streaming

movies, playing online games, etc.),

-physical activity is reduced leading to health issues such

as obesity and heart disease.

-Job loss or increase in unemployment
This can be considered as one of the worst
effects of ICT.
-Multiple workers being replaced and
reduced by a smaller number of employees
capable of doing the same volume of tasks

-Automation through robots or machines

replacing people in the assembly line
→ Security
ICT brings not only improvement but also
threat to security. Data or files must
always be kept secure and safe. The
internet connection must always be
safeguarded from different attacks such as
data modification, identity/IP address
spoofing, password-based attacks, denial-
of-service, etc.
Copyright Infringement

2.Increased pressure on IT


3.Digital divide

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