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eo eOOO—s— HE Topic Points Posible Points Comments Received ‘laden’ Fas followed dues according 10 jb heck social media nr postures directed ty asignment andor AD. ‘Sident hs followed he core principle tine d Iya classe begining ofthe ehooyear | 20. wins | (920 Sens ering eae ‘Stent exis ie beh ior an Seo Bea 10” the leadership program. Wro1a poins | (00 | ‘Sinden is developing professional development Shs as they are vag within the year Student | WOtotal points | 49/10 Showcases thee oils daly witha he classroom and cuside of Ripon High School ‘Student has maniined academic excellence Ta iF ‘course at RIS. Student must maintain aC Jovoalpoins | Jo 110 sverage grade inal lasses or grade on ‘valuation wil drop. If ou cannot maintain trades inall classe, withthe demands ofthe leadership program. then his eause for t Lorde. VBLA 150 total pois _| +48 /150_ e@ ASD President Quar‘erly Evalu ‘The following evaluation is done by the ASB President every quater to give a different perspective on your cffort and atiude inthe Leadership class. The grades given are determined by the ASB President's judgment. Points are taken away due to lack of discipline, disrespect, and inefficiency to do one’s job. Every circumstance is taken individually, and the number of points tat will be subtracted off the orginal SO points will be determined by the severity of one's actions, ‘This evaluation will include personal notes and coments and specific dates or description of why points were subtracted or added, Your scores in the evaluations are confidential and are only being discussed by the ASB President andthe Activities Director. Itis your choice to discuss your grade with your classmates If there are any questions or concerns to why poinis were subtracted, direc your questions to the ASB President. Name of Stadent: (LANQE MORLK>-Sper. CUR PRESIDE Topie Points Possible | Points Comments Reseved ‘Sdeat as met deadings a iene prserbedy the ASB Peet opine | conn | SURPASS, showeasing dependability. oer ‘Student hat sowed paste leadership qualities Student wopoins | 1On0 atti postin cen Awe ie vor and comment shared in Nee PLP class and with instructor, and peers, noe ‘regarding events, activities and work cave ete clas assigned Stdeat hasbeen productive in daly 7 els eis ston wok, opoins | (Ono al omnmitee work, and if at bus, Took to help another peer in cass ~ Green work vw] tal: NOT to waste significant time 2 Slee to gt work completed. 6™ Geave | Stade i ot ding other school unens ‘work far eher classes during Jeadeeship time. Student isnot on their cel phone unless using for sctivity related events ‘Sinden is exhibiting excelen’ work ‘enc and working othe flee 10 points (Ono ‘potential. Studen exhibits he Vv behavior and desire 10 be inthe Ieadeship program. es Student is following ere ‘Sno JB. suerenn! principles. 10 pois Grade:_A- (0071 Total Points = 50 | SO/S0 Tope Points Posie Commen ‘aden as Followed dies according job descrip base on highlighted areas and ‘writen dserpion by AD. Stade has meet deaines as presried by the Activites Director showcasing dependability 20 toa points echt lor bette ‘Student has showed positive leadership qualities ‘Student maintains apostate tn behavior ‘and comments shared in clase and with insracor, and peers, regarding events actives and work within the clas assigned. 10 ta points T beter | improve, i ewiiky nel toda nPe otherd ‘Student has shown respect o peer, eachers, classified administration, and Activities Director. 10 total pints 10n0 this 13 Over af ‘Student aut rae mode on campus Trough ‘their ations such a, But not limited to. spirit shes day paricipation going to athletic eves, anending clu activites and more 10 toa pints Jono ‘Student is exhibiting excellent work ei and ‘working wo thei fullest potential 10 otal poins| sn “Siudent has flowed eas rle siting don when the bel rings. being quiet waiting for instruction rom ASB President and AD. and getting started an daily asigrments. 10:01 points /no ‘Student has been cuit when other person speaking in rot ofthe class. 10 otal points 10 no ‘Sidon has Been productive daly Tass ‘actniies, postion work commitee work and if Int busy Tooks to help another perm cass eal NOT 1o waste significant time alloted 10 Bet work completed Student's nt doing other ‘schoo! work for other classes during leadership 10 otal poins 9 n0 ‘Student has used clearonie devioes na professional manner. Cellphones are ok in the ‘lass under the discretion ofthe AD. Student ‘ses phone for leadership related items. NOT 10 ‘heck social media andr post unless direted by assignment andl AD. 10 ot points 4no ‘Stent hat followed the core principles one bye class athe beginning of the school year Students leaving a legacy. 20 wna pints 20 ‘Student exhib he behavior and desire wo bein the leadership prosram, 10 total points 12 ny “Suen developing professional development ‘ills. they are tng within the year Student showcases these sills diy within the classroom Land eusside of Ripon High School 10 total poins| !2no ‘Student ts mainlained academic exelienoe ‘nurses at RS, Student must maintain a © average grade inal classes or grade on ‘valation wil drop. Hf you cannot maintain trades imall clases, withthe demands ofthe leadership programy then this is cause for 10 ot points 70 Gide, 10 total poins| iso ASB President Quarterly Evaluation of Peers Sop. Cures, The following evaluation i done by effort and atid disrespect, and ineiciency to do one's job, {taken individually, andthe number of points that willbe subtracted off the orginal 50 Points will be determined by the severity f one’s ations {his evaluation wll include personal notes and comment and specific dats or description of why points We ittteted oF added. Your scores in the evaluations are confidential and are oly being discwsed by {he ASB President and the Activities Director. I is your choice to discus I there are any questions, 3s your gra with your classmates. ‘or concerns to why points were subtracted direct your questions othe ASB President, Me said Name of Student: Cony we Movs Topie Points Possible | Points Received ‘STadent as meet deanes as | reseribed bythe ASB President Vopoins | (O19 |W PEORLEWS Showcasing dependaili neve ‘Student has showed positing leadership qualtes Student topoins | \en0 maintain’ postive atid in 10 hav an commen shred Err Wie elas and wth inact, and peers regarding evens actoies an work shin the clas sgn | Sioent hasbeen producve aly class ative, positon work, Uopoins | \oit0 fommitee work, and if ot is, a) Tooke op anther per nas ~ \ ‘Comments goal: NOT to waste significant time | alloted to gt work completed, Student snot doing other school iiape etn ‘her ell phone anes using for iy eae event Saude is exhting exelent work aah ethic and working to theft opoins | Dotertal Student exhibisthe Wo Preemenes, behavior and desire oben he leadership program Student is following coe principles. Guinn RODE vopeins | one ee Baypro Grate:_|00% Tota Poi Soiso ae | ASD Presi A 0PH. CUR PRESeen The fallow; ‘sient Quarterly Evaluation of Pee ving evaluation ot an aint Lente SE ila ey gure edie peng oe igen. Points are taken ay pe, The rae vere deteined by he ASB Presiden’ ‘Every circumstances taken nh ue Wo lack of discipline, disrespect, and ineiciency todo one’s jab Points will be determi 'Vidualy, andthe numberof points that wll be subtracted off he original 50 ine by the severiy of one's ans ‘This evaluation wil retin lie pl tsa cn se ae dcp ts the ASB Presid ‘You scorsin the evaluation are confidential and are only being iseusse by Tee a and the Activities Director. Itis your choice to discuss your grade with your classmates Prencar® any austin or concerns owiy points ere sured de your qestons he ASB Name of Student: (LAE MOMPAS, a 7 \ono rian eect ate Behar and commen shred in “laa ith scr od pee. Teguise on work thn cla ied Sindee roducive nay prints ‘las acts, postin Werk, opin omit Wok and if Dass, ooks op aoter pein ess teak NOT to waste sift ine Mote get work opel ‘Stent nding te schoo Son for ober cases G8 Tender time. Stet ston thei cal phoce ules sig it ested even. Seer | wn sce i ose Soteat falowing coe recs. cae ih [rare

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