Workplace Correspondence Dde-2

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Document Development Exposition: Workplace Correspondence

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

When planning my memo, I started with an outline of the required sections that I knew I had to
include. Once I had an outline of the memo, I started to fill in the blanks with information about my
instructions packet that I received from my usability test. I started with the introduction and
explained that there has been negative feedback on the instructions and informed the product
manager that I conducted a usability test.

First Draft (for peer editing)

For the first draft of the memo, I made sure that I continued with the information about the usability
test and explained in more depth about what the negative feedback was on the instructions. I
explained that there was a lack of content, distracting images, simplistic and vague steps and
confusing formatting.

Second Draft (for your packet)

For the second draft of the memo, I made sure that all of the aspects needed were present. I added a
section where I explain how I would fix the issues expressed from the usability test. I also made sure
that I included a conclusion type of ending to my memo.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

For the final draft of my memo, I used the comments left by the professor to revise. The main
concern was about the lack of headings to separate the sections. To fix this, I went back and included
a heading in my memo. Another concern was about the lack of subsections when talking about the
negative feedback so to fix this I added expectations for each feedback given.

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