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TEACHER’S GUIDE Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2020. For use only with license.

What Coffee Looks Like Around the World (B2)

Preview (I)
Part I. Discussion question about coffee around the world. Use the answers from the video. Allow
students to report their answers to you - it’s up to you if you want to give them the actual an-
swers before viewing the video, or wait until after.
Part II. Would you rather...? Answers will vary. Share your answer with students.
Part III. Match the words from the box with the images. (1) c (2) a (3) d (4) f (5) b (6) e

Preview (II)
Part I. Choose the correct answer: (1) c (2) c
Part II. Definition Matching: (1) c (2) e (3) a (4) b (5) d (6) e

Viewing Activity
Part I. Match the places with the coffee types: (1) d (2) c (3) e (4) f (5) a (6) b
Part II. Coffee styles:
(1) Italy introduced the espresso, which is brewed by using steam pressure and fine grounds.
(2) In Sweden and Finland, they put cheese curds in their coffee to soak up the coffee.
(3) In Ireland, they make a cocktail of hot coffee, sugar, cream, and whiskey.

Part II. Multiple choice. (1) a. Arabic (2) b. Mexican

Post-Viewing (I)
Part I. Answers will vary.
Part II. Prepositions (1) over (3) as (5) up
(2) back / down (4) up (6) with
Part III. Passive voice.
If we used the active voice in the sentences what would be the most logical subject?
a. Vietnamese people
Sentences in the active voice:
1 The Vietnamese (or Vietnamese soldiers) invented egg coffee in 1946 during a wartime
milk shortage.
2 The Vietnamese whip egg yolk and sweetened, condensed milk together.

Post-Viewing (II)
Part I. Active or Passive. Part II. Choose the correct answer.
(1) A (5) A (9) P (1) is drunk (5) are thrown
(2) A (6) A (10) P (2) gave (6) is whipped
(3) P (7) P (11) P (3) is known (7) haven’t been used
(4) P (8) A (12) A (4) are kept (8) can be used
Part III. Transform the sentences into the passive
(1) Over 300,000 tons of coffee were grown in Ethiopia last year.
(2) Coffee ceremonies are held in Ethiopia in a ritualistic way.
(3) Jebenas in Ethiopia are made from clay.

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