Vocabulario 2

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NAME: …………………......…………………… DATE: …………………………. SCHEDULE:

Word / Definition Sentences

1. amazed / extremely surprised / extremely
amazing surprising.

2. annoyed / anɡry

3. annoying makinɡ you feel sliɡhtly anɡry

4. disappointed unhappy because something you

hoped for did not happen.

5. disappointing not as good as you hoped or expected

6. embarrassed feeling uncomfortable or nervous

about what people think of you.

7. embarrassing making you feel ashamed, nervous or


8. frightened feelinɡ afraid

9. frightening makinɡ you feel afraid or nervous

10. worried unhappy because you keep thinking

about a problem.

11. worrying something that is worrying makes you

feel anxious or worried

12. remind to make someone think of something

13. sight the physical ability to see

14. sound something that you hear.

15. touch the sense that you use to discover

what something feels like, by putting
your hand or fingers on it

16. smell the ability to notice or recognise

qualities by using your nose

17. taste the feeling that is produced by a

particular food or drink when you put it
in your mouth

18. look at to turn your eyes towards (someone

or something), so that you can see

19. see to notice or examine (someone or

something), using your eyes

20. watch to look at (someone or something) for

a period of time, paying attention to
what is happening

21. listen to pay attention to what someone is

saying or to a sound that you can hear

22. hear to know that a sound is being made,

using your ears

23. touch to put your hand, finger, etc. on

(someone or something)

24. feel particular physical emotional

experience, especially when you
touch or hold something,

25. hold to have (something) in your hand,

hands or arms

26. smell to have a particular quality that others

can notice with their noses:

27. anxious worried about something

28. cheerful happy, or behaving in a way that
shows you are happy

29. dull not interesting or exciting

30. enjoyable something enjoyable gives you


31. extraordinary very unusual or surprising

32. homesick feeling unhappy because you are a

long way from your home

33. lively full of energy and enthusiasm;

interesting and exciting.

34. peaceful place or situation is quiet and calm

without any worry or excitement

35. unpleasant not pleasant or enjoyable

36. drinkable water that is clean and safe to drink

37. financial relating to money or the management

of money

38. creative involving the use of imagination to

produce new ideas or things

39. helpful always willing to help people

40. poisonous very harmful and able to cause illness

or death:


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