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Total number of questions in this chapter are :

(i) In chapter Examples ....................... 11

(ii) Solved Examples ....................... 06

Total no. of questions ....................... 17

The whole concept of electricity and magnetism Maxwell tried to generalis the concept of faradays
can be explained by the four basic equations we law that if changing magnetic field can produce
have deal so far. changing electric field then the reverse should
Q also be true i.e. changing electric field must
(1)  E.ds = 
(Gauss law for electrostatic) produce magnetic fied.
To understand the concept of displacement
(2)  B.ds = 0 (Gauss law for magnetism) current let us try to understand this experiment
when the switch was closed at t = 0 both the
(3)  B.dl = µ0i (Ampere’s law for Magnetism) needles deflected.

(4)  E. dl = 0 (Ampere’s law for electrostaties)

Magnetic Magnetic Needle
The above stated equation are true for non-time (2)
varying fields Needle

To understand the concept of faradays law we t=0 V
consider a circular conducting loop placed in a
region where time dependent magnetic field is Deflection of needle (1) is under stood as M.F. is
present produced due to current f lowing in the wire.

E But why did needle 2 deflect? It is lying in between
 x x e x x Conducting the two plates of capacitor where there is no
E loop current. This magnetic field between the plates
is due to the changing electric field between the
x x
ex Time dependent magnetic
e  plates (During charging of capacitor). Hence
field is switched on at t = 0
E maxwell conducted that changing electric field
x x e x x
 produces a magnetic field
E For Needle (1) Amper’s law
From the earlier concept we know that an induced
emf will be produced in the conducting loop due  B.dl = µ0i c ..... (1)

to which current will flow in the loop. For needle (2) Amper’s law
For current to flow a force must act on the dE
electron which will move then from static state.  B.dl = µ00
..... (2)
This force cannot be due to magnetic field (since
Hence there are two methods of producing M.F.
magnetic force does not act on stationary charge).
(a) Due to flow of electron which is known as
Hence this force must be due to an electric field
conduction current
which has been generated due to changing
(b) Due to changing electric field
Magnetic field.
combining eq. (1) and eq. (2)
Note :- This electric field is non conservative in
nature.   d 
 B.dl = µ0 iC    0 E 
Faraday stated this fact in his equation   dt 
 d B  Modifield ampere’s law
 E. dl = – 
 dt 

d E
Note :  0 is known as displacement current)
The above equation is known as maxwell’s
Displacement current equation for time varying form.
Ex. 1 A parallel plate capacitor with plate area A Howover for free space there are no charges and
and seperation between the plated d, is no conduction current the equations that are
charged by a constant current i, consider a significant.
plane surface of area A/4 parallel to the plates
and drawn symetrically between the plates dB
what is the displacement current through this  E .dl   dt
area. dE
(A) i (B) 2i  B. dl  µ0 0
(C) i/4 (D) i/2
Sol.(C) Electric field between the plates of the Solving these two differential equation the
capacitor is given by equation of electric field and magnetic field that
satisfies these differential equations are obtained
 q
E = or E y = E0 sin (t – x/c)
0 A 0
Flux through the area considered B z = B0 sin (t – x/c)

q A q E0 1
 = × = Here = C and
A 0 4 4 0 B0 µ0 0 = C
Displacement corrent id = 0 5. T RANSEVERSE NAT URE OF ELECT RO
d  q  i
= 0 ×  
 4  =
dt  0 4 5.1 Electromagnetic waves :
Ex. 2 The charging current for a capacitor is 1 A The idea of electromagnetic waves was given by
then what is the displacement current ? Maxwell and experimental verification was
(A) 1 A (B) 0.5 A provided by Hertz and other scientists. A brief
(C) 0 (D) 2 A history of electromagnetic waves is as follows :
Sol. (A) Electric field between the plates is On the basis of experimental study of
Q electromagnetic induction, Faraday concluded
E =  A that a magnetic field changing with time at a
Q point produces a time varying electric field at
 E = E. A or × A that point. Maxwell in 1864 pointed out an electric
0 A
field changing with time at a point also produces
dE d Q
  a time varying magnetic field. The two fields are
 id = 0 or 0  
dt dt  0 mutually perpendicular to each other. This idea
dQ led Maxwell to conclude that the mutually
 id = = i (charging current) perpendicular time varying electric and magnetic
fields produce electromagnetic disturbances in
Hence id = 1A Ans.
space. These disturbances have the properties
4. FINAL FORM OF MAXWELL’S EQUATION of wave which are called as electromagnetic
q According to Maxwell, the electromagnetic
(a)  E. ds = 
0 waves are those waves in which there are
sinusoidal variation of electric and magnetic
(b)  B. ds = 0
field vectors at right angle to each other as
dB well as right angles to the direction of wave
(c)  E.dl = –
dt propagation. An electromagnetic wave is shown
 d E  in fig.
(d)  B. dl = µ0 I  0
 dt 
Envelope of electric
intensity vector Poynting vector is a vector that describes the
Y Direction of magnitude and direction of energy flow rate.
E B E  
 E B
S 
X µ0

E B S  Poynting vector
The magnitude of poynting vector represents the
Envelope of magnetic rate at which energy flows through a unit surface
induction vector area perpendicular to the direction of wave
propogation SI unit J/sm 2 or w /m 2

The velocity of electromagnetic wave in free space

is given by
Properties of E.M. wave

1 Ex.3 If E and B be the electric and magnetic field

c = of E.M. wave then the direction of propogation
(µ0 0 )
of E.M. wave is along the direction.
where µ0 (1 = 1.257 × 10–6 T mA–1) and 0 (= (A) E (B) B
8.854 × 10–12 C2 N–1m –2 ) are permeability and (C) E × B (D) B × E
permittivity of free space respectively. The velocity Sol. (C)
of electromagentic waves in free space is equal Correct option is (C)
to the velocity of light. Therefore, light is
electromagnetic waves. The electromagnetic Ex.4 Which of the following pairs of space and
waves are transverse in nature. time varying E and B fields would generate a
plane electromagnetic wave travelling in (–Z)
5.2 Transverse nature of electromagnetic waves: direction-
We have seen that electromagnetic waves (A) Ex , By (B) Ey , Bx
consists of a sinusoidally verying electric and (C) Ex , By (D) Ey , Bx
magnetic field. These fields act right angles to Sol. (B)
each other as well as right angles to the direction Since the direction of propogation of EM wave
of propagation of waves. These fields are is given by E × B hence correct option is (b)
represented by ^ ^ ^
 ( j × i = – k )
E = E0 sin (t – x/c)
and B = B0 sin (t – x/c) Ex.5 Choose the wrong statement for E.M. wave.
respectively. The two fields combine to constitute
(A) Are Transverse
electromagnetic wave. The electromagnetic wave
(B) Travels in free space with the speed of
propagates in space in a direction perpendicular
to the directions of both fields as shown in fig.
(C) Are produced by accelerated charges
The electric field vectors (E) is along Y-axis and
magnetic field vector (B) along Z-axis while the (D) Travels with same speed in all medium
wave propagation direction is along X-axis. As Sol. (D)
both the fields are perpendicular to the direction 1
of propagation of electromagnetic wave and hence Speed of E.M. wave = in
µ0  µr r
the electromagnetic waves are transverse in
nature. medium hence it will travell with different
speed in different medium.
7. ENERGY DENSITY AND INTENSITY Energy density and intensity
We know that electric and magnetic field have
Ex.6 The intensity of light from a source is
energy and since EM wave have both these
500 / W/m2 . Find the amplitude of electric
components hence it carries energy with it. field in this wave-
We know that energy density associated with
1 (A) 3 × 102 N/C (B) 2 3 × 102 N/C
E.F. =  E2
2 0 3
We know that energy density associated with (C) × 102 N/C (D) 2 3 ×101 N/C
B2 Sol. (B)
M.F. =
2µ0 1 2
I =  CE
Thus total energy of EM wave is given by 2 0 0

1 B2 2I 2  500  10 9  36
U = UE + UB or 0E2 + E0 = 0 C or
2 2µ0   10 8    3

putting the values of E.F. and M.F. E0 = 2 3 × 102 N/C

Hence correct Ans is (B)
1 2
B 02 sin 2 (t  x / c )
U= 0E0 sin2 (t – x/c) + Ex.7 A point source of 2 watts is radiating
2 2µ 0
uniformly in all direction in vaccum. Find the
If we take the average value over a long period of amplitude of electric field at a distance 2m
time from it -
(A) 3 × 10–4 (B) 3 × 10–2
 2  x  1
sin  t   = (C) 3 × 10 – 4 (D) 3 × 10–2
  c  Av 2
Sol. (C)
1 1 2 P 2 1
 Uav   E02  B0 I = or = W/m 2
4 4µ0 A 4  4 8
The above equation can also be written as 1 2
I =  E c
2 0 0
0 E02 B02
U av = or Uav = 2I 2  1 36 
2 2µ0 E0 =  C or 3 × 10–4 N/C
0 8  3  108
Intensity : Hence correct ans in (C)
Energy crossing per unit area per unit time
perpendicular to the direction of propogation is Ex.8 In a EM wave the amplitude of electric field
called intensity of wave. is 10 V/m. The frequency of wav e is
Energy contianed in the volume : 5 × 104 Hz. The wave is propogating along Z-
axis. Then the average energy density of
E.M. wave Magnetic field is-
A x (A) 2.21 × 10–10 J/m 3
(B) 2.21 × 10–8 J/m 3
(C) 2 × 10–8 J/m 3
(D) 2 × 10–10 J/ m 3
1 Sol. (A)
U = Uav × vol =  E2 (ACT)
2 0
U  E 2C UB =
intensity = = 0
AT 2
E0 E0
1 1 2 Also B 0 = C  B0 = C
 I  0 CE20 or B0
2 2µ0
Hence B0 =
1 Orderly arrangement of electromagnetic
µ0 0 radiations according to their wavelength or
frequency is called as electromagnetic
E20µ0 0 spectrum.
  UB =
4µ0 The electromagnetic spectrum encompasses
radiowaves, microwaves, infrared rays, visible
100  8.84  10 12
or light, ultraviolet rays, X-rays and gamma rays fig.
4 shown the most commonly enecountered.
  UB = 2.21 × 10–10 J/m 3
Hence correct ans is (A)

Wavelength in nm

102 10 01 10–1 10–2 10–3 10–4 10–5 10–6 10–7 10–8 10–9 10–10 10–11 10–12 10–13
Radio X rays
wave Micro wave Infra red
Radio Y rays

107 108 109 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021

Visible light Frequency in Hz

750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 nm

Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet

Name Frequency range (Hz) Wavelength range (m)

-ray 5 × 1020 – 3 × 1019 6 × 10–13 – 1 × 10–10
X-ray 3 × 1019 – 1 × 1016 1 × 10–10 – 3 × 10–8
Ultraviolet 1 ×1016 – 8 × 1014 3 × 10–8 – 4 × 10–7
Visible light 8 × 1014 – 4 × 1014 4 × 10–7 – 8 × 10–7
Infra-red 4 × 1014 – 1 × 1013 8 × 10–7 – 3 × 10–5
Micro-waves 3 × 1011 – 1 × 109 1 × 10–3 – 3 × 10–1
Ultra high radio frequencies 3 × 109 – 3 × 108 1 × 10–1 – 1
Very high Radio frequencies 3 × 109 – 3 × 107 1 – 10
Radio frequencies 3 × 107 – 3 × 104 10 – 104
Colour Wavelength (m)

Violet 4 × 10–7 – 4.5 × 10–7

Blue 4.5 × 10–7 – 5 × 10–7
Green 5.5 × 10–7 – 5.7 × 10–7
Yellow 5.7 × 107 – 5.9 × 10–7
Orange 5.9 × 10–7 – 6.2 × 10–7
Red 6.2 × 10–7 – 7.5 × 10–7

9. PROPOGATION OF EM WAVE IN ATMOSPHERE space ware propogation is utilized in very high

frequency band (30 MHz to 300 MHz), Ultra high
Electromagnetic wave of frequency ranging from frequency band etc.
a few KHz to a few MHz are called radio waves Space wave communication is utilized in TV and
the various frequency ranges used in radiowave radar communication
of microwave communication system are
* Relation between height of antenna and
(i) Medium Freq. Band (MF) 300 to 3000 KHz
distance up to which signal can be recieved
(ii) High Freq. Band (HF) 3 to 30 MHz directly
(iii) Very High Freq. Band (VHF) 30 to 300 MHz Let PQ be a TV transmitter antenna of hight h
(iv) Ultra High Freq. Band (UHF) 300 to 3000 MHz located on earth surface. The signal transmitted
Radiowaves emitted from a transmilter antenna by this antenna can be recieved within a circle of
can reach to the receiver antenna by any one of radius QS or TQ (As hight of antenna << Radius
the following modes of propogation of earth)
(a) Ground wave propogation Q Antenna
(b) Sky wave propogation
(c) Space wave progation
(a) Ground wave propogation :
The radiowaves which progress along the surface R
of the earth are known as ground wave or surface
wave ground wave can have frequency upto 1500 R
KHz. Not suitable f or long distance
communication O
(b) Sky wave propogation : From right angletriangle OTQ We have
The propogation of radio waves from one place to
(OQ)2 = (OT)2 + (QT)2 ..... (1)
another place via reflection from ionosphere is
called sky wave propogation. Here,
Sky waves are suitable for progation of signals QT = QS = d, PQ = h
having freq. band from 1500 KHz to 40 MHz.  OQ = OP + PQ = (R + h)
Suitable for long distance communication up to Substituting in equation (1)
4000 km.
(R + h)2 = R2 + d2
(c) Space wave communication :
Or d2 = h2 + 2Rh
The space wave communication can travell
d2 2RH ( R >> h)
through atmosphere from transmitter antenna to
receiver antena either directly or by reflection from d= 2Rh
earth’s troposphere
The area covered for TV transmission
= d2 or  (2hR)
Population covered = Population density × Area

Electromagnetic spectrum

Ex.9 The height of transmitting antenna for

transmitting a TV telecast so that it covers a
radius of 128 kM is (Radius of earth,
R = 6.4 × 106 m)
(A) 128 m (B) 1028 m
(C) 1280 m (D) 1208 m
Sol. (C)
The height of transmitting anterna is given by

d2 (128  103 )2
h = =
2R 2  6.4  10 6

= 1280 m
Hence correct ans is C

Ex.10 Tv transmission is possible by-

(A) Ground wave (B) Sky wave
(C) space wave (D) None
Sol. (C)

Ex.11 A TV tower has a hight of 100 m. The average

population density arround the tower is 1000
person / Km2 and radius of earth is 6.4 × 106.
the population covered is-
(A) 4 × 106 (B) 6 × 104
(C) 8 × 10 6 (D) 16 × 104
Sol. (A)
The distance ‘d’ upto which TV transmission
can be viewed is given by
d = 2hR
Area is which transmission is viewed
A = d2 =  × 2hR = 2hR
A = 2 × 3.14 × 100 × 6.4 × 106
 Population = (P.D) × Area = 4 × 106 person
Hence correct ans is (A)
Ex.1 Elecromagnetic waves travel in a medium with
a speed of 2 × 10 8 m/s. The relative 0 A 8.85  10 12  3.14  (0.12)2
C = =
permeability of the medium is 1. What is the d 5  10 3
relative permittivity of the medium- = 80.1 × 10–12 F = 80.1 pF
Sol. The speed of electromagnetic waves and in a Now q = CV
medium is given by
dq dV
or = C ×
1 dt dt
(µ ) dV dq
or I =C ( I = )
Where µ and are absolute permeability and dt dt
absolute permittivity of the medium. 0.15
dV I
We know that, µ = µ0µr and = 0r . Hence or = =
dt C 80.1 10 12
1 1 1 = 1.87 × 109 Vs–1
 = = ×
µ0µr .0r  µ00  µr r  (b) Displacement current is equal to
conduction current i.e. 0.15 A.
c c2 (c) Yes, Kirchhoff’s first rule is valid at each
or v = or r = plate of the capacitor provided. We take the
µr r   2 (µr ) current to be the sum of the conduction and
displacement currents.
(3  108 )2
 r = = 2.25 Ex.3 A magnetic field in a plane electromagnetic
(2  108 )2  1
wave is given by
By = 2 × 10 – 7 sin(0.5 × 103 x + 1.5 × 1011 t)
Ex.2 Fig. shows a capacitor made of two circular
plates each of radius 12 cm and separated
by 5.0 mm. The capacitor is being charged (a) What is wavelength and frequency of the
by an external source (not shown in the wave ?
figure). The charging current is constant and (b) Write down an expression for the electric
equal to 0.15 A. field. (x is in metre and t in second.)
Sol. Given
By = 2 × 10 –7 sin (0.5 × 103x + 1.5 × 1011)
(a) Comparing it with a standard equation for
(a) Calculate the capacitance and the rate of a progresive wave travelling along the negative
change of potential difference between direction of x-axis is
the plates
(b) Obtain the displacement current across y = r sin (x + vt)

the plates.
(c) Is Kirchhoff’s first rule valid at each plate  2x 2vt 
= r sin     
of the capacitor ?  
Given 0 = 8.85 × 10–12 C 2 N –1 m–2
 2 x 
Sol. Here, R = 12 cm = 0.12 m, = r sin    2vt 
 
d = 5.0 mm = 5 × 10–3 m.,
I = 0.15 A, 2x
We have, = 0.5 × 103 x
0 = 8.85 × 10–12 C 2 N –1m –2 
 Area, A = R2 = 3.14 × (0.12)2m 2 ] 2
or  = = 12.56 × 10–3 x
(a) We know that capacity of a parallel plate 0.5  103
capacitor is given by
= 12.56 mm
2 = 1.5 × 1011
1.5  1011 0.5  8 x 
= or Bz = cos 2  10  t  c 
2 3  10   
= 23.9 × 109 Hz = 23.9 Hz
Ex.5 A light beam travelling in the X-direction is
(b) E0 = cB0 = (3 × 108) × (2 × 10–7) described by the electric f ield
= 60 Vm–1 Ey = (300 V/m) sin(t – x/c). An electron is
2 constrained to move along the Y-direction with
 E z = E0 sin (x + vt) a speed of 2.0 × 107 m/s. Find the maximum

electric force and the maximum magnetic
 2x 2t  force on the electron.
= E0 sin    T  Sol. The maximum value of magnetic field (B0) is
 
given by
or Ez = 60 sin(0.5 × 103 x + 1.5 × 1011 t) V/m.
E0 300
Ex.4 The electric field of a plane electromagnetic B0 = = = 10–6 tesla
c 3  10 8
wave in vacuum is represented by
The magnetic field will be along Z-axis
Ex = 0, Ey = 0.5 cos[2 × 108 (t – x/c)]
The maximum magnetic force on the electron
and Ez = 0 is given by
(a) What is the direction of propagation of F e = qE0 = (1.6 × 10–19) × 300
electromagnetic wave ?
= 4.8×10–17 N
(b) Determine the wavelength of the wave.
The maximum magnetic force on teh electron
(c) Compute the component of associated
magnetic field
Fb = |q (v × B)| = q  B0
Sol. (a) The given equation
Ey = 0.5 cos[2 × 108 (t – x/c)] ..... (1) = (1.6 × 10–19) × (2.0 × 107) × (10–6)
indicates that the electromagnetic waves are = 3.2 × 10–18 N
propagating along the positive direction of Ex.6 The TV transmission tower at a particular
X-axis. staion has a height of 160 m.
(b) The standard equation of electromagnetic (a) What is its coverage rang ?
wave is given by
(b) How much population is covered by
Ey = E0 cos(t – x/c) ..... (2) transmission, if the average population
Comparing the given eq. (1) with the standard density around the tower is 1200/km 2 .
eq. (2), we get (c) By how much the height of tower be
 = 2 × 108 increased to double its coverage range ?
or 2 = 2 × 108 Sol. (a) We know that
  = 108 per second
d= ( 2hR )
c 3  10
Now,  = = = 3 m = 2  160  ( 6.4  10 6 )
 108
= 45255 m
(c) Here, the wave is propagating along
(b) Population covered = d2 × population
X-axis and electric field is along Y-axis and
hence the magnetic field must be along
Z-axis. So the components of associated = 3.14 × (45.255)2 × 1200
magnetic field are : = 77.29 lakh
B x = 0, By = 0 (c) In this case, d’ = ( 2hR ) = 2d
 8 x   ( 2hR ) = 2 × ( 2hR )
and B z = B0 cos 2  10  t  c 
   h = 4h = 4 × 160 = 640 m
Increase in height of tower = h– h
E0  8 x 
or Bz = cos 2 10  t  c  = 640 – 160 = 480 m.
c   

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