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The legalization of marijuana has been a controversial topic in the United States over
several years now. Both of the supporters and opponents of marijuana legalization are fiercely
committed to their own beliefs and opinions.
Legalization supporters claim that marijuana has great benefits and can be used as a
medication for certain illnesses. “My grandson was diagnosed with epilepsy a year ago and it has
been proven that it helps with the seizures,” said a 69-year-old woman, according to the website In addition to that, they believe that marijuana is no more harmful than any
other narcotic and that it is a more natural alternative to medications. They believe that cigarettes
and alcohol are far more dangerous than marijuana.
On the other hand, the medical benefits of marijuana promoted its supporters are not
backed up or confirmed by medical science. Furthermore, cannabis is dangerous for children as
well as the public’s health and safety. A 52-year-old man from the same website, “It’s a drug that
makes you stupid. It impairs your judgment and motor skills, as well as making you lazy in the
long term.”
After weighing both sides’ arguments and opinions, I chose to side with the critics and
opposers. Although, I somehow agree that it has certain medical benefits, it has yet to be
scientifically and medically validated. Furthermore, I solidly believe that psychoactive drugs
such as marijuana can cause people to lose their senses and self-control. As a result, those who
use this substance risk harming themselves or others. This plant can have a variety of negative
consequences for us, not just only physically, but also mentally and emotionally. Lastly, there are
numerous drugs that have been demonstrated to be beneficial and effective in the treatment of
illness or medical disorders. Marijuana is not the only alternative drug for healing or any other
medical purposes.

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