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TEACHER’S GUIDE Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2022. For use only with license.

People Who Hate Cats Live With Cats For A Week (B2)

Preview 1
Part 1. What the girl might be saying about her cat/life. Answers will vary.

Part 2. Describing the images and whether they're advantages/disadvantages of owning a cat.
Answers may vary slightly. Teacher's answers:
(1) A cat is scratching a man. (disadvantage)
(2) A cat is hiding under the bed. (disadvantage)
(3) A person is taking a cat for a walk on a leash. (advantage)
(4) The woman is brushing the cat because it is shedding its fur. (disadvantage)
(5) The woman is snuggling/cuddling with her cat on the bed. (advantage)
(6) The cat is meowing. (disadvantage)

Viewing Activity
Part 1. Tick whether the people have the follwing problems with the cats in the video (Y/N).
(1) Y (2) Y (3) N (4) Y (5) Y (6) Y (7) N (8) N
Part 2. Short Answers.

(1) One woman said that she was scared, another woman said she hated cats.
(2) One person said "it makes a little family", one woman liked snuggling/cuddling with
her cat.
(3) Some people "totally fell for" their cat (they fell in love with it). Their perspectives
about cats changed. One woman said "you're not a cat person until you get a cat".

Post-Viewing 1
Part 1. Discussion questions. Answers will vary.
Part 2. CCQ discussion. Answers will vary. Teacher's definitions:
(1) to tear something up: to destroy something (furniture, clothing) etc. by pulling it into
small pieces
(2) mischievous: causing or showing a desire to cause trouble, but usually in a playful
(3) to sprint around the house: to run around the house wildly/with a lot of energy
Part 3. Who would students go to for cat advice? Answers will vary.

Post-Viewing 2
Follow-up Role Play Task. Answers will vary. Take the role of a partner (if necessary). Correct
students’ speaking mistakes. Make sure to switch roles so that each student has a chance on
both sides.
Lesson Reflection. Answers will vary.

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