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Software Testing Process

Testing Process on MGI:

Understand the requirement -> Write test cases -> Perform testing -> Log bug -> After dev fixed
bug, re-test until correctly -> Create test report
1. Understand the requirement:
- Tester needs to read BA document to understand the project requirement
- Define the main function, secondary function and non-function
- Note the points of incomprehension and inadequacies to join in discussion problem
and find appropriate solutions.
- Can both measure and write testcases base on BA doc
- Update into the Q&A Document if having any question
2. Write test cases
a. Test case template
- A test case template includes: Information section & content
- Information section: Project Name, Module/Feature Name, Reference Document,
created by, Reviewed by, Total
- Contents:
+ No: Test case sequence number
+ Functionality: The functionality in that module
+ Sub-Function: A sub-function of the function
+ Test scenario
+ Test case priority (Blocker/ Critical/ Major/ Minor)
+ Pre-condition: A prerequisite before performing that test case
+ Test Steps: The steps to perform that test case
+ Test Description (Optional): A description of each test case
+ Expected Result
+ Actual Result
+ Test Status: The state of the test case (Pass/ Fail/ Pending)
+ Test Date: The date of the test case and the last test date of that test case.
+ Tester: tester’s name.
+ Linked Bug: Leave the link of the created bug of the Failed cases here
+ Note: Note what to note for the case.
b. What makes a good test case?
- Exactly
- Short
- Re-usable
- Can be used for testing
- Independent of the writer
- Self-cleaning
3. Perform testing
a. Test UI
A few essential test cases that UI tests tend to verify:
 Data type errors
 Field widths
 Navigational elements
 Progress bars
 Type-ahead
 Table scrolling
 Error Logging
 Menu Items
 Working shortcuts
b. Test function
Steps to perform functional testing:
o Step 1: Determine the functions to be tested
o Step 2: Define the input data and the corresponding output data
o Step 3: Prepare test cases
o Step 4: Conduct test cases
o Step 5: Comparison of actual results and desired outputs
o Step 6: Assess whether the above comparison results are appropriate or not
4. Log bug
Log bug process:
o Step 1: Log in to MGI solutions' email account -> select MGIsolutions -> Select
the corresponding project
o Step 2: Click Board -> Backlog will show Feature or US depending on the setup/
task you are working on
o Step 3: Click the arrow to display the smaller item.
o Step 4: Click on the [+] sign to create a task/ bug
o Step 5: Create Bug (fulfill the following information)
5. Re-test
After dev fixed bug, tester perform re-testing until the expected result and actual
result is met correctly.
- If the bug has been fixed:
+ Comment in the discussion section about the result that I re-tested and true to
Expected Result.
+ Mention BA (project manager).
+ Status changed to Closed.
-If the bug has fixed but is still not true for the Expected Result, other functions are
affected by fixing that bug or maybe the bug has not been fixed:
+ Comment in the discussion section about the results I have re-tested, but it is
still not correct or affected by other functions or maybe the bug has not been
+ Mention BA, Dev is in charge of that bug.
+ Status changed to New
+ Assign back to Dev (who is in charge of that bug).
6. Create test report
A test report includes following components:
+ No column
+ Function column
+ Creator column
+ Status of test case column (Finished, In progressing, To Do, Fixed)
+ Reviewer column
+ Status execute column
+ Total TC column
+ Result column
+ Test Coverage column
+ Total bug column
+ Bug Severity column
+ Note column.

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