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The text being analyzed is: “How Computer Science Is Making the World a Better

Place,” this text directly correlates with the title, it speaks on the facts and reasoning on why

computer science is truly making the world a much better place. The article speaks on why it is a

job field that is worth exploring, so the pursuit of education through high school and college is

something that someone should take high interest in because of how many jobs have opened up

and how good the payout can be.

The article first starts by speaking about how all science is computer science, explaining

how multiple other sciences have started introducing digital frameworks into their practices

rather than observing what they are practicing. It talks about how the impact it has in today's

world is undeniable due to its innovation, entrepreneurship, invention, research, and it's driving

societal change. It speaks on how promising the job can pay, and how much effort the practice

can take, with almost 4 in every 10 jobs in the practice needing a masters degree at minimum.

The article then moves on to explain reasons why it is important, and things that it impacts. The

article talks about the impact it has on communication, because now communication is way more

advanced than word of mouth with social media and phones making it possible to communicate

all across the world. The article then talks about the positive effects that computer science has on

education due to the pandemic in recent times and how online school has been something that

has grown amongst society. The article also talks about the advancement that it has on scientific

research, because of how fast it can sort through information and how digital systems can create

original experiments without having to physically conduct the experiments. The article then talks

about how computer science can help with natural disasters, it can help figure out the trajectory

of objects in space, or help predict other natural disasters. The article also talks about how it

fuels philanthropy, to help protect the innocence who are in need of protection all around the
world. Than the article talks about how it increases the productivity in people, with everyone

being on their phones it allows conferences to be more convenient and at home, and can make

data analyzing a much easier job, lastly the article talks about how computer science makes a

more equitable society in humanity by making life more fair to everyone, especially throughout

education and medication.

The author gives many different logical reasons on why computer science is a positive

thing for the world, it talks numbers, and how in most cases, to finally get a job in this practice,

one would need a college degree. The article also talks about the benefits saying, “the promise of

wealth attracts some professionals to this discipline.”( SMU Lyle School of Engineering) This is

talking about how money can be so intriguing to someone who is unsure of what they want to do

with their life, or someone who would like to try a new practice and develop a side hustle, or

second job. The article also speaks a lot about how study and research proves the positives that

computer science has on the world. In part of the article it says, “In 2020, Lyle’s School of

Engineering students and faculty formed a team of volunteers to develop a search engine that

would give scientists access to a massive text database of research into other coronaviruses.”

(SMU Lyle School of Engineering) This talking about how during a pandemic computer science

still opened up a way for people to research a deadly virus. Of course the doctors may be the

ones who deserve a majority of the credit, but it all can be traced back to the efforts of computer

science. The article also says, “Digital systems have increased productivity in many fields. For

example, advancements in robotics have made manufacturing more efficient by streamlining and

automating production processes.” (SMU Lyle School of Engineering) This is a direct quote on

reasons that computer science is helping move society forward as a whole.

The author also gives very emotional reasons on why computer science is a positive thing

for the world, the author would mainly appeal to making the reader feel emotions through

examples, for example when the author says, “ Accenture Labs, for instance, helped the Child In

Need Institute create a digital solution to trafficking and child marriage that leverages mobile,

data analytics and cloud technologies to connect vulnerable adolescents and women in need of

health, nutrition, education and protection with appropriate resources.” (SMU Lyle School of

Engineering) This appeals to the reader because the author is talking about something that can be

absolutely heartbreaking, and showing how computer science can help bring an end to the issue

at hand. The article also says, “Digital technologies can level the societal playing field by

increasing access to everything from information and education to healthcare and career

opportunities. McKinsey reports that mobile connectivity, in particular, has given millions of

people around the world access to goods, services and information that was once out of reach... It

supports research underpinning initiatives that expand access to nutritious food, clean up

pollution, increase healthcare equity and lengthen the human lifespan.” (SMU Lyle School of

Engineering) This quote talks about how it can help benefit the less fortunate/ people who are in

need. That will help hit the readers emotion whether they are in a situation of the less fortunate

or not, because they will either be able to relate to what the less fortunate go through or they will

take pity on someone who is less fortunate and really embrace the feelings someone can get

when they are doing something good for someone else.

The author also gives ethical reasons on why computer science is a positive thing for the

world. The article says, “Computer science can help predict extreme weather events like

tsunamis, tornados and hurricanes so that people can prepare for and minimize their effects.”

(SMU Lyle School of Engineering) Ethically speaking one would never want someone's house to
be destroyed especially with people still in it, so it is talking about technology that could

potentially save lives. The article also tries to use ethics to persuade when it gives reasons on

why people pursue the path. The article directly says, “And some aspiring computer scientists

find their way to this discipline not to launch lucrative careers but because they want to change

the world for the better.” (SMU Lyle School of Engineering) This is building trust that positive

things are being done not just for the lucrative amounts of money, but rather for the fact that

people in this field would like to improve the world.

So, how is computer science making the world a better place? Is it truly doing its due

diligence on making the world a better place? The article shows that in far more ways than one

that computer science has a positive impact on the world. It helps the world in all levels of living,

it helps people who are less fortunate gain more access to resources, it helps everyday people

communicate with people all across the world, and it can save those same people's lives through

warning them about coming objects or disasters. It's making society as a whole a safer and better

place to exist in. It is making life easier as well as propelling society as a whole into the future.
Work Cited

SMU Lyle School of Engineering. “Why Is Computer Science Important?” Southern

Methodist University, 11 February 2022,

science-is-making-the-world-a-better-place/. Accessed 3 May 2023.

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