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Tribes (also known as “tribals” or “adibasi/ adivasi") refers to specific indigenous peoples whose status is
acknowledged to some formal degree by national legislation

Tribes of West Bengal have occupied a large section of the total population of West Bengal. West Bengal
state is the abode of numerous tribes who reside in the rural parts of the state. Their culture, religion,
costumes, tradition have enriched the culture and tradition of West Bengal. Most of the people of the
tribal groups of West Bengal speak in Bengali with their own localized accent.

The tribes of West Bengal are mostly farmers but many of them are engaged in some other occupations
like carpentry, weaving, hunting, fishing etc. Rice is the staple food of the tribal people of Bengal and
sometimes they include fish, meat, chicken and fowls in their diet. Some of the tribes are adept in art
and craft and their created items give evidence to the exclusive tribal arts. Tribes of West Bengal are
famous all over the world for its proficiency in art and crafts. Terracotta, earthenware, brass and copper
ware, needle works, wall-hanging, hand looms, fine muslin and silk clothes, wood statues, cane works
etc. are a couple of examples of handcrafts which have developed from the villages households of these
tribes of West Bengal. Maximum of these craft products embellish the cottage industry of the state and
have been spine of the economy of the rural provinces of the West Bengal state.

As per 2001 census scheduled tribes numbering 4,406,794 persons constituted 5.5 per cent of the total
population of the state. Santals constitute more than half (51.8 per cent).of the total ST population of
the state. Oraons (14 per cent), Mundas (7.8 per cent), Bhumij (7.6 per cent) and Kora (3.2 per cent) are
the other major STs having sizeable population. Along with Santal, they constitute nearly 85 per cent of
the state’s total ST population. The Lodhas, Mahalis, Bhutias, Bedias, and Savars are the remaining STs,
and having population of one per cent or more as per 2001 census report.[3] After 2002 the population
of ST had increased due to addition of major groups Tamang & Limbu(Subba) has great significant
number in the population.[4]

Santal tribe:

The Santal or Santhal are an Austroasiatic speaking Munda ethnic group in South Asia.[6] Santals are the
largest tribe in the Jharkhand and West Bengal state of India in terms of population and are also found
in the states of Odisha, Bihar and Assam. They are the largest ethnic minority in northern Bangladesh’s
Rajshahi Division and Rangpur Division. They have a sizeable population in Nepal. The Santals speak
Santali, the most widely spoken Munda languages of Austro-asiatic language family.

Sabar tribe:

The Sabar people (also Shabar and Saora) are one of the Adivasi of Munda ethnic group tribe who live
mainly in Odisha and West Bengal. During the colonial period, they were classed as one of the ‘criminal
tribes’ under Criminal Tribes Act 1871, and suffer from social stigma and ostracism in modern times.Also
known as Saora, the Sabar tribe finds mention in the Hindu epic Mahabharata,while in some parts of
East Singhbhum district mainly in Musabani, they are known as in Kariya.Noted writer and activist
Mahasweta Devi is known for working with these forest tribals.This reclusive tribe is found primarily in
Odisha and in Midnapore District of West Bengal.

Kora tribe :
The Kora (also known as Kuda, Kura, Kaora, Dhangar and Dhanger)are an ethnic group found in the
Indian states of West Bengal, Odisha and Jharkhand and the Bangladeshi division of Rajshahi.The
2011 census showed their population to be around 260,000. They are classified as a Scheduled Tribe by
the Indian government.The Kora mainly speak Bengali in West Bengal and Jharkhand and Odia in
Odisha. Only a small number still speak their original Koda language, which belongs to the Munda
family.Kora culture follows a “cline,” where those who live further east follow more Hindu customs,
while those further west follow more traditionally tribal customs.

Lodha tribe:

Lodha people are one of Schedule Tribes and PVTGs of India, primarily living in West Bengal and
Odisha. Lodhas of West Bengal mostly live the Paschim Medinipur and Jhargham districts. A section of
the Lodha has converted to Islam, and formed a distinct community called the Lodha Muslims.Lodha
means piece of flesh named after their ancestor. Lodhas have been in the focus of anthropologists and
social activists.During the early period of their rule, the British government in India oppressed the
tribal people of Jungle Mahals, who were traditionally dependent upon the forests for a living. They
had revolted but were ruthlessly suppressed. Having been deprived of their livelihood and without any
alternatives, they took to criminal ways of life and were subsequently branded a criminal tribe.

🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁 ALI 🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁

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