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Rita Garcia Rita Garcia CTE 418

Monday, May 1st, 2023

CTE 418 Personal Finance

Applying for a Job (90 minutes)

General Focus: Career Readiness, Identifying Personal Strengths and Developing Employability Skills
The focus of this lesson is to help students identify their personal strengths and interests, and develop employability skills such as job application and resume writing.

2.1 Complete an interest inventory to identify personal strengths. 2.3. Develop employability skills such as writing job applications and resumes and preparing for job

For me: Finish presentation about why noting your interests and realizing your skills is important. Have an overview of the what we will go over. Print Interest Inventory
worksheets. Upload cover letter and resume template in google classroom.
Students: Get settled in, have a pencil and paper, have Chromebooks out get ready to listen and complete work.

Resources Resume template Cover letters tips for applying for
jobs Instrest Inventory Worksheet

Academic & Content Language

Academic language:
Cover letter
Job posting
Action verbs

Content language:
Interest inventory
Personal strengths
Career path
Potential career path
Alignment with strengths and interests

Definition and Meanings post this on google classroom (translation provided for ELL students).

Students will complete an interest inventory to identify their personal strengths and interests (Bloom's Level: Remembering).
Students will analyze their interests and strengths to identify potential career paths (Bloom's Level: Analyzing).
Students will create a job application and resume based on their identified strengths and interests (Bloom's Level: Creating).

Students will be able to identify their personal strengths and interests through completing an interest inventory.
Students will apply their understanding of personal strengths and employability skills to create a personalized job search plan.
Students will gain confidence and self-awareness as they explore their interests and abilities in relation to potential career paths.
Students will learn how to write effective job applications and resumes.
Prior Knowledge
There is no specific prior knowledge required for this lesson. However, it may be helpful if students have some understanding of what a career is and the concept of personal
strengths and interests.

Anticipated Areas of Misunderstanding

1. Misunderstanding the purpose of the interest inventory: Some students may not understand the purpose of completing an interest inventory and may think that it is just
a worksheet to fill out without any real significance.
2. Limited career knowledge: Students may have limited knowledge about various career paths and may struggle to identify potential careers that align with their
strengths and interests.
3. Students may struggle with resume and cover letter building.

It is important for me to address these potential areas of misunderstanding by providing clear explanations and instructions as well as offering guidance and support, and
creating a positive and supportive classroom environment where students feel comfortable asking questions and seeking clarification.

Start of Class Introduction 5 min:
Let students settle in, ask them to grab a pencil and a paper to write down questions they have during the presentation. Address these questions after presentation.
Beginning the lesson by explaining to students the importance of identifying personal strengths and interests in choosing a career path. As well as the importance of knowing
how to build a cover letter and resume when applying for jobs.

PowerPoint Presentation 10 minutes:

Have an overview of the content we will be going over and letting students know why we are learning this content. Go over interest inventory worksheet, cover letter
template, and resume template.

Interest Inventory 10 minutes: I will distribute the interest inventory worksheet to students and have them complete it individually. Encourage students to answer honestly
and think about their personal preferences and skills.

During this time I will be walking around helping students with questions they have.

Engage 10 minutes:
After completing the interest inventory, have students work in pairs or small groups to analyze their results. Have them discuss their strengths and interests and identify
potential career paths that align with them. Encourage students to consider a variety of careers, including ones they may not have thought of before.

During this time I will be walking around the room to make sure students are staying on track and are having productive conversations.

Researching Careers 20 minutes:

(work done on Chromebooks)
During this activity, students will use various resources to research potential career paths that align with their strengths and interests. Encourage students to consider a wide
range of careers, including ones they may not have thought of before. Some suggested resources include:
Occupational Outlook Handbook (
Career OneStop (
MyNextMove (
College Board's Big Future (
Local job boards or career fairs

Provide students with a list of questions to guide their research, such as:
What are the job duties and responsibilities?
What education and training are required?
What is the average salary for this job?
What is the job outlook for this career?
What are some related careers to consider?

Encourage students to take notes on the careers they find interesting and why they think it would be a good fit for them based on their personal strengths and interests.

During this time I will be walking around helping students with any questions they may have.

Cover Letter and Resume Building 20 minutes:

(work done on Chromebooks)

Have students access the cover letter template on google classroom and have them write a draft that highlights their personal strengths and experiences. Encourage them to
research the company they are applying to and include specific details in their letter.

Have students access the resume template on google classroom and have them fill in their personal information, work experience, and education. Encourage them to use
action verbs and quantify their accomplishments where possible.

During this time I will be helping students that have questions or are struggling with filling in the templates.

Conclusion 15 minutes:
Wrap up the lesson by having students reflect on what they learned about themselves by writing it down on an exit ticket. Ask students what career paths align with their
strengths and interests. Ask students to share one potential career path they identified and why they think it would be a good fit for them.

Technology is intreated by starting my lesson with a PowerPoint presentation about what we will be learning and why. As well as the students' Chromebooks for when they
need to do research and filling out templates.

Teaching Model: Direct Instruction Model, which is a teacher-centered approach that involves explicit instruction, modeling, and guided practice. The instructional strategies
used in this lesson plan include individual work, group work, and hands-on practice to engage students in the learning process and help them develop important
employability skills. This model will help support the goal of the objectives

Student involvement: Students will be involved by filling out the interest inventory worksheet and working in pairs or small groups to analyze their results.

Groups: The grouping will be by table so the transition and engagement runs smoothly.

Transitions: Letting students know we will be moving on by giving them a 5,3,1 minute warning to signal that we are moving on towards our next task.

Power point presentation
Interest Inventory worksheet


Group discussion: During the conclusion portion of the lesson facilitate a group discussion where each student shares one potential career path they identified and why
they think it would be a good fit for them. Use this opportunity to assess their understanding and ask follow-up questions to clarify any misunderstandings.
Exit ticket: At the end of the lesson, ask students to write down one thing they learned about themselves. Collect the cards as students leave the classroom to assess
their understanding.
Collect the cover letters and resumes created by students and provide feedback on areas of strength and improvement. This can be graded based on the completeness
and quality of the documents.

For students who may struggle with writing, provide accommodations such as extra time or assistance from a teacher or aide. Modify instructions and class work.
For students with visual impairments, provide materials in large print or Braille as needed. Modify instructions and class work.
For students with hearing impairments, provide visual aids such as videos or written instructions. Modify instructions and class work.
For ELL students provided translation assistance or use different wording to help them understand. Give students extra time to catch up. Modify instructions and class

1. What went well? Why? NA
2. What did not go as you planned/expected? Why? NA
3. If you were to teach this lesson again to the same group of students, what changes would you make to your instructional strategies that would improve the student
learning? Why? NA
4. Did the students meet the objectives? How did you know? NA
5. How did you use feedback from the students to make instructional decisions while you were teaching the lesson? NA
6. How effective were your assessment tools in helping you monitor student progress? What modifications would you make to help students better demonstrate their
learning? NA
7. How did the feedback you gave students help address their needs in relation to the objectives? NA
8. Analyze your biggest challenge during the lesson. What did you learn from it? NA
9. How will that impact future lessons? NA
10. Based on the results of the lesson, what are your next steps? NA

Have not taught lesson yet.

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